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F14A-B last won the day on October 26 2014

F14A-B had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    New Pekin ,In
  • My PB
    Between 11-12 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lochloosa, Orange, St. John's River, Osceola forest ponds.
    Kentucky lake, Ohio River.
  • Other Interests
    Saltwater fishing in the GOM, Farming. Aeronautical research

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  • About Me
    Fishing both Largemouth and Saltwater species, Navy Veteran, Naval Aviation- Carrier based. Aircraft type- F14A, F14B

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  1. You know what, I think you’re right. I’m pretty sure now that it was Lee.. Thanks for the correction on the actual fisherman. Apologies to Cox.
  2. Yea, tubes don’t work guys, keep buying and using those glide baits 🤣🤣🤣 Those of us in the know will gladly fish behind y’all, with a tube. 😆😆
  3. Oh we coming, we camping out at your place, ole buddy ole pal! 🇺🇸😂
  4. What ya know, an OG fisherman talking my favorite technique!! Ole Hack giving up the juice! I didn’t know Greg was a flat brimmer though 🤣🤣🤣
  5. I’m a Denny Brauer sort of guy. 😁🍻
  6. I saw that and yes.. totally ridiculous. He hadn’t weighed a fish, marked a fish, then pulled them ALL OUT, and even put knee pressure on one for maybe 3-4 minutes while he tried to figure out which fish to cull. I was a little shocked at that.
  7. I’m not sure on that one, he talked about cutting timber down for some reason and claimed the tournament director was ok with it 😂 I don’t even remember that whole story either.. ole Randy has some stories for sure
  8. He had a hand in it but make no mistake, he didn’t invent it. I’d say there were a few others field testing that bait other than him. He has made many claims, another one was he was responsible for a floating worm rig which was pioneered by Doug Hannon. He was called out on that heavily, I’d give him credit for his spin on the bait though. Lowering his Ranger rig to get into a honey hole (under a bridge) was pretty radical and smart..
  9. 🤣 Candy Randy is never, NEVER happy.. I guess it’s just his personality. My favorite juice he ever gave up was joining two 12” worms together via a lighter and claiming how effective it was.. truthfully I’m not sure I ever laughed harder!
  10. I won’t take away from him or Trey, but I love the kid (Trey) his kind of, carefree attitude.. I’ve had my rants on FFS and I’m not going to go there anymore. Last year was our opportunity to voice our opinions and BASS chose the way forward. Congratulations to Easton. He won it fair and square according to the rules.. 300k not bad.
  11. Brand new line filler spools get marked by permanent markers from the initial use. That way I never have that problem.
  12. I’ll wait till the weigh-in but it looks like he clinched it.. I don’t think that was an 8 pound fish I watched it and didn’t see it weighed. Trey's weights on live are typically less than what he says.. A great classic on a grind it out lake.. I guess we’ll know by 9pm 🤣
  13. Yup and he’s parked and just basically saturation fishing.. it’s good to see someone do this other than me 🤣 Seriously, the guy is getting it done I saw him throwing a Trig worm on fish number 2.
  14. Trey is struggling today.. Lee is doing well. As usual one of the Johnston brothers is in the mix.
  15. I’d love to see McKinney win this thing, outside of that I’ve got no other favorite..
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