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5 Dollar Fishing Game

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5 Dollar Fishing Game last won the day on May 24 2013

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About 5 Dollar Fishing Game

  • Birthday 06/10/1983

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  • Location
    Angier, NC
  • My PB
    Between 10-11 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Jordan Lake, NC
  • Other Interests
    God, family, friends.

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  1. I post this thread posing a QUESTION and I have seen some ridiculous response posts. Some posts replying that I am jealous and it is "dumb" to think possibly that KVD is fading out. Name calling? Grow up guys and gals. I personally feel that someone as good as KVD should be placing a whole lot better than he has the last two Classic. Yes, he has done well in Classic wins and it stands to reason that from a performance perspective he hasn't done well the last two years and I was wondering if he was fading out from a fishing (not marketing) aspect. I did a seminar at the Raleigh show the other week with Ott DeFoe and Scott Martin there as well. I asked both of them the same question and they both said that even the pros have their ups and downs and that is with any sport. However one of them (not saying who) said that KVD seems like he hasn't "showed up" like he has in the past. Take that how you want to but I talked to some of my team members and they are split down the middle. Some say he will always be the Babe Ruth of fishing and some called him lucky. I think that he still is a well respected and talented angler, but thought he would do better than he did at the last two Classics. Just my .02.
  2. I did do some research and I guess one of the two cables is the throttle and the other is the actual shift linkage. Still wondering how to get the adjustments done. Any websites or articles you all know of?
  3. My 1979 Johnson 115 was running like a champ. Noticed a fuel smell when parked in garage. Found lower house on the bottom carb leaking. I replaced it yesterday. I had to remove just the lower carb and the two throttle cables. Today i I took it out. No fuel odor but I don't have reverse. I did have to turn the dial (maybe its called the adjust dial???) in each throttle cable to make them go back in. The engine does fine in forward. But reverse it just revs and no prop turn. Did I perhaps make the reverse cable out of adjustment?? thanks! joe
  4. Not a bit jealous. Just asking a question.......
  5. Well, I would say that he isn't showing up like the rest of the elites. He has "been around" for a while and with that said and all the $$$ he gets I imagine it is the business side of bass fishing that keeps him "relevant". Not saying he is a bad angler per say, but common sense and the last two years standings delineate he hasn't performed well. Maybe as earlier posted he can sell a great sales pitch. Perhaps this is what keeps him relevant.
  6. With last year being a non qualifier and this year near last, is KVD fading away as a top pro? How long before the sponsors drop or threaten to drop him? Wondering if the other top performers in years past have any concerns if they were less than the top 10 or 15 this year? Thoughts?
  7. VRO was from 1984-early 1990's I believe. Mine is a 1979 and it wouldn't make sense that the older motor was VRO because it would be older than the 79. I don't know if it is a faulty overheating component alarm? But the alarm should be a long and steady "beeeeeeep". Mine is like a "beep-beep-beep". I have temp checked the engine and it is perfect. So is everything else!!!! I am debating on disconnecting the alarm. :-/
  8. NON vro It has a plastic gas tank (6 gal) in one of the compartments. Yes it's small for now until I get a bigger one. I add 1 pint of oil to 6 gals gas and it has the fuel line running directly to the motor. I mix it in the tank together like a potion lol
  9. I recently purchased a 1973 Lucraft 17ft side console. MINT condition!!!! The motor is a Johnson 115. The ignition box does NOT make the steady "beeeeeeep", but rather it does make the "beep-beep-beep-beep" almost 2 minutes after I'm on the water. No matter how fast or slow I go. The whole time. New fuel lines and filter are in, the pee hole has water flowing out perfectly. Engine has perfect compression on all 4 holes. The beep rhythm from what I researched is the "oil" pump. Here is the issue. I don't think I have an oil pump??? The engine is NOT the original. It is a 1979 SeaHorse V-4. Is it possible that the ignition box was for the previous motor that did have an oil pump or another type of cooling alarm and this newer engine doesn't have the connection so it just "beeps"?
  10. Can people use any kind of boat in a tournament? How about a John Boat with a 15hp Johnson? Or a John Boat with a trolling motor? A center console? I mean, all I see are bass boats in the local tournaments. I wonder if a guy with a little ten foot JB with a TM stayed in a couple spots all day and kept a winning limit in hot homemade live well. Do different tourneys have different power rules on boats and design? Or is it primarily whatever sacked floats you can enter?
  11. Our family has been visiting Disney World Orlando every year for one week since 2006! We've done the bass trips near the contemporary resort and other little pond locations too. ;-) Going on the boat is fun with the guide, but you can't beat the ease of the bank there too fishing!!!
  12. Anyone else ever share this similar experience? Just kinda getting back to basics or even leaving the boat at home for a simple day of bank fishing?
  13. Last night was like any other night before a big fishing day. I was off the following day and I knew I could spend time prepping the boat, sorting tackle, etc. Just a few hours on the local lake enjoying time to learn new area patterns. Then I decided I wanted to try something. I hadn't bank fished in so long. Since my intro to the sport in 2011 I've been bank fishing for some time before I purchased my bass boat. It seemed as if I forgot the simple ease and pleasure of a stroll around the banks. I unhooked everything from the Jeep and picked one tackle bag and a couple rods. I decided to hit up 3 of my favorite ponds and boy did they miss me! Seemed as if nobody had broken the glassy surface of these small waters since I left. Almost like the prodigal angler had returned. The absence of fishing pressure on these private ponds was bliss. I felt like the new Classic champion out there. No fueling the boat, loading, unloading, plotting on the map, just cast after cast and getting some nice winter bass. Just felt like I had to take a day off of the boat, a day off of thinking of how to please sponsors, a day away from thinking like a pro mentality. It felt like a vacation from the norm and it felt good. I must say that the joys of casual bank fishing are things I won't ever take for granted and make sure to do as often as possible for sure! Tight lines... Joe
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