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when isn't it fun to have a good time with friends, or family, and throw in a worm or minnow or heck even a hot dog and try and catch some fish on a nice day?  i love throwing artificials..but some days it's just FUN to use a bobber, and sit back, relax, and let something elsedo the work for you..maybe have an adult beverage  ;D

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This is what I do:

Live Baits - For kids and adults who do not know how to fish.

Artificial Baits - Me and others who know how to fish.

Works all the time, especially when you realize that kids have the attention span of an ant and adults get frustrated and bored if they are not catching anything, no matter what the species.  ;)

Baitcasters vs. spinners. Fiberglass vs. aluminum. Live vs. artificial. Mercury vs. Johnson vs. Yamaha, etc.

Fish what you like, the way you like, and when you like. As long as it's legal, no problems mate.

Insecurity is a terrible thing.

I've never understood why so many feel so threatened by those who are different or do things differently, and seek comfort by criticizing what others do.

x2. too many people get caught up in what others are doing, and forget to just enjoy the experience.

Exactly the point of my original post.  Fish how you want to fish and don't worry about anyone else.

Seems like you agree with me then.

Baitcasters vs. spinners. Fiberglass vs. aluminum. Live vs. artificial. Mercury vs. Johnson vs. Yamaha, etc.

Fish what you like, the way you like, and when you like. As long as it's legal, no problems mate.

Insecurity is a terrible thing.

I've never understood why so many feel so threatened by those who are different or do things differently, and seek comfort by criticizing what others do.

x2. too many people get caught up in what others are doing, and forget to just enjoy the experience.

Exactly the point of my original post. Fish how you want to fish and don't worry about anyone else.

Seems like you agree with me then.

I wasn't dis-agreeing with that part of the post at all, i agree 100%. 


I don't have a problem with guys using live bait. Whatever makes you enjoy the experience is what counts. Some people feel it's more relaxing to sit watch their pole with some live bait on the other end, maybe with a cold one in their hand. But please don't let yourself get into an argument with your friend over it. More than likely your friend won't stand up and say he's a better fisherman than you when he caught more fish on the day using live bait. I've never seen it. He's just using what will let him catch and enjoy fishing for him. There shouldn't be a debate. You can disagree with it, but frankly it shouldn't be discussed. Let those who want to use live bait do so. I've fallen in love with the art form of catching bass on artificial. It is more difficult and I get so much more enjoyment from it. But lets not hate on live bait fisherman. In all honesty, I don't see many live bait fisherman on these sort of websites anyway, because they really don't have the passion for the sport. The most passionate fisherman I've met are all artificial bait fisherman. I know some trophy fish with live bait, but I personally wouldn't want a trophy on my wall that was caught on anything that wasn't my own doing in tricking the fish to bite it.


Do your own thing, who cares what other people think.

  • Super User

Sensitive why ?

Like in all sports ruled by an almost infinite number of variables there 's no guarantee with what will work best on a given time, so why it should be a sensitive subject ? I do not fish with live bait, not because of some sort of " lacking in glamour " sort of point of view, I know that live or artificial you first have to find the fish and then make the fish bite. I don 't fish with live baits for these practical reasons:

1.- In my neck of the woods there are no bait shops

2.- I 'm too lazy to "cultivate" bait

3.- No way I 'm going to dig my beautiful hard worked lawn and flowerbeds in search of worms

4.- I ain 't gonna run after roaches nor crickets to use them as bait

5.- Live in a warm climate like mine and your "live" bait quickly becomes purty darn fast stone cold dead bait. For the similar reason I gave up pork trailers.

6.- I 'm in no mood to baby sit live bait to keep it alive

7.- Shure, some will say, "you don 't need to purchase it", "you don 't need to cultivate it", "you don 't need to chase it", "you can catch it", hell, if I 'm gonna catch bait I better fish for it, it 's more fun than using it to fish for it, anybody here has tried to catch shiners with a rod and reel ? challenging and fun.

So that brings up to another point, I 'm in the: " I don 't care how many or how big, all I care about is being there having fun" frequency, it 's been ages since I last cared how many or how big. All I know is that I 'm there from dawn to dusk doing .... nuthin other than fishing ( notice I didn 't say catching ).

  • Super User

Boy, there just aint nothing better than worm dirt under your fingernails while I'm filleting a bunch of big ol'bass for dinner.

Now where's those Senko Threads?

  • Super User
Boy, there just aint nothing better than worm dirt under your fingernails while I'm filleting a bunch of big ol'bass for dinner.

Now where's those Senko Threads?

Yeah, ole mr/mrs bass meet mr frying pan and mrs butter.

Don 't see a problem in that either.

  • Super User
Sensitive why ?

Like in all sports ruled by an almost infinite number of variables there 's no guarantee with what will work best on a given time, so why it should be a sensitive subject ? I do not fish with live bait, not because of some sort of " lacking in glamour " sort of point of view, I know that live or artificial you first have to find the fish and then make the fish bite. I don 't fish with live baits for these practical reasons:

1.- In my neck of the woods there are no bait shops

2.- I 'm too lazy to "cultivate" bait

3.- No way I 'm going to dig my beautiful hard worked lawn and flowerbeds in search of worms

4.- I ain 't gonna run after roaches nor crickets to use them as bait

5.- Live in a warm climate like mine and your "live" bait quickly becomes purty darn fast stone cold dead bait. For the similar reason I gave up pork trailers.

6.- I 'm in no mood to baby sit live bait to keep it alive

7.- Shure, some will say, "you don 't need to purchase it", "you don 't need to cultivate it", "you don 't need to chase it", "you can catch it", hell, if I 'm gonna catch bait I better fish for it, it 's more fun than using it to fish for it, anybody here has tried to catch shiners with a rod and reel ? challenging and fun.

So that brings up to another point, I 'm in the: " I don 't care how many or how big, all I care about is being there having fun" frequency, it 's been ages since I last cared how many or how big. All I know is that I 'm there from dawn to dusk doing .... nuthin other than fishing ( notice I didn 't say catching ).

I'm surprised that such a knowlegable person would even think about digging for worms.

The next time it rains, that evening get a flashlight, and a container.  Unless you use some kind of "cide" chemicals on your lawn, you should be able to get all the fat, juicy nightcrawlers you want.

You'll develop a sight sense of spotting them in the periphery of the light before the bright spot hits them and sends them into a hasty retreat below the earth's surface.

And, you might even be treated to the sight of worms copulating.  They join at several places along their bodies.  At this stage, it is difficult for them to retreat even when hit with the brightest light.

This is not for the faint of heart, or weak of back.  Walking around bent at a ninety degree angle from the waist can work up a mighty kink.  Kink as in crick in your back, not as in kinky as the worms are carrying on.

  • Super User

Tom, some things to think about:

1.- The back is not what it used to be, nor the knees

2.- We got scorpions down here

3.- We got fire ants too

I still don 't think I 'm going to "hunt" for worms in my garden, they are fine where they are.  :) besides, the garden needs them.

  • Super User
Tom, some things to think about:

1.- The back is not what it used to be, nor the knees

2.- We got scorpions down here

3.- We got fire ants too

I still don 't think I 'm going to "hunt" for worms in my garden, they are fine where they are. :) besides, the garden needs them.

I guess that would give me plenty to think about.  The worst part for us was the mosquitoes.

And, as teenagers, our backs were pretty limber.

Anybody ever try scorpions for bait?

  • Super User

I've said this before, but I'll say it again,

the fisherman who believes that live bait fishing for largemouth bass

is easy and a form of cheating, has not done enough live-bait fishing.

Fishing natural bait is tons of fun, but it is not easy and requires a goodly measure of know-how.

During the pre-spawn period, I'll often take live golden shiners along in addition to artificial lures.

Nearly every year without fail, we catch more and larger bass on artificial lures.

I hasten to add that I'm speaking here only about largemouth bass,

because boating a trophy smallmouth bass, walleye or northern pike

is definitely easier with natural bait. In any case, provided it's within the law

there's absolutely no reason to feel guilty or sensitive about your chosen method of enjoying your day afield.



people fish for different reasons. youre fishing for the excitement of a diligent hunt, he's fishing for fun. he'll understand when he gets older. it's not smug


Hey Raul, I used to have a cat that could catch night crawlers. Maybe you could go that way.


for me personally, i get just as much thrill catching a fish on live bait as i do on artificial bait. i love using both. ill sit there and toss artificials all day or i will sit back and throw on a night crawler and bottom fish. i get no more satisfaction from catching a fish on artificial than i do on live bait or vice versa. i know some people get caught up in it, but not me. i have no problem with someone who fishes only live bait or only artificial or uses both. what i dont get is why some people seem to get all high and mighty over the subject, and usually its the artificial only people who do act like that. im not knocking those people for their preference in baits, i just dont understand the need for someone to act like that over fishing tactics. to me its all about having fun and clearing my mind of all other things no matter what im fishing with

  • BassResource.com Administrator

With the exception of nightcrawlers, they don't sell live bait in my neck of the woods.  So it's kind of a treat to do it when we travel.  It's a fun deviation from the "norm".  However I prefer artificials over live bait simply because there's more activity for me to do.

But hey, if you want to fish live bait 24/7, knock yourself out!  Makes no difference to me!


LOL. If it bothers you to lose...then go win. Do what it takes. Otherwise, to each his own.


I've personally never used live bait while bass fishing but I have nothing against those who do.  Here is a post from Fish Chris from another thread.  I'm only posting this because if anybody knows the benefits of catching big bass on both artificial & live baits it would be Fish. 

"As for "wanting to do it with artificials only".... I have kind of split feelings on this. One part of me would like to tell you, that being "open minded, to any, and all legal techniques, will give you the best chance at sticking a monster".

But on the other hand, at least your picking the "easier", less challenging way to catch a big bass   LOL

Here's what I mean by that; I am the first to admit, I love fishing live bait, and I have done it a ton. I certainly have no qualms about it. Yet only 1/3 of my 89 double digit bass have come on live bait, and none of my 7 bass, of 15 lbs or more, have been on live bait. That kind of bums me out a little, as I'd love to catch a 15+ giant on a crawler, and my micro-light

Sure, I love live bait fishing, but a guy has to do, what a guy has to do, if he wants to catch giants. "


For me it's all in the eye of the beholder.  Although catching 50 fish in a day is fun I would much rather catch 5-10 healthy quality fish.  Some will lean towards the 50 fish day & some will lean towards the 5-10 healthy quality fish day.  Do what you like to do, become really good at it & don't worry what another person does to catch fish. 

P.S. what's really funny is when someone catches a giant on live bait & all the Artificial bait guys sort of write it off.  "Sure he caught a 13lbs bass but he caught it with a shiner, some fisherman he is."  All the while wishing they had the bragging rights  :'( :'( :'(

;D ;D ;D


Like said, I fish both... but I regularly outfish people using live bait, while i'm using artificials.  If people are getting outfished because someone used live bait, maybe they need to work on their presentation, instead of blaming the bait lol.  Someone said it well in this thread, if you simply think using live bait is guaranteed to catch more fish, try it some more.


For all of you who can't get live bait, work a cemetery, especially when you have to dig a grave in the rain, it's fun to go out with your friends just kick back and use worms that you got from a good hard day's work.  Now, I used to fish mostly with live bait, and cranks, but I learned how to t-rig, and that is what really got me started, and I have shied away from live bait, but it is fun with my old man (who really isn't oldddd just 50), and it's good bonding time to go sit and hang out together.  So, if I'm looking to go out and just have fun with dad, or friends, I tend to lean on live bait.  While dad understands and appreciates the fact that I "hunt" for fish, my friends (and that special lady I love) just don't find much excitement in it.  I can truly say, though I'm only 20, I love all sorts of fishing, live bait, artificials, for complements, and will never complain (unless I lose another husky jerk)!


About the only time I buy live bait is when I'm already at a boat dock/bait shop (which is rare).  This is just a matter of convenience.  I won't go out of my way to find a place-although I will wander around in the dark looking for nightcrawlers.  I used to seine for minnows and crawdads.  That was often more fun than the fishing trip itself.

For me it's more fun to trick the fish with fake bait.  And besides, why would I spend a king's ransom on artificials and then turn around and use live bait.  But to each their own.

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