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without a doubt---------florida. give mr.welcome a call---he will put you on some toads!

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without a doubt---------florida. give mr.welcome a call---he will put you on some toads!

Fishing with George Welcome on Stick Marsh/ Farm 13 would be a treat for anyone. On a bad day you will probably catch a lot of fish, but on a good day you might catch a lot of fish and some HUGE bass!

  • Super User

Hi Boatless, and welcome to the best fishing site on the net.

With regards to your question, do you know what time of year you would be going? The reason I ask is I'm going to central Florida in early February, and I'm researching guides right now. I think that time of year the LMB will be getting ready to spawn and might enhance your chances of getting a real hog. (I'm hoping anyway)

Good luck with your search.


  • Super User

If I'm not mistaken, 22 of the top 25 biggest Large mouth bass caught in the USA were caught in California. 2 being caught in Florida, 1 being caught in Georgia.

  • Super User

Boatless clarified his question:

Let me clarify. I'm not necissarily looking for state records of those 10lb plus fish to be honest. A big bass where I live is 4-5lbs. So anything in the 6lbs range would be great. I've got lots to go on now, and again, I really appreciate it!

So, with that criteria, the options are many.

I suspect all of our member guides generally meet this expectation.

George: Florida

Randall: Georgia

Tom: Texas

Do we have a guide in California?

Boatless clarified his question:

Let me clarify. I'm not necissarily looking for state records of those 10lb plus fish to be honest. A big bass where I live is 4-5lbs. So anything in the 6lbs range would be great. I've got lots to go on now, and again, I really appreciate it!

So, with that criteria, the options are many.

I suspect all of our member guides generally meet this expectation.

George: Florida

Randall: Georgia

Tom: Texas

Do we have a guide in California?

Absolutely. If any members who are guides feel like PM'ing me any information regarding time of year, costs for your services and other important details, please feel free. I live in Winnipeg and our winters are bitterly cold up here, so a February trip would be a great winter escape. However, I would consider anytime of year except for May-August (simply because fishing in Manitoba durring those months is to die for when fishing for pike, walleye and some of our other popular game fish).

the OP said > What state should I start looking into for the biggest largies < No lake in Texas has them. Nor Florida. Nor any other state.

Bighead, if I could personally catch a string of bass in 08', like the list you posted, that would certainly be a very good year :-) ....but as for a list of lake records, from any particular state..... Well, let me put it this way, I could show you a list that long, of 17's and 18's from Nor Cal, and 20 plus fish from So Cal.

One thing I've learned from chasing our Cali giants, is that if a place has a lake record of "only" 14 lbs or so, it probably won't produce too many 10 plus fish, with an exceedingly slim shot at a "teener".

You just have to consider how the population curve works. If you want a good shot at a teener, you need to be fishing a place that has a record of at least 17 lbs... preferably 18 plus. A place like this will also give you a "really good shot" at a 10 plus, although it still won't exactly be a giveaway.

Dale Hollow 'used to be' the best place for giant Smallies. So did the great lakes. So did a Nor Cal lake called Trinity. But now its a little lake (or a big pond) in Nor Cal, called Lk. Pardee.

Also, California produced the current world record Spotted bass.

.......as well as the world record landlocked Striped Bass.

Hope nobody takes this personally, but the fact is, Cali has the biggest bass, period.



Chris, I'm well aware that CA is THE place for the biggest bass.  I was just responding to Avids post in an effort to make everyone aware that there are many places in this region of the state that produce trophy fish.  


I think that Florida and Georgia would look as good as southern California if using large swimbaits (obviously not rainbow trout) was as popular as it is in Cali. Down here the whole swimbait thing is less popular, and I think there are less people on our top big bass producing lakes throwing big swimbaits all day long looking for a trophy bass.


I may be overlooking something, BUT....I can't believe not anyone has mentioned ALABAMA..............

Heck.....within a little over 100 mi. in any direction from Birmingham....

You have one of the top 5 Largemouth Lakes in the U.S. - GUNTERSVILLE

THE BEST Lake for Trophy Smallmouth at Pickwick,AND

you've got giant COOSA RIVER, Logan Martin, & Smtih lake Spots !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111

Can Bama get some love , please ?

Even though , I'm an AUBURN FAN !

  • Super User

If you really want to catch a double digit bass book a trip with Tom Redington, George Welcome or Randall any time between now and the first of March.


How is Pickwick doing nowadays ??? I used to hear a lot about it, but hadn't heard any mention of it in a long time, until I read your post just now.

Has it been producing any 8 lb Smallies, in the last year or two ? I know our trophy Smallie lake has kicked out probably 20 of them (one of those for me :-)), including our new state record of 9-10, a few months ago !

Anyway, I'm sure you know how lakes go through cycles, and I think Pickwick has been (at one time) at the top of the list..... But I believe our little Lk. Pardee is holding the belt at the moment.

Just curious,


  • Super User
How is Pickwick doing nowadays ??? I used to hear a lot about it, but hadn't heard any mention of it in a long time, until I read your post just now.

Has it been producing any 8 lb Smallies, in the last year or two ? I know our trophy Smallie lake has kicked out probably 20 of them (one of those for me :-)), including our new state record of 9-10, a few months ago !

Anyway, I'm sure you know how lakes go through cycles, and I think Pickwick has been (at one time) at the top of the list..... But I believe our little Lk. Pardee is holding the belt at the moment.

Just curious,



8's are not "common", but Pickwick produces too many for 8 something to be a big deal. Don't get me wrong, 8 is very special to me, but my partner's 10 (November, 2005) was REALLY something! More than likely, the next World Record Smallmouth will be caught on the Tennessee River.

p.s. Until California produces a few 10's, you guys aren't really in the hunt. Lake Erie is producing huge numbers of VERY nice smallmouth, but until some 10's are reported, the same goes for that region, too.


This post has helped me make a decision as well..looks like a trip to TX is in store for me here very soon. I have some nonfishing friends down there i could visit AND catch some pigs!


Come to the state with good fishing and friendly folks.....  ;)

You might feel at home somewhat down here. We have all varieties to choose from within a 75 miles.

Smallies - Belton, Stillhouse, Travis, Georgetown (personal best is 5.5lbs from GT)

Largies - everywhere

Walleye - Travis, Georgetown (personal best is 2.5lbs from Travis)

Northerns - Lady Bird (state record of 18+ lbs)

Stripers - Tailraces of Austin, Travis and Lady Bird.

Granted, the walleye and northerns are very scarce and smaller than up yonder but a surprise to catch.

Where abouts in Canada are you from? I have relatives in NW Ontario. Was just up there this past summer.


Thanks for the mention from the all the guys that mentioned me as a guide in GA in this post. But, I may not have any water to fish next spring if we don't get rain so I couldn't book you for a trip if you are making your plans soon. Right now my best two big fish lakes are closed and I have had to go get a job for a while and just guide part time on weekends vs. full time.  :'(  As a guide I get the chance to fish with a lot of people who use other guides all over the US and Mexico and many of my clients have fished with both Tom Redington, George Welcome and have taken trips to Mexico. I have never heard anything but good things about Tom and George but have heard some disapointment from those that have fished Mexico. I have fished with neither Tom or George but could recomend both since I have never heard nothing but good things about them from a bunch of different people who have. If you want just big largemouth that would be my picks for guides and lakes for what you are wanting. If you really want big Smallmouth in the mix then you need to go to Alabama and book a trip for one day with a guy named Steve Hacker for smallmouth and another one with one of the Gunterville guides for largemouth. There are a bunch of good guides on Guntersville and Steve Hacker is another one of those guides that many of my clients have used with nothing but good things to say about him. If you decide to go to Alabama PM me and I can get you some info as to which guides I would suggest.

  • Super User

You poor deprived people. If you want a quality bass fishing all within short drive of each other. You have to go with Alabama.

Alabama may have less trophy lakes, but it is the best state for bass in terms of quanity and quality fish in the 2-6 pound range.

Screw cali, texas, and florida. I'm sticking to Alabama until the bitter ends. Sure I'll go fishing in florida, texas, cali, etc. But I'm moving and living in state of Alabama. So many quality fishery within reasonable drive. And there many small lakes you dont know about. ;)

Long live the state of Alabama!

Alabama got smallmouth on pickwick, spotted bass on the coosa river, and giant largemouth on guntersville.

Gotta love Alabama.

I dont believe any other state offer trophy bass in all 3 species. By trophy I'm say 5-10 pounds.

You can catch trophy largemouth at guntersville, trophy spots on the coosa river chain, and trophy smallies on pickwick and wheeler.

  • Super User

Best bass fishing state?

That's A Loaded Question :-?

If you're referring to maximal weight (swimming basketballs) then of course you're talking about California (then Texas).

If you're referring to numbers of trophy bass, I don't know of any state that rivals Florida.

Though it flies in the face of popular belief, if I were looking for sheer numbers of bass I wouldn't choose any of those states.

In my experience at least, northeastern United States provided the best action for sheer numbers of bass.

I've lived in Georgia for 6 years (92 to 98) and have been living in Florida since 1998.

Regardless, the best action fishing I've ever encountered was on northern waters such as Greenwood Lake, NJ, Black Lake, NY,

Lake Champlain, VT, St Lawrence River, NY, Rideau Ferry, Ontario and Georgian Bay, Lake Huron (with bass they're loaded)


  • Super User

Hope nobody takes this personally, but the fact is, Cali has the biggest bass, period.



That's cuz you guys feed them trout and bon bons.  

  • Super User
You poor deprived people. If you want a quality bass fishing all within short drive of each other. You have to go with Alabama

Well, Birmingham was voted by Bassmaster

subscribers as "The Bass Capital Of The World!".

Last year's Classic was held at Lay Lake.

NOT coincidently, BassResource.com chose

Guntersville for this year's outing.

Alabama ROCKS!

Hope to see ya'll in March!


Fish Chris said it all in 1 word California.

Having lived their for over 20 year's...It's a lot easier catching 10+ pound bass,Then it is here in Oklahoma.

I have landed over 20+ 10 pounder's or better from California & 4 here now in Oklahoma.

My choise's would be...

1st  California

2nd Florida

3rd Texas

4th it's a toss up on Oklahoma & Georgia



i agree with everyone else!  cali, texas, fla., ga., al., and even alaska!  ANYWHERE BUT TENNESSEE!!!!!!!  we don't have ANY big bass here.  take it from me.  don't even bother to look.  no need to fish here at all.  you'd just be wastin' your time.  trust me. ;)  i wouldn't steer ya wrong.  i promise. ::)


I'm just glad Kentucky hasn't gotten that much publicity.   ;D

No offense, but I don't want a bunch of Trophy hungry fishermen tearing up my Honey Holes.   ;)

I have a fisherman in my lodge that I have witnessed breaking the state record on several attempts.  He has caught several 15+ lb. largemouths, and 11+ lb. smallmouth.  He has photographic proof w/ digital scales visible.  There is a reason why we like to see the state records stay the same since 1984.    Less publicity = less traffic.   ;)

So, keep fishing California, Alabama, and Texas.   ;D

  • Super User
I'm just glad Kentucky hasn't gotten that much publicity. ;D

No offense, but I don't want a bunch of Trophy hungry fishermen tearing up my Honey Holes. ;)

I have a fisherman in my lodge that I have witnessed breaking the state record on several attempts. He has caught several 15+ lb. largemouths, and 11+ lb. smallmouth. He has photographic proof w/ digital scales visible. There is a reason why we like to see the state records stay the same since 1984. Less publicity = less traffic. ;)

So, keep fishing California, Alabama, and Texas. ;D

Ooh...I smell something that doesn't remind me of rose petals...

The "2nd largest" smallmouth EVER caught held the title of The World Record for many years while David Hayes' fish was disputed. The WR is 11 lb 15 oz, the next largest is 10 lbs 14 oz. Both fish were caught at Dale Hollow.

I'm just glad Kentucky hasn't gotten that much publicity.   ;D

No offense, but I don't want a bunch of Trophy hungry fishermen tearing up my Honey Holes.   ;)

I have a fisherman in my lodge that I have witnessed breaking the state record on several attempts.  He has caught several 15+ lb. largemouths, and 11+ lb. smallmouth.  He has photographic proof w/ digital scales visible.  There is a reason why we like to see the state records stay the same since 1984.    Less publicity = less traffic.   ;)

So, keep fishing California, Alabama, and Texas.   ;D

Ooh...I smell something that doesn't remind me of rose petals...

The "2nd largest" smallmouth EVER caught held the title of The World Record for many years while David Hayes' fish was disputed. The WR is 11 lb 15 oz, the next largest is 10 lbs 14 oz. Both fish were caught at Dale Hollow.

Look at the traffic on Dale Hollow!   ;)

  • BassResource.com Advertiser

Let's see....

Today, December 14, it is 83 degrees......

I guess florida wins!!!!!!!!!!!!

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