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Got this idea from 00 mod year in review(Thanks)

What did everybody accomplish this year and what are your goals for next year?


For me, #1 has to be qualifing for the Anglers Choice TOC. I've been tourney fishing for 6 years and this has been the best year so far. Maybe not a big deal to some but this is a first to me. I also weighed in the heaviest fish of the season(May not be big to you southerners)@ 4.91lbs


Won enough money this year to cover my entry fees, launch fees, and gas. (It's like I fished for free)

I converted my son from a Senko fisherman to a jig fisherman and he won't put the jig down.


Do well at the TOC. Spend more time not jig fishing. I want to use all these other baits I have in my collection. Become a more competent bed fisherman. I lose patience quickly, and know I am missing out on some quality fish. Figure out summer patterns on my home water. I'm hit or miss every year. I can catch plenty of dinks during the summer but the big fish are few and far between.

  • Super User

Catch a musky, check

Catch a stream trout over 3 lbs, check

Catch a 5lb+ bass locally, check

Have my son catch a decent bass (3lb), check

Learn baitcasting, check

Catch a good size bass on my 5' UL setup (3lb), check

All local, public spots, which proves even more tough in my area

Only goal I haven't accomplished was recatching a state record pickerel I let go last year.

Next years goals will include a 6+lb bass, getting a boat, and whatever else comes up that makes a challenge.

  • Super User

For a year that started out so well, 2011 was pretty much a complete bust for me.

The absolute high point was having the year start out by attending the Bass Resource Road Trip. The chance to meet the other attendees is an experience that will stay with me the rest of my life. A better class of ladies and gentlemen can't be found. Fishing for a couple of days with Alspter wasn't just fun, but made me wish that I would have had more time to fish with some of the others during that week as well. I'll consider that as a future goal in 2012 and/or beyond.

Once I got back to Michigan, the bottom fell out!

I can't say that the fishing was bad, because I got so little time to actually go. I did get the chance to hit the water during the pre-season a couple of times. I even made it on the water on May 28th which is opening day. Then the boat didn't get wet for another 22 days. Let's just say that there are times in life where fishing has to take a backseat to other priorities, and 2011 was just one of those times.

For 2012, I'll start out by saying that the glass is already half-full. Aside from picking up a few new things that sponsors like North Star, Seibert, or the Big O have come out with, the tackle boxes are full. I've already got reservations for a couple of fishing trips paid for. Granted that one of those trips conflicts with the next Road Trip, but I haven't given up trying to figure out how to squeeze them together. Just the fact that I plan to be on the water more than last year should make this year's goals a little more attainable.

1st Goal - Just getting on the water!

2nd Goal - Finally to honestly getting into fishing a swim jig.

3rd Goal - Catch a slob smallie. On one of the Big O's new grubs.

4th Goal - Putting up a picture here holding that hawg while wearing a Rage Tail hat.

5th Goal - Getting one of those hats!


I had a great year!! All goals met (I think). I wanted to record each of my outings, which I did. Fish a squarebill and jig more, had great success with the squarebill. I caught more and bigger fish this year than any other. It was a good year.

2012 goals include learning and fishing finesse techniques, mainly the shakeyhead. Try to catch some fish in a bit deeper water away from the bank. Get back to fishing a plain old texas rigged worm. Catch more and bigger fish than I did this year!!!


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#1 was 7 guys fishing with me and catching their PB...Updated 12/18

BassResource.com 2011 Roadtrip

Fishing with new friends and especially Big O & Steezy

Attending my first professional bass tournament (LBAA at Old Hickory),

especially since two of our ladies were competing! ( Keri May & Debbie Warner).

Fishing with Glenn and "hanging" with both he and Keri

Fishing with ghoti and Long Mike

Fishing with so many guys in the Memphis area, especially 00 mod


2011: Made it to Clear Lake and caught some really nice fish in spite of a terrible weather pattern. Matched my personal best large mouth. Caught my PB small mouth. Learned a ton about some new locations and had some hot trips while doing so. Fished in three tournaments and didn't come in last in one of them. Made friends with some great guys on this forum. I can't complain.

2012: Back to Clear Lake. Fish a swimbait more. Just get out more. My job this year was brutal on me and should improve. I still want to break 9 for largemouth and 6 for a smallie. I can only hope and try and put my time in. I just want to keep learning and maybe get just 1 more rod and 1 more reel. Just one. :pray:

  • Super User

Great idea! LOL

My 2012 goals are to break the 10lb mark......thats a HUGE goal, but if you don't set your standards high well then........


  • Super User

This season I matched my PB lmb, and I saw half a dozen smb that would easily exceed my 5lb PB.

So at least I know where to look next year.

Fishing the clear waters here requires a somewhat stealthy approach and lighter line is the order of the day. So I don't know if this is a goal exactly, but I hate breaking off fish. Everybody does. It Really makes me crazy. I very rarely do it, but this fall I broke off two fish. And of course as we all say when this happens "That must have been a huge fish". I'm fairly retentive about my tackle, line and knots but have yet to go a whole season without at least a break off or two.

For 2012, I hope to land those two fish I snap off every year. For me that would be like pitching a perfect game.


  • Super User

For 2011 I put two buddies on 6lb+ smallie pbs. Very satisfying.

I tied my largemouth pb & got a nice musky, walleye & big channel cat.

For 2012 I would like to see some other buddies get new pbs. Hint hint.

  • Super User

We had a similar thread last year so I looked that up to see what I said my goals were for 2011:

Well, I made my 2010 goals - get off the bank and on the water (got a canoe) and to catch 1,000 bass (I'm at 1052 as of today). For 2011 - I guess my goals would be to wean myself from my confidence baits and to learn new baits/techniques, to better understand and exploit underwater structure, to better understand and use my sonar, and to improve the quality of the fish caught (larger average size). Not as quantifiable as the 2010 goals, but goals nonetheless!

So - how did I do on my 2011 goals?

--Wean from confidence baits and learn new baits/techniques: Some progress. Still need to learn JIGS!

--Better understand and exploit underwater structure: Some progress - limited by the fact that I didn't fish from the canoe much this year.

--Better understand and use my sonar: Not much progress, wasn't in the canoe much this year. BUT, I have a hankering to upgrade to SI for next season and will have a new learning curve :lol:

--To improve the quality of the fish caught: SUCCESS! I caught quite a few larger fish in 2011 than in 2010. Part of the improvement was from bait selection and use, part from better knowledge of my lakes and eliminating non-productive water.

Other accomplishments for 2011:

--Beat last year's bass numbers - 1054 last year, I'm at 1069 right now and still catching.

--Bumped my LMB PB from 7.75 to 9.06.

--Caught two 40-pound class carp this year - (GREAT fun!).

--An accomplishment, but a negative one - bought too much tackle this year :lol:

Now - goals for 2012.....about the same as 2011:

--Continue to learn new baits - espescially jigs.

--Continue to improve quality of fish.

--Get in the canoe more (an imperative if I pop the coin for SI).

--Continue to learn to use the sonar for more than just depth and bottom contour.

--Lower my goal from 1,000 bass to 750 (need to clear some time for other interests).

--And MOST importantly, have FUN....and NOT be burdened by the pressure of the goals......................... :lol:

  • Super User

For 2011 I put two buddies on 6lb+ smallie pbs. Very satisfying.

I tied my largemouth pb & got a nice musky, walleye & big channel cat.

For 2012 I would like to see some other buddies get new pbs. Hint hint.

Who could he possibly be referring to ?



My 2011 was the year I finally got back into fishing like I should of been. I gave it up to try to pursue a dream in dirt stock car racing. This dream ended however in a barrel roll down the straight away and finishing up side down on the last night of 2010. So after finally saying I've had enough of this driving crap and sat back and realized I missed a whole Waterfowl season and hadn't bought a fishing license yet and it was September. After taking a step back and looking at everything I went back to crewing on the race cars which finally left time for fishing. 2011 was a year of getting gear back in check, remembering some of the old hot spots that I hadn't hit in awhile as well as finding new hot spots. Got my boat back together and working great and found this website for the 2nd time with my old account still intact. Since the racing season ended this year back in September I have been out on the water chasing bass and sauger having a blast and relaxing. 2012 can only get better. Going to run for a championship at the track with my best friend driving and me standing safely on the side lines with a wrench in my hand. Just started a new job that has actual vacation time so I am already planning a trip to Bull Shoals lake to hit up some bass and walleye next year, as well as a few weekends on pool 13 and pool 4 of the Mississippi river. So I'm ready for 2012 bring it on!

New job means I can keep working towards that shiny Ranger i have been wanting since I was a kid lol



fished first tournament

learned how to use my casting gear without back lashing every 5 casts


I want to fish at least 3 tournaments

Fish at least 3 days a week

Catch a 5 lubber

Catch a limit in a tournament

The one thing that I would really love to see but isn't about me.

Get to see my little brother catch a slob that's worthy of an Ike style freakout! He's spent the last few years watching my dad and I catch nice ones and I'd like to see him get a beast.

  • Super User

Who could he possibly be referring to ?


I think you should drive right over there this spring and find out!

  • Super User

In 2011, I finally forced myself to throw a jig and it paid off. Now I certainly didn't catch any monsters, but I caught enough fish to have confidence in this thing after more or less avoiding it for the last few years.

I also spent a good amount of time throwing the carolina rig this past year, and again had some good success with some good fish up to 6 lbs.

In 2012, I want to build on my effectiveness with both the above techniques, and I especially want to stick some bigger fish on a jig. I also REALLY want to get to the BR roadtrip this year, at least for a few days.

  • Super User

Who could he possibly be referring to ?


You are quick.


Accomplishments~ Caught a decent bass on a crank bait( 2 and a half pounds exactly). Learned how to cast my bait caster and even caught a few fish on it. Learned how to properly Texas rig, and I finally can catch bass consistently on a variety of soft plastics. I Caught some nice fish on a jig, and lipless crank bait.

Goals~ Expand my skills on jig fishing, and also get fluorocarbon line. But the two biggest ones are fish larger lakes even though I'm beating the bank, and get good at fishing crank baits.


My biggest goal for 2012 would be to just become a more complete fisherman. I'd like to continue to learn new techniques and more importantly when to use them. This is a goal that is not as measurable as others.

Measurable Goals

-Finally break the 6lb mark

-Become more productive in the use of my sonar

-Spend more time on the water, and try and get others out with me


Caught a lot of really nice fish this year. If I'm correct, it is something like 37 fish in the 4-7 lb. range. I learned A LOT this year, much moreso than years past. Had a couple of firsts this year as well: first Rainbow, first dropshot fish, first shakeyhead fish, first time using flouro, first "high end" rod (which I almost regret :D ), and first squarebill fish.

I learned a lot about new techniques, especially sqaurebills. They really are a lot of fun to fish, and in the right conditions can catch some decent fish:


Learned to fish structure a lot better as well, and caught a couple nice chunks doing so:


Oh yeah, I got pretty good with a swimjig:


Without saying too much, 2012 should be a very special year for me.


2011 Goal was to catch a new PB (prior was 5.5)

-Accomplished...7.8 lbs

2012 Goal is to catch a new PB in the 8lb range


2010 goal: attend Roadtrip. Check.

2011 goal: same, add one point, fish with Big O one day.

  • Super User

My goals are simple enough.

In no particular order:

1. Spend some more time fishing with the BR guys down here.

2. Beat my PB with a 13+ pound Largemouth. I've got the right lake, just need to go out and spend the time targeting nothing but giants.

3. Break the state record for a Peacock bass. Odds are this means finding one on a bed, or breaking out the live shiners.

4. Take somebody bass fishing that's never done it before.

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Learned a couple of new techniques from a couple of new friends. That should probably be reversed since making new friends tops learning new techniques.

The number one goal is to get back to Lake Champlain at least a couple of times next season.and top what one of those new friends were able to do this year thanks to the advice of the other new friend.


2011: Caught the most bass I ever have in one year (667), caught a new pb (6lb 12oz), and my buddy and I won our first tournament together

2012: Learn how to fish a dropshot, Catch more bass than I did this year, catch an 8 pounder, win more tournaments, and have the most overall weight at the end of the year in my tournament trail



-Finally learned to establish a pattern


-Catching a +10lb bass at Guntersville.


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