Breadcrumb Fish and Lake Management An extremely informative section explaining how slot limits work, how stocking affects fishing, how bass use structure, and much more! Choose a category Trophy BassLargemouth Bass in PondsSmallmouth Bass in PondsOther Pond SpeciesPreventing Fish KillsWater Quality IssuesPond Habitat and CoverAquatic VegetationControlling AlgaeMaintaining Your PondWinter Pond MaintenanceDesigning A Fishing PondBuilding A Fishing PondStocking Fish In PondsPond Fish ManagementCatch Limits and Selective HarvestPrivate Pond FishingEnjoying Your Pond Many Sides to Algaecides Fish and Lake Management / Patrick Simmsgeiger / June 19, 2018 Algae Control Fish and Lake Management / Scott Tucker / May 12, 2013 Scum, Slime, Moss, Putrid Globs of Useless Life Fish and Lake Management / Mike Mitchell / August 6, 2011 What Is A Bloom? Fish and Lake Management / Bob Lusk / August 1, 2011 Algae Fish and Lake Management / Bob Lusk / September 9, 2004 Golden Algae Killing Bass Fish and Lake Management / Bob Lusk / September 6, 2002 Bacteria May Treat Algae Fish and Lake Management / Bob Lusk / August 13, 2002 Algae Alert Fish and Lake Management / Bob Lusk / April 26, 2001 Copper Compounds and Algae Fish and Lake Management / Roy Carlson / April 16, 2001 Algae - Such A Simple Plant Fish and Lake Management / Bob Lusk / September 14, 2000