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LMAO!  It's a hit!  Right up there with "Mr. rolling cooler cooler roller guy."   It's been a while since I've heard any real men of genius.  Maybe they ran out of ideas.  

Have you seen the site with all the "Real men of genius/Real American heros" songs?  There was a lot of 'em I never heard before.  



The last time I fished in Mexico I seen some locals, four to be exact, wading in with line wrapped around a soda can. Of course I chuckled. We fished this main lake point for a while as the bite was on. Every so often I would look over and watch these guys catch fish after fish. A few looked to be over 10 lbs. I guess its not all about the tackle, more about the presentation. These guys knew what they were doing.


I had an encounter with Mr. and Mrs. upside down spinning reel user just 2 weeks ago. My partner and I were fishing a club tournament on Buggs Island lake (Kerr Reservoir), the bite was tough and we had not put a fish in the boat in at least 2 hours. We were fishing down this bank and there is a couple fishing off of the dock, as we go around them to give them their space it unfolds like this, he grabs up a spinning reel, baits the hook and throws it out upside down, hands the rod to her, I hear her squeal so I look back her bobber is out of sight so he is yelling for her to set the hook, she proceeds to grab the rod, (upside down of course) he takes it out of her hand still upside down and proceeds to reel. The fish gets off and she is saying it is all your fault. 2 hours without a bite, maybe I should have put on my rally cap and flipped my rod over??


I was on a ocean city head boat few years back, and a lady was using a UL rod for sea bass fishing.

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Carolina rig guy:(I guess this could technically be effective.) Theres a fellow that fishes the local tournaments around here that does nothing and I mean absolutely nothing but use carolina rigs,regardless of the lake or location. The strange part of it is that he fans out out 3-4 rigs then sets his rods in rod holders.Then lets it sit like fishing live bait.Every 5-10 minutes he reels a couple feet and just lets it sit. He catches fish too but very seldom gets in the money from what I have heard.I can't see how this is a good idea because of gut hooking the hell out of the fish.

Theres another fellow I have been encountering recently in one of my honey hole ponds that does the same thing with texas rigs from the shore.The worst part is that me and my buddy work the hell out of "his" bank before he shows up and catch nothing.Then this guy shows up and within 10 mins he has at least 2 fish. I cannot force myself to fish like that even when I try. ::)

Theres another guy I know that tries to pitch with 3 inches of line hanging down with his rod parallel to the water while pumping his whole arm back and forth only to inevitably have his bait fly stright up in the air and back down. It is humorous to say the least but the part that gets me is when he won't listen when I say "look,like this" or "use your wrist"."What do you mean use your wrist??!!" I have since saved myself the aggravation of instructing such people.Some folks are too proud to let someone help them I guess. ::)

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Bassin_Finatic, we have a guy in our club that pretty much ONLY fishes Senkos. Weightless. In like 40' water. Its painful to watch. But, when everyone else is struggling, he usually comes up with a good bag. The old "blind squirrel finds a nut" syndrome.

He once cast his line out, dug around in the boat's glovebox for his smokes, and then picked up the rod to find a fish on. This happened again, and he declared it was a pattern. So, for eight hours, I watched him go through this routine. We didn't do to well, but I caught a couple of walleye that went home with me, so all was not lost, LOL.

BTW, we have a rule that says one line in the water at a time. I'm surprised that a bass tourney would allow four lines out like that.

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Yeah I know. I don't fish the tourneys, but was told this by one of my partners so I am not sure of that clubs particular rules. I was able to witness this guy twice though.My partner mearly said "thats the one I was talking about" and I knew. ;D


One of the lakes I fish has an old stone fort. they have a dock there for the boaters who want to see the fort. The fort is only open from like 1pm to 5pm. I go there in the mornings and fish around the floating dock. One day a pontoon boat with four guys...four guys in short, cut-off jeans shorts, guys who really like the company of other guys, pulls up so they can visit the restroom by the fort. After they hit the restroom, they come back down and one of them, the more flamboyant of the group, starts fishing with his spinning reel upside down. As they were pulling away, I hear one of the other guys say to mr. flamboyant, " work it johnny, work it. I guess because as he was cranking his upside down spinning reel, he was also wiggling his rear from side to side. I laughed out loud then and am still laughing. So next time you see mr upside down reel man, think to yourself, Work it johnny, work it.  ;D ;D

  • Super User
The last time I fished in Mexico I seen some locals, four to be exact, wading in with line wrapped around a soda can. Of course I chuckled. We fished this main lake point for a while as the bite was on. Every so often I would look over and watch these guys catch fish after fish. A few looked to be over 10 lbs. I guess its not all about the tackle, more about the presentation. These guys knew what they were doing.

Yep, that is how many fish including my family when I visit their. I initially stared with some bewilderment until I tried it. I can tell you that fishing hand and line (without rod) is more sensitive than any rod out there. I was stunned. And with a little practice, you can cast as far as you want.  Fished the salt and fresh water this way.

They outfished me 10 to 1 so I put my rod and reel away and joined the crowd. It was a blast. Looks odd. BTW, the rig they use is basically a drop shot.

  • Super User
Do not act like you have never fished with one. I see these people all the time while fishing. This is the guy who will use the most off the wall, odd, funny, dumb tequnique to try to catch fish and watching him fish makes you want to laugh out load. Some of these peoples odd tactics worked and some of them did not.

Here are some of the ones I have seen...

Upside down spinning real guy = Fishes a spinning real upside down and winds the real backwards. I have seen a lot of these people.

I once saw a middle age woman fishing for "whatever she could catch" with a spinnerbait. The odd thing was she just casted out the spinner bait and let it sit on the bottom of the lake and put her rod in a rod holder as if she was catfishing.

I once saw some kids who had obviously NEVER fished before in their lives. They found a big bundle of fishing line. They began to search around the lake and found a hook. Later they found some old bread. They were then able to use their big bundle of line, hook, and bread to catch a good amount of bluegills. These guys have obviously never fished since they did not own any gear but they got the right idea pretty quick.

Duct Tape Guy = This guy used to own a house right along the edge of a local lake. His backyard faced the lake. This guy would cast out a line at night with some meat on the hook to fish for catfish and then set the rod in his backyard. He would then tape down his line in a crack along the footpath surrounding the lake so no one would trip over his line at night. I actually remember he caught some big 10 LB+ catfish doing this.

Bobber Guy = This guy was fishing a big terminator spinner bait with a bobber. He was working the spinner bait right realing it in at different speeds but he had a big bobber tied on 2 feet above the bait.

Wal Mart Pole Guy = This guy was useing one of those huge 8 foot heavy action white rods from wal mart to catch bluegills.

I also once saw an old lady fishing for catfish. She was useing saltwater gear and probably 50 pound test. I remember one day she caught a nice 7-8 LB catfish and just HORSED the big catfish in even when it was trying to take drag. She kept the fish for her dinner though so I am guessing she was fishing for something to cook and not for sport...

The upside down spinning reel is the only one I have seen. I must fish in the wrong places, or, the right places, or, maybe it's a California thing. :D ;D

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Guys with the spinning reels pointing up and reeling backwards --> I 've seen several.

The Coke bottle, that 's common down here, you arrive at the lake and along the shore you see these guys not with one but several bottles spooled with what looks 1 ton test mono, several hooks attached to the line and a spark plug as sinker, they cast their lines ( hooks baited with tortilla ), then they wrap the line around a stick and add a small bell ( forget about strike detectors ), once all their rigs have been placed they sit on a chair and wait for a carp to bite. I 've seen them catch some really big carp with that gear.


Yeah I have 2 cds of real men of genius I downloaded a while back. They are all so funny. I have seen people catching huge catfish at my pond on bread.... I only bass fish outta there, but the family literally balls up bread and they catch fish.


Post of the year!!

I can hear the back up singer now........

"You're reeeeling it backwards!"

Well I got bored....

Bud Light Presents: Real Men of Genius

(Real men of Genius)

Today we salute you. Mr. Upside Down Spinning Reel User

(Mr.Upside Down Spinning Reel User )

Wearing a you might be a redneck shirt , you're living the real American dream

Fishing that brand new $150 reel.... upside down.

(You're reeling it backwards!)

Sure there's an odd feeling and strange looks, but you remain strong in your ways.


Your keen instincts tells you to cast it out the right way, but then flip it over and reel it in backwards.

(I gotta another fish now!)

So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, Spin Doctor. 'Cause we all know, the the fishing gets tough, the tough flip their reels.

(Mr. Upside Down Spinning Reel User!)


The Penn State fishing team!

;D ;D ;D

Time's getting short Robby!


I can hear the back up singer now........

"You're reeeeling it backwards!"

Well I got bored....

Bud Light Presents: Real Men of Genius

(Real men of Genius)

Today we salute you. Mr. Upside Down Spinning Reel User

(Mr.Upside Down Spinning Reel User )

Wearing a you might be a redneck shirt , you're living the real American dream

Fishing that brand new $150 reel.... upside down.

(You're reeling it backwards!)

Sure there's an odd feeling and strange looks, but you remain strong in your ways.


Your keen instincts tells you to cast it out the right way, but then flip it over and reel it in backwards.

(I gotta another fish now!)

So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, Spin Doctor. 'Cause we all know, the the fishing gets tough, the tough flip their reels.

(Mr. Upside Down Spinning Reel User!)

Definatly one of the best i have heard. id send it to bud light and see if they use it lol


I can hear the back up singer now........

"You're reeeeling it backwards!"

Well I got bored....

Bud Light Presents: Real Men of Genius

(Real men of Genius)

Today we salute you. Mr. Upside Down Spinning Reel User

(Mr.Upside Down Spinning Reel User )

Wearing a you might be a redneck shirt , you're living the real American dream

Fishing that brand new $150 reel.... upside down.

(You're reeling it backwards!)

Sure there's an odd feeling and strange looks, but you remain strong in your ways.


Your keen instincts tells you to cast it out the right way, but then flip it over and reel it in backwards.

(I gotta another fish now!)

So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, Spin Doctor. 'Cause we all know, the the fishing gets tough, the tough flip their reels.

(Mr. Upside Down Spinning Reel User!)

You should send that in to Bud Light, that was perfect!!!!!!!


Let us not forget that at some point "we pros" have done something odd or different when we started out.  Just think of who ever thought of some of the techniques we use. Drop shoting is kind of odd in a way but it works.  I am guilty of the bottle for a bobber  i was in a very large spill way fishing for big cats. i use a pretty beefy setup 30lb test 5oz weight. well at the time the fish were hitting shad pretty hard, and i snagged my line a good number of time cause i was using a long leader. so i finally used an 20oz bottle as a bobber. turns out it worked great kept me from snagging and my bait floated nicely with the current.

  • Super User

Poking fun at inexperienced enthusiasts is okay, it's a lot of fun, and is something we all can do (I plead guilty).

Nevertheless, I just wanted to add that lending a helping hand to that same newbie, provides an even bigger boost to the ego.

I couldn't help but notice that this thread which elicits a negative response,

has attracted a greater number of replies than the informative posts that surround it.

Things that make you go: Hmmm



Once saw a guy catfishing.  Each time I walked passed him, he had a fish on.  The second time I passed by, I watched and he lost the fish.  Afterwards, I asked how he lost it and he showed me his hook -- it was so tiny I had to get real close and squint.  LOL

Then there's the guy who fishes in between the cracks of the wooden planks on the dock for bluegills.  He soon had a small following.  Amusing.


This thread is just too funny ;D About a year ago I was fishing at this little lake and caught a pretty good size bass. I finished releasing the fish when this guy who was fishing with the "Walmart" fishing pole and bright green fishing line asked what I caught the fish on. I proceeded to show him the senko worm and asked if he would like one to try and he said yes. I gave him the worm and he hooked it the same way you would hook a real worm, then casted it out under the bobber and waited for the fish to bite. Needless to say I turned away and chuckle ;D

  • Super User
This thread is just too funny ;D About a year ago I was fishing at this little lake and caught a pretty good size bass. I finished releasing the fish when this guy who was fishing with the "Walmart" fishing pole and bright green fishing line asked what I caught the fish on. I proceeded to show him the senko worm and asked if he would like one to try and he said yes. I gave him the worm and he hooked it the same way you would hook a real worm, then casted it out under the bobber and waited for the fish to bite. Needless to say I turned away and chuckle ;D

A senko wacky rigged under a slip style bobber can be very effective,though if this gentleman had it wrapped up or threaded on a small hook like a crawler I can see the humor in it ;)

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