DR_Bass Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 I recently had the opportunity to test a weight estimation formula that converts inches of bass into pounds of bass. The formula is: (length * girth * girth) / 800 = weight. I caught two bass that were very close in size and measured there length and girth to estimated there weight by the formula and then I weighed the fish with a digital scale. One fish was 24 inches in length and 16.5 inches in girth. According to the formula both the bass wieght about 8 pounds. The digital scale read different, it said one wieghed 6lbs 12oz and the other weighed 6lbs 14 oz. That left me wondering about how accurate the formula is. Maybe the scales were wrong but I doubt it. I was wondering what everyone else thought about the formula. If any of you have ever used it and how accurate you believe it is. Here are pictures of the two fish for reference (I just want to show them off actually) P.S. I caught them within 15 minutes of each other so that was pretty cool.. Ok.. I'm done :-X Quote
mattm Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 If you didn't break that 2nd fishes jaw you were very lucky. As far as the weght estimate. I recently caught one that went 6-12 and it was 24" as well, but I didn't measure the girth. That would of been pretty cool to catch those fish that close together. Quote
Avalonjohn44 Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 Quote If you didn't break that 2nd fishes jaw you were very lucky. Yeah, that's a good way to clean a pond out of big fish... Support those fish with two hands. As for the formula, I guess just from your example it doesn't work. I don't know of any formula that would be as precise as a scale because bass are different. Some have big bellies, some don't, some are short but squat, some are long and thin... Until all bass are exactly proportionate, no formula will work. Quote
=Matt 5.0= Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Quote If you didn't break that 2nd fishes jaw you were very lucky. I concur. :-/ Quote
DR_Bass Posted May 27, 2007 Author Posted May 27, 2007 Jeez guys!! How I was holding the fish isn't the issue here... I assure you no bass were harmed in the making of these photos.. When I catch a bass like that and it dies I get a little :'( Quote
Low_Budget_Hooker Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Quote Jeez guys!! How I was holding the fish isn't the issue here... I assure you no bass were harmed in the making of these photos.. When I catch a bass like that and it dies I get a little :'( We all do, hence the comments. Supporting any bass, let alone a 6lbr, by it's jaw alone like that, certainly can harm it. Straight up and down or 2 hands. (You just might have less 6 lbrs die on you) The formula is a general one for "most" fish, try plugging your numbers into the fish calculator in the "tacklebox" in the above toolbar. It has been modified to closer represent certain species. Pretty sure you'll get a pretty close result. Quote
Guest avid Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 I don't think any of the fish measuring formulas to determine weight are accurate. Theres too many variables. Invest in a good quality scale. I use a boga grip. I bought three different scales and had problems with all of them so I finally decided to spend the bucks. But alot of guys here have good results with the rapala digital. All you need to test your scale is a 5 lb bag of sugar or a couple of barbell weights. If your scale is reading within an ounce or two of the item being weighed than be confident in your scale. Warning. A good scale will cause your bass to shrink Quote
Fish Chris Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Estimating fish weights by length and girth, is nothing more than an educated guess. Small, cheap digital scales are just too easy to come by. I think a lot of people have taken that thing about holding bass with one hand, a bit too far. I think the rule should be "hold bass with common sense". Torquing them into a horizontal position with one hand, obviously can't be good for them, but I think that many, if not most of these fish, still survive. This said, I do ususally hold my big bass with two hands, for my photos, but then try catching, landing, and photographing a big bass, all by your yourself, and still support the bass with two hands the entire time. Yea'....... Maybe if your Criss Angel :-) Big fish should be handled "with your brains" :-) Peace, Fish Quote
jayhawkfishin Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 The formula on this board said 9.3 pounds Quote
PondBoss Posted May 28, 2007 Posted May 28, 2007 I know what you mean with the accuracy of the formula "or lack there of" about 2 weeks ago I caught what I thought was a monster but guessed it to be a lil over 8 the formula said it was 10 1/2. So when it comes down to it the formula is on our side and I can tell everyone I got me a double digit fish. Quote
Cephkiller Posted May 28, 2007 Posted May 28, 2007 Quote If you didn't break that 2nd fishes jaw you were very lucky. That is the main reason I can't stand to watch Bill Dance anymore. I wish someone would tell him to stop holding his fish like this. Quote
mainebasser Posted May 28, 2007 Posted May 28, 2007 Quote Warning. A good scale will cause your bass to shrink I agree. I bought my first scale about five years ago and it was the most humbling thing to happen to my fishing career. Also, like some have said. Test your scale for accuracy and then trust it. I know you don't want to sometimes, but you gotta. I once caught a smallie that I swore was over 5 pounds and it only weighed 3lbs 6oz. I went home and tested it with all kinds of stuff and it was right everytime. A pound of butter works well. Quote
Vorlin Posted May 28, 2007 Posted May 28, 2007 Quote Warning. A good scale will cause your bass to shrink Isn't that the truth! I caught a new PB yesterday that was literally bigger than my dog... I have a Chihuahua. When she hit, I thought I was snagged on a tree... When she moved, I looked at the dog and cursed that I had caught another snapping turtle by the way it felt... When she did a short tail walk, I nearly soiled my shorts... When boating her, she felt like 12 lbs... The chain stringer barely made it around the nearest gill slit and the fit made me nervous, so I lifter her back out of the water and put her in a cooler filled with water (and the act of doing that broke the clasp on the stringer)... 3 witnesses at the boat ramp exclaimed she was a "Giant"... The state attendant at the park said she was easily a citation... One guy at the boat ramp said that she "dwarfed" another guy's 5 lb catch the day before, he estimated her at 11-13 lbs... A fist does fit in her mouth, and my hands are not small since I used to drill concrete for a living with a 2 handed roto-hammer... When I got her to an official station, she came in at 21 inches and ONLY 5 lb 2 oz ?!?!?!??!?!?!? :-/ :'( :-/ Even the person weighing the fish didn't believe it. So, we got another scale and it was the same result... I didn't measure the girth. Estimation formulas aren't even close in a case like this... and many fish seem to be filled with air! They look like monsters but don't weigh half as much as you'd think by looking at them. I'll post a pic shortly. Vorlin / Scott Quote
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