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If it were my property I would not issue a warning but would have you arrested and press charges. In some states you might lose your fishing equipment, vehicle and the right to hunt and fish for several years. Trespassing to me is a MAJOR crime.

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Yeah, I gotta agree with the rest of you guys. Part of what we do as fisherman is being an ethical sportsman. That means being good to the environment, obeying the fishing laws, and respecting the rights of property owners. Sure, there are LOTS of places I know of that I'd like to fish but can't. That's just the way it is. It makes finding a legal honey hole all the better.


I'm not trying to bash on anyone and I am not that old myself, only 34, but here is my take on this subject. It is a problem that plaques a lot of younger people, they have no respect for other people's property or their self for that matter. This goes against everything that fishing is supposed to be about. Fishing is supposed to be fun, relaxing, and sporting in a good manner. It is supposed to be an example of an activity that kids can due with littlle of no atheletic skills, it is supposed to get them outsdide and away from the Tv and video gmaes that expsese them to enough viloence and crime,it supposed to be an alternative to getting in trouble and being menace to society. Futhermore I think this tread sends a bad message to some of our younger board members, because it suggeting that it is all right to engage in crimanl behaivior and be disrepectful of others.

Sorry if I offending anyone, but this is just my take on this subject.


the paintball gun is a "VERY VERY BAD IDEA" paintball guns are designed to be used in a game, not for defending yourself.... there are ALOT of people that think that paintball guns are weapons and want them banned everywhere. please dont go do something stupid and shoot someone with a paintball gun that is not wearing a paintball mask. the last thing you would want is to shoot someone in the eye ear or mouth with a paintball gun and injure that person.(even if he deserves it) it leaves a very bad image on the sport and the game of paintball. there are many counties in the U.S.A. and many countries around the world that have banned the use and sale of paintball guns. for those of us that enjoy the game please dont be stupid and ruin it for us........ there are many companies that make self defense items that would suit your needs and a paintball marker is not one of them

Very well said. I own an extremely modified Tippman A5, it can fire about 22 balls per second. I know someone who lost an eye from getting hit while not wearing a mask.

Back on topic. It's not cool to just wander in. Ask first, be polite.

Guest avid

Howdy Alpster,

You may be tecnically correct in your definition of trespassing, but I'm here to tell you, that in my community guys sneakng in to fish our private lake most definitly have been arrested and succesfully prosecuted.  Now my community is gated and their are signs, but not to the extent that you mention.

I would hate to see someone get busted and incurr a huge financial hit because they thought they could quote some technicality.   Trust me.  The officer that arrests you won't much care, and the judge won't either (remember judges live in nice communities and do not like trespassers)

As for shooting trespassers.  Well, let's just say there are people who will no doubt do it, but trespassing is not a capital crime.  Execution seems a little extreme.

Ronnie's approach is of course the best.  Ask permission and work at it a little.  Of course you won't get the "rush" but you'll make a friend and who knows what other opportunities will arise from that?  


I do not tolerate tresspassers.  They are going to jail.  They know its wrong when they jump the fence.  Not only is it tresspassing its just plain wrong.  Just ask the people that own it alot of time they dont care.


Wow, I didn't think this thread would go the way it did, but this is the internet  ::)

I'm not talking about cutting fences, dodging bullets, ninja'n around some random hillbillies property.

What I am talking about is going the lakes you see in the industrial part of towns. I drive for a living and make alot of deliveries in these areas. If I see a lake that looks decent, I might come back one night and fish it. I have never had a problem once, except the occasional parking ticket on the street. I think this will be my 16th year of night fishing in the industrial areas. More times than not, the fishing is so so. Every once and awhile though, we do hook into a big one. I guess I should have been more clear.

Avid and Fish Chris, you guys seem to know what's up.

  • Super User
Wow, I didn't think this thread would go the way it did, but this is the internet ::)

I'm not talking about cutting fences, dodging bullets, ninja'n around some random hillbillies property.

What I am talking about is going the lakes you see in the industrial part of towns. I drive for a living and make alot of deliveries in these areas. If I see a lake that looks decent, I might come back one night and fish it. I have never had a problem once, except the occasional parking ticket on the street. I think this will be my 16th year of night fishing in the industrial areas. More times than not, the fishing is so so. Every once and awhile though, we do hook into a big one. I guess I should have been more clear.

Avid and Fish Chris, you guys seem to know what's up.

Look, if its not yours and you knowingly enter the property without permission, does it really matter if your are NINJA'N (is that a word?) around anyone's property, cutting fences or anything else for that matter?

I hope for your sake that you only get arrested....

  • Super User
private   MEANS  private


Asking for permission is always the right thing to do.  Follow the golden rule.


I live on a 50 acre lake and have caught kids sneaking their jon boats on (they usually are denied access to lakes or have been kicked out of private lakes...  I usually confront them and ask them if they realize it is private property.  If the kids are are polite, apologize, and practice C&R, I usually let them go.  I also tell them to check in with me before going out the next time (It's nice to know when someone is in your backyard).  It is nice to see kids that are sooo into fishing and talking about fishing tournaments.  I would rather have them in my backyard catching fish than robbing my house or getting into trouble with the law.

I remember what it was like when I was younger not having a boat or a car to drive myself to a nearby public lake.  It was nice to have homeowner's that would let you catch fish in their backyards.  Just remember to be nice and most people are willing to give you access.


N. Illinois huh... be glad I am not an admin, b/c I would track your IP address to your general location.  And notify every member on this board within a hundred miles of your general location to notify anyone that owns a private lake or pond to be on the watch.    

  • Super User

Trespassing is only a misdameanor uless it's a construction site or you are armed.  I was born and grew up in south Florida  and have been run out of about every decent fishing hole due to developers and new communities.  Most of the communities are occupied by people who moved here from outta state and never even seen a live fish.  I trespass and stand in there backyard all day long till challenged.  It seems as though the only freshwater I can fish now is the run off canals.  I can also tell ya this,   anyone who shoots a trespasser for fishing is going to have a lot worse day in court than the trespasser.

  • Super User

True Trespass story that happened yesterday.  I took my son fishing on Federal Property yesterday.  Part of the land you are allowed to fish and the other part is FORBIDDEN.  You pretty much need a boat to fish the part you're allowed to fish.       The other part though is set up for bird watchers, site seers and tourists.  You can walk the banks and see MONSTER bass.  Well, I decided to try it.  Couldnt resist. It was an hour before dark and only 2 other cars were visiting. I couldnt even see any people around. Just as i'm reaching into my truck for my pishin rod, out pops the MAN. He saked what we were doing and I looked at my 17 yr old son like it was his idea to be here.  I said  "huh nothing."  He asked if we were planning on fishing since he seen the rods in my truck I said " Heck no. You can't fish here, can you ?"  He laughed at me......I asked what the penalty would be if caught and he said for the 1st offense it would be a $75. ticket,  the 2nd would be a court date and $250. fine.   Well I can tell ya this. I WILL BE THERE AGAIN taking my chances.  The lunkers that lurk in those waters are worth the $75.  Of course I would NEVER keep any, only pictures. I do feel horrible though allowing my son to be a part of breaking the law.


i went onto a private pond once in highschool, i didnt know at the time it was private, my buddy told me it was "ok" to fish there...we cought a ton of huge rainbow trout....it was awesome...my buddy cought a really big one and decided to keep it for a mount....well the texidermist discovered that it was pellet fed and pretty much knew it came from a private pond and refused to mount the fish....i felt really bad after i found out the pond was private....i never went back to that pond...or fished much with that "buddy" anymore..the only places he wanted to fish were private places.....so he either ended up not fishing much or fishing by himself alot..

just find the owner and ask permission..thats pretty simple think



Being a feller who took the test for being a DNR officer and passed, and having that same question on the test, if you're caught, you're gonna be fined and or possibly jailed... I just hope the constables get you first instead of the land owner... May have to get some first aid, or an ambulance ride..

You have to ask yourself... Is it worth it, when all you have to do is ask ??

To me it's just not worth it....


if you only target industrial property then you are asking for even more trouble. they have powerful lawyers and sometimes they have security, sometimes armed security.

as for you who fish on federal property you are asking for so much trouble the people at websters are going to put your picture beside the word in their next dictionary. GO BUY A BOAT. YOU CAN GET THEM CHEAP SOMETIMESyou can even build you own with two innertubes, two pallets, two 2x4's and a lawn chair if money is that tight. success will lead you to complecency and complacency leads to mistakes. you already have their attention now

  • Super User
Wow, I didn't think this thread would go the way it did, but this is the internet ::)

I'm not talking about cutting fences, dodging bullets, ninja'n around some random hillbillies property.

What I am talking about is going the lakes you see in the industrial part of towns. I drive for a living and make alot of deliveries in these areas. If I see a lake that looks decent, I might come back one night and fish it. I have never had a problem once, except the occasional parking ticket on the street. I think this will be my 16th year of night fishing in the industrial areas. More times than not, the fishing is so so. Every once and awhile though, we do hook into a big one. I guess I should have been more clear.

Avid and Fish Chris, you guys seem to know what's up.

We do understand what you are talking about, you give a d@rn if the property is PRIVATE; how would you feel is someone entered your home, drank your beer, slept in your bed ? hey the door was open.

  • Super User
We do understand what you are talking about.

Illegal, unethical and unsportsmanlike.

"No Trespassing" means you have been warned:



Private ponds owned by single landowners I could see, but golf course what's the big deal. As long as you there at night and you don't trash it or destroy greens then there's no problem.


The golf course problem is it is ILLEGAL!  No tresspass means just that.  

As far as well I WILL BE BACK the $75 dollar fine is worth it....great example to set for your son.  Kudos to you!  What a great example of respect, and honoring the law.

As for the golf course issue.....they own the property, not you.  they own the lake, not you.  They own the fish not you.  Just being there unauthorized is tresspassing, catching and keeping the fish could be considered theft.

I gotta tell ya it amazes me some of these responses, and not in a good way.  

A word of advise, dont try that on the private lake here, we have a greeting commitee!

As far as well I WILL BE BACK the $75 dollar fine is worth it....great example to set for your son. Kudos to you! What a great example of respect, and honoring the law.

That was exactly my take on it. You feel bad about involving your son. Good for you! Too bad you don't feel bad enough about to to prevent you from going right back there and doing it again I try to refrain from argumentum ad hominem in general and especially on this board, but you, sir, are clueless.

  • 2 weeks later...

hi everyone, i'm new to fishing forntunately i have some friends and this forum to help ease all the aggravations of not catching. i live & fish in the west palm, fl. area and the fishing is pretty good. on the subject of private lakes, these are where my friends and me fish.  like many of you, i use google earth to find holes as well. although there are only a handful of holes that are accessable. in communities that are not gated, we would drive through look for signs along the lake that people have been fishing there. generally there are. common sense tells you park legally inside somewhere. don't try to be sneaky, cause you're there to enjoy yourselves so just act normal. the resident are used to seeing people fishing in their lakes, so you're just another guy with a rod fishing. the two main things are to park legally and of course practicing catch & release. the residents sitting on their back porch can see this and so far we have not had any problems. ;) ;)

hi everyone, i'm new to fishing forntunately i have some friends and this forum to help ease all the aggravations of not catching. i live & fish in the west palm, fl. area and the fishing is pretty good. on the subject of private lakes, these are where my friends and me fish. like many of you, i use google earth to find holes as well. although there are only a handful of holes that are accessable. in communities that are not gated, we would drive through look for signs along the lake that people have been fishing there. generally there are. common sense tells you park legally inside somewhere. don't try to be sneaky, cause you're there to enjoy yourselves so just act normal. the resident are used to seeing people fishing in their lakes, so you're just another guy with a rod fishing. the two main things are to park legally and of course practicing catch & release. the residents sitting on their back porch can see this and so far we have not had any problems. ;) ;)

Oh, as long as your not illegaly parked, it's OK. I'm seeing the same attitude that I see with many of my junior high students. . . "It's only wrong if you get caught!".

Yes, I snuck into quite a few places when I was a kid. Yes, it was somewhat of a rush. . .as a kid. Now I've GROWN UP and realize that we ALL need to be respectful to the rights of others. I'm glad that most of us here realize that this is wrong.

To the original poster:

You mention that some of these places are in industrial areas of town. Well, they are owned by someone, too, and I'd bet that they really don't give a care if you fish it. . . which should be encouragement to ask. The same goes for golf courses, YOU NEED TO ASK!!

BTW- Wow, I haven't seen a topic this HOT since the religion threads were closed down. However, I'm enjoying the posts and most seem respectful.

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