Hey BassResource friends. This is Big O. Rage Tail see it first. We're here at Orlando at the ICAST show and we're having a great time. We've come out with some new baits. Of course, you guys have already seen them but we're going to go ahead and show you about them here.
This is the new Magnum Rage Bug and we come out with ten different colors. I'm going to show you the difference in the size of the Magnum and the smaller one. There it is. And you can see the difference right there. The Magnum is much bigger. People say, "Hey Big O., why do you need a bigger bait?" A lot of the people think, "Well, you catch bigger fish with it." My opinion is I catch more fish with a bigger bait the majority of the time.
And the reason it is, is because not only can the fish see it from further away, they can feel it from further away, and plus, they're largemouth bass. Remember big mouth bass? If their mouth is big enough to get that in there, they're going to eat it. You guys need to check out the new Magnum Rage Bug.
And we've also got some new colors of our regular Rage Bug, the standard size. This is Chameleon. We've also got Blue Bug and another color that's...can't remember. Oh it's...I can't remember what that is. But don't worry about it. It's great whatever it is.
Also, you guys probably know we've got the new Rage Swimmer. Well, here's one of my favorite colors. This is the green pumpkin pearl. And the reason I like it so much is because that pearl belly and that green pumpkin back, that relates to just about every style of shad out there, every type of bait fish. It can be anywhere from blue gill. But the thing is it's a great color for most of our waters.
Now, how many different ways are there to rig? These Swimbaits the new Rage Tail Swimmer a lot, a lot. And there's a lot of effective ways to do it as well. We all know that we can use a swimbait hook. My idea is the common way for a Swimbait hook on this... My favorite Swimbait hook is one I designed. Moaner Hooks has it. It's a 5/0 weighted hook. I use the 1/4 ounce and the 3/8's on this. You can get away with 6/0. 6/0's not bad either. But I usually use a 5/0. But that's the standard way to rig one of these.
Also another standard way to rig all of these Swimbaits like this is with a jig head. There is a standard jig head and that's about a 5/0 hook right there. So all you do is you point the tail down, you run the hook right in the nose of the bait. Try to stay right in the center of it so that you can keep your bait perfectly centered. And then you come out the back, push it up over your barb, and then look a here. You got a perfectly straight Swimbait. And what you do...
Of course, that's an open hook. When you run this bait, you'll notice one thing about Rage Tail Swimmers. They have faster action at slower swim speeds, plus they have more body action than any other swimmer on the market even at the fastest speeds. That's one of the advantage of the Rage Tail Swimmer. More and faster action and slower retrieve speeds and also more body action, even at the fastest of retrieve speeds. Plus, it's still a nice soft texture.
It also has reverse angled ribs on it, different than anyone on the market. But equally important is Rage Tail actually...not only do we give you better action on the baits and more fish-catching ability, we also give you 15 to 20% more baits per package. You'll notice this one has six in it. Everyone else only has five. Well guess what, for the same price and sometimes less expensive than some of the competitors, Rage Tail not only beats them on action but also the number of baits and the price. I hope you like these.
This is the 4-3/4 inch model. We've also got the 3-3/4 inch model. And here's another secret BassResource. Only you are hearing this. We're coming out with a 2-3/4 inch model in about two months. So you heard it first.
Other than that, folks, other ways to rig Swim Baits. Well sure if you're going to use the smaller model, bigger model you use a different sized weighted head, you know, a different size head. But here's a new thing we come out with this year It's called the Underspin Jig Head. A lot of these out on the market. It's a great product. It's also a great way to fish your Swimbaits and your Swimmers. So be sure and check these out. Check it out on Open Jig Head. Check it out on Underspin.
Also a weighted hook like the Moaner Stroker weighted hook. Great weighted hook. Also, "Hey Big O., what about swim jigs?" What about just putting it behind the swim jig? Sure. Excellent. That's absolutely great.
Another thing. Some of our good friends at BassResoure like 00mod and let's see, who was with him? Oh it was Gene, that's right. Anyway, they were out there stroking. I think they were 3/4 ounce, 1/2 or 3/4 ounce jigs off the bottom. Just regular structure jigs jerking them off with this same color green pumpkin pearl and I think they had a 40-pound bag somewhere in North Carolina or something like that.
You guys check it out. I hope you like them. I really appreciate you guys. You all are definitely the first forum I was ever involved in. In fact, the only forum I'm still involved in. So you guys I love you all. I love everybody there. Thanks for all of your help and all of your support. If you need anything, be sure and get in contact with me. See ya.