Back in May, I had the pleasure to hang out with Greg and Deanna Graves at La Dolce Vita Ranch, north of Drexel, Missouri. Greg cooked this amazing egg dish for breakfast, explaining to this Texan how Europeans cook their eggs really slow. Scramble them for 30-40 minutes, they're fluffy, add some ingredients and we go from a simple, get-er-done, scramble-fast, eat and go breakfast to one of a semblance of elegance. I trust Greg. He clipped the top off some green onions, added those when the time was right, then added some salmon, wild-caught. When he was finished, the table was set, and we dined on a breakfast that rivaled any formal meal I've witnessed. Because of that, I asked Greg and Deanna if they had a recipe for this issue.
It didn't take long for Deanna to offer her 'go to' recipe...handed down from her grandmother. She picks up the story, "My dear sweet Grandma Ruth first taught me how to make home-made chicken & noodles when Greg and I stopped to see my grandparents on the way back from our honeymoon. It has turned out to be a favorite request for birthday dinners and special occasions when we all get together. All my children are grown and they have all mastered this recipe. Even though my grandmother is gone, we talk about her every time we sit down and enjoy—what is now fondly known in our family as Grandma's noodles. I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as my family does.
Before you start making the noodles, put a whole chicken in chicken stock or water and boil until done. Remove chicken and save water for noodles. When cooled, debone chicken and pull apart.
For small batch = One round Flour 2 eggs
2 Tablespoons milk (1 per egg) 1/4 tsp salt
Beat eggs thoroughly until fluffy—add milk a teaspoon at a time and then add salt. Mix flour a little at a time, using beaters, to form a dough ball. Take out of bowl and fold in flour by hand until the dough ball is no longer sticky.
Roll out to desired thickness. Let dry 30 minutes and then turn over and dry for an additional 30 minutes. Roll up dough and cut into desired thickness using a serrated knife.
Cook noodles in saved chicken water until done, 30 - 45 minutes. Add chicken until warm and serve over mashed potatoes.