"First impressions are lasting impressions," as the old saying goes. This also holds true in contacting potential partners (notice I did not call them sponsors). This is the most challenging part of sponsorship but also the easiest to facilitate. This sounds contradictory, but let me explain. It is easy to contact them but challenging to do so correctly and not blow your chances.
Remember that the potential partner you are trying to reach probably gets several hundred sponsorship requests weekly. The first thing you need to do is separate yourself from all "others." The key to doing this is to remember that you are not requesting a sponsorship. You have to change your thought and think from the potential sponsors' point of view. Pique their interest so that they will want to hear more from you. How, do you ask? You have to request a partnership between the company and yourself to increase their market exposure and bottom line. Doing this immediately improves your chances of getting your foot in the door.
The key is that you are immediately insinuating that the company will benefit from working with you by utilizing the partnership approach. Ideally, in partnerships, everyone benefits. This is what you are offering. In your initial contact, concentrate on what the benefits to the company are. Do not ask for anything in return, but show your worth and let them make you an offer.
Now, do not do this and assume this is all it takes to get in the door. You must have a plan and a proposal ready showing the details of how you plan on doing this.
Do not ever ask a company to sponsor you. All that does is tell them you are looking for free stuff or money. They do not need anyone like that on their pro staff. They want people who can be substantiated by the increased revenues and additional market exposure they provide through hard work, dedication, and selflessness.
The industry is changing in that the majority of the companies out there prefer e-mail. There are other ways to contact potential partners, but it is the most efficient way. It provides a means to put together a BRIEF e-mail that will stimulate their interest enough to offer a response.
The steps in initially contacting a potential partner:
- Initialize contact with that marketing person
- Receiving a response
- Cover letter with proposal and resume.
- Meeting
- Close the deal
Find "the marketing contact" - This is sometimes the most challenging part of the entire process. You can always find someone at the company to send your request or talk to, but getting it to THE person is where most people need to improve.
Do a lot of research on the company's website before contacting anyone. You want to learn what they do and how they do it in as much detail as possible, as well as where their headquarters and other sites are located. You should pay special attention to the corporate information page of their website. This is where you will most likely find the key people you need to talk to. You are looking for MARKETING. Anyone in this department will work, and most times, you will do better with someone who works for "the man" rather than "the man (or woman)." They tend to be too busy to look at proposals without an employee recommending they look first. Each company is different, though, so always be flexible.
Initialize contact with that marketing person
First, you want to ask who is within the company you need to speak with about a possible partnership to increase the company's bottom line and exposure. You should mention what market area you are talking about, but please keep this short and sweet.
Receiving a response
Hopefully, you will get a response from the person to speak with or that person's contact information. They may even come back and ask you to clarify your position. You can give them a little more information, but keep them on edge. Keep information private, and DO NOT ask for anything. Tell them what you are going to do for them. If they continue to ask for more, then at this point, you will need to ask them to send a full proposal. If they do not ask for more, then you will need to ask to send a proposal to increase the company's bottom line and exposure. If they are interested, you can go ahead. If not, be very professional and courteous and thank them for the opportunity. Be sure to ask if there is a time in the future that you should consider contacting them again for consideration. Always leave the door open.
Cover letter with proposal and resume
If they do indeed ask for a proposal or say you can send one, then you will want to have one prepared to make some minor adjustments to be able to send it. A word of caution here: Do not send it right away. Wait at least one to two days. This will let them know that you are seriously putting some effort into the proposal and give you time to read and proofread the proposal and cover letter. Have someone else read it to ensure you have all the grammar correct. Use spell check!
This may or may not happen. They usually do not need to meet you initially, but be prepared to do so if they ask. I take this one step further by offering in my cover letter to come and meet with them if they feel the need to do so. I want them to feel like I am willing to do whatever it takes to consummate a deal. Do not show up for a meeting in anything other than business attire. Try to get in touch with a secretary at the corporate office to find out the standard office attire for them. Be candid with them and tell them who and why you are calling. When you go to the meeting, remember to stop and thank them. A written card is a great gift of appreciation but keeps it professional. This person could be a key ally if you are signed on.
Close the deal
Know when to stop talking. If they agree to bring you on board, stop trying to sell yourself and wrap it up. Be prepared to speak up about what you want if they ask, but do not bring it up until last or until they do. Stay focused on what you will do for them, but do not close the deal without taking care of yourself.
I hope part II has given you a better understanding of the overall process of gaining a winning partnership with a sponsor. Look for part III - Acceptance, to be out soon.

Lee Wheeler is a regional professional angler that speaks at promotional events and seminars across Southeast Texas. He fishes the BASS Open Central Division, Texas Tournament Trail, and the Southeast Texas Federation Nation Regional tour.