jomatty Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 i dont know what the worst injury is and this turned out to be no big deal but it is def. one of my most memorable injuries... i was fishing with another member and had forgotten my sunglasses. he is a great guy and fisherman and this was just a freak thing where the boat turned, he had a moment of inattention, and wham i got a face full of trebles. rogue jerkbait right in the eye. i felt to try to take it out and to my horror on of the hooks on the treble was actually under my eye lid and laying against my eye. it hurt like hell, and i didnt know if my eye was actually hooked or what. the other trebles were caught in my cheek but that wasnt a major concern. i thought we were going to the hospital as i didnt know what to do. as he pulled out to head to shore i started fiddlin with it. then i picked up my eye lid and pulled it out, and the hook just fell right out. no harm done, a little red spot on my cheek that went away quickly, and we even had time for a few more casts. had us both rattled badly for a second though, and ive never seen someone sorrier for a simple mistake. anyways, that was no big deal as it turned out (although it hurt like hell) but it sure was close. to have a treble hit you in the eye and slide up under your eye lid is probally about as close as it comes to losing an eye or something in the boat. next time ill probably remember my sunglasses. matt Quote
Low_Budget_Hooker Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 2 oz rat-l-trap embedded into the bone on top of my skull. I have seen a few doozies out on the tuna grounds though. One guy stepped into a loop of line on the deck that had a mako on the other end. The fish got away from the leader man and that loop cut the guys ankle to the bone. Also, same week, Tuna comes alive again once inside the boat, broken tibia. Quote
Srmn8r Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 Almost 20 years ago now, I was on the bow of the boat heading upriver (upper James) when we hit a rock and sent me flying! I landed across the leading edge of the bow and my head went into the water. I broke 3 ribs and took awhile to heal. The worst part was, we didn't catch any fish Quote
captaininsaneo Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 Fishing buddy set the hook on a spook too early, flew back and hit me in the nuggets. thank god NO HOOK penetrated. Quote
Nick Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 I've bruised my ego checking the livewell inhabitants, shattered my dreams during tournament weigh ins, and chronically hyperextended my imagination en route to my next angling debacle. Quote
Red Posted June 1, 2007 Posted June 1, 2007 was fishing a small pond years ago with a buddy, i was using a big pop R...the pond had a weed mat from the bank about 10 feet when my lure got close to the weeds i whipped it over the weeds back to shore...well one time it went over my head and got stuck in the tall grass behind me....instead of going back and getting it out...i yanked my rod forward as hard as i popped lose and stuck me right in the back of my shoulder (sleeveless shirt)...i couldnt see it so asked my buddy to see how bad it of the trebles was burried right up to the belly of the bait....i was young and didnt know what to i went to see my mom at work...she works at the here i am walking through the school halls with a big lure hanging from my shoulder....having 4 kids my mom has seen it all..she took a quick look and sent me to the family doctor...he tried to push it out and cut the barb..too deep....he tried to back it out...too deep....he ended up having to give me a novicane shot and cut it out with a scalpal Cliff Quote
Bassboy15 Posted June 1, 2007 Posted June 1, 2007 nothing ever has happend to me..Maybe once or twice i have had a hook go in like 1/3 no biggy Quote
slarose20 Posted June 1, 2007 Posted June 1, 2007 Quote Three broken ribs from a fall in the water while shooting a show with Bob Dillow.l Bob's question: did you get that on film? it would make a great blurb. I told him to stuff it. EEK ya i think i would of told him to shove the camera where the sun don't shine ... hehehe but on a side note did you get it lol jk... The worst injury ive ever had i would say is probably when i caught my 46 inch muskie. Like an idiot i figured i could get the lure out without using any pliers, lets just say 3 stitches later and now im using pliers all the time. SteveL Quote
G3-Basser Posted June 1, 2007 Posted June 1, 2007 No permanent damage from this, but it hurt like hell. I was cranking my small jon boat onto the trailer while on a steep ramp. I got the boat fully cranked and let go of the crank handle only to realize that I hadn't clicked it to lock. The handle started spinning a million miles an hour and managed to get my arm tangled up in it. This really hurt and I swore that I had a broken or fractured my arm. After a few minutes though, the pain subsided and I realized that there wasn't any real damage. It did leave one hell of a bruise though!!! -J Quote
Super User Maxximus Redneckus Posted June 1, 2007 Super User Posted June 1, 2007 A few hooks in fingers not so bad now anyway BUT when i was about 14 i fell down a bank and a stupid sappling that beavers had cut the yr before was nice and dried out and hard it went about 3 inches into my thigh didnt even no it was that bad till about 10 mins later it filled up my pants leg with blood and didnt stop .ER trip they flushed it out with some stuff that made me cry my arse off Im very careful now but they say if u aint having accidents u aint having fun ;D Quote
Super User Maxximus Redneckus Posted June 1, 2007 Super User Posted June 1, 2007 Quote No permanent damage from this, but it hurt like hell. I was cranking my small jon boat onto the trailer while on a steep ramp. I got the boat fully cranked and let go of the crank handle only to realize that I hadn't clicked it to lock. The handle started spinning a million miles an hour and managed to get my arm tangled up in it. This really hurt and I swore that I had a broken or fractured my arm. After a few minutes though, the pain subsided and I realized that there wasn't any real damage. It did leave one hell of a bruise though!!! -J My buddy was doing this and his dumb arse had a cable instead of rope on the pully .Him bein a cheap skate the cable was rusted and all well he got a nice 3 inch scare between his eyes and had to be flown out to shock trauma it broke his nose his bridge and part of his forehead and left a nice little bubble on his brain for a few weeks Quote
bubbler Posted June 2, 2007 Posted June 2, 2007 goodsized hook through 1 end of my finger and out the uther Quote Posted June 2, 2007 Posted June 2, 2007 I was sitting in tree hanging out over the water, I reeled in a 2 lb bass, as I was unhooking it, it thrashed and i flinched, the hook came out...right into my thumb, then i fell into the pond with hook in my thumb followed by my pole, drank some pond water and had diarrhea later Quote
Super User Maxximus Redneckus Posted June 2, 2007 Super User Posted June 2, 2007 Quote I was sitting in tree hanging out over the water, I reeled in a 2 lb bass, as I was unhooking it, it thrashed and i flinched, the hook came out...right into my thumb, then i fell into the pond with hook in my thumb followed by my pole, drank some pond water and had diarrhea later Now this is Video time Quote
SneakySnook Posted June 2, 2007 Posted June 2, 2007 Wadefishing in saltwater for trout had a jellyfish sting me. Quote
bigdog Posted June 2, 2007 Posted June 2, 2007 At table rock last year. the water was well below pool walking across rocks not paying attention oops fell heard popping sound severe pain left arm. Went to ER in branson mo. they said it'll be at least 8 hours before seen. went back to the cabin left next day to come home.Went to doc next day luckly no breaks but missed the whole season of fisnin.(happened in early april). :-[ Quote
fishbear Posted June 2, 2007 Posted June 2, 2007 Worst for me has been a treble hook in the leg. Worst I saw was my ex father in law with a 12/0 Stugeon hook thru his uppper lip,,, man could that Retired Army Sgt. Cuss a storm ;D . (It was NOT my Fault!) Quote
Kimbro Posted June 2, 2007 Posted June 2, 2007 When I was about 16 my mother dropped me and some friends off for a couple of hours of evening fishing at a farm pond. About 20 seconds after she left I caught the first bass. While removing the hook the fish decided to go ape s*** and the hook ended up through the bottom of my finger and came out under the finger nail, but that's not the bad part. I had to sit for 2 hours and watch my buddies fish until my mom came back to pick us up (the days before cell phones). She took me to my dad's work and he said he wasn't letting me go to the er, that he could get it out. After 2 hours of jerking on it with pliers he decided a trip to the er was much needed. Talk about a sore finger. Quote
Super User FishTank Posted June 2, 2007 Super User Posted June 2, 2007 I was fishing off a pier in Tampa just before sun up when I thought I got caught in some weeds. I pulled my rig in and attached to the other end of it looked like a big pile of moss so I reached out to take it off and before my fishing buddy could stop me, I put my hand around a scorpion fish. I thought my hand was on fire. The owner of the pier gave some kind of heavy duty solution to rub on it but by then it didn't matter my hand had gone numb. I still have some nerve damage in my hand but it has for some strange reason become more sensitive so I guess it was a bonus in the end. Quote
Super User Bankbeater Posted June 3, 2007 Super User Posted June 3, 2007 Catfishing about 25 years ago I laid my rig down on some rip-rap and for some reason walked away from it. Next thing I know its getting a bite, so I start running across the rocks that were about the size of my foot and one turned over on me. My right knee came down on rock with a sharp point and it punched a hole in my kneecap about the size of a penny. By the time I got down the ER, my knee had swollen up twice its size and I couldn't bend it for a week. The most painful thing I remember about this was when the nurse told me to bend my knee so they could x-ray it. I told her it wouldn't bend, but they bent it for me. My dad said he could hear me scream out in the waiting room. Quote
flyhatch Posted June 4, 2007 Posted June 4, 2007 we were unloading the boat and i took out my rods one of which had a big top water lure on it with heavy line. my buddys dog a 100 pound chocklate lab was sniffing at the lure and got hooked in her nose and ran off breaking the line. me and my buddy ran after her and tackled her. now the lure was in her nose and in her face and she wasnt happy about it. so my buddy tells me to hold her tight while he trys to undo the hook in her face. well as he was unhooking her face she starts to wiggle her head and the next thing i know now he is hooked in the finger and she is stiil hooked in the nose. well the next door neighbor hears all the commotion and shows up and quicky gets some wire cutters and cuts my buddy loose and then we unhooked the dog my buddy still had a treble in his finger which he removed by putting the treble in a vise and popping it thru the skin on the other side so the nieghbor could cut the barb . he displayed tremendous pain threshold this all happend in like minutes neeedles to say i dont put my rods on the ground anymore...... Quote
cpvenom Posted June 4, 2007 Posted June 4, 2007 Just today I got a wicked line cut as a matter of fact. I was fishing with 30lb braided line (8lb mono diameter) on the bank. I threw my fat ika parallel to shore and had my free hand on the line for some dumb reason. A bass grabbed the lure and took off for deep water, causing me to set the hook against/with my free finger. After I felt it pop into my finger, I looked down barely saw the line because it was buried deep in my finger. I had to yank the line out then land the fish. Luckly for me, I havent had any serious injuries(no ER visits), but I have had my share of cuts, hookings, impalings, line cuts, and general owies. Quote
VekolBass Posted June 5, 2007 Posted June 5, 2007 Stung in the foot by a stingray while attempting to launch a boat in the Gulf of California--then having to sit in the boat for two hours while my dad and his buddy were having fun catching fish. Fortunately it was just a baby stingray with a 1" stinger. Quote
Whopper-Stopper Posted June 5, 2007 Posted June 5, 2007 I tried to lip a 4 lber that was hooked on a rattletrap. You guys know the rest. After about 15 seconds of fish flopping and me screaming I sat on the fish and cut the hooks. 15 seconds doesn't seem very long but think about an 8-second bull ride. That's almost doubled on a bucking largemouth and probably just as painful. Quote
georgiabassfisherman Posted June 6, 2007 Posted June 6, 2007 i have had a few incidents but the worst would have to have been when i was younger in a pond we would spit in it and the bream would eat it for some reason so i was gonna catch one and when one came up to get the spit i splapped at him and the fins went almost completelty through my hand so i dont do that anymore. GBF Quote
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