I think the importance of wearing a quality pair of polarized sunglasses is one of the most under-discussed topics around. Sunglasses are often put by the wayside as an optional and generic tool in fishing. Let me tell you, this is not the case! In my fishing, sunglasses are as important as other tools in fishing, such as your rod, line, and depthfinder. My polarized sunglasses are my tool to better tap into the underwater world of the bass. They let me take full advantage of one of my primary senses in fishing: sight.
I'm not just talking about site fishing or visually spotting bass. I'm talking about the ability of polarized sunglasses to help you find and see all of the subtle clues that become so important in finding and effectively targeting bass. It helps you see things like weed edges, submerged cover, water clarity changes, differences in bottom composition, surface activity, minute amounts of current, shade lines, baitfish movement, bird activity, points of land, bottom depth, line movement, and a host of other every day encounters you will face.
This is on top of the fundamental value of polarized sunglasses to help protect your eyes from the sun's damaging ultraviolet rays. Everyone who spends any time outdoors should protect their eyes from the sun, not just when the sun is shining. Those same ultraviolet rays have the same damaging effects even when cloudy. Sunglasses also provide general protection from a sport that can be somewhat dangerous. A missed hookset, a wild fish throwing the hook, or an under-experienced back seat partner can make the lures and weights dangerous flying projectiles. I have personally been hit with weights in my eye area several times. In other words, our sunglasses also become our safety glasses.
Ok, we've now established that a pair of polarized sunglasses are an essential tool for a fisherman. Now let's talk about the types and styles of sunglasses that are most effective in getting the job done.
Several factors determine which type of polarized sunglasses is right for you and which is suitable for the situation. Let's first talk about lens color and composition. Lens color is essential. I use two primary colors of lenses, depending on the situation. I use both a grey lens and an amber lens. I carry multiple pairs of sunglasses, each with two different color lenses, so that I can switch during the day should the conditions change. I like the gray lens for highly bright sunny days and the amber for low light situations, like a rainy day. I also prefer the amber lens when I am sight fishing during the spawn because the amber lens provides excellent contrast perception. This allows you to detect the light spots or lighter areas of swept bottom easier.
Now, as far as lens composition, I prefer a PolarDynamix lens made from an impact-resistant polarized material. This type of lens is lightweight and is also solid and distortion-free. It is essential that the lens is vital to resist the potential impact of objects like we talked about earlier.
It's also essential that the lens is lightweight. Heavy lenses such as glass lenses cause the frame to be heavy, which causes pressure on the bridge of the nose. This heavy pressure is a sure bet for constant headaches.
Now let's talk about the style and shape of the frame of the sunglasses. I require a frame that fits my head perfectly and is comfortable, and provides maximum light blockage from entering the frame. The frame composition is the most important. A-frame that is too heavy or non-flexible becomes uncomfortable on the head. I prefer frames that use a 100 percent hypo-allergenic crystal nylon frame. This frame is super light and relatively flexible and conforms to the head perfectly. The frame must also provide a maximum light reduction in the areas around the lenses. I prefer glasses that have a wrap-around design. The wrap-around design contorts better to the face and head and will allow minimal light to enter through the top, bottom, and sides of the frame. I also like a frame that utilizes polarized side shields on the side of the frame.
These side shields allow just enough light in from the side to provide maximum visibility through the front lenses. I also prefer a frame that incorporates a top lip that prevents light from entering through the top. This addition is fantastic, especially for fishermen that prefer not to wear a hat. The sunglass company you choose should offer several different sizes and shaped frames, as not everyone's head is the same size or shape.
Lastly, let's talk about polarized sunglasses for fishermen who wear prescription glasses. I can associate with this because I wear prescription glasses. For years I struggled to find a pair of glasses that fit all the requirements I needed from a pair of polarized sunglasses. The most common problems I found with prescription sunglasses were the high cost of the sunglasses and the heavyweight from prescription glass lenses. Headaches and an uncomfortable fit were the norms. That's until I found Fitovers Eyewear.
Fitovers are top-quality polarized sunglasses with all of the features I was looking for in a pair of glasses. What made them even more unique is that they fit over your prescription glasses. This solved many of my problems.
First, I didn't have to worry about the extremely high cost I had been paying for prescription sunglasses. I could afford to buy the multiple pairs (amber and gray) that I need to carry with a super reasonable price tag. But more importantly, I found a pair of light and comfortable glasses. I could find a pair that fit my head and face perfectly with many frame styles to choose from.
People are continually amazed when I take down my Fitovers Sunglasses, and they see a pair of my regular prescription glasses sitting underneath. But, they're not just for prescription glass wearers. They are just as great for the 20/20 fisherman who doesn't wear glasses. Fitovers are by far the best-polarized sunglasses I've ever worn. They possess all of the elements I need. They're light, great fitting, comfortable, and affordable to buy multiple pairs. They use superior components like PolarDynamix lenses and a crystal nylon frame. They're the perfect glasses with a one-year warranty, designer carrying case, and a custom-fit neck cord.
Remember, sunglasses are just as important as any other tool in your bass fishing arsenal. By looking at the key elements in good glasses, you can take the glare out, picking the right pair!