BassinSoldier Posted February 14, 2012 Posted February 14, 2012 I was 6'3", 220 while I was in with 18% body fat (had to be taped every time, having an 18" around neck helps), running 14:30 or better 2mile and 12 mile ruck in 2hrs and usually between 30 and 40min. I was active duty, stationed at Campbell (101st abn div (Air Assault)) so we did 12mile rucks AT LEAST once a quarter. For starters, why did you even TRY to run in shoes that were in the shape you described and why did your team OR squad leader allow you to? You come off as a guy who talks like he knows his stuff, so with that being said, even if your money is tight at home, you don't mess around when it comes to PT shoes, you get the best you can afford, better if at all possible. If your feet, shins and knees are all jacked up...You get what I'm sayin'...Secondly, comin' from a big guy, get your run down man. If you are havin body fat issues, I will tell you, no BS, this works...Watch what you're eating, eat several smaller meals throughout the day and no crap foods except for one day a week (cheat day) but don't go overboard even with that. Get your diet fixed and then if you are running and doing as much cardio as you claim, you will be dropping body fat like nobody's business. Your metabolism speeds up and your body gets tuned like it should be. If you are gonna be in Kuwait, you'll be able to do this. I have been through Kuwait several several times throughout my 9 year stint while going to and from Iraq. The resourcesd are there so use 'em. Best of luck to you. 1 Quote
Super User clayton86 Posted February 14, 2012 Author Super User Posted February 14, 2012 They don't care bout my shoes Sgt did offer to buy my boots if I get a 260 or higher on my pt test. Sneakers though I need befor then and iv been flat broke till tomorrow the 15th to much stuff needed at home for te wife for hen I'm gone stuck me with no money. My goal is to be passing befor we get to Kuwait which I will be but once their I have 9 months in that hot weather and cushy camps with everything to go to the extended scale and max that sucker out I used to be in the 285-295 range never maxed the run is what always stoped me my best run time is 14:00 That was my last test in basic 4 years ago. Quote
Super User clayton86 Posted February 15, 2012 Author Super User Posted February 15, 2012 Well I got my new sneakers today and didba 3 mile run and holy crap did they make a HUGE difference. I did the first mile in 6:53 Then we did brisk walk for 2 telephone poles then ran up the hill to the gym about .5 a mile up hill. No pain the whole time other then what I had already from doing insanity max yesterday. Once to the gym we stretched for 10 min then did full out sprints every other telephone pole all the way back 1.5 miles. I didn't get shin splints till we stoped a I was walking to the barracks to stretch and only very minimal knee pain also not till I got back and was done. So with the new kicks I'm running alot better and faster. Also on a side note iv droped 7 lbs sense last Thursday I'm down to 190 and don't look 9mo prego I'm like 5months now just a little bump haha. Quote
BassinSoldier Posted February 18, 2012 Posted February 18, 2012 Keep choppin away at it man, you'll get there. Like I said, keep the cardio up and eat right. Too easy brother. Quote
Super User clayton86 Posted February 28, 2012 Author Super User Posted February 28, 2012 Well I took a diagnostic test today and did good still failed the run but cut roughly 3 minutes off my 2 mile sense my last diagnostic. I ran today in 17:54 befor it was like 21ish horrible so I improved alot on 2 weeks. My biggest problem today was I had side stitches like a mother bleeper oh man did it hurt that and I stoped to deposit breakfast on the side of the track at the 1 mile mark and ever quarter mile after that lol. I got 3 weeks till my record test to get me promoted so I cut 3 min in 2 weeks befor now I got like a minute 18 to drop to make minimum requirment so I got this next time my goals 1636 min but in shooting for 15:00 not outa the question just want it in the 15s for now. Goal for end of deployment is 13:00 or less and maxing everything else and trying for ranger school or something else but ranger would be sweet. Quote
Super User A-Jay Posted February 28, 2012 Super User Posted February 28, 2012 Well sounds like you're making some progress. Puking 1 mile into your run test is not good. Could be you made poor choices for your pre-test meal or it could be you started out too fast. It certainly indicates that for whatever reason, you still have allot of work to do. At this point you should be running this test every other day; The whole test, every other day. Then come test day, it just another training day - you'll pass it no problem. Participating in any training other than the 3 disciplines required for the test at this point will be counterproductive. 16:36 is 60% at your age group. 13:38 is 100%. As a side note, next time you get a "side stitches like a mother bleeper" KEEP RUNNING ! No one's ever died from it. You know the saying "Pain is just weakness leaving your body" Keep at it - It's all about willingness - what are you willing to endure to succeed ? A-Jay Quote
Super User clayton86 Posted February 28, 2012 Author Super User Posted February 28, 2012 My breakfast was a small bagel with PB and yogert and a banana. I think the puke came from the 2 bottles of water I slammed just befor thinking I had some time to let it settle but I didn't it start time got pushed an hour to the left. I didn't stop from the side stitches and puked on the fly zig zaging to the outside of the track to puke. I run everyday thats what I'm weak on I improved every where though 12 more sit ups and 9 more push ups that I stoped on to save energy sense it wast for record so I did 50pu 58su and 1754 run wich is way off from my days when I joined getting high 70s low 80s in the pu and su and running 14 flat 2 miles. I'll be there though I'm headed to the gym tonight I think if I can get some one to go with me. Quote
Super User clayton86 Posted February 28, 2012 Author Super User Posted February 28, 2012 Iv also droped 23lbs now sense srp on like the 5th so 3 weeks ago about. I sent the wife a pic and she barely reconized me she said. Quote
Super User A-Jay Posted February 29, 2012 Super User Posted February 29, 2012 Iv also droped 23lbs now sense srp on like the 5th so 3 weeks ago about. I sent the wife a pic and she barely reconized me she said. Did you still have your breakfast stuck to your face ? A-Jay Quote
Super User clayton86 Posted February 29, 2012 Author Super User Posted February 29, 2012 Lol no I didn't get any on me iv perfected the sideways run puke over the years. It was pure water with a blue tint of powerade no chunks Quote
jeremyt Posted March 1, 2012 Posted March 1, 2012 I would suggest trying some Vibram 5 toe shoes, they are designed to make you run on the balls of your feet ( they way your body is designed to run ). I have been in the Corps for 14 years and running took its toll on me. I went from a 18 min 3 mile as a 18-24 yo to 26 min when I hit 30. I was really skeptical of these shoes to start with as one I didn't think they would make that much of a difference and two I would laugh at the Marines I saw wearing them. I got a pair as a Christmas gift and within 2 months I have dropped my run time back down to a 23 min 3 mile. If you do get them don't go out and try to run 2+ miles in them to begin with. You have to get your feet and legs adjusted to them or you will be as sore as you have ever been. They make you run with the balls of your feet striking first and not your heels. If you can't get past the look of them New Balance has just (within the past few months ) came out with a shoe that has a really low incline between the toe and heel that are supposed to be great for running and help your form. Other than that just keep at it, don't over train and realize that you will have good days and bad days. Good Luck Quote
Super User clayton86 Posted March 1, 2012 Author Super User Posted March 1, 2012 Can't wear toe shoes in the army I wanted a pair but there's signs all over the gym stating the regs an saying u can't wear them in the army. I used to love running bare foot when I was younger so I wanted to get them but I can't not while in uniform maybe once back stateside and back to drilling once a month I'll wear em for running at home but I'm not sure how switching to regular shoes for pt tests will work it would probably be negative. Quote
Super User clayton86 Posted March 2, 2012 Author Super User Posted March 2, 2012 I still need help increasing my stride I keep getting told I run like my legs are humming bird wings I do fast short steps and need to lengthen my stride. Iv been running hills and tuning telephone poles walking to one jog to the next then sprint to the next ad reset start over. I know not to over stride cuz that's bad as well idk I just need better form. Side note the side stitches from the test the other day still hurts I musta pulled something in my side good cuz it still hurts to the touch and when I'm just walking. Quote
VolFan Posted March 2, 2012 Posted March 2, 2012 That's the muscles between your ribs being sore; that means you stressed them. If that's getting sore, lengthening your stride is least of your worries. Long strides are for sprints; quick rhythmic steps are for long distance. When you take long strides, the impact is greater on your body, and then your feet are touching ground longer. You basically kill your own momentum with every leap. Long distance should smooooooooth across the ground. Yoour shoulders should be dorectly over your hips. If you look down and all you see are your toes as you stride, you're leaning forward too much and overstriding. Keep the shoulders over the hips and keep your feet underneath you. Smooth is fast. 1 Quote
Super User clayton86 Posted March 2, 2012 Author Super User Posted March 2, 2012 That's the muscles between your ribs being sore; that means you stressed them. If that's getting sore, lengthening your stride is least of your worries. Long strides are for sprints; quick rhythmic steps are for long distance. When you take long strides, the impact is greater on your body, and then your feet are touching ground longer. You basically kill your own momentum with every leap. Long distance should smooooooooth across the ground. Yoour shoulders should be dorectly over your hips. If you look down and all you see are your toes as you stride, you're leaning forward too much and overstriding. Keep the shoulders over the hips and keep your feet underneath you. Smooth is fast. That's what I do iv been keeping em under me so to speak not reachig out there I'm just constantly getting told to step it out take longer strides which I do towards the end but it's like a quick drain and I'm usually quicker by staying af my quick turn over lookin like a humming bird as guys have started to say. The side stitches came I think from not letting my arms ad hands be relaxed I left em high and clenched for a while and cramped up I kept telling my self tinker em hand and relax but always found my self holding em high. When j run to the gym i keep em low by my side and don't have an issue. Just can't seem to do that on the tests. Quote
Super User A-Jay Posted March 3, 2012 Super User Posted March 3, 2012 Here comes some tough love 86 ~ Come on - let's get serious here. You're not training for the Iron Man - it's 2 miles - 3500 yards - You're a young guy. If you'd been maintaining your condition even just a little, this should be easy. You've received some excellent advice from members who know what they're talking about. There's No Secret to it - just hit the road man. A-Jay Quote
VolFan Posted March 3, 2012 Posted March 3, 2012 X2. 2 miles is a warm-up if you're really serious. Hitch up your skirt and git-r-dun. 1 Quote
Super User clayton86 Posted March 4, 2012 Author Super User Posted March 4, 2012 Well I suck the big one when it comes to running between my build and asthema iv had a very hard time running. Granted yes 2 miles isn't far for people who can run and are bean poles im a short stocky guy I don't fare well at running distance. Now if throwing a loaded ruck an full combat load on and road marching up and down hilly roads or across some woods or mountain in your man but put sneakers on me and say go I'm done for. Quote
VolFan Posted March 5, 2012 Posted March 5, 2012 Excuses are for losers. If you keep making them, you'll keep losing. There are no secrets to hard work. I'm 5'6" (with my shoes on) and 175 and can do all of the above and pass my PT tests. Get some Nikes and Just Do It. We're all pulling for you. Coffee is for closers. Quote
Super User clayton86 Posted March 5, 2012 Author Super User Posted March 5, 2012 I'm not making excuses I'm just saying it's not a easy to go from couch potato to track star iv lost a ton of weight and 3 inches off my waist plus shaved minutes off my run in a mater of 2 weeks in busting I disagree. There's no doubt I'll pass it this next time iv been out on a small FTX for these past few days and I still found time to do pt ontop of the running around on missions flanking and all that other stuff we do. I should have never allowed my self to get in the condition I was in but layin in bed with the wife always seemed the better option then running in the WNY weather wheezing for air. Now I'm I'm the mind set ad life style and I'm motivated doing above and beyond every one else in my platoon or company even to get into shape. Quote
MyKeyBe Posted March 6, 2012 Posted March 6, 2012 Granted yes 2 miles isn't far for people who can run and are bean poles im a short stocky guy I don't fare well at running distance. I'm sure the asthma sucks but really it's only 2 miles. As far as bean poles. When I was in high school I ran cross country and track. We made it to state my Junior year in division 1. We came in last but that's not the point. The best team that year was a divsion 3 school that had like 400 students. Cross Country is 3.1 miles and they had 7 varsity runners and not a single one ran over an 18.00 min. time. They had like 3 guys in the 15's 2 or 3 in the 16's and 1 or 2 in the 17's. The whole team was all 5'5 to maybe 5'9 and all of them were probably 145-165. They where all short bulky dudes. Something else to think about. Can you do any of your training on trails? I was way worse at track than cross country cause I hated running on a track. I was alot faster in the woods than I was on pavement. Maybe something to try if it's an option. Excuses are for losers. If you keep making them, you'll keep losing. There are no secrets to hard work. Get some Nikes and Just Do It. We're all pulling for you. For the most part I agree except get some Saucony's (best running shoes I ever owend) or Asics. Nike's suck. Quote
Super User clayton86 Posted March 6, 2012 Author Super User Posted March 6, 2012 Yes and no on the trails when doing missions we run threw the woods but it's in full battle rattle and it's not far well some times it seems far bit it's usually under a click it's been longer at times. Runnin the track I am way slower because iv been running over 2 on the road in under 16 but the test is on the track a 2 miles is 4 and a 3rd times around which is better then the track at home station 8 times around. I had saucanys and I ripped then out in under a month I just bought NB an they seem pretty good alot better then my 5 year old nikes that are falling apart. Quote
VolFan Posted March 6, 2012 Posted March 6, 2012 For the record my normal running shoes are Sauconys. I like them MUCH better than Nikes. But I needed the motto... Quote
MyKeyBe Posted March 6, 2012 Posted March 6, 2012 I hear ya VolFan. I really have no right posting here. I have not ran alot since around 1995. I'm so out of shape I would probably get side stiches running up the steps in my house. Just trying to help Clayton out. On a side note, I just picked up a pair of Saucony Omni 9's on clearance for $30.00. Most comfortable shoes I have owned in a long time. Quote
Super User A-Jay Posted March 6, 2012 Super User Posted March 6, 2012 I run in these all winter long - Great fit, superior support and very comfortable to run it. Tucker is the definitive All Season running partner. A-Jay Quote
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