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About burleytog

  • Birthday 02/04/1977

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  1. burleytog


  2. And of course, I found it. Hope TW reads their email before they throw it in a box and slap a label on it.
  3. I just wanna know what brand of underwear he wears. If they're not Stafford Fashion Boxer Briefs, I'm gonna be disappointed.
  5. With boat prices like they are, financing for 15-20 years is about the only way some can afford them. I sure as hell will never do it.
  6. Why no, I never thought to look there.
  7. Tore the house, boat, and truck apart, nothing. Disappointing, but it was an 08 card that I didn't pay much for. Thankfully Tackle Warehouse had it in stock. Now I'll find the old card before next Monday.
  8. I purchased a used boat in June 2009 though my credit union. Interest rate is 5.59%. But they offer the lowest interest rates going.
  9. I haven't run one, just went over them in the showroom. There's a reason the Z7 is cheaper than a similar Triton, Ranger, or Stratos. Tracker cuts corners. I know from experience. That said, if I was in the market for a new boat, I would have to look very hard at the Z7. That or the Triton 18 Explorer would most likely be my two choices.
  10. Ultralight to me is 12 lb. test and a MH rod. ;D
  11. Can't slip anything past you, can he?
  12. For Guntersville? To cover the year, a few of red lipless cranks, a few crankbaits to cover 10'-16', a few 3/8 oz. screwlock shakey heads (try that with a Zoom Mag II worm on shell beds), a few hollow-body frogs.
  13. Wow, you know what biscotti is. : But it ain't a pastry, that's for sure. It's a cookie.
  14. Not to hijack this, but what were you fishing on it? I'm looking at that rod for fishing big lipless baits in grass, as well as running big inline spinners. Traps on Guntersville. I made about three casts. A former member here owned it and it was quite the setup.
  15. Bristol has changed. It's more like a half-mile Charlotte anymore. Rubbin' is racin' and that's what made Bristol so popular. Over the last couple of years, Bristol hasn't been quite the hot ticket it once was. Now how much of that is due to the track changes I don't know. Economy certainly hasn't helped either. I live an hour away from the track and I've only been to two truck races. But I hate crowds and traffic.
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