That's what he got with his first early bird group of anglers this past November. Although his Bass Retreat does not officially open until 2010 he honored a request from a friend in Washington DC, Federal Judge Bill Roberts and three other anglers to test the bass waters as well as his facilities, reconfigured to comfortably accommodate up to 8 anglers.
Jim Kientz, executive director of Ray Scott Outdoors, was scorekeeper for the two-day trip and he had a hard time hiding his elation when discussing the final fishing stats. That is understandable considering the Judge caught two bass over 10 lbs in the first six hours of fishing.
Over all, according to Kientz, the fishing could not have been better. While the fish were not jumping in the boat, the anglers found how to seek them out and stretch their line. Each boat caught an estimated forty to forty-five bass each day with the trophy catches being 10lbs 8oz., 10lbs 2oz., and 9lbs 12oz. There was a host of 5 to 7lb bass caught along with a boat load of 3 to 4lb bass.
"The fish are there," says Kientz. "But the rest is up to Mother Nature and the skills of the anglers. These were good, experienced fishermen who happen to be long standing members of BASS."
Guests at Scott's lakes also include a long roster of fishing superstars like Kevin VanDam, Skeet Reese, Bill Dance, Roland Martin and Rick Clunn who caught his personal best, a l3-l5 lunker during a fund-raising tournament to help build a new sanctuary for a nearby country church.
Guests hang their hats and stow their tackle in the famous President's cabin, in a suite over the boathouse and in the guest wing of the main house. The fishing package includes breakfast, lunch and dinner in Scott's elegantly comfortable home and usually the opportunity to spend time with the Bass Boss himself, depending on his calendar.
Scott was inspired to open his home and his lakes to the angling pubic as an enthusiastic supporter of a state-sponsored initiative called Alabama Black Belt Adventures ( www.alabamablackbeltadventures.com) which is dedicated to highlighting the many outdoor facilities for deer hunting and fishing and bird shooting that dot a historic swath of the state known as the Black Belt for its rich, dark soil.
"We have such a great outdoor tradition in the state," says Scott. "It is our intention to bring our abundance of natural resources and wildlife - notably bass and whitetail - to the attention of the world. Not to mention our southern hospitality."
Scott plans to offer only a limited number of trips to manage pressure on the lakes. His executive package is limited to one trip a week most months of the year. He is also planning less expensive day trips on Fridays for those who want to come early in the morning, fish all day and then go home.
Scott continues, "It's fun to hear about the inquiries we are receiving. One of my favorite stories is about the lady who called in the day our Trophy Bass Retreat ad appeared in Bassmaster to say she woke up with the ad torn out of the magazine and placed on her pillow. It was from her husband - a not-so-subtle hint for birthday gifts and Christmas gifts for several years to come. What a great story.
"And the best part is I know we can make it the best fishing gift he could ever receive."
For details on Ray Scott's Trophy Bass Retreat go to www.rayscottbassretreat.com or www.rayscott.net. For more information on this article contact Jim Kientz at Ray Scott Outdoors, 800-518-7222. Caption: Bill Roberts of Virginia, displays one of two l0-pound-plus bass he caught in the first few hours of fishing at Ray Scott's Trophy Bass Retreat (www.rayscottbassretreat.com) this past November. He was part of an early-bird group at the Retreat south of Montgomery, AL which will officially open in 2010.