Fishing Hot Spots Maps (FHS) founder, Robert Knops has provided fishing society with some of the finest maps available in the country. What many folks don't realize is that his book, Catch Fish with Maps, is something they should have to accompany those great lake maps.
Having produced maps for 33 states and Canada of over 500 lakes and rivers, Knops is also the author of numerous "where to" fishing books for anglers. His Catch Fish with Maps book stands heads up among some of the "Best Little Books" in the nation as a companion reader for fishermen who already believe firmly in the use of maps in pursuit of their quarry.
Chapters in the gem include definitive explanations of maps and mapping processes, planning fishing trips, visualization of the fish's world, locating fish by types of water and many other extremely useful guides for map use for finding and catching fish.
Whether you're fishing a tournament and don't have time to expend learning a lake, or just on an outing to fish a new lake and don't want to waste valuable time searching for fishing holes, map use is mandatory. Understanding what you see and read on that map and how the fish respond to what is there, means the difference between catching and fishing.
There is a great deal of information on maps that some anglers overlook or simply do not understand. That's where this book comes in. With an exceptional glossary of definitions and easy-to-understand explanations and descriptive pictures, Catch Fish with Maps will be appreciated by beginner and experienced anglers alike.
Maps are essential for eliminating unproductive water, locating ramps and facilities and even more important locating potential fish hangouts. Catch Fish with Maps carries detailed information about reading areas where prey fish will reside and move, which in turn gives you a more accurate position to seek their predators. There's also a section on depth finders and their use that's very helpful.
The book retails for $9.95 or you can order direct from the company and pay a little more for shipping if a local tackle dealer near you doesn't have it on the shelf.
Beginning anglers, in particular, will find this book useful, but even seasoned fishermen and women will enjoy the format and valuable lessons provided. For information on this and the many fine maps made by FHS call 1-800-ALL-MAPS.