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  • Super User

Well id consider my self successful granted I don't make a lot of money but when is money every thing. Iv gradutated top of my class is college got accepted to BMW school. I have a clean record never been fired from a job only left to do something better or save money some jobs are just to far of a drive. Then take my military career def above and beyond there only thing with that is iv turned down some schools due to family. I'm more then skilled and more then a hard worker as stated in other posts iv got perfict attendance and only go on the site on DOWN time so either way I'm getting paid wether I'm reading a book on that time or twiddling my thumbs makes no diffrence I just choose to come on here.

  • Super User

Make the employees happy? I suppose that's ok for an employee who is in a dead end job with absolutely zero opportunity for advancement.

But, if you want to improve your lot in life, work your way up the ladder, I suggest it's much better to impress your superiors with your abilities, ambition, and dedication to doing the best job you can.

My parents taught me to do the best job I could, regardless of how menial it might be.

I guess it's part of the new educational theories that deal more with maintaining the self esteem of students than actually educating them, and preparing them for the dog eat dog, competitive world that exists beyond the doors of academia.

If you want to be successful in life, you have to impress others. There is no substitute for skill and hard work.

Lot of ignorance spewing out of this post. You totally misunderstood my post. Some of the most successful companies including a bulk of the Fortune 500 companies and private held businesses uses this mentality and are very successful. Therefore, it's not an "educational theory" it's an actual proof that it works as long it is in control.....You obviously have no idea what what goes on in my academic programs or any other programs for that matter, so don't say I've spent many nights studying, writing papers, group projects, individual projects and many stress were all for maintaining my self-esteem. :rolleyes: I think you should re-read my other post.

I'm go give a presentation on the Dodd-Frank Act because it's good for my self-esteem.

P.S. There is very little theory in the accounting program. Why? Because we're being taught base on actual accounting standards. Such as GAAP for instance.

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  • Super User

A question. For those who think surfing the web is OK when you are on the company's dime, ponder this.

You hire a plumber, electrician, carpenter, or whatever to do a job for you, and they charge by the hour. How would you react if you found them surfing the web, and charging you for that time? But, but, but, don't you know they produce more than they would in that eight hour day if they didn't have that down time to relax, refresh, and recharge their batteries.

I must admit, I'm stunned that some employers not only tolerate, but actually encourage surfing the web on company time.

I'm not payed by the hour. I get paid the same whether it takes 20 hours of effort or 80 hours of effort to provide my services.

  • Super User

Lot of ignorance spewing out of this post. You totally misunderstood my post. Some of the most successful companies including a bulk of the Fortune 500 companies and private held businesses uses this mentality and are very successful. Therefore, it's not an "educational theory" it's an actual proof that it works as long it is in control.....You obviously have no idea what what goes on in my academic programs or any other programs for that matter, so don't say I've spent many nights studying, writing papers, group projects, individual projects and many stress were all for maintaining my self-esteem. :rolleyes: I think you should re-read my other post.

I'm go give a presentation on the Dodd-Frank Act because it's good for my self-esteem.

P.S. There is very little theory in the accounting program. Why? Because we're being taught base on actual accounting standards. Such as GAAP for instance.

Lots of ignorance you say. Apparently you've never heard of outcome based education, or before that, new math, open classrooms, etc. Today's education stresses making the students feel good about themselves regardless of their efforts or accomplishments.

"As long as it is in control"................, there's the rub. Who determines what is "in control"? Fortune 500 companies? That's the best you've got? How many of the "Fortune 500 companies" had to be bailed out at the taxpayers' expense?

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are on list of Fortune 500 companies. Fortune 500 companies are not listed because of their profitability, many, notably GM, was and still is a Fortune 500 company.

I'm not impressed in the least by your citing of Fortune 500 companies as notable arguments to support your assertions.

  • Like 2

Lot of ignorance spewing out of this post. You totally misunderstood my post. Some of the most successful companies including a bulk of the Fortune 500 companies and private held businesses uses this mentality and are very successful. Therefore, it's not an "educational theory" it's an actual proof that it works as long it is in control.....You obviously have no idea what what goes on in my academic programs or any other programs for that matter, so don't say I've spent many nights studying, writing papers, group projects, individual projects and many stress were all for maintaining my self-esteem. :rolleyes: I think you should re-read my other post.

I'm go give a presentation on the Dodd-Frank Act because it's good for my self-esteem.

P.S. There is very little theory in the accounting program. Why? Because we're being taught base on actual accounting standards. Such as GAAP for instance.

To study in college is not the same as the day to day grind of making a living, supporting your family along with your co-workers and their family. When you do get out in the real world and have these responsibilities of running a business then you may call good moral standards ignorant. I agree it is very difficult to understand your academic life when you are dealing with real life issues. College, workplace and life in general does have their own particular Rules of Engagement, we either follow or make a personal change. I can assure you at one point in your life your opinion will change by experience.

  • Super User

You still have no clue. I didn't say every Fortune 500 company uses this method. Those companies fail on another level not because employees were being lazy or boss were making them happy. (unless you want call the union workers lazy because they made poor quality cars that drove the company into the arms of the U.S. Government.)

You're just ignorant, I'm ignore it because I've got better things to do, like work on my self-esteem during final week.

I'm sick and tired of people telling me my education is worthless because it all theory and waste of time. You have no idea what it's like in my program. The girls I know in the graduate program are passing the CPA exam base on my school's graduate program without using any additional professional resources to pass the CPA exam. They make us work our butts off in order to feel good about ourselves.

Now, I didn't say it was okay for the OP to surf the web, I just simply stated some companies allow it because it helps with stress level which keeps employees productive. (they still get fired of they do it too much) If you cannot comprehended that, then that's fine and dandy, but don't tell me I stated this because of an educational crock theory when it's working in the real world..Whatever. Far as I'm concern, if my boss tell me I cannot surf the web at work for personal reason, that cool. Long as I have time to ride bikes or go to gym because it helps with stress and reboots my brain and deliver more quality work. It has nothing do with self-esteem, it has to do with keeping me productive without feeling burned out. It a mentally draining job.

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  • Super User

Essentially what it comes down to is this: If the person or persons paying your wages deems it unacceptable for you to do ANYTHING while on their clock, then it's unacceptable. Life is full of choices, and the choice would be to look elsewhere for employment, become your own boss, or live with the rules made by the people paying you. If you choose to look for another job, be sure to keep out the part where you like to surf forums while on the clock. I do think, if you are allowed a break, which most states mandate every couple of hours, then it's within your right to do whatever during that time, but "downtime" could and should be spent trying to do something for the business. Like my dad used to say when I worked for him, there is ALWAYS something to do.

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  • Super User

You still have no clue. I didn't say every Fortune 500 company uses this method. Those companies fail on another level not because employees were being lazy or boss were making them happy. (unless you want call the union workers lazy because they made poor quality cars that drove the company into the arms of the U.S. Government.)

You're just ignorant, I'm ignore it because I've got better things to do, like work on my self-esteem during final week.

I'm sick and tired of people telling me my education is worthless because it all theory and waste of time. You have no idea what it's like in my program. The girls I know in the graduate program are passing the CPA exam base on my school's graduate program without using any additional professional resources to pass the CPA exam. They make us work our butts off in order to feel good about ourselves.

Now, I didn't say it was okay for the OP to surf the web, I just simply stated some companies allow it because it helps with stress level which keeps employees productive. (they still get fired of they do it too much) If you cannot comprehended that, then that's fine and dandy, but don't tell me I stated this because of an educational crock theory when it's working in the real world..Whatever. Far as I'm concern, if my boss tell me I cannot surf the web at work for personal reason, that cool. Long as I have time to ride bikes or go to gym because it helps with stress and reboots my brain and deliver more quality work. It has nothing do with self-esteem, it has to do with keeping me productive without feeling burned out. It a mentally draining job.

I don't recall saying anything about your education being a waste of time. I also, very clearly stated that if those responsible for running a company allowed employees to surf the web, that was fine. I do not recall insulting anyone in my posts by calling them names, unless you consider my different point of view an insult.


You still have no clue. I didn't say every Fortune 500 company uses this method. Those companies fail on another level not because employees were being lazy or boss were making them happy. (unless you want call the union workers lazy because they made poor quality cars that drove the company into the arms of the U.S. Government.)

You're just ignorant, I'm ignore it because I've got better things to do, like work on my self-esteem during final week.

I'm sick and tired of people telling me my education is worthless because it all theory and waste of time. You have no idea what it's like in my program. The girls I know in the graduate program are passing the CPA exam base on my school's graduate program without using any additional professional resources to pass the CPA exam. They make us work our butts off in order to feel good about ourselves.

Now, I didn't say it was okay for the OP to surf the web, I just simply stated some companies allow it because it helps with stress level which keeps employees productive. (they still get fired of they do it too much) If you cannot comprehended that, then that's fine and dandy, but don't tell me I stated this because of an educational crock theory when it's working in the real world..Whatever. Far as I'm concern, if my boss tell me I cannot surf the web at work for personal reason, that cool. Long as I have time to ride bikes or go to gym because it helps with stress and reboots my brain and deliver more quality work. It has nothing do with self-esteem, it has to do with keeping me productive without feeling burned out. It a mentally draining job.

You need to chose your words wisely, that may help improve your self esteem and allow more time for your studies. I take offense to this.

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  • Super User

The statement there is always something to do isn't always true become a teacher when I say I have down time its truely down time no papers no nothing no students to help just sit there or go walk around

  • Super User

I'm not payed by the hour. I get paid the same whether it takes 20 hours of effort or 80 hours of effort to provide my services.

Your Boss is happy with your work and is OK with what you do. That's all you need to know. You are doing your job. Every job is different.I think this posted started off as he was complaining about surfing the web,it got shut down and he got Mad.If his supervisor finds nothing wrong with it then his supervisor needs to get the problem fix.

I work warehouse all my life,it's a bit different and usually goofing around is a big No-No.You also fall behind really quickly in my line of work. It's a steady 8 hours flow of work coming down that line.

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  • Super User

The statement there is always something to do isn't always true become a teacher when I say I have down time its truely down time no papers no nothing no students to help just sit there or go walk around

If that is the case, then I would speak with my supervisor and explain that to him, and ask him what you could do during times like that. If he says it's ok to surf, then go for it, but if he says clean the floor, then live with it and surf on your scheduled breaks. When I say clean the floor, I'm using that as an example of something company related to do, not literally clean the floor.

  • Super User

My supervisor already said its fine like stated befor its the computor geek guy who gives every one a hard time and has nothing better to do that is giving me the hard time. But today is gonna be full of down time now no kids all the schools closed from the wind storm and lost power ours just cut now I got the generator buzzing in my ear its on the other side of the wall my desks against

  • Super User

My supervisor already said its fine like stated befor its the computor geek guy who gives every one a hard time and has nothing better to do that is giving me the hard time. But today is gonna be full of down time now no kids all the schools closed from the wind storm and lost power ours just cut now I got the generator buzzing in my ear its on the other side of the wall my desks against

Like I aid, if your supervisor said it's ok, then your fine.

  • Super User

I know I am were just trying to get threw the computor guy he's something else he blocked the word cummins as in the dodge cummins sense I help in a diesel class this is a pretty popular engine found in dang near everything. He has anything with the key word cummins in it blocked cuz he thinks its sexual.


I agree with Rhino 100%. As a business owner for over 35 years I would never have tolerated internet surfing or more so taking job time to moderate a forum, even if one thinks they are on their own time and are exceptionally productive. No one is above replacement and the good times last just so long, maybe a new boss comes in or your present boss is getting pressure and develops a wild hair up his.....

If one is getting a good salary with good benefits plus healthcare, they are doing their family a disservice by taking risks to jeopardize that position.

Owning a business isn't easy and to be successful it takes real devotion, no time to "play" around, probably why most employees could never make it as owners, they lack what it takes.

My boss IS the owner of the business. I'm next in line under him (well sorta, there's another manager at the same level as me).

You may not have allowed this, nor liked it, but were your employees sitting in front of a computer for most of their work day? Since a few of you seem to think all I do is sit at my PC and browse personal sites, let me give you an example of WHEN I am on here (like now):

- Customer comes in and has a phone issue that I don't have power to fix. I call Customer Service, not some super secret dealer line, the same old customer service YOU'D call (so you know there's going to be a hold time). I wait on hold for 5 minutes (so I jump on BR while I wait). CS Rep comes on the line, I talk to them, get the phone fixed, wait for them to do whatever they do. All the while, I'm on here while I'm working. I get the issue fixed, go back out to the floor, give the customer the information and they leave. I go back to normal work functions and the BR tab gets pushed aside until I need to be on the phone again.

- Time for my 15 minute break, I just stay at my desk and browse here and a few other places.

- I run applications for our various service providers, while I wait for credit decisions, things to load/populate, etc... I have BR or something else open on my other monitor.

So while I'm using personal sites at work... I'm 'working' or waiting for things to happen so I can continue working. Multi-tasking is key!

  • Super User
It's a steady 8 hours flow of work coming down that line.
Sometimes I wonder if I'd prefer that. It's feast or famine here. At least the pay is steady, and to be honest, I hate the slow times. Makes me nervous. :unsure:
As a business owner for over 35 years I would never have tolerated internet surfing or more so taking job time to moderate a forum, even if one thinks they are on their own time and are exceptionally productive.

I can pretty much guarantee I add more revenue at my company than you got out of any of your employees. It's the nature of the business. I got into it knowing, some weeks would be incredibly boring, and only entail 20 hours of "easy" work, while other weeks would be 80 hours of intense, difficult work under crazy deadlines.

I'm not even sure why I'm explaining any of this...guess people don't understand that good work ethics doesn't necessarily mean constant effort. I get paid to think, dream, and carry out vision. Nothing worse than someone that stays busy all the time, adding no value.

  • Super User

I wasn't even that mad over it being blocked and the other sites are not blocked today just BR and ikes website don't ask why don't care obviously I'm still on here doing my thing. I was more upset about the computor tech guy incharge of it all giving me constant bull as he does with everyone here at the school like I said my supervisior doesn't see a prob neither does the superintendant he's always looking up guns or stuff for his salmon charter boat. Like I said if he simply said not while kids are there cool but to change his story and give the runaround is what made me upset. As far as this being my chosen career field after this june it no longer will be school will be over and when it picks up in the fall I will be in Afghanistan and when I get back from there I'm not coming back to a job paying less then 12k a year when I'm gonna triple that on active duty orders

  • Super User

I'd be more angry (as a taxpayer) that the school allowed one guy, a desk side IT technician, to implement school policy. If the district cared, then they would "white sheet" the network.

  • Super User

I'd be more angry (as a taxpayer) that the school allowed one guy, a desk side IT technician, to implement school policy. If the district cared, then they would "white sheet" the network.

What he said.


It's been my experience that IT 'professionals' that work for small time companies or small schools have to make themselves feel powerful (even useful) by implementing stupid systems and blocking things unnecessarily. I see people constantly taken advantage of by these types of people, simply because they put too much trust in the IT personnel they hire.


Clayton- maybe you should spend some time with a book to learn how to spell and write.

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Cut him some slack man. This is a fishing forum, not a spelling bee. Also you need to show him even more respect, he gets shot at so you can come on here freely and make fun of anyone you want without consequence.


When I first started my business and had internet access this was one if the problems I encountered. I had employees who spent more time doing their stuff than finishing their work. Then had nerve enough to complain to me that they needed to work over or needed more time to do things. That was my breaking point and I locked down the network. After a few months I learned that people would work better if they were given a little freedom, but that these employees were not those people. They did not have my business in mind. Instead Iet those employees go (for other reasons too) and hired new ines with. Clear understanding as to my internet policy. They can use it as long as they get their work done, same with cell phones. If I find them neglecting my office for their personal stuff they get one strike and the second time they hit the road. Simple as that. It is a privelege not to be abused. 4 years with no staff changes.

  • Super User

Essentially what it comes down to is this: If the person or persons paying your wages deems it unacceptable for you to do ANYTHING while on their clock, then it's unacceptable.

It's not only THEIR clock, it's also THEIR computer and THEIR network.

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