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Only once... so far. I was about 12, early one Sunday morning on my parents 20 acre lake in a jon boat. As I was lipping a 2 or so pounder it had one last shake in it and the next thing I know one set of treble hooks was in her mouth and the other set was in my hand. One hook was buried all the way up to where the three come together so there was no way to pull the barb though.

I managed to get the fish off and in the excitement tossed it in the dry well instead... oops. Anyway, I rowed back one-handed and woke my mom up and asked her to take me to the hospital. My dad woke up and said, get me a steak knife. MOM!!!!

The folks at the emergency room were amused.

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Barb on a treble went in between my left ring finger and my middle finger. It didn't bleed very much and it didn't hurt very bad. Tried to pull it back out and push it through but it wouldn't move, like it was stuck on something. Got down the the emergency room and the Dr. said that it was through a nerve. After they cut it out and the novacaine wore off it hurt like the devil.


Last summer , lipping a 4 lber. He burried the hooks to the bone , quick trip to the E.R. and all was well , except for my GF . For some reason she hit the deck when she saw the Dr. take the hooks out of my knuckle .


Never!! First of all it is illegal in NC and my wife would not put up with that nonsense.

Seriously though, got myself in the leg with a crankbait (not bad though), and the closest to a hospital trip for me was after I nailed a 6lber. I was being stupid and had a good deal of line tension while I was pulling a deepset hook out with a pair of needlenose. The hook came free, the tension pulled it out of the needlenose and it promptly found a new home in my hand. Luckily it went at a shallow enough angle that it just was a simple flesh wound and I could remove myself.


My guess is that person was involved in either some kind of car/truck crash , or boat crash, where the lure got into is eye due to that.

Look at all the other bruises and blood all over on him.

Or somebody opened a very big can of whooparse on him.

Looks like he had a very, very, very bad day one way or another.


Lmao ;D. So far only once for me. Knelt on a crank bait while landing a fish. Got me right below the knee cap. Buried 2 out of 3. You would not believe how tough your skin is on your knee. My co-angler apparently could not handle me removing the hooks. he fell out of the chair and onto the deck. ;D

Similar story - I was striper fishing with my buddy in his boat. I had just boated a pretty good fish and had my lure (a Storm Big Mac) laying on the floor of the boat beside the rear seat when another boat came speeding by, MUCH too close. The wake rocked our boat and caused me to lose my balance as I leaned over to pick up the lure. I fell on the lure, burying two of the barbs WAY deep into my knee. Had to push both of them through and cut 'em off.

Another hook story. Same boat, same buddy, only this time his wife was with us. We were chasing surfacing schools of sand bass around a local lake, casting Kastmaster spoons into the melee. He cranked up for a long cast at the same time his wife decided to stand up. As he whipped the rod forward, he buried the treble hook right in her scalp. Strained the ol' marital relations a little.



I was on a woodworkers forum for a while when someone asked about accidents in their shops. That produced one long thread of bloody mangled flesh. A real horror show. I was almost reluctant to open this thread, thinking it might be more of the same. ;D

I was on a woodworkers forum for a while when someone asked about accidents in their shops. That produced one long thread of bloody mangled flesh. A real horror show. I was almost reluctant to open this thread, thinking it might be more of the same. ;D

Oh yeah... I've done way more damage to myself in the woodshop than fishing. Last Spring I jammed a wood chisel into my left palm. That was a 21 stitch mistake I won't soon forget.

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Over the years I have manage to hook myself or others in my boat have hooked me, several times.

I use a net whenever fishing with multiple treble hook lures. I was fishing with a business associate for big bass and he caught a 14.2 lb bass on a deep diving crankbait. I don't like to use nets on big bass, so going agianst my normal net the bass with treble hook lures, I lipped it. I always remove the lure before taking pictures or weighing the bass. This time John had his camera ready as soon as I grabbed the bass and wanted to get a picture of it being landed. Without thinking, I put the bass back into the water, John got ready and I lifted it out so water would splash with the bass. John got the picture, the bass slipped out of my grasp and the free treble hook caught the top of my hand.

I still have the scars. We cut off the treble hook at the split ring and weighed the bass before releasing it. The weight of the bass and thrashing around caused the hooks to bury deeply into muscle and tendons.

Sometimes we get careless and accidents happen.



ill tell you my favorite time being hooked! ok so i was shore fishing when i was about 12, and i had 2 crankbaits with me, a deep diver, and a shallow diver... i started with the deep diver, and my knot came undone, so i casted out my shallow diver and retrieved it. i preffered the deep diver so retied that one, and didnt want to stop fishing, so i hooked the SD on the leg of my shorts,it came off when i walked through some thick weeds, it took me 1/2 hour to realize it... so i walked the lake shore back and fourth looking for it...couldnt find it then my sister(my ride) decided it was time to go to "the other spot" on my way to the car... $H!T i lightly hooked myself in the leg, what was it? my Shallow Crankbait!  ;D ;D ;D ... the best part was that later that day, i was fishing that shallow diver, i caught my first walleye! i was happy, but now i get P1$$ed evry time i catch a walleye, they get in the way of some good bass fishing!  ;D


Story#1 - I'm about 8 years old fishing Wye Mills Lake, easter shore of Maryland, with my dad and Grandad in the 60's. Hook my dad in the ear lobe with a big Mepps spinner. We drop him on shore and he heads to country doctors office. He approaches the receptionist and ask to see the doctor. She askes, What for ? A little suprised that she could'nt see the problem he replied, " I've got this fishing lure stuck in my ear !" She bust out laughing and says, "O goodness ! I thought that was an earing !

Story #2 - Doing an over-night canoe float on the Rappahanouck river, above Federicksburg, with my son, younger sister and her husband. My sister and her husband are not real experienced paddlers, so I put her in my boat to prevent prevent a marital disaster if she and her husband, Ryan, were to share a canoe. We have the canoes loaded with all the gear and are making our way down, and having a really good time. The fishing is easy and my sister is really getting into it and not paddling a whole lot which is fine. Anyhow, as most river runners know, some sets of rapids require you to put the rod down and focus on the paddling so as to not wind up with the canoe up side down and all year gear floating down river. As we are coming up to a good set of rapids I put the rod down and picked up the paddle. My sis has hooked a nice smallie and swings it to the back for me to take off just as we  are approaching rapids. I attempt to un-hook quickly when the fish flops and buries a hook. No time to fix now because I have to pick up the paddle. So as we are ricocheting off of rock I'm trying to paddle with a lure in my hand with a fish hanging from the lure. My sister finds this quite funny and is having a good laugh even as the canoe turns sideways an we go over. I'm yelling from pain and yelling at her to grab the gear floating away. My son and Ryan had gone through the rapids first and were watching us, also laughing there heads off at the site of me thrashing around for paddles, rods, coolers, with a fish hanging from my hand. All turned out well and now hear the story told regularly at family gatherings ;D


I was 14 and fishing with a friend at a local pond.  My friend was casting a rapala.  Well he decided to cast sideways along the bank and that nice lil rapala found its way right between my legs.  Enough said , I will remember it for life and I always wear baggy pants or shorts now when fishing.   :-/

I was 14 and fishing with a friend at a local pond. My friend was casting a rapala. Well he decided to cast sideways along the bank and that nice lil rapala found its way right between my legs. Enough said , I will remember it for life and I always wear baggy pants or shorts now when fishing. :-/

We have a winner!! :o



Been fishing since I was 8 - 9 and I am 40 now and have never been hooked.  I've seen many people get hooked, one that stands out a girl got hooked in her eyelid...


Last summer when I was working on my dads boat I had to  get a customer's fish off. We fish in the ocean for seabass using what bass fisherman would call a drop shot rig. Except our's are weighted with up to a pound and we use 5 odd hooks on them. At the begging of the trip we always ask the customers to hold the sinkers for us when we take their fish off so that nobody gets hit with flying lead  or gets an unwanted piercing (the boat is rocking). So this guy, unlike most, actually held his sinker. I got the fish off, and he decided he was done holding his  5 or 6 ounces of lead, I forget which, so he dropped them. Its lucky nobody got hurt.... oh no wait I DID. The hook came down and with the sinker pulling it down stuck in my elbow. But the best part was how the guy saw it happen and didn't say anyhting. Not a serious hooking by any means I just love how I'm standing there bleeding and the guy says nothing. ;D


I know this isnt me but when i was 13 i was fishing on a dock with my dog ,she was about 1 at the time. Anyway she grabbed my crankbait out of curiosity and hooked a face full of trebles. She hauled butt down the dock through the yard and as she just about made it to the house i ran out of line and it broke. Luckily i didnt have to do much digging cause as i walked up to her she had already ripped the hooks out.

  • 4 weeks later...

My wife and I were waking spinnerbaits for some REALLY active bass. She got a bite just as she was about to pull the lure from the water, SHE REALLY SET THE HOOK GOOD!  ;D ;DThe spinnerbait was about 6 inches from my face when I remember thinking "This is gonna hurt." :'( The lead from the head busted me accoss the bridge of the nose, the hook went INSIDE my nostril and each one of the blades left its  mark  over and next to my eye!! Wear your glasses when fishin boys!


A few months ago I took a buddy and my two boys out fishing, just a quick Sunday afternoon trip.  We launched in a reservoir and ran way up the river to a couple of small lakes.  We get to the spot, I hand my boys their rods, I drop the trolling motor, and I hear my buddy screaming "Oh my god! Oh my god! I need help!"  I turn and look and he has a trap going thru his right eye!  His first cast went into the brush and he yanked it out; when the trap flew by his face, the hooks caught him.  I left the boat drifting, I move my boys to the front of the boat, I have him sit down, and I start evaluating the damage. 

What we thought was a hook through the eyeball turned out to be a hook through the lower eyelid, not touching the eye... in, out, and hooked into the eyebrow, holding his eye closed.  We briefly discussed heading for the nearest ranger station, but were afraid the long ride back would cause more damage.  I get the hook out of his eyebrow, and now the trap is dangling from his lower eyelid (in hindsight, that would have made a GREAT picture!).  I start working it free, when one of my boys yells "watch out dad!" and my buddy YANKS his head around to see what they are talking about, nearly ripping off his eyelid!  Turns out the boat was just drifting up on the bank... no big deal.  We turn back to the business on hand and finally make the decision that it's time to cut.  He happened to have a razor knife with him, so I start cutting, small, minute cuts, freeing the hook from his eyelid.  There was suprisingly little blood... I pulled out my Army first aid kit and we got his eyelid cleaned up.

Now, this is a sign of a good fishing partner... or a stupid one... I ask if he wants to head back to the ramp and he says "No, it's not bleeding, let's just fish!"

After we got done shaking and the adrenaline rush subsided, we went on to have a great couple of hours of fishing, catching 25 bass or so, and my 7yr old boy caught his first two bass all by himself (cast, reeled, caught the bass, landed it)!

We laugh about it all the time now, and have renamed the lake "Hookeye Dan Cove"!

Oh, he went to his doctor the next day and got a tetanus shot... the doc asked how he got the trap out and Dan told him "my buddy cut it out with a knife".  The doc said, "Well, he did a good job!"  Now you can barely see a little scar on his eyelid.

I now keep a pair of pliers specifically for cutting hooks in the boat... and we troll over to where we're hung up now, instead of yanking on it!

Good times!


i dont know how i've never seriously hooked myself. probably because i tend to stay away from crankbaits....

it was the very first day my father let my brother and i use real fishing hooks without supervision. we were using bent sewing pins before that but could never get a hook-up.

i was standing on the shore behind a friend making a long cast. i wonder what he was thinking when the bait did not fly over him and out over the water as he made the overhead cast.

the eagle claw bait hook was buried in my cheek almost to the line and a piece of an earth worm was still attached.

the park staff called an ambulance. emergency room doctor gave me a local anesthetic shot and pulled the hook out. it did not come out easy but the i remember that the worst pain of the whole ordeal was from the shot.

I know this isnt me but when i was 13 i was fishing on a dock with my dog ,she was about 1 at the time. Anyway she grabbed my crankbait out of curiosity and hooked a face full of trebles. She hauled butt down the dock through the yard and as she just about made it to the house i ran out of line and it broke. Luckily i didnt have to do much digging cause as i walked up to her she had already ripped the hooks out.

My dog got hooked too. sebile swimmer up his nose!


i've never been severely hooked, luckily. the most is just a small poke/stab from the point of a hook, but never past the barb. and i always try to pay attention to whats going on around me as far as myself or someone else making a cast. also when fishing top water im sure to miss some hooksets, so i always try to be ready to dodge out of the way when a frog or whatever comes flying back at my head 100mph.


Only been hooked once.  Hooked my back while casting a spoon.  Good thing it was only one prong of the treble.  Bad thing was I was fishing in the middle of the outlet below the dam.  Moments after hooking myself, sirens went off, so I had to retreat back to the banks with myself being foul hooked, before the gates were opened.  Forgot my tackle bag at home, so I had to beg the other fishermen to borrow their pliers and help removing the hook.  Luckily there was a guy that was nice enough to remove the hook. 

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