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  • Super User

It's good to hear that they have. I don't recall reading about it, but i will take your word. B)

I just really feel for the people who have had to send the same rod back four times. I've read about several people having to got through that. Most have reported the same runaround from the call center at Loomis: there won't be any more problems, as they have been fixed; etc.


Well there is one way to deplete a bad inventory and that is to replace the bad ones that come back, say only 100 out a 1000 are bad they aren't going to scrap them all, it's just their process to get rid of them

There has been some speculation to that effect, but I kind of doubt it. It's against federal law to refurb/remanf the product and not clearly label it as such. Hard to believe ShimLoomis would take that chance.

  • Super User

No, they've admitted some flawed finishes, bad guide wraps and the like. That was one of the first things said. I'm not out and out defending, just stating that I've seen as much. I've heard as much from people at the manufacturing and distribution levels as well as from people high enough in the company to never need to say it. In truth, I think that's one of the driving forces behind the green rod, too. Eliminate some of the bad feelings of the blues by not having those same issues with the green. I know I'm completely wrong about it, but the psychology of it does say a lot.

I'm sorry but I'm with Gone_Phishin on what he is saying and I maybe wrong but telling customers they had a bad run or having a rep on an internet forum addressing the problem is a long way from public admission of a problem. Another one of my concerns that I asked about was the green rods, are they a replacement for the first run with issues resolved? I was told they are just a different color for those that didn't like the blue color but reps have said different so who do you believe? I can't buy one when the company that is making them seem to be talking out both sides of their mouth. I have 5 Loomis rods ranging from GL3 to GLX and I wanted to try the NRX but depending on what day you call and who you talk to you can get wildly different explantions, like I said, a rep claimed the green rods were both a cosmetic upgrade but also to show anglers that the problem was fixed and then when you call they tell you that there wasn't any real problem and the color change was to adress the number of anglers that didn't like the blue color???? Who is telling the truth? I have come to the conclusion that I will never own one, in fact I've set my sites on an Edge rod that really is made by Gary Loomis without wondering if a blue rod is going to break or if a green rod won't break.

  • Super User

I'm sorry but I'm with Gone_Phishin on what he is saying and I maybe wrong but telling customers they had a bad run or having a rep on an internet forum addressing the problem is a long way from public admission of a problem. Another one of my concerns that I asked about was the green rods, are they a replacement for the first run with issues resolved? I was told they are just a different color for those that didn't like the blue color but reps have said different so who do you believe? I can't buy one when the company that is making them seem to be talking out both sides of their mouth. I have 5 Loomis rods ranging from GL3 to GLX and I wanted to try the NRX but depending on what day you call and who you talk to you can get wildly different explantions, like I said, a rep claimed the green rods were both a cosmetic upgrade but also to show anglers that the problem was fixed and then when you call they tell you that there wasn't any real problem and the color change was to adress the number of anglers that didn't like the blue color???? Who is telling the truth? I have come to the conclusion that I will never own one, in fact I've set my sites on an Edge rod that really is made by Gary Loomis without wondering if a blue rod is going to break or if a green rod won't break.

I guess I don't know how much more a public admission you get in today's day and age than having very highly placed employees of the company explaining the issues on a public forum and in other industry specific media. Should they broadcast it on every newscast world wide?

In terms of "reps" there are a HUGE number of sales representatives across the United States that don't work for Shimano American or Loomis. If they don't work for either of those companies they're going to tell you want they want you to hear, as well as what you want to hear. If you think otherwise you're 100% wrong. I trust no sales rep from any agency with the exception of a few folks like Everett Childs and John Lud, exceptional industry representatives that have huge names at stake if they're passing incorrect information. If Dan Thorburn tells me something, you're damned straight I'm going to believe him. He has NO reason to lie to me about it. None. If you're reading between the lines of things ike that, then it's just sad and silly, because at that point you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. It's pretty easy to know who to believe in the fishing industry, you look to those that have nothing to gain, rather than nothing to lose. Those people I've listed are those that have made statements about NRX issues, and one has nothing to gain from it because he has nothing to do with it other than he likes the rods.

  • Super User

I guess if all blue NRX rods were defected, then Loomis will be sending me a Green one. Not the case though. I don't believe the green replaces the blue. IMO it' just a different color to choose from. I believe the only rods that had reel seat problems were the ones produced during the first year or year and a half. They still sell the blue model, which has allegedly been fixed so I doubt the green one is a replacement.

In any case, sht happens. No one is perfect, but at least loomis is taking care of the problem and making me a satisfied customer.


One of my green ones has a bunch of fit and finish issues, too. I'm also not sure what to beleive about the green replacing the blue, but I do know for a fact that the greens are certainly not defect free.


QC issues should be extremely rare on a $500 rod. I find it surprising that there are people on this thread that seem to accept it.

  • Super User

QC issues should be extremely rare on a $500 rod. I find it surprising that there are people on this thread that seem to accept it.

Couldn't agree more. I fortunately bought both of mine on sale, but I wouldn't have expected these type of problems on even $50 rods. Hopefully they get it figured out pretty soon or this series is going to be an epic fail.

  • Super User

My two NRX's seem to be flawless, other than the one with the reel seat issue. I've had several GLX's and IMX's over the last 25 years and have never had any defects. Perhaps I'm one of the lucky ones.

DVT's suggestion about having your own custom rod made is a good idea. I use to build my own rods, both fresh and heavy/lt salt. I haven't built rods in over 15 years and haven't kept up on the latest trends/equipment.

Does anyone know if blanks can be purchased that are at least as sensitive and lightweight as the GLX, if not the NRX?


My two NRX's seem to be flawless, other than the one with the reel seat issue.

Sorry, that just reads a little funny. Sounds like a 50% failure rate to me, not flawless.

Personally, of my 7 NRX's, I've had to have 5 replaced (one twice). All because of manufacturer defects. Love fishing with them, but sure wish they were as well built as the older rods.

I've had several GLX's and IMX's over the last 25 years and have never had any defects. Perhaps I'm one of the lucky ones.

I've got a few GLX's also. Never had any of these kinds of issues with them. And that seems to be what most report. Unfortunately, the NRX does not fall into that same quality built category.

Does anyone know if blanks can be purchased that are at least as sensitive and lightweight as the GLX, if not the NRX?

Custom rod guys talk a lot about the blanks from Gary Loomis' new company, North Fork Tackle. You can have a Kistler custom built with those blanks. Only a one year warranty, though.

  • Super User

I guess I don't know how much more a public admission you get in today's day and age than having very highly placed employees of the company explaining the issues on a public forum and in other industry specific media. Should they broadcast it on every newscast world wide?

In terms of "reps" there are a HUGE number of sales representatives across the United States that don't work for Shimano American or Loomis. If they don't work for either of those companies they're going to tell you want they want you to hear, as well as what you want to hear. If you think otherwise you're 100% wrong. I trust no sales rep from any agency with the exception of a few folks like Everett Childs and John Lud, exceptional industry representatives that have huge names at stake if they're passing incorrect information. If Dan Thorburn tells me something, you're damned straight I'm going to believe him. He has NO reason to lie to me about it. None. If you're reading between the lines of things ike that, then it's just sad and silly, because at that point you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. It's pretty easy to know who to believe in the fishing industry, you look to those that have nothing to gain, rather than nothing to lose. Those people I've listed are those that have made statements about NRX issues, and one has nothing to gain from it because he has nothing to do with it other than he likes the rods.

Call it what you will but to this day they are accepting responsibility for 1% - 2% of the rods, the rest are just great???? A local dealer has told me every single casting rod he sold has either come back to him or was sent back directly to Loomis. If you accept them telling you 1% - 2% of the rods have minor issues then there isn't a problem but the rest of us aren't banking on lies, sorry. Why didn't they recall the first run they knew had problems? They could have easily put the info on their website saying NRX customers may experience problems, if so please contact us but they chose to answer questions in a forum that maybe all of their customers don't visit and you can't assume just because they fish enough to justify a high end rod that they visit multiple fishing forums. I hate areguing and I'm really glad you are happy with them, my problem is they are trying to downplay the scope of this and by making a statement of 1% of the rods have problems, well that tells me I need to watch because they are unwilling to admit the problem is much more widespread so I too may end up with a bad, but I don't know since they really aren't telling me much info at all and if I buy a rodfor that price I expect to use it, not keep running to a UPS store to send rods back and then wait for a replacement. And I find it strange that there are such unlucky individuals that have got more than one bad rod when after all it was only a 1% or 2% problem, those people better steer clear of cars or traffic in general. I commend you for defending something you truly believe in, I know I'm mad because I can't be on your side but I really want to be its just that I get insulted when a large company like that tells a bald face lie and expects me to be to stupid to add numbers and not be able to figure out they are giving me a line of garbage, in fact they have ruined my faith in them, I should have known Shimano was going to end up changing my opinion of an iconic brand.


Just curious about this 1-2% return rate where did it come from, anyone know...Thank you


Just curious about this 1-2% return rate where did it come from, anyone know...Thank you

Probably from the ShimLoomis propaganda department. From what I've seen it's is much higher. But even it it were 1-2%, that's inexcusable for a high end rod. Even minimal QC inspection of finished product should be able to catch the cosmetic issues. Trained monkeys could do a better job than ShimLoomis's QC department (assuming they even have one).

  • Super User

I should have known Shimano was going to end up changing my opinion of an iconic brand.

It's been 15 years since their acquisition, your making it sound like it happened last year


Just curious about this 1-2% return rate where did it come from, anyone know...Thank you

Over on tackle tour, there's a sub-forum for "manufacturers support", or something close to that. The ShimLoomis rep there goes by the username "bantam1". He's on other sites as well. Anyway, if you research some of the NRX threads over there, you can find him claiming the 1-2% rate.

There's also a recent dicussion in that forum about a "new glx" where Bantam1 tells us Loomis is working hard on getting rid of the Xpeditor coverage altogether. Crafty the way they're going to work out from under it. But sure is a hose job for all those legacy Loomis rod owners. The warranty will still be in place, but not the service plan.

  • Super User

Jeb2- my mistake, when I said flawless I was refering to the wrap, color and finish.

What kind of issues have you had with yours?

Here's a thought we might take into consideration. I have seen and known several rod manufacturers use non-fishing people to wrap their rods. The wrappers are given the same size/length blank, a sheet of measurements and told to wrap each blank the same. These laborers get paid sometime less than minimum wage, ususally paid by the piece, so the faster they put a rod together the more they get paid.

I'm not saying Loomis is doing this with their flagship rod but I wonder what qualifications the person has who is assembling these NRX rods. I know this is Loomis' first time going to the split grip and from what I heard, that seems to be the biggest issue with the reel seat.

Here's my deal- I can assemble a rod that looks better than any of Loomis' rods and that fishes just as good , if not better. The problem is, I like their blanks and don't know where I can find them or a simular blank. The blanks, if sold to the public, probably cost a pretty penny and by the time you put all the hardware on it, youv'e spent close to what it cost for a manufactured one.


I read elsewhere that Dobyns and Lamiglass are coming out with rods using blanks made from the same resin technology that the NRX uses. Dobyns is actually field testing their rods first before releasing them for sale so I would not expect any bad glue issues, and I'd be surprised if any finish problems get shipped from Dobyns. I'd also like to see if any of the cutom builders can get these blanks. Maybe DVT will see this and weigh in.

Jeb2- my mistake, when I said flawless I was refering to the wrap, color and finish.

Makes sense.

What kind of issues have you had with yours?

You know, I really need to add the issues up better. I'm sure it's more than 5.

Casting rods (803, 853(2), 893, 873, 854)

-803 broken tip on a cast 2nd time out.

-Replacement 803 reel seat let go, store gave me an 853 to replace it

-853 reel seat let go

-853 foregrip cork split

-893 had issues from the factory. Fit and finish issues ( http://www.jebruns.com/RodsReels/NRX893Scratches1.jpg ). Replacement has been good.

-853 rod tip broke while fishing with Quillback the other day. He can attest I was doing nothing abusive to the rod when it snapped.

Spinning rods (822S SYR,822S DSR):

-Fit and finish issues on the 822S SYR ( http://www.jebruns.com/RodsReels/NRX822SYR_QCIssues2.jpg )

So 7 issues so far, 6 requiring replacements. I should have sent the 822SYR back as it had other small issues like in the picture, but I figured my odds of getting anything better were at best a crap shoot. Hard to believe at these price points that we have to settle for this kind of crap. Not just me, either. If you follow some of the NRX threads on the fishing forums, there are many stories far worse than mine. I sure wish Loomis sold the NRX blank.

Here's a thought we might take into consideration. I have seen and known several rod manufacturers use non-fishing people to wrap their rods. The wrappers are given the same size/length blank, a sheet of measurements and told to wrap each blank the same. These laborers get paid sometime less than minimum wage, ususally paid by the piece, so the faster they put a rod together the more they get paid.

Someone else mentioned that on a different board, too. You'd sure as heck hope they wouldn't be doing that with the NRX's. But even if they were, you'd think any kind of even cursory inspection would catch some of this stuff. How can this junk get out of the factory? Crazy.

  • Super User

Wow, I see what you mean. They didn't even finish coating the guide on the blue one. Totaly unacceptable.

Does the hook keeper get in your way? I spend 3/4 of my time on the water flipping senkos and jigs underneath docks. The slack line somehow gets caught on the hook keeper after completing my flip/toss and it drives me fricking bananas.

  • Super User

While I respect your stanpoint, Jeb, I'm sorry that I cannot agree with it. There are too many things that I've seen firsthand, in terms of the real rates of return, and in terms of their handling of it.

Gary Loomis was recently quoted as saying that, even though he has nothing to do with the company, the vast majority of issues that he's seen and read about in terms of breakage have been pliot error. The reel seat issue is a different story, and I don't deny that it's a pain to deal with.

In terms of fit and finish, I've not had that personally, and I've seen it on only one or two rods out of what must be several hundred I've had in my hands. I just have a hard time accepting that it is on a scale that has been presented here.

My primary reason for moving away from purchase of further NRX, as stated previously, is the advancements that are now available in the custom lineup that will better fit the gaps I'm in need of.

As stated previously I respect your opinion, but will politely disagree.


I read elsewhere that Dobyns and Lamiglass are coming out with rods using blanks made from the same resin technology that the NRX uses. Dobyns is actually field testing their rods first before releasing them for sale so I would not expect any bad glue issues, and I'd be surprised if any finish problems get shipped from Dobyns. I'd also like to see if any of the cutom builders can get these blanks. Maybe DVT will see this and weigh in.

Lamiglas is currently using nano resin technology in production rods for steelhead and salmon models. I spoke to a pro staffer on March 3rd and he shared that models in a new bass line are a year out,maybe a bit more. A designer told me the resin is very expensive and the chemical company has made it difficult to make it affordable because rod manufactures buy in very small amounts compaired to other industries. I'm expecting premium prices.


Wow, I see what you mean. They didn't even finish coating the guide on the blue one. Totaly unacceptable.

Does the hook keeper get in your way? I spend 3/4 of my time on the water flipping senkos and jigs underneath docks. The slack line somehow gets caught on the hook keeper after completing my flip/toss and it drives me fricking bananas.

No, I don't have that issue. I really like the NRX hook holder. I fish a lot of t-rigs, c-rigs and t-rigged senkos and it allows me to not have to pull the point out of the bait each time I want to put the rod away. Saves time when going back to that rod to fish it again and it makes the baits last longer.


While I respect your stanpoint, Jeb, I'm sorry that I cannot agree with it. There are too many things that I've seen firsthand, in terms of the real rates of return, and in terms of their handling of it.

Gary Loomis was recently quoted as saying that, even though he has nothing to do with the company, the vast majority of issues that he's seen and read about in terms of breakage have been pliot error. The reel seat issue is a different story, and I don't deny that it's a pain to deal with.

In terms of fit and finish, I've not had that personally, and I've seen it on only one or two rods out of what must be several hundred I've had in my hands. I just have a hard time accepting that it is on a scale that has been presented here.

My primary reason for moving away from purchase of further NRX, as stated previously, is the advancements that are now available in the custom lineup that will better fit the gaps I'm in need of.

As stated previously I respect your opinion, but will politely disagree.

Not sure what you're disagreeing with. That the defect rate is higher than 1-2%? If so, that's fine. We all have to form our own opinion on that based on the information available to us. Like someone else in this thread, my local dealer told me a while back that every single NRX casting rod that they'd sold had come back at least once with cork splits or reel seat issues. There sure is a lot of information out there that makes the number look far bigger than 1-2%, IMO.

The fit and finish issues seem to be something new. I didn't have those issues with my older NRX's. There's one guy over on the other forum that had to have 4 rods in a row replaced, directly from ShimLoomis, because of some awful build issues. It's just incredible to me that these rods are making it out the door. Someone at Loomis had to have seen that and said "Ship it anyway". If not, they do not have an inspection process at all.

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