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I gonna go out on a limb here and disagree with the majority on here. I have a hard time believing anyone will make a million dollars off a WRB. Especially an average Joe. Maybe a big name pro could pull it off, but not some no namer.  Granted, you will no longer be a no namer after catching the fish, but a million dollars? I'm not seeing it. Not even close. JMO

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I gonna go out on a limb here and disagree with the majority on here. I have a hard time believing anyone will make a million dollars off a WRB. Especially an average Joe. Maybe a big name pro could pull it off, but not some no namer. Granted, you will no longer be a no namer after catching the fish, but a million dollars? I'm not seeing it. Not even close. JMO

Think of the public Draw it would bring to Cabelas or BPS to have that fish in there tank, people would come in DROVES & thats probably 1 million right there for one of them to add the fish to there tank.  Then yor marketing approach depends on how many more millions you make, hiring a agent for you and the fish is a must.


Yes Avid its marketing. Of course it is, and stren would sell some line if the WRB was caught with it. But there sales wouldnt jump by a mil and I gaurantee you they wouldnt come running with tons of money to throw at the guy who caught the fish. First all you have to list the equipment you use on your record aplication. The angler doesnt even need to endorse the product. Stren(or any other brand) could run the adds with out the angler and not need him. This would also be leverage for the product companies to give only a  little compensation to get the guy to do the adds.

Look Avid I am not disagreeing with you about Perry's record. The record is Perry's. I cant prove that he didnt catch it. I also accept it as the record weather I believe it or not. I can honestly say, I dont know if I believe it or not. I am 50/50. The point is when the IGFA started keeping records, they accepted some of the prvious records that were already in place and those records needed very little proof to be accepted. The fish would not have been accepted had it been caught after the IGFA was in place. Now again I am not disagreeing with you. Perry did what he was suppossed to do to verify his fish back then. He did nothing wrong by eating the fish. Thats what people did back then. There are a bunch of things that just dont seem legit that gives me doubts but I dont realy care about it anymore as I DO accept it as the mark to beat. We all know we gotta beat 22.4. I aint whining about I am just calling it EXACTY how it is.

as for for Cali growing the record Ha ha now thats Cali *** and whinning if I have every heard it!!!!!!!!! Ha Ha ha.

Also to answer the questions could sombody grow the fish and then catch it and submit it? They could submit the paperwork but it would get rejected. The IGFA has strict rulls about legitamately catching a record fish. They would lose all credibility if they accepted a tank raised fish and they know it. It aint gonna happen!

Yes Avid its marketing. Of course it is, and stren would sell some line if the WRB was caught with it. But there sales wouldnt jump by a mil and I gaurantee you they wouldnt come running with tons of money to throw at the guy who caught the fish. First all you have to list the equipment you use on your record aplication. The angler doesnt even need to endorse the product. Stren(or any other brand) could run the adds with out the angler and not need him. This would also be leverage for the product companies to give only a little compensation to get the guy to do the adds.

7'6" swimbait rod, 50# braid & swimbait, pretty generic and acceptible you dont have to be brand specific to my knwledge & if you do have the fish cetified by the proper peeps, retake possesion of the live fish get ur agent, work the deals then submit the paperwork. Keep your leverage until you have your marketing strategy and agent ready.


The IGFA would want more specific info but you might be able to keep it confidential, maybe. In CA. you can not legaly transport a live gamefish with out a permit so its just not that easy even if you are preparred. I would call the DFG first. Basspro 2nd and my lawyer 3rd.

I think the RIGHT person could make a good chunk of change. I think an average person would make very little. and certainly not a million bucks. What most people fail to realize is you would have to EARN the money after you catch the fish becuase nobody is just going to give it to you.


The fish would not have been accepted had it been caught after the IGFA was in place

I don't know why you guys can't get over it already.

How can you possibly make such a claim Matt?

Perry did what was required at that time. If their were different requirements in place at that time, how can you possibly know that he wouldn't have complied with those requirements?

I don't get it. I really don't. Why don't you and the other Cali WR whiners hold an event "We're gonna hold our breath and turn blue till you change the record?"

the WR bass is swimming somewhere in California. It'll get caught. Sooner rather than later is my guess. Then we'll know how much it's worth.

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What does the validity of George Perry's world record have to do with how much money would be made by the person who breaks the record?

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Avid, the Florida state record bass is 17.21, Billy O'Berry. The Perry bass could not be validated to todays Florida or IFGA standards; no photo, no proof of weight. Florida removed both the Friebel 20.1 lb and Witt 19.1 lb bass from the books becuase they could not be validated. I believe there are bass bigger in Floida then the listed state record and that should be a record easy to set.

We all except the fact that the IGFA grand fathered the Perry bass into the record book, based on interviewing George Perry. The fact remains, Georgia hasn't produced a bass over 18 lbs, other than the Perry bass. California's state record is listed as 21.75 lb , Mike Arujo, the Bob Crupi 22.01 bass was dissallowed because the bass was not validated by Fish & Game, he had both a photo and weight. The 25.1 Dixon bass was not offically weighed or validated by Fish & Game and I have questions about the weight.

California doesn't have anything to whine about, we dominate the top 25 bass list and the odds are in favor of the next world record will be caught here.


Avid, the Florida state record bass is 17.21, Billy O'Berry. The Perry bass could not be validated to todays Florida or IFGA standards;

Were talking 1932 people, what standards from 1932 are still the standard today?????? We learn as time goes on and improve so todays standards are much higher. Heck i bet some of the presidential elections from that era would not be accepted by todays standards. Point being laws and regulations & standards change as time moves on, what worked 20 years ago probably dont work today. It is what it is (22.04), leave it as is and catch one bigger and do what needs to be DONE to get it in the BOOKS.

Its my belief that if we could take our Modern Equipt with the fishing knowlwdge we have now back to the 20's -40's 22.04 would be a top 25 fish, if even that.

Think abt those times how many people fished for trophys back then, or even fished those lakes. In the first 1/3 of the decade about every lake was untapped waters, by having very little fishng pressure at all if any, & that leads to some huge fish. Most who fished only fished for food so who knows how many fish that were 25+ were caught by natives or peeps just feeding there familys and could care less abt telling anyone about it, they just wanted there bellys FULL. Fancy Lures and boats were fairly rare at that time also, so them fish were only used to seeing primative gear and modern equipt gave you a huge advantage.

The fact remains, Georgia hasn't produced a bass over 18 lbs, other than the Perry bass.

Ya on paper for our MODERN DAY record books it hasnt produced a fish over 18lbs but who knows how many Georgia (or any state for tha matter) produced before people cared how big they were. We need to compare apples to apples and not compare those fishing times to todays high pressure times where a fish in place that only under perfect conditons and no predators (mainly us fisherman) prevent them from reaching its maximum potential size. There are tons of places today that don't produce fish like they used to, and tons that are better. Talk to your elders that fish they can shed some light on that. Two of our best bass fisheries here in the 80's and early 90's are gone due to drought and other circumstances, very sad but true. Now ur lucky to catch a carp out of them.

In CA. you can not legaly transport a live gamefish with out a permit so its just not that easy even if you are preparred.

So in Cali you have to kill your fish b4 you can leave the lake? (if so it doesnt suprise me from a state that tells you and actually monitors how your thermostat is set and for how long when heating and cooling your OWN HOME) You cant leave it alive in your livewell so it stays fresh to till you get home to fillet it? If thats the case i hope and pray the Cali boys keep falling short like they have been, because a state that micromanages its citzens that much dont deserve the record. The next WR needs to be on Public display somewhere & not property of the state of cali.

As avid and obsessed with catching this fish as the boys in SOW BELLY are and others that are unknowns i cannot believe each and every one of them do not have a special live well on there boat to keep a fish of this caliber alive for weeks let alone till the DNR or GFP arrive with a certified scale. After the catch its always a couple quick pics and a quick weight on a UNCERTIFIED scale then i had to let it go.... Why do you take the fish out of the lake in your boat have it weighed and pics taken & not get the fish validated by the GFP????? It don't add up. I dont believe for 1 min any of those obsessed anglers are gonna release that WR so there competition can catch it next month (they all have to big of a ego for that). Had any been over 22.04 (the last 3 or 4 caught had stories or things that didnt add up) It would have made the books and been on a wall or in a tank already.

Thats why todays standards are so high to make it ROCK SOLID and have no uncertainty in it, Which there will be until that fish is at a lab gone over by a state biologist.


I agree that we have some stupid laws but you are exagerating. First nobody tells us how we can set our thermostats,lol. They may encourage us to use less energy but thats about it. And the reason for not being able to transport live fish is so people cant move them from lake to lake.Moving species can realy screw things up. I have never been checked by a ranger looking to see if I killed my fish before leaving a lake. But If I caught the WRB and took it home alive you could bet the F&G would ticket me and that could possiblt jepardize the the acceptance of the record.

As for the fish being released, thats a personal descion. Some guys would release it after it was verrified and wittnessed by enough credible people and photod a thousand times. I personaly feel I would keep the fish. Not because of ego but becuase it would validate the record to be able to have the dead fish on hand. If possible I would want to put it in a bass pro aquarium. Not even for the money. I just think it would be cool. As for Avid not getting it, Well it seems he is the one who is hung up on the record not me. I dont make it a CA vs GA of FL thing. I dont realy care. I have said it already the IGFA says its the record and I accept it. What part dont you guys understand? There are certain FACTS about the record that have always bothered me. not opinions and not feelings but facts.

#1 there is no picture of George and the fish.

#2 Nobody has ever found Jack Page to interview him or validate him as a wittnesIt basicaly comes down to Perry himself and the guy at the post office. Thats it. Thats all.

These are HUGE these are not just minor things that didnt matter back in 1932.

Am I not intitled to my doubts? Give me a break! I can list many other things that dont add up and make a verry strong case against the record but at the end of the day I cant prove he didnt catch the fish. Like I siad before I dont know what I believe but I do accept Perry's 22.4 bass as the record. Soo AVID YOU GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!

PS. This is just a debate so dont take it personal. I am not excited or upset over this at all. just a discusion.


If the right person catches a validated world record largemouth bass, and under the right circumstances, then I am confident that it will be worth well over $1 million.

The person needs to understand the situation, and be prepared for it.  Live on-the-water, well-taken photographs with a quality camera are worth a lot of money for a long time.  I would shoot as many different pictures as possible.  If someone lies about the products that helped them catch the world record, it will likely backfire and hurt their financial chances.  The path to the reward is to use the right products in the first place.  From the perspective of the record bass, the right products will likely be necessary.

The more people that see the live bass at the lake, the better.  Many states will not let you transport the fish beyond the waters edge.  A violation will likely nullify the record.

If the angler is well-known (not necessarily a "pro") as a good stick, and the angler is presentable and has speaking skills, then there will be plenty of opportunities to earn a paycheck speaking at events.  The magazine articles and public exposure is worth cash to manufacturers of products that played a role, but only the large ones with big marketing budgets and high-volume lure manufacturing capabilities will pay a lot of money.  

Berkley can manufacture a ton of a particular lure in a hurry to meet the mass demand that is likely to occur.  People who have never bought a fishing lure in their life will buy the lure that caught the world record just to give to the bass angler in their family or their friend.  The problem is that most companies have no hope of producing the products fast enough to capitalize on the window of opportunity.

The person had better be prepared to be demonized.  The fish will likely have to be killed, and kept frozen for later testing and verification.  Even the carcass dimensions are worth money (to fiberglass mold makers, and for research purposes).  The angler will get hate mail and speech from those who don't like the fish being killed, even though the person has the legal right to do so.  Relationships will be strained, privacy will be lost, and people will come out of the woodwork to steal some of your glory and money.  Jealousy will be encountered on a daily basis, and all the attention (wanted or not) will make the angler appear self-centered and egotistical just by relating their experience to those who want to know.

If the angler is lucky enough to be able to keep the fish alive, and legally transport it, the bass will be worth a small fortune to the venue that can display it and use it to attract people. Hopefully if caught in a state that doesn't allow live transport, an exception to policy (permit) will be granted allowing the State to transport the fish alive for research and public relations.  Ideally I would love for the State Dept. of Fisheries be allowed to showcase the fish alive to promote fishing in general.  

Of course, on the other hand, if the wrong person catches this record it could be the most expensive catch and nightmare the person would ever hope to have.




Marc well put. I agree. Like I siad before, the money will have to be earned by the angler after the catch.

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