Hey, guys. I get a lot of comments and feedback on my videos, and I read every single one of them, and I enjoy it. Thank you very much for leaving those comments. A lot of them are great to read, a lot of good success stories, and I'm thrilled that you guys take the time to write. But some of them are kind of odd and kind of entertaining, and I want to share some of those with you today and kind of my responses to those because I think you'll enjoy this. So let's start off with this one right here.
"Head on a swivel looking for the ops or baby mom says." What? I don't know what that... Is that lyrics in a song maybe, a rap song or something that I don't know about? Maybe. I have no idea what this guy is talking about. If you guys have a clue, fill me in. Please leave a comment. Let me know what that means because I have no idea. Let's try this next one.
"You soak in a sofa of angel, catch Batman, and tell him I want." I want, what? What? You didn't finish the sentence. I don't know what you mean. What do you want? What do you want from Batman? I don't know. I laughed at that one for quite a while because that's pretty bizarre. Weird stuff, guys. I don't know why they leave comments like that, but, yeah, okay. That's fun. Let's check out this next one.
"Micro guides suck." Yeah, okay. Fine. You know, it's like what I always say, if you're going to be angry at something, you might as well be mad at an inanimate object. Right? Because they can't fight back. Oh, here's a tip for you, guy. Look, maybe you shouldn't be trying braid-to-leader on everything. Okay? That's probably your problem right there. If you didn't use braid-to-leader all the time, you'd find the micro guides work just fine. All right, here's another one.
"And be sure to turn on your one or two 24-inch fish finders on the, unlike they do, oh, I am sorry, most of us cannot afford a $80,000 boat and $10,000 worth of baits. And main thing, we do not try to sell anything." I think maybe I can read through the lines and understand what he's saying here, which is it sounds like he's a little upset at the cost of some of these things. Here's the deal, guys. You don't need a bass boat to catch bass. You don't need electronics to catch bass. Back in the '70s, '80s, '90s, back when I was fishing, we didn't have any of that stuff. I fished out of an inflatable raft. I'm not kidding you. I did. No electronics at all. I used a technique called triangulating, which is way before GPS existed, and that is you use objects on the shoreline to kind of help you line up where you're supposed to be. It's called triangulation. Look it up. So you can use that. As far as depth finders, look on the shoreline and see what the topography is above the water, and you can kind of imagine that's what it's like under the water. You don't have to have these expensive gear to go out and have yourself a blast. So don't get upset at the cost of it. Fish within your means, and I guarantee you, you're going to have a blast. Let's take a look at this next comment.
"I heard that you can put all kinds of stuff on a derpy to read. It is the truth. I see you can do it different ways. So to that is pretty cool. I love some wire around mine and expended how I wanted it." I have no response for that. I don't know what he means. It's comical, but I don't understand that one at all. So if you guys have an idea of how to interpret that and what that means, let me know your thoughts. What do you guys think that one meant? I have no idea. I'd be curious to see what you think. All right, here's another one.
"The highfalutin custard suddenly dust because teeth rhetorically applaud besides a red jail light messy box." Kids, this is your brain on drugs when you watch "Sesame Street." Don't do drugs, please.
"I see how good I see how my river is built slanted down. It goes down on as you can see when there is trees in the water day or down deeper in your blood. It's down on bingo." What the heck? I don't think this person was trying to be funny, but bingo, they were so hilarious. I just love reading these things, guys. Again, I don't have any response for this one. I don't know what he was trying to say, but pretty funny. All right, here's another one.
"You have walked around so much. I know you know you don't know what the heck you're talking about. Why you white boys don't support each other and fill everyone in, or have your brothers lied to you?" I don't...again, kind of babbling here. I don't know really what that means. Maybe he was trying to be insulting. Maybe I'm supposed to be insulted with that one. I don't know. You have to try a lot harder to insult me. I'm a Gen-Xer, guys. It's really hard to hurt my feelings. Trust me on that one. Maybe he wasn't trying to be insulting. I really don't know. It's hard to tell. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me what he was trying to say. So if you understand what he was trying to say, maybe the point he was trying to make, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts. Please leave a comment. Let me know.
"You have a trustworthy mustache." You know, he's not wrong.
Guys, I really do appreciate you leaving all these comments. For the most part, they're all very positive, they're uplifting, and it makes my day. I love seeing what you guys write. So please, keep those cards and letters coming, and we'll keep making videos.