The show, led by Mercer, will couple a dream team of six professional anglers with six celebrities as the pairs venture out onto the lake for an old fashion fish off. The duo with the heaviest catch, revealed in front of a studio audience, will win a cash prize for the charity of their choice. The show will be produced by Hollywood-based Syd Vinnedge Productions and Greg Heller, whose reality show credentials include "Tommy Lee Goes to College" and "Celebrity Fit Club" among others.
"I am thrilled with the opportunity to host this show," said Mercer. "The idea of getting some of Hollywood's top names out on the lake for a day of fishing with the sport's top anglers will certainly make for entertaining television."
Dave Mercer Outdoors Inc. is the originator of one minute fishing interstitials, "Dave Mercer's Facts of Fishing." Mercer's company also produces radio programming and a series of DVDs and his unique and original blend of humor, entertainment and education has made him one of Canada's most recognized and revered anglers. For further information please visit www.factsoffishing.com.