Sometimes as bass fishermen, we need to have things spelled out to succeed. Or, to put it another way, we need a formula for success. You would be surprised to know it is not as tricky as a calculus problem, even though sometimes we make it so.
What is your favorite lure? For example, my favorite lure is spinnerbait. The reason? I have had great "success" with a spinnerbait! The keyword is "success"! You can say I have great "confidence" in a spinnerbait because of that "success." confidence and success are two words that go hand-in-hand in bass fishing.
How do you get to the point of having great "confidence" in a lure or in your ability to find and catch bass, for that matter? When I first started bass fishing, I didn't have the confidence I now have in different baits and my ability. I started like most and did a lot of experimenting in the early days. I did not have much success at first. But I had one essential character: "persistence"; I was determined to succeed.
So, what is the key to this success? I have come up with a formula for success: Preparation + Persistence = Success.
What does being a successful bass fisherman mean? Is it winning the Bassmaster Classic, or does it mean catching bass on all of your fishing trips? Being victorious will have a different meaning for each fisherman. It would help if you determined what your definition of being successful is. It is vital to determine this before proceeding with the first two parts.
We must know what outcomes we're looking for to know when we have achieved them. How can we become successful if we don't know what being successful is? It may seem strange to start with the result of the formula, but we must know the sum of the other two parts of the formula we want to achieve.
This is a fundamental issue that many overlook. Many fishermen depend on having good luck to be successful. I define luck as "When preparation meets opportunity." This means the better I prepare and the more on the water experience I get, the luckier I become.
Preparation includes getting your boat and equipment ready, but one thing that could make a world a difference in becoming successful is developing a game plan, so to speak, for every fishing trip you make. I mean determining what you want to accomplish for each trip. Another way to put it is to have a "Goal" for each trip. An example would be, I want to learn more about a particular bait, or I want to learn more about my electronics.
The critical thing to remember about setting a "goal" for each trip is to write it down. Much can be said about goal setting, but remember that it is only a thought or a dream unless you write it down.
I keep detailed records of my fishing trips. I also have a notebook to write down what I want to accomplish for each trip. You can carry the notebook with you, but I have found that using the voice recorder on my phone makes it much easier to keep track of the day on the water.
Setting a goal and keeping track of the day's events makes it easier to analyze the day on the water. Analyzing the day's events and comparing that with your game plan is critical for becoming a successful bass fisherman.
This analysis is where you will begin to notice your strengths and weaknesses. Your goals on future trips should be centered on these weaknesses. That is why it is so important, to be honest with yourself when doing a self-analysis - so that you know what your weaknesses are. As the year progresses, you will be amazed at what these self-written reports of your performances will do for your fishing. In a way, you are "Preparing to Succeed."
You can look at persistence as, "How much do I want to succeed?" This determination will make you persist towards your goal of becoming a successful fisherman. Without this determination, we are just going through the motions. We must have the determination and the will to persist no matter how bad things may get out on the water.
When you create a goal or game plan for each trip, it motivates you to accomplish that goal. Even though there will be days when things don't go well, we have to be determined to persist to succeed. Even when we have bad days, and you know we will, excellent information can come from that bad day.
We are always looking for information on how to catch bass and what to do in certain situations. Those bad days can be looked at as, "What not to do in certain situations."
So you see, even good information can come from evil days, motivating us to persist. You can learn more from the bad days than the good days. You will see that if you are determined to succeed and persist, whether it is good or bad, you will see yourself improving.
Preparation, Persistence, Determination, and Motivation are so critical to us succeeding as bass fishing but what it comes down to is a straightforward formula:
Preparation + Persistence = Success
As you put this formula to use, you will find yourself fishing with more and more "confidence" on every trip. By "preparing" a game plan and having the "oersistence" to accomplish that goal, you will be amazed at the results.