Blue Streak Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 I forgot about this one. When I launch by myself sometimes I will tie a rope to the trailer and hook it to the boat. Back in the water and the boat floats off the trailer and the hook falls off the boat. I have gone swimming at least three times. Quote
Red Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 I only have a small 8' bass buster boat, I dont have any recurring probelms really, but i did have one this past weekend. There I was at the boat ramp, had everything offloaded, truck parked and ready to launch. Now I always put one foot in the boat and push off with the other while jumping into the boat. I do all these steps in one smooth motion. Last Sunday there was an extra step. While performing this manuver, I hear, RRRIIIPPPP!!!. There goes th crotch of my jeans!! No big deal right? Except there is a certain undergarmet that I do not wear. I am going commando all the time. This was NOT a small hole either and now I have a big decision to make. Do I leave now while there is no people at the ramp, or do I risk it and go fishing and see what happens? Well I went fishin(I had already paid the four bucks). Didn't even get a bite. So now it is time to go. I have my flannel shirt tied around my waist to cover the massive exposure on my front side. I wait out a ways from the ramp for 30 minutes hoping all the men, women, and CHILDREN will leave. They don't so I say screw it and go for it.. My timing was way off, I back my truck down at the same time as two others!! I get out taking care that the wind does not blow up my make shift skirt, and there is the guy next to me standing by my boat waiting to help me load it, which I appreciated, but I didn't want him to get the "show of a lifetime" so we made it quick and I avoided any opportunity to strike up conversaion with him about how the fishing was. I got the boat strapped down and got the heck outta there!! All this an I didn't even catch one stinkin fish!! ;D Quote
sleepman00 Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 not me but my cousin, we were coming in to the dock and he was on the front and was going to step off and go get the truck, well when he went to step his foot caught one of his rods and it made him miss the dock and he went into the lake and swam around the other side to get back to land, and got the truck all wet Quote
acmaul13 Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 Gotta be the time i forgot to re-charge battery.At a friends pond(4 maybe 5 acres)no problem getting to the far side where the stumps are.While there and on fish I notice troller isn't quite up to par,we fish for an hour or so when wind starts to blow.Look up and clouds are coming FAST,of course the wind is blowing in the exact opposite direction of the landing.Well it starts to sprinkle and looks to be ready to get worse so we stop and start back.Within 2 min.we can no longer make any headway againsn't the wind,battery croaks!!It was about this time we realized 2 things,#1-The sprinkle was now a full-fledged downpour,#2-We forgot to put oars in the boat. Had to be one of the funniest sights the two of us soaking wet paddling with tree limbs accross that pond. Quote
Hinkle2891 Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 one time while launching my boat with a new classic truck (67 ford f100) it all went in the water. i mean, i was not informed that i had no e-brake, and the whole rig went into the water. engine completely drowned. ran the same day though. gosh i miss those classic vehicles... Quote
Super User Catt Posted February 25, 2010 Super User Posted February 25, 2010 Biggest Mistake After Putting The Boat In The Water? Not launching sooner Quote
bassman31783 Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 My dad & I have 2 boats, 1 bass tracker & 1 deep hull big water boat that we got from my grandfather when he passed away. We decided to go up to lake texoma & see how it ran. When we take the tracker out my dad will get in the boat & i'll back him down into the water then park. Well we did the same thing with the big boat but we didn't really do a good job of looking at the trailer before hand. We had no idea that the boat was resting on rollers on the trailer. I started to back the boat down & heard/felt something weird going on & then a huge crash. Yeah, that boat had rolled off the trailer right onto the boat ramp. Man did we feel stupid trying to fix that problem while other anglers patiently waited to launch their boats the proper way ;D The boat ran fine that day & continues too. It's built like a tank. P.S. The boat wasn't technically in the water but without a doubt the biggest mistake we ever made while going fishing. Quote
Sfritr Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 Went out one morning to test a repair on my motor. I forgot that I had removed the prop on my trolling motor to replace it. Actually, didn't think I'd need it. Got about 2 miles from the ramp and OH BY THE WAY, forgot that I hadn't put gas in the boat either. So, two miles from ramp with no trolling motor and no gas. Rowing an 18 ft bass boat is NOT FUN... I Got about 500 yards from the ramp and realized it would have been a much easier row if I had raised the motor out of the water to create less drag. What an idiot...... Quote
I Love BassResource Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 I launched in a local lake one day last spring, early spring I should say. There were some locals fishing on the bank, probably 7 - 10 people. I fish alone probably 90% of the time, so I jump out tie my boat off to the dock, jump back into my truck, back into the lake, launch the boat, pull back up the ramp.... and I notice the boat starts drifting out into the lake. I had forgot to "securely" tie the rope back to the boat. I tried to grab it but it was of no use, my audience on the bank slowly started letting me know I'd have to swim for it. And I did, 50 degree water and all... I had done this 1,000 times before and never had it happen. I now recheck my knots before I launch... Quote
Boogey Man Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 Quote Quote Quote The plug! Should you do the same, here's a tip: Get on plane, and pull the plug. The water drains right out. Just make sure to pop it back in before slowing down. They make bilge pumps, you know... Really??? What about people who don't want to put a bilge pump in their aluminum boat? Pulling the plug on plane works just fine, smart*ss . How do you get the plug in and out while on plane? Do you mean reaching down over the transom with the boat on plane to put it in our out? I'm not being a smart *ss, just curious. Quote
farmpond1 Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 The drain plug is an annual occurrence. Last year I forgot to add two cycle engine oil to the gas until after I put into the lake. Fortunately I hadn't gotten any further than the docks so shut her off immediately. Anyway, I had to bum some (offered to pay 10 dollars for a pint) from another group of fishermen. Then, at the end of the day I backed the trailor into the lake, loaded the boat, and got back into the pickup to start it. Not a sound. What the He**?!!! The same fishermen who I bummed the oil from earlier were there. Though I didn't think it was the battery, they tried to jump start me. At first it didn't start but then it fired right up. Talk about relieved! Later I discovered that a carpet sample I use to keep the carpet dry(er) had slid forward and under the clutch-preventing it from descending far enough for allow the truck to start. Secretly I was very embarassed. Now it's public. : Quote
Super User MALTESE FALCON Posted February 25, 2010 Super User Posted February 25, 2010 Forgot the plug. Forgot the key. My biggest bonehead stunt was when I left both of my tackle bags on my seawall. The only thing that saved me was, I rigged all six rods before I left the house. Fortunately for me, there was a hot spinnerbait bite that morning, and I only needed one rod. After that trip, there is always a "just in case" bag in my center console. Falcon Quote
Super User Bankbeater Posted February 25, 2010 Super User Posted February 25, 2010 In a jon boat forgetting to tie the anchor line to the boat and throwing out the anchor. I was sitting there thinking the wind was pulling the boat and anchor, and then I saw the anchor line floating out in the water. I was lucky that the water was not deep. Quote
zerofivenismo Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 You guys are too funny! I just bought my first boat and have yet to take her out on the maiden voyage. Between laughing my guts out, I'm trying to take some important notes. It's a guarantee I'll experience those mistakes multiple times. Underwear - checked Drain plug - checked PFD - checked Rods - checked Tackle - checked Gas - checked Charge batts - checked Dock ropes/knots - checked Learn how to swim - TBA ;D Quote
MSPbass Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 For sheer comedic value, this thread has been one of the best I've ever read on As a new boater, this thread has been one of the best, most helpful, valuable, things I've ever read on Thank You! Quote
TommyBass Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 Quote Quote Quote Quote The plug! Should you do the same, here's a tip: Get on plane, and pull the plug. The water drains right out. Just make sure to pop it back in before slowing down. They make bilge pumps, you know... Really??? What about people who don't want to put a bilge pump in their aluminum boat? Pulling the plug on plane works just fine, smart*ss . How do you get the plug in and out while on plane? Do you mean reaching down over the transom with the boat on plane to put it in our out? I'm not being a smart *ss, just curious. In many aluminum boats the plug is on the inside of the transom and pretty easily accessable. Its pretty dangerous to do this on your own, if you'd fall out your pretty much screwed. It's really a last resort type of thing and better with two people. But if your bilge pump fails you can use it to help you out of a hairy situation. I've only did it once, and it was during a heavy rainstorm that lasted all day, and my bilge wasn't working. So as my boat filled up I'd pull the plug, drive awhile, then put it back and I was good to go again. Quote
Hot Rod Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 Last year I was in my boat just about to load it on the trailer. As I make the turn to the ramp where the trailer is already waiting along with my unattended truck (I was fishing alone). I notice some delinquent has his head and shoulders stuck though my open truck window. I'm thinkin', "Some moron is pilfer stuff out of my truck, WTH?!". I'm so intent on watching him I'm not paying attention to what I'm doing as I nose up on the trailer. Forgot to trim up the motor in my distracted/POed state of mind. Just about the time my lower unit/skeg/prop hit the concrete ramp the "moron" gets away from my truck. Here it was a lake staff person checking for my launch permit (which was planly hanging on the mirror, not sure why he had to practically crawly in my truck to see it). Skeg and LU were O.K. but it wrecked two baldes on the SS PROP. That was a $300+ mistake > Quote
IwillChooseFreeWill Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 I love reading all these over... but I wonder what I will forget once I start launching my canoe on a regular basis... Quote
SMfisher Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 road trip last year, forgot to put my tackle box in the floor- left it on the back when dick took off the box rolled off the back of the boat. didn't know it was missing until i went to change baits about 20 minutes later. $600 to $700 worth of tackle gone. what made it so bad was i had in the tackle box 18 jitterbugh that they don't make anymore most of them i bought off e-bay during the winter. have looked this winter haven't found any to replace the ones that i lost. Quote
ring fry Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 Let's see: Drain plug rear tie down straps winch strap kill switch keys Hopefully I won't add too many more to my Darwin list. ;D Quote
Super User roadwarrior Posted February 25, 2010 Super User Posted February 25, 2010 Knowing you should have bought twelve, not the six-pack! : Quote
CFFF 1.5 Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 Have forgotten the drain plug numerous times, that is always fun. The last time I had forgotten the drain plug because it was raining the night before we were fishing and I left the plug out so the boat wouldn't hold water over night. We get to the ramp and drop the boat in the water and I go park the truck. As the boat is filling with water the plug apparently floated to some other place in the boat and we couldn't find the plug. We had to drag the boat transom first up on shore so the back end of the boat was mostly out of the water. Never did find the plug, but luckily I had some extras I hadn't thought of in the livewll. Haven't had to many other mishaps besides the very infrequent rods gone swimming and one time forgetting my tackle bag in my fishing partners driveway and had to go back and get it. Luckily it was only about 6 miles back to his house. I haven't forgotten my boat key yet, but I have only had a boat with a key for about a year. I usually keep the key in my truck so I can't leave the ramp without it and it is close by. One of the stupidest things I have done recently was before I got my own boat I was using my Dad's boat who hasn't used the boat for about 5 years bc he got into deep sea fishing. I was working and I was going to have my partner take the boat to the mechanic for an impeller change. Well I had the key for the trailer on my keychain and my didn't have a key. My fishing partner had to drive 30 miles to my work to get my key so we could fish a TX the next day. Quote
Big Fish Rice Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 Quote Quote Quote Quote The plug! Should you do the same, here's a tip: Get on plane, and pull the plug. The water drains right out. Just make sure to pop it back in before slowing down. They make bilge pumps, you know... Really??? What about people who don't want to put a bilge pump in their aluminum boat? Pulling the plug on plane works just fine, smart*ss . How do you get the plug in and out while on plane? Do you mean reaching down over the transom with the boat on plane to put it in our out? I'm not being a smart *ss, just curious. Well, I should clarify I have a 15' aluminum jon boat. Since I have tiller steer, my transom is only inches away. I got up on plane, reached back and pulled my plug, and watched the water drain out of the boat. Putting it back in only took a second. I only have to reach a few inches since I'm steering from the back of the boat anyways. It's a little scary to think about, but as long as you keep going, water can't enter the plug hole. Pop her back in, and you're good to go. Quote
Taylor Fishin 4 life Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 behing tied up to a tree while wtaching Ike fish and later he comes our way and throws at it as we are still tied up Quote
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