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- Caught my LM and SM PB's this year!

- Right after ice out I caught 5 bass that probably pushed a total weight of about 20 lbs. That is a lot for the waters around here.

- Caught more quality and less quantity fish.

- Caught my first walleye this year (3 to date).

- Caught my first gar (not targeting them, but muskie)

- Still waiting to catch my first Muskie (will be targeting them again soon). Hooked in to 3 of them, but was not prepared and had bite/break-offs each time...

- Fished my first reservoir (Lake Shelbyville) - totally different than the 400 acre lake I usually fish.

- My youngest son (3 YO) caught his first fish (bluegill) and his first bass this year (LM). He wants to be a fisherman when he grows up. (studying what it takes to turn pro for him)

- Taught another angler how to fish a senko - previously he only knew how to fish a shallow crank.

- Caught my first river smallie.

- Had my first close encounter with a big pike as he surfaced as I was pulling my crank out of the water in waders. Kinda scary knowing a fish with teeth was that close and I had no control over it...

- Gained bass fishing respect of both my father-in-law and uncle-in-law how are pretty accomplished bass anglers. That in itself is a huge feat!

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I only started fishing in 2007, and I fish from shore:

-Most LMB caught in a year 635 in 36 trips

-Most caught in a month 203

-Caught my 1000th bass this year

-PB of 6.1lbs

-Biggest improvement was making small adjustments to catch more fish. Crankbait fishing improved alot.

-Biggest disappointment frog and buzzbait fishing needs improvement.

-Taught my son and daughter the joy of fishing.

A big thanks to all who post on this site. I know my learning curve has been accelerated by your wisdom. Looking forward to 2009. :)


  • Super User
I only started fishing in 2007, and I fish from shore:

-Most LMB caught in a year 635 in 36 trips

-Most caught in a month 203

-Caught my 1000th bass this year

-PB of 6.1lbs

-Biggest improvement was making small adjustments to catch more fish. Crankbait fishing improved alot.

-Biggest disappointment frog and buzzbait fishing needs improvement.

-Taught my son and daughter the joy of fishing.

A big thanks to all who post on this site. I know my learning curve has been accelerated by your wisdom. Looking forward to 2009. :)


:o I have a extremely hard time comprehending that....I'm lucky to catch 2-3 a day from shore.I guess my lake truly does suck.  

I only started fishing in 2007, and I fish from shore:

-Most LMB caught in a year 635 in 36 trips

-Most caught in a month 203

-Caught my 1000th bass this year

-PB of 6.1lbs

-Biggest improvement was making small adjustments to catch more fish. Crankbait fishing improved alot.

-Biggest disappointment frog and buzzbait fishing needs improvement.

-Taught my son and daughter the joy of fishing.

A big thanks to all who post on this site. I know my learning curve has been accelerated by your wisdom. Looking forward to 2009. :)


:o I have a extremely hard time comprehending that....I'm lucky to catch 2-3 a day from shore.I guess my lake truly does suck.

Evidently there are a lot of lakes that suck

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It's been a productive year despite the fact that I've been working 70 - 85 hours a week since the middle of June.  (I'm getting too old for this s%&t, seriously.)  We had a tremendous amount of rain in the Spring and the water tended to be cold and muddy where I was fishing.  So my Spring was absolutely awful.  But Summer has turned out to be nice.  Because of my work hours my trips have been in the shorter 3 - 4 hour range but I have caught larger fish this year.  I've caught more 4 - 6 lb fish and broke my PB after many years of being stuck at the same point.  The reason for this is I have concentrated on fishing deeper structure more than in the past.


I can't even put into words how much I've progressed this year. Late last year I bought a bass boat on a whim. I got it dirt cheap with plans on selling it and making some money. I took it out on the lake with a friend, caught a couple of bass with a small blue fox spinner and I was hooked. Before that I had never bass fished or caught a bass in my life.

With the help from members of this forum and all the information on here, I've learned a lot. After it got colder around here, it took me a solid 6 months of fishing before I caught another bass. I just couldn't figure it out and I was getting very discouraged, ready to sell the boat and forget about it. And to add insult to injury, someone stole some of my gear and my trolling motor from the boat. Only with the help and support from members here did I get to continue fishing and it was the best thing that has happened to me in many years.

I'm a widower with a 15 year old daughter and we haven't done much since moms gone until we started fishing. It's brought us much closer together and I can't explain how much that means to both of us.

I've been catching loads of fish with the help and guidance of this forum. Everything I've learned was from here and it's been great fun.

I went out a couple of days ago on a small local lake and caught about 12 in a couple of hours. Several in the 4 pound range.

It's been great fun, spirital at times and I can't thank all you people enough.

Still got a lot to learn but I'm looking forward to it and I thank all of you for all your help.

  • Super User
I can't even put into words how much I've progressed this year. Late last year I bought a bass boat on a whim. I got it dirt cheap with plans on selling it and making some money. I took it out on the lake with a friend, caught a couple of bass with a small blue fox spinner and I was hooked. Before that I had never bass fished or caught a bass in my life.

With the help from members of this forum and all the information on here, I've learned a lot. After it got colder around here, it took me a solid 6 months of fishing before I caught another bass. I just couldn't figure it out and I was getting very discouraged, ready to sell the boat and forget about it. And to add insult to injury, someone stole some of my gear and my trolling motor from the boat. Only with the help and support from members here did I get to continue fishing and it was the best thing that has happened to me in many years.

I'm a widower with a 15 year old daughter and we haven't done much since moms gone until we started fishing. It's brought us much closer together and I can't explain how much that means to both of us.

I've been catching loads of fish with the help and guidance of this forum. Everything I've learned was from here and it's been great fun.

I went out a couple of days ago on a small local lake and caught about 12 in a couple of hours. Several in the 4 pound range.

It's been great fun, spirital at times and I can't thank all you people enough.

Still got a lot to learn but I'm looking forward to it and I thank all of you for all your help.

Man, that's touching. I'm sure your daughter means everything to you.

Congratulations, you are a lucky man.


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I second that RW.  I remember BassChump made some posts concerning his issues when his equipment was stolen and he was really bummed out.  I'm glad things are looking up for you, BassChump and I'm proud of you for fighting through it.  When things are down and you keep your mind on your daughters or sons during that time, it gives you perspective and strength.  They are the ones you're living for.  It sounds like you've got your head in the right place.

My biggest improvement has been swinging for the fences to get a lunker. The downside is you sometimes get skunked, or get a little discouraged, but it has been worth it.

by far thats my fav, only way to roll in my opinion


I'd say I have progressed quite a bit this year. Up until this year i have never caught a fish at night or on topwater, this year my favorite fishing was at night using topwater. Just yesterday i caught my first spinnerbait fish and saw another member from here catch a 6lber on a spinnerbait so i will be giving spinnerbaits alot more attention (thanks chuck).

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BassChump you have to be the success story of BassResource.com for 2008

I could go into a long spill about all the trials and tribulations this year has brought so far this year but I'll stick to the subject of bass fishing.

My time on the water for 2008 is at a all time low logging less than 500 hours so far this year but while my time on the water has suffered my catch ratio has not with my average hovering around 15-20 bass a trip. The first major disappointments would be a big ZERO in the double digit category but after last year which saw 11 bass over ten pounds I knew a let down was coming. The second disappointment was this passed Tuesday the 16th which saw the passing of a close friend and hunting/fishing legend of Southwest Louisiana Roger Conner. Some of the members here may have heard of Lake of the Gum Coves or Black Lake Marsh in Southwest Louisiana both of which are world renowned for producing double digit in an area know for only 6-8 pound bass. Roger was the driving force behind the building of both; he was also a world renowned duck and goose guide.

Cajun country lost a real friend and the marshes will not be the same  ;)

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Due to spring flooding here in the midwest, this has probably been my worst year fishing in awhile.  Too few trips during the prime season mostly due to high and muddy lakes and high gas prices.  I did manage to wrangle a 6lb9oz fish this spring as my best fish of the season.  


This has been a huge year for me when it comes to bass fishing. I have always hated the slow pace of plastic worm fishing so I never really gave it a chance, there fore never had much confidence in it. This year after going through the usual arsenal of baits I regularly throw(spinnerbaits, cranks, and topwaters) I figured what have I got to loose. Tied on a worm, first cast had a nice strike and missed it. Probably due to being suprized it actually worked. 25 fish later at the end of the day and many more successful trips since have totally changed my way of bass fishing. I still start out throwing the others to begin with but I always end up fishing the worm and it is always the top producer by far.

 Before fishing worms my biggest bass was about 4lbs and that was about ten years ago. This year I caught a 6lb3ozer and a 5lb9ozer both on worms. Has been my best bass year by far.


The past year has been great for me, last year I had a hard time catching fsh at all. This year

1. Gained a true confidence bait ( spot remover with a junebug colored finesse worm.)

2. Caught my PB 5.5 pds

3. Caught over 50 bass on a shad rap

4. Learned to fish a BC and caught many fish on it.

5. Caught over 100 bass on a spinner bait.

Before this year I had a BC, but mainly fished a spinning reel due to my lack of confidence. Now I rarely pick up a spinning reel. I am overall very pleased with my forward momentum this year with bass fishing. I owe a lot to this web site for that. Next year I want to learn swim baits.


I wanted to learn to fish a lipped crankbait, have the confidence that it could work, and also not be afraid to throw them into the sticks and heavier cover for fear of losing them.  I'm proud to say I have not lost a single one and I am throwing them into places that before I would have shuddered at the thoughts of (sometimes I do have to wade in after one when it gets snagged though).

And most importantly......I'm catching bass on them.  After 12 years of fishing, many of those times never touching a crankbait cause of no confidence, I am now being successful with them.  

I also made myself learn to stick with conventional bass lures this year as well, even when the bite was tough.  Before, I would have just gone over to panfishing or using a Roostertail to fish for bass as well as panfish at the same time just so I could catch fish.  Now when I go after bass and the bite is tough I still have the confidence to stick with the T-rig or crankbait or buzzbait or any other lures that are too large for panfish to hit.  It's helped a lot and I've caught bass I otherwise might have missed.  

I wanted to learn jigs this year also, but haven't tried them more than a couple of times, all without success.  This year ain't over yet though!!


unfortunatley due to my work location i only got to fish about 7 times this year.  i did use the shakey jig for the first time and ive had one tied on every outing since then.

caught very nice sized bass (for NoVA) with a roboworm on it. my girlfriend caught her first bass (3.5 lbs) on the shakey/roboworm. beginners luck? i tried not to act too jealous.

next year = swimbaits


Learned to use a baitcaster

Overhand casts, sidearm casts, underhand casts and feathering the spool. That's just from one post I read on the forum.

gained the confidence to bounce crankbait off cover and structure and suppress my fear of losinf them and in the process caught a 32" flathead in the process. Learned to use a topwater bait and catch fish off it. Learned to swim a plastic worm and drag it through cover.

The biggest thing I learned is no matter what technique you're fishing is that confidence is a main ingredient.

Next year I hope to learn to flip/pitch, drop shot, and maybe fish my first tournament.

I'd say I have progressed quite a bit this year. Up until this year i have never caught a fish at night or on topwater, this year my favorite fishing was at night using topwater. Just yesterday i caught my first spinnerbait fish and saw another member from here catch a 6lber on a spinnerbait so i will be giving spinnerbaits alot more attention (thanks chuck).

Glad I could help  :)

This year has been a great success for me.


    1) Catch a new PB

    2) Catch a bass over 5 lbs

    3) Catch 300+ bass this year

    4) Develop more confidence in non-plastic baits

    5) Learn to Fish a Jig

    6) Get away from the Senko

    7) Take my dad fishing as often as I can

So Far i've done great

1) New PB over 7lbs

2) 3 bass over 6 lbs this year

3) So far caught 277 bass (but the season isn't over yet)

4) My PB was caught on a cavitron and one 6 lber was caught on a spinnerbait....I'm definitely comfortable fishing non-plastics now

5) I have had a couple of good Jig days. Thanks PAIN for teaching me the jig.....I still need to really work on this next year

6) FAILED at this... I still love the Senko although I have been working on new ways to fish it this year.

7) This has been the best of all. Taking my dad out for on a regular basis and being able to spend time together.

Next years goals so far

1) Develop my jig fishing

2) Devlop my crankbait fishing

3) Start Swimbaiting

I'd like to thank this forum and all of the great members on it for helping to make me a successful angler. Without this site I would never would have had a season as great as this one. THANKS!!!!



I've progressed quite a bit this year thanks to these forums as well as the articles here on BR. After not fishing for years, something bit me this year and I jumped in with both feet. I've fished every time I can get away with it, 5+ times most weeks. Couple hours after work and all day on the weekends.

I've developed a heck of a tan. 8-)

I bought and learned a baitcaster, now I love it and can't wait to buy more. My first was a Quantum Energy PT and it really is a nice reel.

I "discovered" the senko. My Lord the dang things catch fish. Maybe next year I will try to not rely on them so heavily but I'm working on +200 fish in less than 3 months so...

I've developed a strong and lasting relationship with the baitmonkey with many hundreds spent in the last few months... but to be honest, I didn't have any of the stuff I "needed" so we'll see how foolish it continues after I get a good representation of the different baits. One thing I do know is that a Stella is in my future along with a Calcutta TE and maybe some other high end low profiles... for now I'll be content with my Symetre, my Energy PT and a Curado or Citica or two.

I still have not caught a single fish on a spinnerbait or a jig and plastic even though I try every time I go. My buddy whom I got into fishing this summer as well wonders why I bother with anything else than a pack of 4/0 EWG hooks and a pack of watermelonseed salty sticks/senkos/dingers. He's kinda cheap, but the monkey has already been seductively whispering to him...

My affection has grown for buzzbaits after listening to advice here and purchasing a squeaky creaky black 3/8oz cavitron. Whether the bass are hungry or just maddened by the thing, the rush you get when they explode under it is addicting.



Improved greatly on worm jigs and carolina rigs, also caught my first Bass on a spinner and have been slayin em' ever since.  HAVE NOT used live bait for Bass this year, but stuck with the live stuff for catfishin.  Also jigged my first walleye.  Great year and ive had a blast!



As a beginner I tried my best to be as diverse as possible- it has paid off, I have reached a level that has suprised myself, this is my 5th year in competition now, I own my own boat and I am fishing against the best sticks around here- holding my own and branching out even more for 2009- I love this sport-

good fishing to ya


last year I caught 512 bass in 42 attempts.....so far this year I am up to 576 in about 30 fishing outings.(everyone needs to use a log book)....and now that my drag racing season is just about over, look out OCTOBER.....my goal is 750 bass in 2008.  95% were caught on the same lure.  Well not the same lure, as I've lost about 15 this year.....when I found out Gander Mountain discontined them, I bought every one at both locations in Grand Rapids and found out there was 56 of them in an OHIO store so I BOUGHT ALL OF EM...!!!!!!

I went fishing two weeks ago and in the biggest rain storm of my life, I CAUGHT the 2nd biggest LM Bass of my life...I SMILED THE REST OF THE DAY......

Phil Veldheer

Phil Veldheer Racing


well I've just started fishing around late May, and I've got caught about around 70 or 80 bass maybe more maybe less, i can't really count. But in the short amount of time that I've really been fishing I think that I've done pretty well for myself.

I just recently picked up my first baitcast reel and I'd say im doing pretty well with it in terms of being able to cast and such also my judgment on what types of baits to use in certain water conditions has really improved since may and i can usually out-fish my oldman  ;D

so this year i think I've really made a lot of progress.


Yes, I set a new record of both numbers and weight.



2 major things stick out in my mind that I have improved on this year.

1.  Learning the spinnerbait.  I still don't throw it often, but it won me some serious cash this year.

2.  Learning to make "gut" decisions.  Although there is no fool proof way to learn which choice is right, I really got good at relying on my own opinion rather than on others.  There is nothing wrong with taking advice, but when it comes down to it, there is no one who is on the water who knows what you should do more than yourself.

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