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I am known on some Bass fishing sites as 'the back-seat hoohah", as I have gotten invites that I have taken guys up on to come fish with them all over the USA on thier boats.

Whenever I take a flying trip, I bring rods, and make posts that 'hey, I am flying down to hopefully do some fishing there", and offer to pay the ramp and gas money to help pay the day's expenses, getting many, many fishing invites that way.

On one particular trip to California , there on a family vacation, a guy invites me to come fish San Luis Reservoir near Gilroy for freshwater Striped Bass, which I gladly took him up on.

I meet the guy at the ramp early in the morning, and in about ten minutes, I have about an 8 pound Striper on a big topwater walking bait, and I land it.

As I go to unbutton it, it totally goes ballistic and flips itself over in my hand, sticking me with THREE hookpoints into my stronger, right hand which I was holding it with, with two of the points going in WAY past the barbs; the other hookpoint easily pulled out.

I put my fish down onto the carpeted deck , and put my left foot on it to stop it from flailing around on my now well stuck hand.

My boating host looks over, sees how bad it is hooked into me, and says "we're gonna have to go to the hospital".

I say, let me get this fish off first, and then I'll see how bad it really is [despite my pain and embarassment then].

No way do I want to blow this guy's day of fishing, nor do I want to stop fishing either.

I get my pliers out, unbutton the fish, and then go about popping the points out of me with the pliers.

By now, I am bleeding pretty good, and am making a bloody mess on the back deck. I quickly rinse as much blood from the deck by splashing water up with my left hand, while holding my bleeding hand in the water to numb it, and to stop bleeding onto the boat.

He had a first aid kit onboard, so after a while, I fixed up some bandages to stop the bleeding, and continued to fish all day, catching many more that day with him.

He said I was hard core to the bone...and I have an open invite to fish with him anytime I am in California again.

In nearly fifty years of bassing with lures, that was my personal worst, but I have been stuck with single hooks many times, but those were 2X wire owner treble hooks, and BIG ones that time.

I still have scars from it.


Columbia River at Tri-Cities...club tourney...had Smallies stacked up and were getting 1-1/2 lbers almost every cast on lipless cranks...got one to hand was trying to llip it when my partner got a better keeper...fish slid down my hand and the treble caught my ring finger on my right hand and the fish started shaking driving the hook to the bone......finally corralled the fish and overboarded him....had to cut the shank and push the hook through my finger as the barb was buried...almost blacked out!!! left two holes making me the newest member of what we call "The Snakebite Club"


Not me, but my gf. She caught a 1 lb or so LM on a rapala minnow. When she went to unhook it and it flopped around and drove the hook home into her thumb. I'm not sure the rationale in her response, but she freaked and started waving her hand around with the bass still hanging from the lure and I couldn't get a hold of the thing. After about a minute of yelling at her to put her hand on the ground she got the message and I was able to get the fish off and I cut the lure off the pole. She fainted the first time at that point. She fainted again when she asked me what I was thinking about and I responded honestly that I was trying to figure out how to push the barb back through. Unfortunately the hook was too small and set too deep for that so I had to use a pocket knife to guide the barb out. Somehow this was all my fault for at least two weeks ::)

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Not me, but my gf. She caught a 1 lb or so LM on a rapala minnow. When she went to unhook it and it flopped around and drove the hook home into her thumb. I'm not sure the rationale in her response, but she freaked and started waving her hand around with the bass still hanging from the lure and I couldn't get a hold of the thing. After about a minute of yelling at her to put her hand on the ground she got the message and I was able to get the fish off and I cut the lure off the pole. She fainted the first time at that point. She fainted again when she asked me what I was thinking about and I responded honestly that I was trying to figure out how to push the barb back through. Unfortunately the hook was too small and set too deep for that so I had to use a pocket knife to guide the barb out. Somehow this was all my fault for at least two weeks ::)



A funny one this time...

I love to share fishing with kids, taking them out on my Ranger often.

Every summer in July, I go up to upstate NY where we have vacationed for many , many years in a small lakesideĀ  "adirondack camp".

It has nine cabins in it, and nine families shareĀ  the "camp" for a weeklong stay, and often , it's the same clans or families for the same weeks , year after year.

Well, being a small camp, everyone in camp knows I am a real fishing enthusiast, andĀ  that I will share my boat and gearĀ  with those willing to give it a whirl.

A teenage girl asked me if I could take her fishing one of the days, and after getting approval from her Mom and grandparents, we went out fishing on my boat.

Young Meaghan was about 13 or 14 at the time, and she was into it bigtime. Well, we get into a good Rapala Minnow bite, with smallies coming up to crush them as we just twitch them slightly as they sit on top of the water.

Well, after landing a few fish, Meagan again gets attacked, but this time sets too soon, pulling the lure away and rocketing it back into the boat, with it sticking my earlobe with it's rearmost hook totally piercing my lower earlobe.

I cut the line by the lure , but not having any good wire cutters nor mirror aboard, I just left it dangling there, and tied another onto her line, and we continued to fish until it was dark out. We motored back to the camp, and her Mom and grandparents come running down to the dock as we tied up, asking 'how'd you do" to us as they approached.

I responded back, "Meaghan got the big one; it weighs about 250 pounds", and then turned that ear towards them, shaking my head so the #11Ā  gold Rapala flailed about so they could see it.

Her Mom gasped, and said she take me to the local hospitals to get it removed, to which I said no, I would tend to it.

I walked up to my truck, and got a good pair of diagonal cutting pliers. Then with a mirror, I cut the hook point with theĀ  barb off, so I could back the rest of the hook out easily.

I am glad Meaghan did not want a skin mount of her 250 pounder. ;D


The funniest ones are when a friend hooks you. Not funny at the time, but hilarious years later. The only time I hooked myself was when a got the line wrapped around the handle of the reel and tried to cast it. The lure flung back around and burried itself into the side of my knee. This was when I was 9 years old. My dad pushed the hook back through the skin and cut the barb.


Honestly I have yet to do it, I probably have cut my hand more on line or with my knife then anything else.


Once, while fishing from my grandparents dock in Ft. Lauderdale Florida when i was 14 , I stepped on a 3/0 hook, sinking the point deep in my foot. I'd never done this before, and had no idea what to do. Logic told me to push the hook back through the meat and skin till the point was exposed, then cut off the barb and back the hook out, so that's what I did. I haven't done it again since.


one time, i was in a hurry and so i cut off one of my treble hooks, left it laying in the floor ,and never thought about it....until my mom stepped on it!! her and dad went to the emergency room and didn't come back until 11:00 p.m, i felt so bad.

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Only hooked my self once.Ā  Last year.

My canoe was parked in the weeds in the shallows.Ā  In front was a ridge of stones that ran out into about five feet of water.

On three casts, I had caught three nice bass, the third was between four and five pounds, maybe a tad more.

My scale was beneath the rods in the rack in front of me.Ā  As I reached for the scale, I felt a sting, and knew I had snagged myself.

Yep, the forward treble had hooked me in the base of my thumb.Ā 

The heck with the scale.Ā  Put the bass back in the water, then tried to get the hook out.

If someone had been with me, the string technique would have worked fine, but alas, I was fishing alone.

I tried to do the same action by gripping the hook with needle nose pliers, but, it would not budge.

OK, maybe I can force the point trough the skin and either cut it below the barb, or press the barb closed.

Try as I might, the best I could do was to raise what looked like a white pimple where the point was trying to exit.

Funny, it did not hurt much.Ā  No sense no feeling, perhaps.

The fish were being extremely cooperative, and leaving was my last resort.Ā  My only resort as things turned out.

Could not move the hook one way or the other.

So, with the Rapala, dangling from my hand, I paddled back to where the canoe gets launched, loaded all the gear into the back of my pickup, but could not go directly to the hospital.

I dared not leave my truck parked with all the gear visible and vulnerable.

So, home to unload.Ā  When I got home, I positioned the lure in a neutral position so the hook was not exerting any force against the tissue around the wound.

Then I put some tape around the tail hook lest I snag something, or someone else.

Off to the ER.Ā  My daughter works in the ER, and my wife is the Chief Nursing Officer, and connections do expedite things.

As I was walking in one of the ER docs was just ahead of me.Ā  I followed him and when he paused, I caught up and asked if this was a good place to get "this" removed as I showed him the lure affixed to my hand.

He told me I was in luck since he was the only doc that knew how to remove the hook.

Told him I did, and had done it when someone fishing with me had snagged himself in a similar way with a Rebel.

He asked how I would do it.Ā  Told him the string technique.Ā  Kinda deflated him to realize that a non medical guy knew his technique.

Took him a couple of minutes to gather the heavy suture material, and with a couple of other ER docs watching, to see how it was done, bingo, the hook was extracted.

Didn't even put a bandage on it.

Went home, loaded the canoe, went back to the pond and to the spot where I hooked the biggest catch of the day, me, and caught a few more.

With the hook removed, I was pain free.Ā  What amazed me is that the area wasn't in the least tender.




Was reeling in a crankbait of some sort and got some grass on it so I brought it up and took the grass off. Opened the bail and noticed I had left a string of grass hanging off so i grabbed it with my middle finger and ring finger and went to cast and "Son of a *****" Luckily it didn't go past the barb but it still didn't feel too good

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Thankfully I have never hooked myself.A few years ago,Both of my boys were in the boat with me. We were having a great time when all of a sudden my youngest(10 at the time)screamed loudly.His Brother was casting and the worm hook caught him in the lower lip. By the time I got calmed down and got a pair of snips,my son pulled the hook from his own lip.He didn't seem any worse for the wear,so we went back to fishing.


When I was about 4 I went shore fishing for bluegills at a small pond with my dad and a neighbor kid. We kind of spread out along the bank with some small trees separating us.Ā  Well, the neighbor kid was making an overhand cast with a too much line out and when he cast, his hook caught me in the neck, right under my chin.Ā  Thinking he had snagged in the tree near him, he started whipping the rod, trying do dislodge it from the tree.Ā  He didn't seem to notice my screams, but my dad did and got him to stop.Ā  By that time, he had torn a gash in my neck about a half inch long.Ā  Luckily, with that much play, the hook backed right out.Ā  I will remember that day for the rest of my life.

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Let me start by saying I've never hooked myself thankfully. I've been hooked a few times by my daughters, nothing major thankfully.

The one thing that stands out in my mind was one day trolling offshore. My boat and a friends boat a few miles away. We were working a long weedline and working several large schools of dolphin while making our way back towards each other. As we were picking up our lines we get a call on the radio saying they needed help badly.

So we drag the rest of our gear in and haul butt over to the other boat where we see my friends dad with a 8/0 or 9/0 hook lodged into his chin. Apparently they got into a small blue marlin that was crusing along the weeds and as they got him near the transom the fish spooked and threw the lure. Hit him right in the face. Had to drive back roughly 30 miles to the docks, then another half hour 45 minutes to the hospital to get the shank cut. Then they had to go in surgically to remove the rest of the hook. They took a few hours because they were worried about nerve damage to the face, etc etc. Needless to say that ruined a really good day fishing.


I was tying on 2/0 offset worm hook and and went to pull tight with my teeth, and my dad hooked on with a bass, so I was distracted and the hook went right into the inside of my cheek. But it didnt go all the way in that the shank caught!Ā  Ā Ā  Ā Ā 


As I go to unbutton it, it totally goes ballistic and flips itself over in my hand, sticking me with THREE hookpoints into my stronger, right hand which I was holding it with, with two of the points going in WAY past the barbs.

NEVER lip a fish or try to unhook a fish that is landed onaĀ  lure with trebles!Ā  Ā  use a net if u can, and a pair of pliers, those things are HORRIBLE! I know!

My story really quick.

I didnt even earn the honor of landing a fish........ it was mid winter last year when i was reorganizing my gear for the 9th or 10th time and i decided that my one football jigs skirt was in serious need of some TLC. So i snipped the band and went to work. at some point I must have lost my grip, because the 1oz All Terran Tackle Football Jig and its MASSIVELY thick hook punctured straight into the core of the meaty soft part of my right hand thumb. well past the back barb, but not coming out the other side.Ā  Ā Ā  I lived with my parents at this time, itwas of course like 1 or 2 in the morning and the last thing i wanted to do was wake them or the dog up. so i grabbed a leather belt, a pair of pliers, and a first aid kit. went into the bathroom furthest from their bedroom, "sanitized" the wound with alot of hydrogen poroxide.Ā  Ā  then bit down hard on that belt (so hard i left teeth marks) and "carefully" "extracted" the jig from my thumb.

I paid dearly for that mistake. Im a college drumline snare drummer, and by day i work a job that requires me to type all day long.... needles to say. work was hell the next day, and drumline rehearsal that night i was in so much agony that i dont remember most of that 3.5 hour rehearsal............Ā  Ā  So, lesson learned, watch where u place ur fingers!Ā  Ā ;D


So far I've done it twice. The first time, I was using a Heddon Baby Torpedo and I was hung in a tree. Like an idiot, I gave it a big jerk and it flew back and hit me on the shin, about an inch from the shin bone on the inside of my leg. I took my pliers and pushed the point though but the barb wouldn't go through. So I took my pliers and pulled on the point while my buddy grabbed the shank of the hook with his pliers and pushed. Man, when the barb finally went through it made a sickening "pop" that we swore you could have heard on the other side of the lake. Then I was able to cut the barb off. He still gives me a hard time that I ruined our morning by causing us to miss the topwater bite.

The second time I was by myself and caught a 6 or 7 inch bass on a Pop-R. I had him lipped and he decided he didn't like it in my boat so he started flopping and got me just down from my thumb in the fat part next to the palm. So here I am with the little bass attached to a Pop-R on one hook and me on the other hook. Luckily, he fell off and I pushed the hook on through.


Was going to lip a smallie and the hook point went into my palm past the barb. Somehow the hook moved slightly when my friend was removing it from the fish and it just fell out. But my whole palm was sore for the rest of the day.


Done it twice. Same lure, two different places. Tiny torpedo...... First time, tying on the lure, pulling lime tight with tag end in my teeth. Line broke pulling back treb in my lip past the barb, that was fun!!Ā  Second time, fishing around dusk, caught on the end of weed. Pulled a bit to hard to free it and it came back at me " just like a torpedo". All I herd was the prop on that bad boy ripping back at me at warp speed!!Ā  Put my arm up to protect my face and it hit me right in the forearm. Waited for it to hit the deck of the boat and realized that wasn't happening 'cause it was hurried in my arm past the barb. Both times was able to remove hooks from flesh with a bit of flesh and blood. Nothing worth going to ER for but I don't fish with torpedo's anymore!!!


I hooked my pinkies together (like chinese handcuffs) with a red-eye shad. Good times. As I walked in the E.R I stuck my hands through the tiny window and said to the lady, "I need you to fix this." The look on her face was priceless.

I hooked my pinkies together (like chinese handcuffs) with a red-eye shad. Good times. As I walked in the E.R I stuck my hands through the tiny window and said to the lady, "I need you to fix this." The look on her face was priceless.

Lmao ;D. So far only once for me. Knelt on a crank bait while landing a fish. Got me right below the knee cap. Buried 2 out of 3. You would not believe how tough your skin is on your knee. My co-angler apparently could not handle me removing the hooks. he fell out of the chair and onto the deck. ;D


When I was around 4 my family was crappie fishing at Cave run Lake off my Grandfather's old Ranger.Ā  My Mom leans back to make a cast when she comes forward she looks out and the bobber hook and sinker aren't flying out to the spot she tried for.Ā  She turns around looks behind her doesn't see anything so she reels up and starts looking around about that time she looks right at me and hanging from my right ear is her hook with minnow still on it flipping around.Ā  She starts to panic and my Dad walks over to cut it off.Ā  She walks up beside him and all I say very comely is and I quote "Mommy you hooked me." ::)

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