Tackle Storage

Let's Get Organized! Tips and Products for Tackle Storage and Organization

Fishing Gear Tips
Boxes designed to store terminal tackle keep everything secure, organized, and protected.
Boxes designed to store terminal tackle keep everything secure, organized, and protected.

Over time, bass anglers accumulate quite a bit of fishing tackle. It's part of the fun, purchasing the latest tackle and trying to find a new way to catch bass, but things can get cluttered over time. Even just a day of fishing and changing out lures can leave things in a mess, so doing what you can stay organized will help you be more efficient when looking for something, and it will also go a long way in protecting your investment and keeping your gear in tip-top shape for years. There are many ways to stay organized, but here is a list of ideas and products to make your life easier.

Tackle Boxes

The days of old metal tackle boxes with a few trays are largely gone, and most anglers now use a 3600 or 3700-sized plastic box that will fit easily inside a boat or tackle bag. This allows you to seamlessly swap out different boxes based on the season, fishery type, and more. Plus, they stack nicely on shelves or your workbench if you are not using them. There are many options out there, and you can go as cheap as you want to or spend a small fortune on a set. Generally, you'll get what you pay for here as the cheaper boxes tend to warp, and you are likelier to break latches and other pieces over time. 

Clear boxes or those with clear tops help identify what's inside. Remember this when looking for your next tackle boxes, as it will save you time in the long run. If you start collecting many boxes, a label maker or black Sharpie can also help you. Just mark what's inside on the edge of the box, and even when stacked, you can easily find the box you need at a moment's notice.

Most boxes will fit just about anything, but some specialty boxes are designed for certain types of tackle that are worth a look if you want to be organized. One of these is terminal tackle boxes, such as the Plano EDGE Master Terminal Box, which organizes your hooks, weights, and other pieces of terminal tackle. They are not cheap but heavy-duty boxes that protect your tackle against rust. Also in this lineup is a dedicated box for storing your jigs or bladed jigs, which is very useful.

Soft Plastic Storage

There are many options for storing your bags of soft plastic baits to keep everything in one place.
There are many options for storing your bags of soft plastic baits to keep everything in one place.

The question of whether or not to remove soft plastics from their bags is up to you, and thankfully, there are ways to store baits either way. Taking them out of their bags allows you to put them in boxes and organize them however you like. This is just fine, but beware of a few issues when storing them this way, as baits made of ElaZtech, like those from Z-Man, will melt into other types of plastics, so they must be stored separately at all times. Also, some scented baits like Berkley MaxScent and PowerBait plastics can lose some of their smell when taken out of their bags. 

If you would like to keep the baits in their original packages, there are many products to keep them organized. Bags like the 6th Sense Bait Bags are beneficial in storing bags of soft plastics. Keep similar styles and shapes in the same boxes; you can easily store what you need in each bag. They hold plenty of bags of plastics, and when full, they also stack nicely, as they are roughly square.

A simple rod sleeve will protect your rod guides, prevent tangling, and allow you to stay organized.
A simple rod sleeve will protect your rod guides, prevent tangling, and allow you to stay organized.

Another option is heavy-duty clear plastic bags from Bass MafiaEvolution Fishing, and other brands. These thick plastic bags are leap years ahead of standard gallon freezer bags in terms of durability and quality. Since they are clear, it is easy to see what is inside each bag.

Protecting Your Rods and Reels

Keeping your rods and reels in great shape and organizing your tackle is vital. Many different rod racks are available, including those that can be mounted to a wall or ceiling to store rods when not in use. Vertical racks are also good and ensure that your rods will be where you need them and not tangled up in a pile in the corner of your garage. Investing in a good rod wrack will keep your rods in excellent condition for years.

Another simple tool that will help organize and protect your rods is the variety of rod sleeves. These simple sleeves cover your rods and line and keep them from tangling together, which is important when storing rods in a boat's rod locker. Some anglers take it another step and color code the different sleeves based on rod power, which is another excellent idea for staying organized.

Line and Other Accessory Storage

Storing your spools of line and swimbaits is easy with specially designed bags.
Storing your spools of line and swimbaits is easy with specially designed bags.

Fishing line is another item that can quickly go everywhere, and there are many ways to keep them in line. Fishing line brands like Seaguar saw the need for line organization and developed a series of line bags for leader materials and larger bulk spools. They protect the line, keep them in one place, and you can spool directly from the bag to make that process a breeze. The Leader Feeder comes in three different sizes, and the bulk bait bag is a padded bag that will store six 1000-yard spools of line.

If you like large swimbaits and glide baits, some products will help keep them organized and protected. The Evolution Fishing Big Bait Bags are wraps that allow you to store these big and often costly items. They are convenient and have straps, so they can also be hung up on peg boards when not in use.

Storage and organization are not often discussed, but they're an important way to protect your gear and easily find what you need exactly when you need it. Thankfully, many products on the market will make your life easier in the never-ending quest to stay organized.