The right fishing rod creates magic. That can be perfect casts, putting your lure on target every time. It can be injecting the perfect action into your lure, whether walking the dog with a topwater or snapping a spoon off a channel ledge. It can soften a giant smallmouth's jumps, lunges, and thrashes, ensuring it makes it into the boat.
Finding a rod that accomplishes what you want on the water can feel like a long, winding road. Sorting through the many options available requires understanding how rods work, what to ask for, and how to compare differences. That boils down to identifying a rod’s characteristics and how they control performance on the water. They are something every angler should understand and use to their benefit.
Rod characteristics apply to spinning and baitcasting versions with only slight variations. What holds true in one holds true in the other. These five have the most significant effects on performance. Follow them to find your next rod, ensuring it’s perfect for when, where, and how you're fishing.
A rod’s power describes the weight, whether lure or cover, that it can handle efficiently, effectively, and accurately. It’s what most anglers are describing when they talk about a rod. Don’t confuse this with the size of fish that a rod is capable of corralling. There are plenty of stories of giant bass, musky, and salmon being landed with panfish gear. That limit is set by your patience and the size of your line, reel, and lure's hooks.
Nearly all manufacturers build rods in three levels of power. They use the same terms to describe each:
- Light: These are built for the smallest lures, such as finesse worms for bass, grubs for panfish, and spinners for trout. It takes little to max them out. It's primarily seen in spinning rods.
- Moderate/medium: These rods handle a wide range of weight. You'll find this power in many rods, from crankbait to worm to topwater. This is what you want in an all-purpose rod.
- Heavy: Built for big baits, big bass, and heavy cover, this power is most often found in rods designed for flipping, swimbaits, or hammering deep-diving crankbaits across the bottom.
Look closer; you'll find rods available in more than the powers mentioned above. Manufacturers build rods that fall in between, such as medium-heavy, and at the extremes, such as ultralight and extra-heavy. Keep that in mind as you fine-tune your selection to fit your needs. A medium-light power, for example, is a good compromise for casting lightweight jerkbaits and hauling in the big bass they attract.
While the naming conventions for power are uniform, their meanings vary slightly between manufacturers. A medium power, for example, may feel different between rods, whether because of their price points, materials, or makers. Use those differences to fine-tune your selection, too, just as you would with a medium-light or medium-heavy power. Those minor differences also show up in action.
ImageReview each rod’s lure- and line-weight range, and keep your presentations within them. That ensures the rod performs as designed, whether loading during a cast or flexing before your line breaks. Photo by Pete M. Anderson Rods flex along their length. That’s action, an important characteristic that affects casting performance — distance and accuracy — working lures and protecting lines. And like power, similar terms are used between makers to describe it:
- Slow: These rods flex from nearly the handle to the tip. It’s best for lobbing heavy lures and fighting bass hooked with trebles. It acts as a shock absorber, maintaining line tension no matter how a bass thrashes.
- Moderate/medium: This action is most often found in rods designed for fishing crankbaits. Flexing midway into the blank creates the perfect mix of springy tip and strong backbone.
- Fast: Flexing just at the tip, rods sporting this action load — reach maximum flex — quickly during casts and hooksets. It produces the most accurate casts.
As with power, there are variations of action. Extra-fast, for example, is perfect for fishing jigs, Texas-rigged soft plastics, and other single-hook lures. A moderate-fast action can launch aerodynamically challenged lures, such as buzzbaits, great distances.
The worst but probably most popular way to check a rod’s action is rapidly shaking the tip up and down. Other than unsnagging a lure, that action never happens on the water. Instead, lay the rod’s tip on a carpeted surface, then gently apply downward pressure at the handle until the rod reaches its maximum flex. Compare two by putting one in each hand.
The slight differences found in action and power are a result of how rods are built. That includes engineering and the materials used. Most modern bass rods are constructed from one of three materials:
- Graphite: Lightweight and sensitive, it’s the most popular choice of material today. Rods made from it are available at almost every price point, though quality follows in step. You get what you pay for.
- Carbon fiber: This space-age material is gaining popularity with rod builders. It's stronger, lighter, and more sensitive than graphite. But it also costs more than other materials.
- Fiberglass: Few rods are made with this classic material today. Those that are, have a slow action and lack sensitivity. But that doesn't mean it isn't favored by some anglers and for specific techniques.
Some manufacturers blend materials to achieve specific powers and actions or create rods that offer the best characteristics of each material.
While the material is not where to start when choosing a rod, it should be considered in a supporting role, helping accomplish what you want the rod to do. If you're looking for a utility rod that can throw a variety of baits and be fished for long periods, then you'll want one made from lightweight graphite or carbon fiber.
Line And Lure Ranges
Manufacturers list lure, line, and weight ranges on every rod. Line weights roughly correspond to the rod’s power; the lighter the weights, for example, the lighter the power. For example, using light line on a heavy-power rod is a recipe for disaster: The rod's backbone will overpower the line.
ImageSimilar terms describe a rod's action and power, which can cause confusion. action is how a rod flexes along its blank, and power is the weight and cover that the blank can handle efficiently, effectively, and accurately. Photo by Pete M. Anderson Getting the most from every cast, whether launching a lure for pure distance or accurately placing it next to a piece of cover, requires fully loading the rod. That’s done by the lure’s weight on the back cast. When you move the rod forward, that stored energy is released.
Attaining the perfect amount of load with a specific rod requires using a lure within its stated weight range. Use one that’s lighter, and your rod won’t load on the back cast, cutting accuracy and distance. The same issues result from using a lure heavier than the stated range.
The blank is the foundation of every rod. It sets the stage for the rod's action, power, lure, and line weight ranges. But to make it fishable, it needs components. They can set apart rods that are similar in every other aspect. So, review these before you make your final choice.
Line guides deserve more credit than they’re given. They make your rod work, and the more, the better. One guide per foot of rod is a good rule of thumb. Here’s what else to consider:
- Single foot: Attached to the blank at one point, these guides increase a rod’s sensitivity compared to those attached with two points. Seek them out on rods that you’ll put to work casting light line and lightweight lures.
- Micro guides: These have a much smaller diameter than traditional guides. They were engineered to provide better line control, keeping it moving forward instead of side-to-side on casts. There's some truth to that, especially with spinning rods. But be cautious on cold days. They quickly freeze closed, stopping any line movement before being de-iced, usually with a dunk in the water.
- Maintenance: Small nicks inside your guides can have catastrophic effects, especially when fishing light line. Draw your line tight, whether with a pulling lure or fighting bass, and they act like a knife, cutting your line in a heartbeat. Find them beforehand by rubbing a cotton swap around the inside of each guide; small pieces of cotton will catch at problem points, revealing their presence.
The business end of every rod is its handle. Like the other characteristics, a variety is available, each meeting different wants and needs. Look at these when selecting a rod:
- Reel seat: Choose one-piece versions that have a spot to rest a finger directly on the blank, especially for baitcasting versions. Two-piece ones can separate as the reel is tightened.
- Split grip: The most popular and widely available version by far for bass rods comes in three sections. The first is forward of the reel seat. The next is directly behind the reel seat, where you hold onto the rod. The final is on the rod’s butt, separated from the middle section by a short length of exposed blank. It reduces the rod’s overall weight.
- Full grip: Rods outfitted with this grip are all handle from reel seat to butt. It's best for heavy-power rods that sling heavy lures all day. The extra grip fits comfortably under your arm or pinched between your arm and body. Remove some of the additional weight by selecting one made from cork.
Once you’ve decided on a handle style, you must choose the material that comprises it. While carbon-fiber handles can be found on rods here and there, most are made from one of two materials, sometimes in combination. They are:
- Cork: Made from the bark of its namesake tree, this classic rod-building material offers several benefits. It’s lightweight. It’s dense, helping transmit your lure’s movements and the lightest strikes to your hand. And it retains plenty of grip when doused with water or fish slime.
- Foam: This modern material is softer to the touch than cork, which brings all-day comfort. While it’s lightweight, it can lose some traction when wet.