Over the years, it has become commonplace for anglers to prepare a fishing resume for potential sponsors highlighting their accomplishments and involvement in their fishing career.
Recently in an interview with John Kushnerick of Quantum Fishing, he indicated that they receive about ten contacts per day from anglers for sponsorship (and that doesn't include clubs, organizations, and charities). Sponsorship requests have skyrocketed as tournament trails pop up like hit records for every fish species.
Because the fishing industry has led anglers to develop fishing resumes in hopes of gaining sponsorship, it has created a measure of complacency. An angler may think that a résumé, and an excellent résumé to boot, will significantly increase his chances of landing sponsorship. However, résumés, long or short, are being replaced by marketing proposals. And with good reason.
Anglers who can bring a plan of attack (Proposal) for marketing, advertising, and promoting a company position themselves as ones looking ahead to help the sponsor land new customers while retaining their current client base.
Now, preparing a proposal takes thought and planning. It requires the angler to prepare and consider marketing avenues from all angles to assist the potential sponsor in obtaining what they're interested in - leads, sales, and revenue. A résumé describes the individual angler's accomplishments and says to a potential sponsor, "Look at what I've done; look at me!" On the other hand, the proposal says, "Here is what I propose to do to help you bring in more business. Here is what I can do for you!"
In preparing a sponsorship proposal, all avenues for marketing, advertising, exposing, and promoting the sponsor should be calculated, whether they are derived from:
- Internet
- Print Media (Newspapers, Magazines, Circulars, etc.)
- Personal Contact
Simply stating that you'll proudly display their logo on your tournament shirt, truck and boat is expected if you are approaching tackle companies and is considered ho-hum in the fishing industry. However, this exposure may help you prepare a sponsorship/marketing proposal for a business outside the industry.
The bottom line is that the key to a successful proposal concerns yourself with the success of your sponsor(s). If you plan and strategize to help them become successful, you'll become prosperous. Bass wishes to get sponsored!
Scott is the Author of "How To Get Sponsored For Fishing Tournaments."