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my uncle has a house on smith mountain lake, and it seems like its a nightmare everytime he goes to take his boat out. first, once he lets the boat lift down and lowers it into the water he refuses to start it up and back out of the dock. i end up having to get up and push the boat backwards out into the lake before he will even start it. of course last time the batteries were dead because he hooked the charger up wrong, so here we are drifting away from the dock with no paddle, i had to open up the door on the side, get down on my knees and paddle us back with a floatation device(i made my aunt by an oar and put in the boat that weekend). but back to backing out of the dock, hes yelling to keep it straight when im pushing from one side afraid he is gonna get a tiny scratch on it if it bumps into the dock.

and pulling back in is just as bad, he wont drive the boat in there slowly, he cuts it off and drifts to the dock and wants me to pull it in steady and even on both sides and gets mad when its not center the whole way in. then he gets really mad when i ask him how my aunt/his wife can pull the boat right in there with no problems and no one having to get up and do all this unneccesary stuff. she only drives it when hes not there, so he doesnt believe me because he has never seen it...

after going through all that id almost assume to stay back on the dock and fish there all day and night. atleast then i can bypass the 6 pack or 12 pack, and go straight for the 24 pack and a bag of ice =]

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Years ago I had a job selling boats. One day my boss told me to deliver a boat I had sold to a local lake, launch the boat and take the new owner for a test ride. When I got to the lake, the owner and his whole family were there on the dock to watch me launch the boat. I backed it in the water cranked it up and backed it off the trailer. It wasn't until I felt something cold around my ankles that I realized I had left the plug out.  :-[ The only thing I could think to do was drive it back onto the trailer. However, I didn't take into consideration that the boat had a lot of really heavy water in the bilge so was a lot lower in the water. when I drove it back onto the trailer with the motor still all the way down, I hit the ramp and broke the lower unit. needless to say, the sale was cancelled and  I had to look for a new job. :'(


My oopses seem to always happen when someone else is around to see them, where are these people when I catch a decent fish?

Only left the plug out once, and discovered it before I launched, but it had bounced into the drain hole of my third seat, and a kind gentleman helped to fish it out.

I think it was that same trip, we got into the water and realized that the PFD's were at home. One other time, I forgot to put them in the boat, and had to row all the way back across the 60 acre lake to the landing.

The worst one I think, was when I was using a private landing (with permission) and the owner had already helped me back the rig down (was just learning) and I was trying to launch the boat, pushing and shoving and it wouldn't budge off the trailer. The landing owner was also kind enough to point out that I'd forgotten to unhook the bow strap. DOH!

Can't wait for the water to open up!


1. Many years ago: (not directly boat related, but fishing related).

buddy and I left  home for a weekend fishing in a lake 7 hours drive away. Stopped to eat on the way. I offer to pay. No wallet. Left it at home.

Too far to turn around and go back. Buddy has small amount of cash and credit card.

Restaurant doesn't take cc's. Buddy needs to save the cash for the trip since I have none. I hate washing dishes and really don't want to go to jail.

Restaurant is one that fisherman stop at all the time--they see we are fishermen and give us a copy of the dinner check and say to mail them a personal check when we get back home.

We did.

Intervening years: about everything already mentioned here! At least once!

2. Last spring:

went to boat dealer to pick up boat after having it serviced -. Paid and then dealer employee helped me back up to trailer and hook up. Then he left.

My boat (aluminum) was parked between two large pontoons. Got too close to one and scraped my boat. Not much damage to it and none to the pontoon. But--could not get my boat back in position to get out-there was a fence in the rear and I was not able to go back far enough. Embarrassing-had to go back in and ask them to come back out and help me get out of the parking space!

3.. Last month:

launched my boat --started motor no problem. Could not steer it--steering wheel would only turn an inch or two each way.

Forgot to take the clips off of the steering arms that keep motor from turning side to side while trailering.

Looking forward to finding new ways to mess up--ways no one else has done (or will admit).

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Forgot to put in plug (more than once). Drove 80 miles to lake without gas hose (paid $25 {20 yrs ago} for an extra that another boater had-it was old but better than nothing). Left boat key hanging on hook by the back door. Left tie-downs on transom (more than once). Left rain gear at home (rainy, cold late fall day). Fallen off front twice (losing prescription glasses and trashing cell phone both times, plus one good spinning rig). These are the ones that come quickly to mind and is not a comprehensive list. ::)

On the inaugural trip with my first boat was maybe the best(?). It was a 16' Polar Craft V on a trailer that hinged in the middle. For reasons unknown, we decided to pull the pin from the trailer so it would pivot. We were OK until I crawled in the boat and sat down in the back seat (raised on a pedestal ~12"). As soon as my brother started down the ramp, the trailer pivoted. Now I am nearly standing on my head, hanging off the back of the boat, with both arms wrapped around an 18 HP Johnson. The lower unit of the motor scraped a few feet, before my brother stopped the vehicle. Luckily nothing seriously hurt but my pride.

This was not the last time I found myself upside down, hanging on to that motor for dear life. That old Johnson would start in gear. One of the first trips out, I left it in gear when I stopped. When it was time to go, I gave the throttle a twist and gave her a tug... It was a very exciting couple of seconds. :o I told the friend I had bought the motor from about this and he got a big laugh, having warned me. A few months later he was fishing with me, and did the same thing. It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. I was young and in good shape then. Any one of these happening now and my falling off the boat number would go up.


Was on a fishing trip a few years ago with some guys from work. I had just purchased a Bass Tracker and was excited to take it out on a big reservioir for the first time (i usually just fish small strip mines). We get there on a Friday afternoon and just shore fished for a few hours. That night we all went out to dinner and i got really really drunk. I get up the next day and I have a hangover for the record books. We launch the boat and motor to the spot around 2.5 to 3 miles away. I take out my rods and start throwing my spinnerbait. I wanted to tie on a different color, only to realize all my tackle was in the hotel room (30 min away). Luckily i had a few things in the boat. We go to leave and motor about 30 feet and motor shut off. Ran out of gas. Started to troll and the battery died after about 10 min. Only had one oar in the boat, so there I am rowing a boat in 100 plus degree temperatures with a hangover. Finallly my buddy flagged down a boat and he thankfully towed us in. Now i have two trolling motor batterys in the boat and never leave the ramp without a full tank.

I had a friend forget the cooler of beer on the dock  :'(

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The plug!

Should you do the same, here's a tip:

Get on plane, and pull the plug. The water drains right out.

Just make sure to pop it back in before slowing down.

im not sure, but i dont think i can swim that fast. then theres trying to get back in the boat...


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This is a real story and it happened to a man who needed to be rescued . . . . . .

The incident began at the fuel dock. After refueling, this man realized that he had spilled a considerable amount of gas which had formed a sizable puddle on the aft deck of his boat. He then started his boat and moored at his normal slip in the marina. Next he went to his truck, got an electric wet/dry vac, plugged it into an outlet on the dock and started to Vacuum up the gasoline. You got to see where this is going. It didn't take long for the gas fumes to collect in the metal vac can. Within minutes - BOOM ! The vac exploded launching shrapnel into the guy and blasting him off the boat and into the water. His boat caught fire and exploded which in turn caught 5 other vessels tied up next to him on fire too. When we arrived on scene (USCG) the marina personnel had managed to pull the man to safety, then they cut all the boats on fire free. The burning vessels were drifting around and taking turns blowing up, all of them eventually burned to the waterline.

I later found out this fine mariner was employed as a family physician.



Immediately after launching I saw a huge front coming in....ckd my weather radio and it said huge storm and probability of tornados....I ran for 45 minutes to my #1 spot thinking it would be protected some what. It wasn't and it was a long, Long, LONG night.....

Did I say LONG NIGHT...it was

Big O



While fishing a tournament once I arrived at my spot where I was going to win the tournament and found four boats already on the spot. I was so ticked that I made a tight right hand turn to head to another spot and launched my partner at least twenty feet into the air. Nobody got hurt but I learned a lot.


wow that is some survival story need....glad you are here with us today  ;D


This happened to my buddy. He kept his boat at a dock on the lake, one day we were walking out the dock to his boat and someone up on the shore yelled something at him. He stopped, turned around and answered them. They exchanged a few comments and then he took two steps and stepped off the dock into where his boat should have been........ it wasn't..... It was an empty slip his boat was in the next one . He went down with a handful of rods, his tackle box and all of his dignity. I could hear him cussing under water. He had a nice audience for that one.

I forgot about this one. When I launch by myself sometimes I will tie a rope to the trailer and hook it to the boat. Back in the water and the boat floats off the trailer and the hook falls off the boat. I have gone swimming at least three times.

Done that a time or two, but the worst part here is cotton mouths.  The guy at the marina wouldn't let me jump in and threw me an oar and told me to chase my boat with one of his canoes.


How about this one. The night before a big trip you and your buddy spend a good hour and a half at your favorite Chinese buffet for dinner. Get up before daybreak and head out to the marina, stopping for breakfast at an all-night greasy spoon and walking out with a huge cup of black coffee to go.

After launching the boat and heading 20 minutes out toward the upper end of the lake the coffee suddenly kicks in and you realize you haven't made a trip to the bathroom in more than 24 hours. Your colon gets the workout of its life as it attempts to maintain the last shred of any dignity you still possess. Every wake feels like the bottom is going to fall out as you endure a living hell of clench, release, repeat. As you waddle toward the men's room at the marina the hottest college co-ed you've ever seen in your life comes idling past with a knowing smirk.

At least we caught fish that day - and yes, not just crappie. (Let me go ahead and get that one over with)


I was fishing Lake Fork with a buddy.  He was running the trolling motor pretty fast to move out of the area.  I was standing on the back deck near the edge and casting to some pads.  He hit a stump very solidly with the TM and I went right into the water with a rod and Shimano Chronarch combo in my hand.  It was March and cold.  I went all the way under water and came up with the rod in my hand telling him to take the rod..take the rod...We had to go back a long way to where we were staying...Did I say it was March?  I almost froze...but I held onto the rod.


I'd just gotten a new Ranger 360.  First time in the water.  Backed off the trailer and was going to tie it off at the dock when my feet felt a bit wet.  Water was up to my ankles.  Forgot the *#)(%)#& plug.  Got it back on the trailer and pulled it out.  Took awhile to drain, even with the bilge pumps helping.  Luckily, I was alone at the ramp at the time.  Last time I ever pulled that one.

I've also been had by the kill switch a couple of times, along with the winch strap.  Other than that, nothing major.


I have a Jon boat. the first time I took it fishing, I remembered everything except oars. I was two and a half acres from land when my battery on the trolling motor died, and no one else was on the lake. I had to hand row my way back to shore.

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Talked to a good friend and decided to meet at the lake around 4pm to do a lil fishing he thought I was bringing my boat and I thought he was bringing his. We laughed so hard our stomachs hurt. ;D

That may not be a winner, but it is high on the list. ;D


My biggest mistake one day WAS putting the boat in the water!!

I fish out of an old Coleman Crawdad, it is great for getting into the smaller ponds in Plymouth and down Cape Cod, but there are times when the wind can push it around. This story is one of those times .Easily my worse day on the water.

(i copied and pasted this from another site that I posted it on.) Sorry it is so long.

March 15 2008

I tried to fish today ,first off I went to Glen Charlie and the only ramp I know was blocked with two big sand piles ,so I headed down the street to Halfway pond ,it was raining and there was a little wind ,but I launched the boat anyways(first mistake, I should have gone home when I could'nt get on Glen Charlie)

I knew it would be raining and I was dressed for it,as I motor away from the ramp I noticed my motor wasn't spinning as fast as usual so I switched batteries and problem solved (one battery down) ,I thought I would head towards the other side of the pond to get out of the wind however when i turn the corner there is another boat fishing that area, so I head across the pond to use the trees as a wind break, which worked well, so I start throwing jerk baits towards the shore hoping there was a shallow bite because the wind is picking up and to move out away from the shore I would have been blown all around, I come to a big tree and pick up my jig rod and make a cast and the top 8" of my rod breaks off, so I reel that in and again throw the Jerk bait(one rod down).

Well now the wind is really blowing so i say screw this and start to head back to the ramp,well once I get into open water the wind starts really pushing me around,(why does it seem you are always heading into the wind when you are heading back to the ramp?)with the waves now crashing into the front of the boat and I being about as far away from the ramp as I could be, my second battery starts to slow down, I make the turn around the island and can see the ramp,now the waves start to crash over the front of the boat and the boat is slowing down(down two batteries) I pick up the paddle and start paddling along with the trolling motor and after a few minute my paddle breaks in half (one paddle down), so with that being the only paddle I brought I continue to paddle with it but I am not making much headway,I am starting to get a little nervous now, I know I am not going to make back to the ramp and I also notice that there is a lot of water in the boat, more than I think there should be, I know it is raining but I don't think it was raining hard enough to put that much water in the boat, I look around to see what I could do and I notice the pump house that has the little inlet to it, the one that has the rock walls, so i spin a 180 and start heading there, now the wind is at my back and I moving pretty good now I aim for the inlet and the wind pushes me right in, I hop out, tie the boat to the shore and make the walk back to my truck,

I drive back to the boat, now if you know the pond you know were I am, I have to figure out how to get my boat up and over this rock wall(it is about three feet from the water to the top of the wall), well I jump in the boat and unload everything except one battery and the trolling motor onto the this little deck that is on the front of the pump house, it is now pouring freezing rain and wind is howling, I turn the boat around and start heading out into the lake again.

I plan on pulling the boat up on land right at the mouth of the inlet,the wind pushes me sideways into the shore and I throw my anchor onto land to keep me from blowing back into the inlet, I undo the trolling motor and put that onshore and in doing so i breal the prop(down one prop) I get out of the boat and it immediately blows back into the inlet so I trypulling back with the anchor line but it keeps getting stuck on a big 4x4 that is sticking out of the water, well I finally pull the boat out of the inlet over the rock wall, load the truck and head home ,when i get home and start unloading the boat I realize that my life jacket is missing(down one life vest), the perfect ending to a perfect day.

Final tally two batteries, one fishing rod, one trolling motor prop, one paddle , one life vest, and no fish ,I think that is everything.

Easily the worst fishing trip I have ever been on sad.gif

Sorry this post was so long.



Let's see......

Left plug out-check

Trying to start with kill switch pulled-check

Left TM down when trying to get up on plane-check

Transon tie downs still attached when launching-check

Pulling up ramp with engine still down-check

Probably missing a few :D


1.  Tackles, rods, and reels locked in the back of my truck.

2.  Forgot to plug in the plug.

3.  Forgot to take off the back straps on the trailer.

That's it...and I hope it stops at 3. ;D

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