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Do you ever get the guy in the boat with you who is just so competitive that he takes the fun and relaxation out of your fishing trip? I'll bet your thinking of someone now, or maybe its you. I have several good friends who just can't take it if you catch more or better fish than they do. They won't say anything if you get up on them but oh boy if they catch a pig or more than me, then the smack talk starts. It drives me crazy! I always want the other guy to do well. I guess I'am just geared a little different.

Looking forward to the comments :D


Oh yeah, my buddy is pretty easy going, but this guy has caught more DD bass than anyone I know (when nobody else is around)! If it's not DD bass, it's crazy numbers, 50 fish outings, EVERY time.

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One of my buddies always makes it his goal to outfish me or catch more big fish than me. I didn't know he did that until one day we were driving home and he said "I thought I had you today." I didn't know what he meant and when I asked he said "Well I started with 2 four pounders and you only caught 1 fish to my first 6 but then you ended up catching a 3, 2 4's, 2 5.5s, and a couple big hybrids too. Everytime I think I'm going to outfish you it seems like you end up tearing them up." I told him if I knew it was a contest I would have been trying harder :lol:


There's always that biggest fish competition, but i never pay attention to numbers. Actually, i think i fish harder by myself. I love being carted around in the back of the boat...catching them or not.

  • Super User

Do you ever get the guy in the boat with you who is just so competitive that he takes the fun and relaxation out of your fishing trip?

Something similar, I have the 'It pees off the boat guys' which ruins the time when they vulture over to you cause you land something from the shore. Guess it's just a select few but there's always one.

I always want the other guy to do well. I guess I'm just geared a little different.

I'm the same way, If I do good I'll stop for a bit and coach or take less pressure out of the water. Regaurdless I'd still like to see someone else have a good time other than me

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Nope I'll drop you like a bad habit. I go out with my buddy and we never pick on each other who's got the biggest or the most.Instead we are usually helping each other out. Swapping secrets or techniques. High 5's go around when we catch a good one.

I'm out there to have fun. I'm not in competition to be honest.

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I dont mind the competiveness nature as much as I mind the constant talking/yapping. Actually, I don't mind the talking as long as I don't have to acknowledge I'm listening. I can tune out the yapping, but don't like to take the time to acknowledge everything your saying. I kind of just like to shut up and fish. :D

  • Super User

I dont mind the competiveness nature as much as I mind the constant talking/yapping. Actually, I don't mind the talking as long as I don't have to acknowledge I'm listening. I can tune out the yapping, but don't like to take the time to acknowledge everything your saying. I kind of just like to shut up and fish. :D

Can we at least talk about how bad the Phins are? :D

Personally, I just enjoy getting out on the water. I'm generally happy whether I'm catching fish or not.

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There are some folks I have fished with that one time is more than enough.

I really want the folks who fish with me, esp in my boat to do well. I will let you use my stuff, make the first cast to prime spots, whatever. I want to catch some too, but I am fine with you catching more and/or bigger as long as when I return the favor you don't whine and cry about it much. :D I don't mind a little good natured give and take, but talk a bunch of smack and you can find someone else to fish with in the future...life is too short and time on the water too valuable to suffer fools.

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I mostly bass fish alone and enjoy it, but I do bass fish with a neighbor, he's a charter tuna/striper captain from N.J., half the time we are BSing and I'm watching him fish, he's new to bass fishing. I'd rather see him catch fish. Even saltwater fishing I'm happy for the other guy catching a good fish. I fish for relaxation, I competed in business for 40 years.

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I have found over the years that some people have to dominate certain people they feel inferior to and this is one form of it. :(


Sorry Shane, if i would have known you were so sensitive about losing i would have let catch a few more. :D No seriously, thanks for the trip Lisa and I had a great time.


  • Super User

I can testify that I have gotten frustrated when a peer is catching a lot of bass and I'm not catching anything (like 9 bass to my zero) but it's never been about trying to outcompete or best anyone. A perfect day is when everyone catches fish and when I'm positioning the boat, I usually wait until everyone is in position to cast before I will. I feel like a bad host when I take someone new out and I'm catching and they're not and often times I'll let a newby get first dibs on a choice piece of cover. While I will sometimes talk about the thrill of a catch, I don't like to talk smack.


Its all about having fun..."fun" is a relative term for each person. Personalities vary. Some people love the competitiveness at various levels...smack talking for fun...other people find it annoying...

But it seems like if you are the type to be competitive, but not have fun if you lose, or able to "dish it but not take it" then that is universally "no fun"....and a friendly competition is only fun really if both people are interested in a friendly competition....some may find it a tad intimidating...to each his own I suppose...

But for me, the worst kind of person to go with you is the one that doesnt have fun for whatever reason...I have never fished with that kind of person, but my neighbor has told me stories...we have fun if we catch 50, 10, 5, 3, or none..."a bad day of fishing is better than a goodday at the office" :lol:

Personally, I like just focusing on a strategy for BOTH of us in the boat to do the best we can do collectively...we may vary our tactics on a spot..fish differnt depths and different lures..and when we find a bite, we may home in on that strategy...its a team effort to catch either the most fish or the big fish that we can as a boat...having said that, we do compete and keep count just for fun and we usually note who caught more, or who caught the big fish for the day...but its not really a focus and neither of us really think much of it cause who "wins" almost always varies....

I wouldnt get ticked if someone wanted to be competitive and all "in your face, booyahh"...but I do not prefer it personally...to each his own I guess.


I can testify that I have gotten frustrated when a peer is catching a lot of bass and I'm not catching anything (like 9 bass to my zero) but it's never been about trying to outcompete or best anyone. A perfect day is when everyone catches fish and when I'm positioning the boat, I usually wait until everyone is in position to cast before I will. I feel like a bad host when I take someone new out and I'm catching and they're not and often times I'll let a newby get first dibs on a choice piece of cover. While I will sometimes talk about the thrill of a catch, I don't like to talk smack.

Amen...I agree...and on that note, I recall once my father in law visiting and brought him to a private group of lakes here in alabama (triple D ranch) - generally we catch at least 20-30 or more fish per person there and its a ball...2 boats went on the trip, 4 people...and long story short, he some how killed us all - caught 22 bass, and the rest of us caught under 5 fish ALL DAY - and we were doing the same thing as him?? I wanted to throw him out of the boat, lol...no really I wasnt frustrated AT him, it was more general frustration and lack of understanding how the hell I wasnt getting bit...still cant figure out that day...but at the end of the day I say good for him, and it was still a fun day of fishing and certainly memorable....

he did have this annoying snicker when catching those fish - that was starting to tick me off, lol - he knew it too :angry:

  • Super User

I understand your frustration. I am pretty competitive with the guys I regularly fish with but we don't talk smack just sit back with a stupid grin on our faces. I have one buddy I have fished with since high school. He is the guy I usually take trips with & we fish together 4-6 weeks each year. He lives in Georgia. Funny thing is we rarely catch fish together. He is hot when I am cold & vice versus. Sometime it runs for half a day. I do enjoy fishing with new guys & putting them on a pb. The older you get the more you enjoy fishing as well as catching. Some guys just can't stand getting beat because of their competitive nature. But when fishing every dog has has his day.


This is a really good topic! It really depends for me. I guess I'm just "weird" in that sometimes I like to go fishing by myself, with absolutely no one to bother me, no cell phone calls, etc. Most of the time I have someone with me, and two of the guys in particular I really enjoy fishing with, and that is my brother and my friend Geoff. My little bro and I laugh the whole time as we have a great relationship and crack each other up, and Geoff is just one of those dudes that is extremely layed back. When Geoff and I fish, it's more about the comradere than the actual fishing. My other friend Hunter and I go to his fishing club a lot. In all honesty, I've probably only actually "fished" that pond once or twice. Usually we screw around, shoot, and putz around the lake BS'ing the day away. I really enjoy the style above.

On the other hand, I take it seriously most of the time, usually more so if I'm by myself.

Depending on the mood I'm in, talking can really get me brewed, especially if it's non-stop chatter about meaningless crap. I really hate when a dude I'm fishing with starts comparing gear with me or explaining why his is better. That really irritates me, to the point of wanting to leave or not fish with that person.

One of pet-peeves in life as well as fishing is when people talk down to me like I'm an idiot. If I'm fishing and you're being a d-bag, how would you expect me to want to fish with you again? I think the condescending begins when the dudes calls me "bud". That word really bothers me, and I don't know why!

Sorry for the rant, LOL, there's just some people that I won't fish with anymore.

As for the always wanting to beat you, it doesn't bother me, just don't talk the whole trip, haha.

  • Super User

I can't really relate. I did fish with my Dad back in the 60s and that was OK. I did a bit of surf fishing in the 80s and my wife would go with me, just company - she didn't fish, and that was OK because it wasn't about the catching, or even the fishing...it was just about the time spent together sitting in our chairs watching the sun go down on a Southern California beach (and occasionally tending whatever bait I had out on the 13' surf rod).

My recent fishing phase, starting in 2008, has been all solo; from the bank by choice, and in the single-seat canoe by necessity. And that's OK. I spent 40 years at work around people and it's nice to have time to myself. As far as competition goes, I competed in another sport for a long time and have enough match-time under my belt to satisfy any competitive urges. It's me against the fish, not me against another angler.


It's me against the fish, not me against another angler.

well said, i like that. though i also like a little competition sometimes, but nothing serious and no major ribbing. every now and then though me and the people im fishing with might have a simple $1 bet for the biggest fish or first fish.


I don't mind people talkin because they always look stupid whenever their day at the bottom comes. Do you ever notice when KVD misses a cut? No, because he never brags or gloats, that's why it seems like he does well in every tournament he enters.

I tend to keep my mouth shut just because I become really focused and don't like to acknowledge my competition let alone talk to them.

When I fish with my brother though it's the opposite. We always let each other hear it and everything's a competition. More than a few times we've almost knocked each other overboard, especially when I cast in on a fish he just missed and pull it out before he can even reel in his slack. He really hates that.


Do you ever get the guy in the boat with you who is just so competitive that he takes the fun and relaxation out of your fishing trip? I'll bet your thinking of someone now, or maybe its you. I have several good friends who just can't take it if you catch more or better fish than they do. They won't say anything if you get up on them but oh boy if they catch a pig or more than me, then the smack talk starts. It drives me crazy! I always want the other guy to do well. I guess I'am just geared a little different.

Looking forward to the comments :D

I'm with you. I want the other guy to do well also.

As far as I'm concerned it's a collaborative effort. When I'm not fishing alone it is always one other guy, usually a good friend and we are continually collaborating trying to figure out where the fish are/what they're biting on, etc... If he is throwing topwaters and I'm pitching plastics and he starts slaying them...GREAT! We figured something out. I just wouldn't fish with someone who made a point to start bragging about how he is schooling me in this situation... IMO, it's about how many pounds of fish the boat caught not the individual.


I can testify that I have gotten frustrated when a peer is catching a lot of bass and I'm not catching anything (like 9 bass to my zero) but it's never been about trying to outcompete or best anyone. A perfect day is when everyone catches fish and when I'm positioning the boat, I usually wait until everyone is in position to cast before I will. I feel like a bad host when I take someone new out and I'm catching and they're not and often times I'll let a newby get first dibs on a choice piece of cover. While I will sometimes talk about the thrill of a catch, I don't like to talk smack.

This is how I am too. When one of my buddies' is killing it and I'm not getting bites I get a little frustrated with that because I feel like I'm doing something incorrectly, and maybe I am. However I like it much better when everyone I'm fishing with gets in on the action, and when I'm doing well I don't smack talk because I know what it's like to be on the other end once in a while.


This is a really good topic! It really depends for me. I guess I'm just "weird" in that sometimes I like to go fishing by myself, with absolutely no one to bother me, no cell phone calls, etc. Most of the time I have someone with me, and two of the guys in particular I really enjoy fishing with, and that is my brother and my friend Geoff. My little bro and I laugh the whole time as we have a great relationship and crack each other up, and Geoff is just one of those dudes that is extremely layed back. When Geoff and I fish, it's more about the comradere than the actual fishing. My other friend Hunter and I go to his fishing club a lot. In all honesty, I've probably only actually "fished" that pond once or twice. Usually we screw around, shoot, and putz around the lake BS'ing the day away. I really enjoy the style above.

On the other hand, I take it seriously most of the time, usually more so if I'm by myself.

Depending on the mood I'm in, talking can really get me brewed, especially if it's non-stop chatter about meaningless crap. I really hate when a dude I'm fishing with starts comparing gear with me or explaining why his is better. That really irritates me, to the point of wanting to leave or not fish with that person.

One of pet-peeves in life as well as fishing is when people talk down to me like I'm an idiot. If I'm fishing and you're being a d-bag, how would you expect me to want to fish with you again? I think the condescending begins when the dudes calls me "bud". That word really bothers me, and I don't know why!

Sorry for the rant, LOL, there's just some people that I won't fish with anymore.

As for the always wanting to beat you, it doesn't bother me, just don't talk the whole trip, haha.

Your not alone." Bud" bothers me too. Along with "kid" and "guy". It always comes across in a condescending way even if its not intended.


Your not alone." Bud" bothers me too. Along with "kid" and "guy". It always comes across in a condescending way even if its not intended.

I apologize to anyone I may have inadvertantly offended this way. I use Bud and Buddy somewhat frequently, but certainly not in a pejorative manner. As far as fishing partners go, I enjoy my club txs because they have just enough competetiveness to make it interesting and not cut throat. Outside of a tx setting if you don't just enjoy each others company you may as well go alone. "Biggest fish buys drinks later" is about as competitive as I'd want to get outside a tx.


I apologize to anyone I may have inadvertantly offended this way. I use Bud and Buddy somewhat frequently, but certainly not in a pejorative manner. As far as fishing partners go, I enjoy my club txs because they have just enough competetiveness to make it interesting and not cut throat. Outside of a tx setting if you don't just enjoy each others company you may as well go alone. "Biggest fish buys drinks later" is about as competitive as I'd want to get outside a tx.

My comment wasn't directed toward you and I assume fat-g's was not either. I was more talking in real life. Thanks for the apology but certainly not necessary. To be honest I've never even noticed you refer to anyone as bud.

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