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My worst time came from the lip busting of a x rap when i went to test my knot. I buried it deep in my thumb. I tried pulling it out myself but could quite do it. Luckily my mother was home i held my hand down and i had here pull the hook out with my leatherman. It was surprising that no real pain or blood come from that deal.

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Only one time past the barb for me.  I was fishing a small pond with a buddy.  I had a big pop R tied on.  The pond had about 6-8 feet of thick scum/weeds around the shoreline, so when my bait got close to it I would flip up and over.  Well one time it went over my head and stuck in the tall grass behind me.  Instead of taking three or four steps back and freeing it, I didn't even turn around I just started yanking on it.  Finally it came free and lodged into the back of my shoulder (sleeveless shirt).  Got the line cut and couldn't see it, buddy said it was bad then kept fishing.  I left and went to see my mom at work, walking through the elementary school with a bait hanging from my shoulder.  She sent me to the doctors office.  He tried to back it out, too deep, tried to push it through, to deep, so he ended up having to cut it out.  The worst part of it all for me was the navicane shot.



Two years ago while i was fishing with my unlce i hooked myself in the back of the head. It pinned my hat to my head and it needed to be cut off. As for the lure we tugged on it for a couple good hours with no results and wound up in the ER. Whole thing was becasue i leaft to much slack line and when i went to cast it got me good, thought my uncle had smacked me for a moment before i relaized what had happened. got a good laugh out of that if i come across the photos i'll post them on here


If you haven't hooked yourself you don't fish enough.  My worst came on the St. Regis River in the Adirondacks.  A tiny small mouth hit my chug-bug while fishing in my kayak.  About 20 feet from the boat a 30" pike devoured the small mouth and my lure.  Got him to the kayak, line way too tight.  Chickened out from grabbing the fish with the really nasty teeth so I grabbed my line above the lure and the pike gave his last fight right then and spit the hook catapulting it into the index finger of my left hand burying it well past the barb.  Be darned if I could get it out.  My chug-bug now hangs in the glass showcase in the hallway of the Saranac Lake, NY Hospital Emergency room with more then 1,000 other lures that they have dug out of fishermen over the years.

Until later,

Led Blimp


I was fishing a local creek on opening day of trout season,i hooked up with a good size sucker and all of a sudden the hook flew out of the fish some how caught me right on top of the head and as the hook stopped my weight kept going sinking it in well past the barb so i cut it off and kept fishing for a while the guy on the creek thought i was crazy but later i got to my mom house and she pulled it out with a pair of needle nose

I hooked two fingers with one treble hook , needless to say I had to go to the ER for that one.

I THINK I can beat that......

September 4, 2004. Decided to head out musky fishing (from shore) that morning. I hit the one area that had been really hot! I started out throwing a top water and wasn't having much luck. All of a sudden, I see a familiar boil! So I start fan casting around that spot. BANG! I hook up with this musky and after a decent battle, I land a decent musky! Here comes the fun! I grab my pair of standard sized pliers to remove the rear treble hook from the ski. Just as I barely touch the hook, the musky thrashes, driving the front treble hook into my index and middle fingers on my right hand WELL past the barbs on those huge hooks while still attached to the fish! Did I mention I'm right handed? LOL! So there I sat with a knee on top of the musky and my free hand on the grip to keep it from shaking until someone came by (which was about 20 minutes or so after this all happened). The angler unscrewed the hook from the bait since the cutter I had would not cut that huge hook. I ended up at the ER as well. Needless to say, that musky (all 45 inches of it) was not CPR'd and ended up in the frying pan! BIG TIME rookie mistake that "shouldn't" happen again now that I am properly equipped with the right tools for the job.  :-[


Ok, way back when my son was about two or three I had him bream fishing from the bank. He slipped in the water and when I jumped in to get him my wife grabbed the pole and did a perfect hook set right in the end of my nose. With tears in my eyes I pulled it out with a pair of pliers. It stung, but Ive been hurt much worse. But never have I had sooo many tears. My eyes would not stop watering.


I had a smallie throw a large Husky Jerk back at me and it hooked me in the upper earlobe with the middle of 3 treble hooks. It adds a whole new dimension to hook removal when you're trying to remove a treble hook that you cannot see, especially when there is another treble hook dangling next to your eye.

I didn't have a pliers with a side-cutter either, or else I would have removed the hook next to my eye. I was wading in the river as a kid and only carried a foreceps. I ended up luckily just yanking it out and continuing to fish because I had trekked 45 minutes and had just begun to fish. It left a little tear in the earlobe and a scar to remind me to always wear sunglasses when bass fishing! ;D


Wow there's a lot of good stories on here. Ouch.

I've personally never hooked "myself" too bad. (Knock on wood) However when I was a kid, about 4 or 5, I walked behind my dad when he was casting a spinnerbait & got it through my bottom lip. Still have a little scare to prove it. Don't really remember it but I'm sure I cried like crazy.

My dad on the other hand has been hooked pretty bad before. We were stripper fishing & he landed a pretty nice one about 9-10lbs. When he reached down to unhook the pencil popper it flopped off the boat. Well my dad attempted to catch it only to get one of the treble hooks through the base of his thumb nail & out the other side. The worst part was that the fish was still attached flopping around, while hanging from his thumb nail, trying to get loose. Once he pulled the fish back on the boat & got it off he was white as a ghost. That was the end of that fishing day, & off to the hospital to get it removed.


Truman Reservoir in a local club tournament. I hung a fat free shad in an overhanging tree limb. Motored over to get it out. I had to pull the limb down with one hand and attempt to untangle the lure with the other. Long story short the limb slipped from my hand, driving the treble into the fat part of my palm. Because of the part of my hand it was buried in, I couldn't push the barb through and cut it off. I probably should have went to the emergency room but I had 5 fat fish in the livewell and weigh in was only about an hour away. I carry some antiseptic spray with some sort of powerful numbing agent in it (I highly recommend carrying this in your boat). Sprayed in on, and yanked it out with needle nose. Wrapped a clean rag around it and kept fishing. I placed 2nd in the tournament and my hand was sore for a week.


Well this one time I really needed some money. And this old sugar mamma  :-*came up and started talking to me....wait sorry wrong kind of hooking. ;D


Caught a nice tree bass of the pine persuasion with the biggest dang zara spook they make (three treble mama) Lure comes loose and lands ever so elegantly in my right forearm. All three hooks, all three trebles for a total of 9 puncture wounds. I just clipped the line and kept fishing. It was so deep it was past the nerves! Thank God my buddy's dad knew the line around the treble trick. I didn't feel a thing.


about 25 yrs ago when i was in my late teens i got a popper w treble hook stuck in a tree at the long end of the cast.To make a long story short I made the rookie mistake of pulling the boat to the lure w my rod.I wasnt looking when popper sprung loose about 30 ft away and i looked up in time to catch it right in the corner of my mouth.Most embarrassing trip to hospital ever !


Haha. I was just watching City Limits Fishing with Ike and he hooked one of the cameramen in the back of the head with a spinnerbait that he was casting. Good thing that he was ok.  I hope that guy got hazard pay!


I was 7 or 8 years old.

I was fishing off of a dock early one morning with my dad. I took my rod back and somehow when I came forward to make the cast caught myself in the back of the head. I spent the rest of the morning in the ER waiting on a maintenance man to bring the doctor a pair of wire cutters. 


Hooked myself twice:

First - I was strapping my rod to the racks on top of my SUV and pulled my hand away.  The trailer hook of my spinnerbait caught my pinky and went to the bone.  My friend was driving me to the Emergency Room and got very sick and almost passed out.  We had to pull over and I had to drive the rest of the way.  The trailer hook was pretty strong and they couldn't cut it with the nail head cutters they had in the Emergency Room so they had to call maintenace to bring bolt cutters.  The two doctors argued over who got to cut it out.  The most painful part was them numbing my finger before they pushed the hook through my skin to cut the barb off.  Good thing my buddy wasn't back there for that.

The second time I was fishing with one of those worm hooks that is double barbed meaning it has the barb on the end of the hook where it catches the fish, but it also has another barb near the eye of the hook (like this http://www.***.com/Z_Man_Weighted_Trigger_Hook_3_Pack/descpage-ZMWTRHK.html)  I caught a bass around 2lbs and while trying to take it off the hook it shook loose and the barb near the eye of the hook went through the webbing between my thumb and pointer finger.  The fish flopping around hanging from my hand didn't feel good.  Trust me, it will bring you to your knees very quick.  After I got the fish off my friend had the bright idea of trying to cut the hook out with hedge clippers (not the anvil type)...The fish flopping around on the hook was nothing compared to this.  When he slammed them closed, the hook twisted around and tore the skin a bit.  Unfortunately it wasn't enough for me to pull the hook back through.  d**n that hurt.  I know it was a bad idea to begin with, but the fishing was good and we didn't want to leave.  Well we ended up leaving anyway and going back to my Grandparents house.  I got my grandfathers dremel tool out and was about to cut the hook off when he walked in.  He freaked out and made me go to the hospital.  At least they didn't have to numb it this time.   

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Caught a small 1 1/2 lber on a Rogue.

Lipped the fish. It only had the middle treble hooking it by the outside of mouth. The fish was jumpy and immediately imbedded the front treble into my right hand that was holding the fish.

Quickly attempted to undo the fish with my left hand when Mr. Jumpy flopped again..... this time imbedding the back trebles into my left hand...

uh oh........ :P

thank god I was fishing with a partner. Had that happened when I was fishing alone I'm not sure what I would've done.


cart , thats funny, I had simuler experience with a bigger rogue w a pickeral attached.Those triple grip hooks r no fun


i've seen someone set the hook so hard that it drove a crankbait out of the water and straight to someones face. he managed to get all 3 treble hooks imbedded on his tongue and lips. he couldn't open his mouth and the amount of blood was bordering on horror. a 2 hr drive later and 15mins of surgery managed to get all the hooks out.


ok it not a hooking but...

Mistake was having the canoe still on the car so the liftback was not open all the way. Carrying a 55lb battery and and walking fast I hit the liftback with my head received a deep scalp laceration.

Seems I became a legend at the local night time care center because the flap of skin revealed my skull bone. When I took my kid in 9 months later the staff still remembered me. :-?

It took 11 metal staples to close the wound. ouch.

Worse part was when they cleaned it with a water pick (BEFORE) they numbed it. YIIIIIKES.


Early one foggy morning I was hip deep in my local bassing hole fishing a popper, having some luck and enjoying a beautiful morning. I brought in a nice 3 lber and just as I reached down to lip him he tossed his head and buried a treble in my middle finger. So i'm standing there with a three lber flopping wildly from the end of my finger and my first reaction is to put him down. I'm wading, so now he's in his element,you get the picture. Well, I finally get a hold of him and I'm standing there with the fish in one hand and my rod under my arm and the other hand hooked to the popper.

Great ,now what? I manage to get the fish gripped in the hand with the popper in it, but thats also the hip my pliers are on. I probably looked like some kinda nut tryin to get those pliers out of the sheath with my off hand but eventually i got em. Once the fish was off the hook things started looking a bit better although I still had a treble buried to the bend in my finger. I wasn't too hip on the idea of pushing it through, and it really wasn't hurting much so I opted to pull it straight out, it is really amazing how tenacious a fish hook can be. I can really relate to the fish now, you know when you really gotta twist and pry and pull to get a hook out once in awhile? The amazing thing after all that, it hardly bled more than a few drops and quit hurting right away. So ,after I stopped shaking, I went back to popping and had an enjoyable morning.

Alls well that ends well


I have had plenty of hooks stuck in my hand past the barb. Usaully happens at least once a year. Twice this last year. I guess I don't see the point in pushing the barb back trough. Sounds like a lot of extra pain. I just take a pliers and give it a quick hard jerk and keep fishing. Make sure you have a current tetanus shot and all is well. Really isn't that big of a deal.

I do some musky fishing and when it comes to that I am a little more careful and have been fortunate enough to have never had one of those hooks stuck past the barb. I'd imagine striper hooks are also of the larger variety.


I went to a lake with my 10' john boat for the first time a few years ago. Had all my rods rigged and was pulling the boat out of the back of my truck. While I was in the boat making things ready,somehow I got a rattletrap stuck in my leg,below the calf muscle.

I had just driven an hour to the lake and decided while I was there at the lake I may as well make the best of things. I clipped the line and left the lure hanging from my leg the whole trip.

Was sorta funny when I would cast or moved that leg,I made a rattling sound.

Got home and used the hook removal trick and popped the hook right out . No blood,just a little discomfort.

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