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I don't usually get mad over things like this, but here's my story (not really anti fishing but it REALLY had me mad):

A minor annoyance, so I move up about 15 yards to a grassy spot I like to fish... Well, the 3rd adult that was with that group decides that looks like a great place to sit her chair... She literally put her chair RIGHT in front of me, half in the water! I asked her if she could please move down just a little so I could fish this area and she said "the river is plenty long, go fish somewhere else!" I had enough at that point and just left. What kind of example are these adults setting for these kids?

Personally, I'd would have asked if she heard the words coming out of her mouth? Go park your chair somewhere, I was here first.

(Then I hoped I land a big fish and let it flop all over her!)

I could have gave her a nice swimbait slap across the face. Have a little salad while you sit on your lazy butt! People that 'hang out' at the river around here tend to be scum (not all of them) and I just can't even stand to fish it anymore, unless I'm in a boat.

I think we should have to get one of those boatsmart cards I always see on TV. Maybe that would cut back on dumbies (doubtful though)...


I do not get the chance to watch TV much at all... What is a boatsmart card?

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With kids I usually don't say anything and just pack up my stuff and leave.  Unless they are getting close to my tackle.  If it is an adult, well, I am not the most patient or tactful person.  They usually get told to move.

But I hate jet skis.  The people never have any respect.


No need to get upset about these things.  When someone gets too close I simply put down my rod, pick up my shotgun, load a few shells and just stare at them until they move along.  Works every time.

Of course, things are different in Texas...


not every jet ski is jerk but majority of them are, also as i stated before that a jet ski got too close to our boat, earlier a pontoon went within 30 yards of our boat at full throttle and it went over the transom of the boat  getting my friends father's feet soaked, people just are in considerate, the lake i fish is very large with lots of water to boat in and it makes me mad that they have to get right on our @** motoring through

I don't usually get mad over things like this, but here's my story (not really anti fishing but it REALLY had me mad):

A minor annoyance, so I move up about 15 yards to a grassy spot I like to fish... Well, the 3rd adult that was with that group decides that looks like a great place to sit her chair... She literally put her chair RIGHT in front of me, half in the water! I asked her if she could please move down just a little so I could fish this area and she said "the river is plenty long, go fish somewhere else!" I had enough at that point and just left. What kind of example are these adults setting for these kids?

Personally, I'd would have asked if she heard the words coming out of her mouth? Go park your chair somewhere, I was here first.

(Then I hoped I land a big fish and let it flop all over her!)

I could have gave her a nice swimbait slap across the face. Have a little salad while you sit on your lazy butt! People that 'hang out' at the river around here tend to be scum (not all of them) and I just can't even stand to fish it anymore, unless I'm in a boat.

I think we should have to get one of those boatsmart cards I always see on TV. Maybe that would cut back on dumbies (doubtful though)...


I do not get the chance to watch TV much at all... What is a boatsmart card?

I see Dave Mercer advertising the crap out of them during Facts of Fishing on WFN (the commercial is on just about every break). I think it's like a hunters safety course, only ALL boaters in Canada need to take it.


Probably wouldn't help at all though :P

  • Super User

Thanks Nate,

I really am not generally to upset when boats and jet ski's get wacky on the water, Shoot I am just as dumb for being out there trying to fish, Until they get too close and do the stupid things they do but what really gets my blood boiling is when these idiots put their children in harms way.

There is no room for error when it comes to this type of stupidity, I had a guy pass me on my port side at a lake over the fathers day weekend with 2 children in tow and he didn't even give me enough room to even pull the throttle back, I was doing over 30mph!!!

What the crap was he thinking?

Thanks Nate,

I really am not generally to upset when boats and jet ski's get wacky on the water, Shoot I am just as dumb for being out there trying to fish, Until they get too close and do the stupid things they do but what really gets my blood boiling is when these idiots put their children in harms way.

There is no room for error when it comes to this type of stupidity, I had a guy pass me on my port side at a lake over the fathers day weekend with 2 children in tow and he didn't even give me enough room to even pull the throttle back, I was doing over 30mph!!!

What the crap was he thinking?

Right, but there's a time and place to be 'wacky' on the water. Up at Raystown, they have a jet ski 'park' I guess we will call it. It's a place JUST for them with a course and everything. Heck they could even go to the middle of the lake and hit the wide open areas, but they all seem to screw off where everyone is trying to fish. I could see if they had a cove first and WE moved in to fish, but they should see people are fishing and find another spot.

I think some people don't realize how much room it takes to fully stop a boat or even change direction. Stupid boaters!


What you described would lead me to believe you had someone operating a water craft while under the influence of alcohol and or drugs which is a crime.  If you called it in as that, the response for L/E, if there was a marine patrol unit, would be pretty swift I would hope.  If no marine unit was working a deputy/ranger/trooper might hope to see the operator arrive at a launch ramp.


Pontoon boats never bug us. Its usualy jetskiers,but they're not that bad most of the time,sometimes fisherman with horrible ethics, AND WAKEBOARDERS ARE THE WORST OVER HERE.Hey we're cool 18 to 20 year old studs with 6 packs and we get to drive our daddys boat and drive as close and as many times around fisherman as we can and listen to music quietly until we get close to them and crank it up all the way to show them how cool we are and when we pass them turn it back down. And on the delta its the worst mix of wakeboard boats and those 40 foot gigantic drag race boats. They throw wakes like no other


Man that is one of the biggest things I hate.  There is a lot of people around here that I see that don't know the state boating rules.

  Use to be part of SAR in the last town that I lived in,  we were scuba dive training one time with flag bouys out and this boat just comes through with no thought at all,  bad part for him was having 2 shereff deputies on our SAR's dive recusue group there. 

Is the main reason that the lakes I fish with my canoe are less than 10hp no wake, or no motor lakes.  Would love to have those stabilizers on my canoe just for the fishing aspect.

Now if Darwin would just hand out more awards.  Problem would be solved.

  • Super User
Thanks Nate,

I really am not generally to upset when boats and jet ski's get wacky on the water, Shoot I am just as dumb for being out there trying to fish, Until they get too close and do the stupid things they do but what really gets my blood boiling is when these idiots put their children in harms way.

There is no room for error when it comes to this type of stupidity, I had a guy pass me on my port side at a lake over the fathers day weekend with 2 children in tow and he didn't even give me enough room to even pull the throttle back, I was doing over 30mph!!!

What the crap was he thinking?

I am sorry for not giving you the whole story but as I was putting my thoughts down I was remembering how mad I was and I failed to mention that after he passed me he turned right across my bow.


I run into a few incidents with jerk while  fishing but you can 10X that while hunting. It's worst there, cause we all have guns in our hands.


Just keep your state's game & fish number on speed dial. Whip the cell out and turn em in. I have done this several times. Give them the hull number and any other info you can. The game & fish are under staffed to cover all waterways and they take citizen calls serious and will often times give you a case number. Operating any watercraft in a reckless or dangerous manner is illegal in all 50 states. Help get the jerks off the water and get back to fishin!


I ran into an anti fishing issue a few weeks back, someone decided to smash eggs in my livewells and in the battery compartment of my boat..they were motivated..removed a cover to do so.  I have a good idea of the culprits but i cant prove it...last time i leave the boat outside overnight.


Heres a thought...carry a few old spark plugs in our tackle bags.  When idiots in boats spoil the bank fishing, tie a couple of them on, and give a nice heave towards their boats.

I fish some small community ponds and the worse is people who let their dogs off the leash and swim all over the pond.  I had a family let their Lab swim around and it would constantly swim over to where I was fishing and would come out of the water about 10 feet from me.  So after the second time, I was fed up and told her that is a leash law and she needs to control her dog.  She lipped something off in Arabaic so that only enraged me more.  So next thing I did was pull out the cell phone, give a call to the local PD and made a complaint.  Within 5 minutes they showed up and a citation was issued.  Now don't take me as a pet hater, because I do own a dog myself, but there is a time and place to let your dog get some excercise, but disturbing someone else in the process is not the way to do it.

Pontoon boats never bug us. Its usualy jetskiers,but they're not that bad most of the time,sometimes fisherman with horrible ethics, AND WAKEBOARDERS ARE THE WORST OVER HERE.Hey we're cool 18 to 20 year old studs with 6 packs and we get to drive our daddys boat and drive as close and as many times around fisherman as we can and listen to music quietly until we get close to them and crank it up all the way to show them how cool we are and when we pass them turn it back down. And on the delta its the worst mix of wakeboard boats and those 40 foot gigantic drag race boats. They throw wakes like no other

I can relate 100% to the idiotic teenage wake boarders. I just got back from a trip from Minnesota and this same set of wake boarders came and they were constantly antagonizing me. One time when I was crossing the lake I looked and they had a safe passage to go behind me and it looked like they were going to take that way past me. Then they make a sharp turn and cut right in front of me so I killed the motor. If I didn't kill the motor I would have hit them because with the motor off we came within 5 yds of each other.

Later that day when I was fishing a spot the same boat comes really close to me again but they are pulling a wake boarder behind them. Well the wake boarder decided he was going to be funny and spray me. >:(


I always have at least 3 firearms on board .When I'm having problems with rude, antagonistic jet skiers,boaters, etc, I strap on my CCW shoulder holster. Amazing how polite people become.


I knew a guy back along time ago..back in around 1985 or so that some hot doggers were out circling him in jet skies and speed boats while he was on a ledge..Catching some good bass by the way too...What finally made him snap was when they went by so close and threw 2 beer bottles and hit his Ranger boat...one hit his 200 merc...He very calmly got his colt 45, chambered a round and drove his boat right up to them and popped 2 rounds right through the bottom of there boat and said politely"Now you boys have a good day" And proceeded back to his spot and started fishing..They never reported him to the cops..I'm not saying what he did was completely right but.......Makes you feel at least a little warm and fuzzy inside  doesn't it...Oh come on..You know you love that he did that for all of us...BTW.. word got out about that and he was NEVER bothered again, acording to what he told me..

  • Super User

Pontoons are the minivan of the water. 

  • Super User
I knew a guy back along time ago..back in around 1985 or so that some hot doggers were out circling him in jet skies and speed boats while he was on a ledge..Catching some good bass by the way too...What finally made him snap was when they went by so close and threw 2 beer bottles and hit his Ranger boat...one hit his 200 merc...He very calmly got his colt 45, chambered a round and drove his boat right up to them and popped 2 rounds right through the bottom of there boat and said politely"Now you boys have a good day" And proceeded back to his spot and started fishing..They never reported him to the cops..I'm not saying what he did was completely right but.......Makes you feel at least a little warm and fuzzy inside doesn't it...Oh come on..You know you love that he did that for all of us...BTW.. word got out about that and he was NEVER bothered again, acording to what he told me..

He said?????????? ??????????????

  • Super User
Pontoons are the minivan of the water.


More like a Suburban or a Expedition!! LOL.

  • Super User

No, they're minivans.  Minivans are the source of ALL traffic delays and frustration.  Pontoons are all that on the water.  P****y whipped guys buy them to keep their wives happy, so they're already angry.  Add in no clue about nav rules, and you the makings of a mess.  I've more pontoons do stupid things that i don't really mind anymore when my jig goes "KLANG!!!!" in them.

  • Super User
No, they're minivans. Minivans are the source of ALL traffic delays and frustration. Pontoons are all that on the water. P****y whipped guys buy them to keep their wives happy, so they're already angry. Add in no clue about nav rules, and you the makings of a mess. I've more pontoons do stupid things that i don't really mind anymore when my jig goes "KLANG!!!!" in them.


JFrancho 1

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I think we've all met our share of jerks on the water,but i don't think I've ran into anybody who bothered me that was against me for fishing.Thank God for that.....

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