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I stumbled across this story which hopefully will inspire someone to follow his lead. But don't copy his grammar, just his lifestyle advice. :laugh5:


Twenty plus years ago, that was me, except I was 227, not 205. Since I made some changes I've been 175 or less.

Kicking the tobacco habit and losing weight were the best things I've ever done for myself.

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I'm over weight but not bad I don't think I think I fall under obese standards looking at numbers. 2 weeks ago I was at 210 today I was 197. I'm supposed to be at 165 I believe according to my height and age. I was on a fast track to being quite big but this deployment stoped it and iv changed alot of habits by force of this life style change. That's definitly a inspiring story fish chris had a post not to long ago about his story and weight loss

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Marty, Don Barone is a professional sports writer. That good-ol-boy grammar is one of his "trademarks."

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I'm joining the party. 190 was my weight when I got married 8 years ago. Now I'm an even 230 and my wife don't cook, lol. I went from a fit, college athlete to a lazy, obese pile of dog do-do. I hate my appearance and I hate myself for allowing me to become the way I am.

My wife bought me the P90X workout system over 6 months ago and I haven't even opened the box. My wife started the gym and thought she was going to die after her 1st cardio workout. She now goes 5 days a week and loves it.

While typing this, I ate my last peanut-butter and jelly sandwich and drank my last soda. As of right now, February 11, 2012 at 9:41 pm, this will be my last post as an obese pile of dog do-do.

I'm taking my life back and puting a new rod and reel into the hands of a kid.


Obese pile of dog do-do

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Down to 280 now. I've lost fifty pounds since October. Gotta get another 30 or 40 off before I can bulk up. I love the science of diet and muscle growth.


i had a dr. tell me you cant base your weight off the bmi charts. if i remember correctly those charts were created soon after ww2 when the soldiers were comin back home and were all really slim. i used to be 280 in high school, went vegetarian for a year and cut 40 pounds. maintained my weight but still wasnt happy. 3 years ago i started mixed martial arts training 6 days a week sometimes twice a day as well as eating very clean and running long distance. 2 1/2-3 months after seriously training and dieting i weighed in for my first fight at 185lbs, knocked dude out in the first round with a few knees, cashed a 200 dollar check and decide to drop to 170, same outcome. point being, if you have it to lose and apply yourself you can lose it in no time. it really does come off fast if you stay with it and have some self discipline. i believe in all of you guys and know you can do it.

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Marty, I have to lose 30 pounds.

Doctor says it will prolong my not getting a total knee replacement.

Just joined a gym to go along with my swimming to start working out.

Thanks for the post.

I will start the diet tomorrow!!!!!!!

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I'm not a big guy, 5'4 and I'm 66yo. I weighed about 170# when I was 28, trimmed to 132# and stayed there about 30 years, my weight crept up to 140# in retirement then I became a diabetic, I lost 25#. I'm back up to 137#, eat a proper diet and take medication for diabetes. I think this is where my body wants to be now so I don't fight it. I'm sure most of the older people will acknowledge that the older you get the harder it lose to weight, plus many medications put weight on as well. At 25 after a good dump I could lose 5#........lol.

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What's there to love about needles and juice. You might as well stay a fat ars.

It was a bad example. Juicing is as bad as being overweight.

My doctor told me back in October that for my height and age I should be at 190. After seeing the look on my face and having a hearty laugh about it. He told me that with the build I have if I got down to 190 I would be unhealthy. He said the only way I could get to that weight would be through losing muscle mass, or amputation of body parts. He did some more poking proding,and pinching. And said 240 maybe 250 would be ideal. I don't put much stock by the BMI anymore.

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Do I weigh more than I should? Yep

In my 20's I was 170 and skinny. I lived on cigarettes, junk food and beer. At 30 I had screws put in my ankle and couldn't walk for 6 months. Quit smoking at the same time and quickly jumped to 235. My job for the last 13 years has been physicaly demanding and as a result my upper and lower body strength has increased tremendously but so has my weight and I'm at 265 in my mid 40's. I'd like to lose weight for health purposes, my appearance doesn't bother me, because if it did I probably would have attempted to lose weight already. I eat more healthy foods now but, being on the road all day and, most of my work is done in restaurants who have no problem offering me free food, I still eat alot of crap. Drinking liquid sugar disguised as whiskey doesn't help either. I think dropping 40lbs would put me at a healthy weight. Now to get the motivation................................................................


Those BMI indexes are unrealistic, especially if you are big / tall framed.

Just my .02


As of September 2011 I was 287.5 lbs and I am 6'2". The wife and I decided that rather than diet we both needed to make a severe lifestyle change to get healthy for life. She was 212 lbs at 5'3". We both were addicted to food and had zero habits for exercise. After five months of severe diet change I am happy to report that I am around the 230 mark right now. I joined a gym 2 weeks ago to rebuild the muscle mass I have lost over the years. I do not aspire to be a body builder, but want to be able to play with my kids out in the yard without getting tired. My trainer gave me some simple things to do and 2-3 x/ wk. I lost the first 51 lbs just on diet alone. My wife joined the gym back in September. She has lost 47 lbs and has improved her physical shape significantly. We had both been unsuccessful dieters for years. My goal is 215-220 and her goal is 140-145.

They say it takes 90 days to form a new habit,but for every time you do it wrong it takes 18 more reps. At 3 meals a day that is an additional 6 days each time. I was into it about 120 days or so before I no longer had to think about what I was eating. By far the hardest thing I have done, but the most rewarding. I had to learn to b honest with myself and hold myself accountable. My wife has been a huge support for me and I am sure she feels the same way about me. Two weeks ago she found an APP for her smartphone called LOSE IT! It helps track.your calorie intake and your exercise expenditures. It has taken my ability to be accountable to another level.

Obviously this is just me. I am happy to share what I have learned. It may or may not work for everyone.

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Well, I have a little different take on it. I think my weight is fine, I just need to be 3" or 4" taller!



Shoot I'm building up for hard times. Figure I can go a month without food. I was 185 lbs and 6ft 2 for years. Then after they cut on my back I dropped down to 6ft 1" and up to 220. After way to many years of not being able to walk to help burn off the food. I jumped to 260. Right now down to 252 and still working on it. Last trip to my heart doctor, His words were if you don't get down under 200 lbs your not going to live many more years...

So I have way to much to live for, Like seeing the grand kids growing up. Plus way to many days on the water left.


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I'm joining the party. 190 was my weight when I got married 8 years ago. Now I'm an even 230 and my wife don't cook, lol. I went from a fit, college athlete to a lazy, obese pile of dog do-do. I hate my appearance and I hate myself for allowing me to become the way I am.

My wife bought me the P90X workout system over 6 months ago and I haven't even opened the box. My wife started the gym and thought she was going to die after her 1st cardio workout. She now goes 5 days a week and loves it.

While typing this, I ate my last peanut-butter and jelly sandwich and drank my last soda. As of right now, February 11, 2012 at 9:41 pm, this will be my last post as an obese pile of dog do-do.

I'm taking my life back and puting a new rod and reel into the hands of a kid.


Obese pile of dog do-do

Good luck, Doug.

I've been cleaning up my act lately myself. I'm doing it for my kids as much as myself. I need to get back to my pre children healthier days. I've knocked out a lot of the bad crap that I've been putting into myself over the last few years. My last two really bad things to kick are smoking and soda. I've cut way, way back on the smokes. Soda is going to be a rough one for me..... Needs to be done so I can make sure I'm around as long as possible for my daughters.

  • Super User

My goodness... we have a bunch of chubby chubs on here (me included!). I was 180 when I finished up with college 10 years ago and now I'm up to 220... basically 4 lbs per year. You don't notice it on a year to year basis but when you look at old pics it's like, "What the HECK?!?" My wife is a workout-aholic with P90x and P90x2 for the past couple years and looks fantastic, so the least I could do is start working out with her. I'm hoping to be down to 190 by the time I turn 40 (less than a year away)... nice to see I'm not alone in here. Best of luck fellas!

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Every one talks about cutting stuff out I did that an that's when I got big. I'm only 25 from 6th grade till I was 21 I was 5'9 135lbs I ate everything in sight I could not gain weight to save my life but I was also very active I was playing semi pro and eventually pro paintball plus working. Started smoking at 16 then drank like a fish from 17 to 21 there was a time when I was let's see just befor my 20th birthday till the day I stoped drinking I drank a 30 a night of labatts blue plus shots or just bottles of vodka. I had a huge drinkin problem still ate everything I could. Threw all that I hit 140 maybe if I just ate and hadn't took a dump yet. I quit all that started eating healthy and shot to 220 when my wife got prego with our first. I usually hover around 210 give or take a few. Last week I weighted in at 197.

I'm thinking I need to bring the bad habits back lol that or pick up the other thing that has lacked but this is a family site but most u know what slows down once that wedding night comes and goes lol.

  • Super User

Every one talks about cutting stuff out I did that an that's when I got big. I'm only 25 from 6th grade till I was 21 I was 5'9 135lbs I ate everything in sight I could not gain weight to save my life but I was also very active I was playing semi pro and eventually pro paintball plus working. Started smoking at 16 then drank like a fish from 17 to 21 there was a time when I was let's see just befor my 20th birthday till the day I stoped drinking I drank a 30 a night of labatts blue plus shots or just bottles of vodka. I had a huge drinkin problem still ate everything I could. Threw all that I hit 140 maybe if I just ate and hadn't took a dump yet. I quit all that started eating healthy and shot to 220 when my wife got prego with our first. I usually hover around 210 give or take a few. Last week I weighted in at 197.

I'm thinking I need to bring the bad habits back lol that or pick up the other thing that has lacked but this is a family site but most u know what slows down once that wedding night comes and goes lol.

That'll deplete the ol testosterone supply quicker than anything else. Not that its a bad thing. ;)

  • Super User

Good luck, Doug.

I've been cleaning up my act lately myself. I'm doing it for my kids as much as myself. I need to get back to my pre children healthier days. I've knocked out a lot of the bad crap that I've been putting into myself over the last few years. My last two really bad things to kick are smoking and soda. I've cut way, way back on the smokes. Soda is going to be a rough one for me..... Needs to be done so I can make sure I'm around as long as possible for my daughters.

Thanks Eric.

My son will be 4 next month and I'll be 45 in August and retire in 4 years. I have got to drop some weight and get back in to somewhat decent shape.

I haven't had any soda or ceffeine today and now have a major headache from the the withdrawl. Sodas pack on a ton of weight and I drink about 3 cans a day plus 16oz of sweet tea. I also LOVE ice cream. A 1/2 gallon lasts me 2 sittings.

I actually eat pretty good/healthy meals, but I also eat a sht load of junk like ice cream, M&M's, PnutButter and jelly, and chips..

My plan is to lay off the ice cream, soda, tea and chips for 30-45 days and see if I can drop a few pounds. Once I drop a few pounds then I'll start with lite exercising.

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Do I weight more than I should ? I'm going to say no.

A career in the service afforded me an opportunity to stay in decent physical condition.

In 2007, I retired at 47.

First two years out, I slacked off and got pretty soft.

Finally got my act together in 2009.

Built a home gym, got some equipment and made the commitment.

I'm very glad I did and I have no intension of going back.

For those who are thinking about improving their physical condition - I say go for it and let nothing stand in your way.


This is last summer, I was 52.

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Even healthy food is unhealthy if you eat too much of it. Formula is simple, eat less calories and burn some more. The diet and workout industry takes in billions of dollars per year, they all say pretty much the same thing, eat less food, control the foods that produce fat and get off your butt........It isn't easy, but it's that simple.

Ajay looks real good, he should be proud of himself.

I'm 66 and my workout days have ended, but I do a lot of walking especially in the sand on the beach while I'm fishing, my legs are in good shape and I never get tired fishing. We read all the time about weight and balance in fishing gear to reduce fatigue, sure it helps, but the reason some get tired is that hey are plain out of shape. Probably one of the added bonuses of bass fishing, you can be a physical wreck and still do it. Try throwing a 12' surf rod, 18 oz reel and 4 oz lure, surf guys do it for hours, they get some pretty hefty fish too, simply because their bodies are in shape.

It just takes stamina and technique to another site, not brute strength.


Even healthy food is unhealthy if you eat too much of it. Formula is simple, eat less calories and burn some more. The diet and workout industry takes in billions of dollars per year, they all say pretty much the same thing, eat less food, control the foods that produce fat and get off your butt........It isn't easy, but it's that simple.


When I first started my lifestyle change to control my weight I was a Carb junkie. The wife and I began with a no carb diet and then worked our way to a low carb diet. Along the way I was not consumed with how much I ate, but more that I was not eating "Bad" carbs. I leanred 4-5 months into my routine that I had raised my Cholesterol considerably and my doctor and I had the talk about going on a medication for it. I advised him of my weight loss and diet and he quickly agreed to let me make more changes to control what I was consuming. I can tell you first hand that you are more of "How much you eat" than "what you eat" if you have tried to eat healthy. I would encourage everyone who is trying to eat healthy to look into some form of calorie intake calculator. You would be shocked at the things you assume would be good for you only, to find that they contain a large amount of calories at the amount we consume.

Simple things I have learned along my way:

1. Don't deny yourself food, you need to learn control

2. Find what your vise is and avoid it at all costs

3. Expect to have withdrawls.....Sugar is no less addicting than say smoking or drinking

4. I firmly believe that beginning with a change in diet habits is the first step, exercise can come later as you get your weight under control

5. Don't watch the scale. Take an intial weight, take measurements, go by how you feel and how your clothes fit

6. Don't go overboard. Too much too fast is not a good thing. 1-2 lbs per week is simple and healthy. You may even get better results than going to drastic and throwing your body into starvation

7. Find someone to do it with. This is hard to do alone and there are plenty of people out there who will want to discourage you


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