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I never paid a lot of attention to where I sat in a restaurant or anywhere for that matter. After taking my CPL course I pay much closer attention and and always looking for a always out in case of emergency. With that said my wife understands where we sit and where to go. She took the course also. My main objective is to get them to safety and then defend if necessary. She shoots pretty darn good herself so I have some good backup. I don't like that she carries in her purse, but better than not at all.


More reasons to carry,

BERKS COUNTY, Pa. -- A 65-year-old man who was attacked by three boys in Berks County on Wednesday and fought back by shooting two of them was the third victim of their robbery attempts, police said.

IMAGES: Reading Shooting Scene

The man was riding his bicycle about 11 a.m. on the Thun Trail near the Bertolet Fishing Dock in West Reading when the boys knocked him off his bicycle and pinned him against a fence in an apparent robbery attempt, police said.

Two of the boys were assaulting the man when he pulled a handgun and shot them, police said.

Berks County District Attorney John Adams said Thursday that the teens are accused of robbing two other men prior to the robbery attempt on the 65-year-old man.

Julias Johnson, a 16-year-old on probation, was pronounced dead at the scene. The other boy, a 15-year-old whose name was not released, was taken to Reading Hospital with a single gunshot wound to his neck and is expected to survive.

Police said they took the third teen, Michael Gonzalez, 16, and the victim to the Cumru Township police station for questioning. They consulted Adams, released the victim and sent Gonzalez to the Youth Detention Center.

Adams said he does not condone violence but said the man had no choice but to defend himself against the teens.

Adams said the victim did not provoke the attack, could not get away and feared for his life. He added that he will not be pressing charges against the man who shot the teens.

The teens are accused of robbing two other men earlier that day.

The boys had skipped school that day, Adams said. Probation officers placed an electronic monitoring device on Johnson's ankle after visiting him earlier Wednesday.

For missing school, Johnson was supposed to report to the probation office Wednesday afternoon, Adams said. Johnson was on probation for prior "criminal activity."

The injured teen and Gonzalez attended Governor Mifflin School District. Johnson attended the Reading School District.

Read more: http://www.wgal.com/...l#ixzz1klKH6zVq


You just never know when. My B-I-L got run off the road a couple months back by some high school kids who thought he and his wife were an elderly couple they could take advantage of. By his description, this does not seem like the first time they had pulled this stunt. He made the mistake if exiting his vehicle without realizing that the other two vehicles involved had both exited their vehicles. One kid sucker punched him before he knew what was going on. When he regained his senses after being punched he pulled his pistol and let everyone know he planned on using it if they didn't stop. Neither kid believed him and continued to come at him to assault him again. Then he dropped the laser sight on one of the kids chest. They quickly scattered after realizing he wasn't kidding. He came within one step of having to defend himself. They ended up arresting both of the kids and one of them has a police officer as a father. The other kid has a rap sheet a mile long at 17. It could have ended much worse for any of them.


I couldn't imagine going fishing or being in a remote area by myself without mine. I've got 500 dollars worth of gear with me on any given day, I've also accumulated a few enemies in my "cruising" days.

A couple years ago, I thought about how easy it would be to sneak up on me while I'm fishing (if they could find me, and if there was a couple of them) Now, they'll have to run faster than 2,300 F.P.S. haha.

  • Super User

I never leave home without my Ruger SP101. And it's not far from my reach at home either. This is a very different time that we live in. Nothing like 50 years ago, that's for sure. And btw....I always sit with my back to the wall in any restaurant or business.

  • Super User

When going anywhere I pack my two glock 9mm's. One in the pants and one under my left arm. When fishing both ride under my arms or somewhere around me on the boat. They also get the 30 rd hi-cap clips while fishing. I also generally got my .22 Jennings in my boot. As well as my baby, my microtech auto knife on my belt.

  • Super User

When going anywhere I pack my two glock 9mm's. One in the pants and one under my left arm. When fishing both ride under my arms or somewhere around me on the boat. They also get the 30 rd hi-cap clips while fishing. I also generally got my .22 Jennings in my boot. As well as my baby, my microtech auto knife on my belt.

Dang bro, you need to move outta da hood.

  • Super User

Dang bro, you need to move outta da hood.

It's more to do with the urban blight that is slowly making its way into the suburbs of Birmingham. That and the fact that a lot of the ponds I fish are attracting more city dwellers to places they didn't use to go. Fishing brings everyone together, until some moron looking for a quick buck comes along and tries to ruin it for everyone.

  • Super User

I don't carry yet but will when I get back after this deployment the paper works on hold till my return. I plan on carrying every where iv had a gun pulled on me once while fishing I'm lucky me and my nephew didn't get shot cuz I ran my mouth. The guy pulled a ruger 10/22 on us for fishing his spot I told him he's got it out he better use it if your gonna point it at me. He just said some choice words and left. But theres lots of crap going on now adays that I'd want to be carrying theirs stabbing and robberies all the d**n time in my little town people are getting desperate in these times.

  • Super User

I don't carry yet but will when I get back after this deployment the paper works on hold till my return. I plan on carrying every where iv had a gun pulled on me once while fishing I'm lucky me and my nephew didn't get shot cuz I ran my mouth. The guy pulled a ruger 10/22 on us for fishing his spot I told him he's got it out he better use it if your gonna point it at me. He just said some choice words and left. But theres lots of crap going on now adays that I'd want to be carrying theirs stabbing and robberies all the d**n time in my little town people are getting desperate in these times.

That's why I pack so much heat. I'm armed to the teeth everywhere I go. Some call it overkill, I call it death through superior fire power.

  • Like 1

I went shooting last night at the local range with a buddy of mine. He had never been there before and it is in a not so choice neighborhood. We walked in at 5pm in the light and left at 7pm in the dark. Before we walked out I loaded 17 hollow point rounds in the bigger clip and 10 FMJ rounds in the smaller one. He asked why. He chose not to do anything. I slipped my 9mm into my Remorse holster in the middle of my back and walked out the door. There were a group of 5 or 6 teenage youth across the street where we parked. I told him not to arty and we walked across the street. Never know when they may grow a set, but I was prepared for just about anything. He called on his way home to know where I got my holster and my hollow points. It was pretty funny.

  • Super User

That's why I pack so much heat. I'm armed to the teeth everywhere I go. Some call it overkill, I call it death through superior fire power.

I'm usually armed wether by blade or I carry a rifle in my car as well along with one with my wifes cars there hunting rifles but I'll tell ya what ya still don't want to be on the recieving end of it if I can see ya I can shoot ya 90% of the time and I can work a bolt or pump gun in tight places if need be but I'd still rather get a sig 229 when I get home.

  • Super User

I'm usually armed wether by blade or I carry a rifle in my car as well along with one with my wifes cars there hunting rifles but I'll tell ya what ya still don't want to be on the recieving end of it if I can see ya I can shoot ya 90% of the time and I can work a bolt or pump gun in tight places if need be but I'd still rather get a sig 229 when I get home.

If ya run ya only die tired huh? :D

I used to carry a street sweeper in my truck. However that didn't go over real well when the popo came out to the pond I was fishing one day. Apparently open carry doesn't apply to all weapons.


Anybody ever notice if you're going fishing, or are currently fishing at the time, the cops are more likely to go easy on you?

For instance, my buddy and I were driving from Asheville, NC to Lake Murray, SC at about 4 in the morning. Going about 88 MPH in my Tundra 5.7 Iforce in a 70 Mph zone. Just for honesty's sake, I will admit that we had Adderal pills, a case of Coors, and I had an illegal .22 pistol under the seat. Ok.... cop pulls us over, we are wired tight as a Banjo, looking suspicious. Windows tinted black, and I had 22's on my truck at that time. (I thought I was cool) He approaches us VERY cautiously, and looks at us like we're the Mexican cartel. So I told him "we're in a hurry to get to lake Murray" he looks in the back seat, sees all the tackle, and then you see his expression change from " I'm gonna shoot these guys" to " I feel like I've known these guys all my life " He lets us off with a warning and tells us " good luck " :pray:

  • 2 months later...
  • Super User

Hey tough guys...

I'm a part of the "posse", but unless you are in law enforcement, you have NO authority

other than "self protection". Our "rights" demand responsibility. Regardless of what you

post on a fishing website, be VERY careful in real life.


Actually, your rights regarding the use of deadly force to defend your life or the lives of others vary from state to state. If you're going to carry a gun, make sure you know the laws in your state.



I live in the wonderful (pun intended) state of Illinois...the only state where no form of carrying is allowed. Thanks to Chicago. I won't get into all that though....it makes my blood boil. Ya'll should realize how fortunate you are to be able to carry and have that peace of mind. I do carry when I'm on private property (legal) and I do keep a gun in my truck ( in a case, mags loaded, but gun not loaded---legal). Maybe one day they will finally let us carry...pretty well the whole state is for it but Chicago...Downstate lawmakers (where I live) are pushing for it hard only to be shot down.

  • 1 month later...
  • Global Moderator

I carry most of the time I'm off duty, don't make many friends at work :eyebrows: . They don't do any good in the safe at home when you need them at the gas station or bank. I also don't understand unloaded them at home. Keep them in a safe place away from children yes, but a burglar isn't going to give you time to load up and a gun without bullets is a rock.

Loved the video, dropped that first guy like a bad habit.

  • Super User

I carry most of the time I'm off duty, don't make many friends at work :eyebrows: . They don't do any good in the safe at home when you need them at the gas station or bank. I also don't understand unloaded them at home. Keep them in a safe place away from children yes, but a burglar isn't going to give you time to load up and a gun without bullets is a rock.

Loved the video, dropped that first guy like a bad habit.

I agree but I dont keep mine loaded but the magazines are loaded and all it takes is a quick push and pull and your ready to throw lead. I only have rifles right now but the magazines are loaded right with the gun. The shot guns all have shells in the tube but none in the chamber yeah people argue it wears the spring but so what not that fast and if it ever does start to go bad replace it its not expensive but iv been keeping my shot gun that way for 15 years now she still feeds and ejects no problemo. I'm exited to move to Texas though after this deployment no more stupid NYS gun laws.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Super User

Raider, up here in Richmond the urban dwellers have taken the beautiful bass out of a local pond.

We used to catch some five-pounders and many two and three-pounders but now, they are gone.

I was fishing the pond when one showed up with his bucket. He caught a one-pounder and put it in the bucket. I yelled at him not to do it as he is killing the pond for bass. He smiled and said OK, but I am sure he returned with his friends to complete the kill.

Had I had a weapon with me I may have shot in his direction to scare him off.

So the pond is out of bass and I may try to put some back in it this summer, but not if they are going to return to take the fish to eat.

Our friends from south of the boarder catch, kill and filet beautiful catfish on the James River. We have complained to the Game and Inland Fisheries but there is nothing they can do but chase them away if they find them in the act.

So get ready to head out of B-town towards Awbunn to do some fishing!!!!!!!!!

I guess this problem is everywhere.


Raider, up here in Richmond the urban dwellers have taken the beautiful bass out of a local pond.

We used to catch some five-pounders and many two and three-pounders but now, they are gone.

I was fishing the pond when one showed up with his bucket. He caught a one-pounder and put it in the bucket. I yelled at him not to do it as he is killing the pond for bass. He smiled and said OK, but I am sure he returned with his friends to complete the kill.

Had I had a weapon with me I may have shot in his direction to scare him off.

So the pond is out of bass and I may try to put some back in it this summer, but not if they are going to return to take the fish to eat.

Our friends from south of the boarder catch, kill and filet beautiful catfish on the James River. We have complained to the Game and Inland Fisheries but there is nothing they can do but chase them away if they find them in the act.

So get ready to head out of B-town towards Awbunn to do some fishing!!!!!!!!!

I guess this problem is everywhere.

Nothing personal, but if this is your mindset then you have no business carrying a gun.

  • Super User

Yep, that's why I do not carry.

I am fortunate not to place myself into situations where one needs to carry but as pointed out above, an Alfred Hitchcock moment can occur when you least expect it.

To see our waters polluted and fish taken that destroys the beauty and enjoyment of nature just rubs me the wrong way.

And for those who do not know, Alfred Hitchcock's movies placed unsuspecting people into chaotic situations.

I sincerely hope it never happens to you, anyone on the Forum, your family members and friends.

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