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My funnyest memory I have of fishing was when I caught a one pound bass on a gummy worm. Am I the only person who has ever caught a fish on a gummy worm? One day I was fishing with a couple friends and we brought some lunch with us. My friend brough some gummy worms. We thought wouldent it be funny if we could catch a fish on one. So I got a gummy worm and rigged it as I would a regular worm. It was spawning time for bass and threw it at a nest which a small male bass was on. He hit the gummy worm the second time I threw it at the nest. We were laughing so hard. It has got to be the funnyest moment in my fishing experiance. What is your funnyest fishing memory?


2 stories actually.......

Me and a buddy were fishing a small lake on a boat we had rented from the office.  Got on the water and it wasn't going very well.  He casted out one way I casted out another.  I was using some sort of tube on the bottom and he was using a worm.  I kept on getting hit after hit but kept on missin em.  FINALLY, got a huge strike.  Seconds later something had hit HARD on my friends set up.  We kept on reeling and reeling effortlessly, too easy.  I could feel the end of my line coming up hoping to see the catch of a lifetime.  Before ya know it i hear "oh *****".  My buddy's pole went in the water and then i felt a HEAVY pull on my line.  Reeled in.......and caught myself a 6 in a half foot line spitting fish, lol.  DOn't know how it happened but we snagged each other.  Pretty funny....

now on my girlfriends behalf.....she's told me this many a time.

She was out fishing with her dad.  She landed this MONSTER.  Moments later her dad hooks into something.  While he was reeling he was saying something to the sort "it feels like a lunker".  Bring it in and turns out to be a little dink.  She starts laughing and he jokingly says "Shut up and fish."

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One Friday I was night fishing with my nephew who is a flight engineer in the Air Force when I hear this huge splash, I look back only to see is his butt and legs sticking up in the air. He does how ever have a death grip with both hands on the side of the boat and pulls himself back up only to slip in again due to wet hands. Well Monday morning I get a phone call from Tinker Air Force Base, it's my nephew, and the base doctor has grounded him for having bruised ribs.

I still chuckle every time I picture that in my head


1st Story...

While fishing Canada for Northern...we had been having a very bad day. We just were not finding the fish. The Indian reservation is allowed to net the river so they were catching about 90% of the fish as the came back from spawning in the bay down river. ( could not get there with a boat that year). After fishing all day and not having much luck...which is particularly frustrating when you are used to not even having to work at catching fish...a friend finally had a blow up on his bait...and I mean a BLOW UP! a absolutely HUGE northern...he set the hook...and his rod snapped at the handle...

the next thing we know there he is in the water wading across the flats with his line in his hand fighting this northern and cussing like a trucker...

He was screaming...OH NO! NO YOU DONT! I am putting your *** in the boat if it..."

I was laughing so hard I almost pee'd!

2nd story...

took one of our rescue dogs out on the boat for a day of messing around. This dog was a nut case! While we are out fishing there was a bouy marker out...someone who lives at the lake was obviously marking something...well there it is bobbing in the water...and she figures she is jesus or something and can just walk over and play with it...

she steps off the deck and the look on that dogs face as she tumbled into the water...doing a complete summersault as she did...was something I will never forget! I had never seen a dog so bewildered...

the guy fishing next to us was laughing so hard he had to sit down.


The day my brother and I were in a cano going under a large tree,I was in the front and as we got under it I heard a splash and when I looked back he was gone,he had stood up grabed the tree and was just hanging there, I left him to reflect on the error of his ways,of getting out of the boat too soon.Has anyone seen my brother????? Ho no I didnt leave him there.

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Me and my friend were fishing a realllllly big brook and I got my last spinner I had on me snagged at as you can guess the other side of the brook. I really wanted to catch more fish (keep in mind this was mid april) so i stripped down to my boxers and went for a swim and swam to the other side and this brook wasn't even running fast and the current just picked me up so I was like sailing down the brook right and my buddy is fishing up a bit from me and I floated by him and hes like what the hell?? Anyway I did manage to get my spinner back and caught 2 more fish even though I was freezin cold lol


1st: One time as my friend and I were pulling up to the dock, I found out that he left too much slack in the tie-down rope. As I put one foot on the dock, the boat started moving away. I soon found myself doing a split trying to get the boat back like in the cartoons. After plunging into the water, I never let him tie us off anymore.

2nd: At my grandmother's house in orlando I was fishing live shiners from her dock. I was sitting in a chair and catching shiners with one rod, then transfering them to my other rod. After catcthing a shiner I bent forward to get my other rod. Well one of the front legs of the chair had slid forward and was hanging over the edge of the dock. As I leaned forward, the chair tipped forward and I let out an "oh %&@#" as I fell over the edge. Because the lake was down, there was enough airspace to allow my body to almost complete a flip from the momentum. So I had to swim ashore with the chair in one hand and my rod in the other.  :-/

Guest the_muddy_man

It would have to be that wonderful boating experience at Lake Fork, in one of Rick the $*#(_'s highly maintained rentals.

I think Glenn, Russ and Brent had more fun watching us then we did doin it ;)

OK here it is in all it's mispelled entirity

Ok here it goes: Muddy and Ron get the keys to the boat. It has a foot controlled trolling motor up front and a consoled steering 40 HP outboard with a trim on it. Ron got a fast explanation from Rick( the d^^K) boat rental guy and to top it off the trolling motor was defective.  

 Me and Ron had never been in a power boat that wasn't tiller steered. We fired up the engine and headed out, so we thought. Ron get's the boat straight and pointed out to the lake, and opens it up all the way and all I can see is the sky.   The boat is straight up and we are going relatively fast and we can't see anything in front of us. Ron says "Hey Dominick take the front seat off" I say "What %^ difference is that going to make the boat is still in the way."  

 LBH and Brent come over and they look like their watching a Marx Bros. routine they are laughing so loud. LBH comes in the boat and asked if we were having trouble, which is like asking Don King if he's having a bad hair day!  I say " No trouble, just can't see were the &%&T we are going" He asked if we trimmed the engine and of course We didnt have a scissors so how could we trim the engine.So he shows us what to do and tells me and Ron to follow em out on to Fork and the wind is blowing up to 40mph gusts.  

 So like the 2 mooks we are, dressed in only tee shirts and shorts ( Im trying to figure out why Brent and Russ have Rain Gear on , on a clear day) follow them Of course there doin about 100mph and our top speed is 25mph and all of a sudden a good portion of the lake is coming in on top of me and Ron. Im talking soaked!!!! I kept asking Ron to follow further back b/c I think thats whats causing the problem. Finally they stop and by the time we cough up to them we looked like we just got out of the Maytag after the rinse cycle. Im spitting water outta my mouth and I swear this to be true Water was running out of Ron's ears.Again Russ and Brent are falling outta their drawers with laughter, I thought it was funny myself  

 Now its time to fish so Ron asks me to go up front to work the trooling motor. So I pull the cord and down it goes and now the source of the problem I have no idea how to steer it. So I step on what I think is the gas pedal for it ( It looks just like a &*%%*& Gas Pedal) and mash it completely down and we take off in a continuous right turning circle. I tried to turn the top of the motor by hand I dont have even a clue All i know is I step on the pedal and we keep going in a right handed circle. Well Russ and Brent, who have by now given up on fishing having found 2 mooks in a boat to be more entertaining than the monsters of Lake Fork are coming in on us fast . Im really getting frustrated because Russ is moving his boat right to us, I see him steppin on his pedal and his boat is going straight and Im freaking mad. If that motor wasnt attached to the boat i would have been paying for a new on because i would have thrown it in the lake by now.  

 They get up to us and Russ once again jumps into our boat and Im ticked off because hes just laughing but Brent is literally howling at this point  

 Im so &^&*&$% Mad at this point I want to tell Russ no matter what i do i step on the gas pedal and it will go fast but only goes to the right What I said next winds up making BassResource.com history  

 Russ asks what the problem is all I could get out was" the harder I press the righter we go!!!!" at which point Russ and Ron and Brent loose it completely and Im looking for something or someone to throw off the freaking boat!!!!!!Russ then explains about the direction arrow on the top of the motor head and rocking your foot back to go left and forward to go right. SO THATS WHAT THE &%&* PROBLEM was, NO ONE *$%(* EXPLAINED THAT TO ME. They werent hearing any excuses they were laughing to hard and it took a while for me to calm down and be able to laugh at myself and enjoy the moment. Now im stuck with having said it. But let me just put this in it's not like Ron was any big help either he wasn't exactly Popeye the sailor man back there!!!!!!!    

 So we see the hump we are looking for on the depth finder and i put down the trolling motor when we get to the shallow part of it. THE TROLLING MOTOR IS NOW DEAD!!!!!!!!! So Rons fires up the big motor and I forgot to pick up the tolling motor. We are finally starting to dry off and the sun feels good , we ain't really fishing anymore. We stopped watching the depth finder and we were in about 8 INCHES OF WATER. But me and Ron just kept going and we made our own channel. Russ and Brent were somewhere between Panic and Hysterics. If Rick showed up he would have been at the doctors getting his nose put back!

After we fished the area we start to head back to Fisherman's Cove , we are at top speed all of 25mph. Then the front seat of one of Ricks finest rentals comes dislodged and flies back hitting me in the chest, Ron stops the boat and once again Brant and Russ to the rescue. I have also discovered that hen the seat plowed into me it buried a set of treble hooks from a Rapala into my leg.  

This is the kind of sympathy you get in situations like this from BassResource.com members. Ron is calling me a big baby, Brent wants us to re-enact it for Russ to get it on Video, saying it's the sickest thing he's ever seen on the water and Russ is breaking em for me to move the seat so he can get a shot of the Rapala sticking out of my leg. The end of a perfect day



One time a buddy and I were fishing in Great South bay.

He hooked into an eel.  It was big. What a fight.

As he went to land it the  eel started wrapping itself around his arm.  

He starts screaming "get it off me Get it off me.!!!!

I'm laughing my azz off but theres no way I'm touching this sucker, so I start swatting at it with an oar, but remember it's still on his arm.

So now he's cursning me out because I'm beating him with an oar, the eel isn't letting go.

It was scene out of "Earnest goes fishing"  I still get tears in my eyes from laughing so hard thinking about that.  I finally gave the eel a good whack and it lossesned it's grip enough for him to pry it off.

His arm was purple with welts from the paddle.

Oh man, those were the good ole days.

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One time a buddy and I were fishing in Great South bay.

He hooked into an eel. It was big. What a fight.

As he went to land it the eel started wrapping itself around his arm.

He starts screaming "get it off me Get it off me.!!!!

I'm laughing my azz off but theres no way I'm touching this sucker, so I start swatting at it with an oar, but remember it's still on his arm.

So now he's cursning me out because I'm beating him with an oar, the eel isn't letting go.

It was scene out of "Earnest goes fishing" I still get tears in my eyes from laughing so hard thinking about that. I finally gave the eel a good whack and it lossesned it's grip enough for him to pry it off.

His arm was purple with welts from the paddle.

Oh man, those were the good ole days.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


My funniest fishing story was not that funny but worth reading.

I was fishing on the Potomac River in a kayak when I snagged a REALLY large half clam shell. It was big enough to create enough drag to feel like a nice size bass and the way I snagged it it was working like a chatter bait would wiggling so It felt like it was fighting back. I was pretty shocked to reel it in to find out it was a shell and not a fish  :o


oh and about  the gummy worm that really sounds like a good idea lol. im gonna try that for brook trout because i think the different colours would more appealing lol. do bass like the taste of them

oh and about the gummy worm that really sounds like a good idea lol. im gonna try that for brook trout because i think the different colours would more appealing lol. do bass like the taste of them

I dont think they would be good. I think i just got lucky with a small aggressive bass that wasnt thinking.

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oh and about the gummy worm that really sounds like a good idea lol. im gonna try that for brook trout because i think the different colours would more appealing lol. do bass like the taste of them

I dont think they would be good. I think i just got lucky with a small aggressive bass that wasnt thinking.

Bass don't think, they react! ;)

  • 10 years later...

Crappie fishing from the dock with my grandpa. Took my shirt off and a while later, the wind picks up just enough to blow if off the dock. Tried to grab it, but, too late. It's sinking slow so I try to hook it with my line, but no luck. Dang, I liked that shirt.


Two days later, jigging the docks and I hook into something big. On my light crappie setup, I'm worried about the 6 lb line. It's heavy, but not fighting much. I think it must be a drum. Finally get it about a foot from the surface...to see my t-shirt snagged on my tube jig.

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Crappie fishing from a bridge 20' above the water. I caught two nice 17" crappie. It was quite a struggle landing them from that height. On my third catch, a heron decided he needed the crappie more than me and proceeded to attack my crappie in mid air. Me trying to land the fish while swatting at the heron looked like I was dancing around acting like a fool.

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Wow, it took a few minutes to realize I was reading a 10 yr old thread. ........


Since we are here.....last week my wife and I we on my buddies range.

I was taking a break, he was on the bow and the Mrs is peeing off the back.


He hooked one near a log, hit the TM and my wife was pants down in the water!

Almost ticked my pants.  She failed to see the humor

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  • Haha 2

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