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Some 75 yr old guy crappie fishing under a bridge in a 4 acre pond somewhere in Nebraska.

LBH, I live in Nebraska, does that qualify me to be the angler for this fish?  ;)

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The Fish and Game weight is what is going to be documented. Sad, but true.   :'( ;)

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What would you have done. You have fished for a long time and to catch a fish that is bigger than any bass ever caught.

If you were to let it go without a picture that would be about the stupidest thing i have ever heard.

To me Jay the things are easy, I would have unhooked it and released it immediately because the law says that 's what should be done.

It 's like when I found a wallet right at my doorstep, it contained several credit cards, a driver 's license and 500 dollars in cash, I located the owner 's phone number, called him and told him to come and pick up his wallet with the 500 dollars still in it.

That 's the kind of guy I am, it may sound stupid to you or to many, my sense of honesty forbids me any wrong doing.


What would you have done. You have fished for a long time and to catch a fish that is bigger than any bass ever caught.

If you were to let it go without a picture that would be about the stupidest thing i have ever heard.

To me Jay the things are easy, I would have unhooked it and released it immediately because the law says that 's what should be done.

It 's like when I found a wallet right at my doorstep, it contained several credit cards, a driver 's license and 500 dollars in cash, I located the owner 's phone number, called him and told him to come and pick up his wallet with the 500 dollars still in it.

That 's the kind of guy I am, it may sound stupid to you or to many, my sense of honesty forbids me any wrong doing.

besides, who says the buddy with Mac couldn't have snapped a picture as Mac brought it to the surface and went to unhooking it. Woulda been the same and it wouldn't have been held up for a camera and a discussion and tied to a stringer.  


Ok, Ok, Ok , guys I am deciding to step forward..When I was 5 years old I went fishing with my dad and caught a 23.6 bass on snoopy rod and reel..we weighed it on a certified 3 dollar zebco scale..I am stepping forward..Who do I call.. ;D

  • Super User

What would you have done. You have fished for a long time and to catch a fish that is bigger than any bass ever caught.

If you were to let it go without a picture that would be about the stupidest thing i have ever heard.

To me Jay the things are easy, I would have unhooked it and released it immediately because the law says that 's what should be done.

It 's like when I found a wallet right at my doorstep, it contained several credit cards, a driver 's license and 500 dollars in cash, I located the owner 's phone number, called him and told him to come and pick up his wallet with the 500 dollars still in it.

That 's the kind of guy I am, it may sound stupid to you or to many, my sense of honesty forbids me any wrong doing.

ain't nothing wrong with that!!!keep it up raul!!!

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here in ny we have catch and release from nov 30 to the 3rd saturday in june.the law says immediate release means you can weigh it and photograph it then release it.i don't know how california interprets their law.i personally feel wheakley's fish should qualify because it was not intentionally foul hooked and if the calfornia authorities didn't ticket him then you have to accept he was legal.

  • Super User

What would you have done. You have fished for a long time and to catch a fish that is bigger than any bass ever caught.

If you were to let it go without a picture that would be about the stupidest thing i have ever heard.

To me Jay the things are easy, I would have unhooked it and released it immediately because the law says that 's what should be done.

It 's like when I found a wallet right at my doorstep, it contained several credit cards, a driver 's license and 500 dollars in cash, I located the owner 's phone number, called him and told him to come and pick up his wallet with the 500 dollars still in it.

That 's the kind of guy I am, it may sound stupid to you or to many, my sense of honesty forbids me any wrong doing.

besides, who says the buddy with Mac couldn't have snapped a picture as Mac brought it to the surface and went to unhooking it. Woulda been the same and it wouldn't have been held up for a camera and a discussion and tied to a stringer.

C 'mon Ken, bending the law but not breaking it ?  ;)  Mac 's pic clearly shows he was posing with the fish. It 's matter of interpretation and who does the interpretation, to me that 's posession and therefore illegal under the California law.


What would you have done. You have fished for a long time and to catch a fish that is bigger than any bass ever caught.

If you were to let it go without a picture that would be about the stupidest thing i have ever heard.

To me Jay the things are easy, I would have unhooked it and released it immediately because the law says that 's what should be done.

It 's like when I found a wallet right at my doorstep, it contained several credit cards, a driver 's license and 500 dollars in cash, I located the owner 's phone number, called him and told him to come and pick up his wallet with the 500 dollars still in it.

That 's the kind of guy I am, it may sound stupid to you or to many, my sense of honesty forbids me any wrong doing.

besides, who says the buddy with Mac couldn't have snapped a picture as Mac brought it to the surface and went to unhooking it. Woulda been the same and it wouldn't have been held up for a camera and a discussion and tied to a stringer.

C 'mon Ken, bending the law but not breaking it ? ;) Mac 's pic clearly shows he was posing with the fish. It 's matter of interpretation and who does the interpretation, to me that 's posession and therefore illegal under the California law.

no, no...I'm agreeing with you.  There is plenty of time to take a picture while someone unhooks a fish and is putting it back in the water.  No posing, no stopping to chat like Jimmy Houston...just snap the picture while the fish is being unhooked and released.  I agree with you wholeheartedly that it was "against" the law.  I'm not a world record hunter and don't know all the rules but I can't see how someone could support Jed's fish as it mysteriously resurfaces 4 years after the fact and be opposed to George Perry's record.  There will be just as much disbelief about it as there is the current record.  Who's to say what the "witnesses" will tell, or anything like that.  4 years is a long time for a story to change.

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If Jed's fish takes over the new WR spot.....which WR bass will be more believable? Jed's or Perry's?

If I were a "serious" Cali WR hunter,I'd probably have a whole case of certified scales,3 or 4 video cameras set up around the boat,a dozen or so certified tape measures,all the pertinent documents and a couple of people riding around with me just to verify things in case something happened. That way it would be a cut and dried WORLD RECORD BASS and all the haters and skeptics wouldnt have anything to talk about or question.


OH BOY!!  I guess the CHP officer driving behind me earlier today didn't do HIS job because he didn't write me a ticket while I was doing 75 in a 65 zone.  ::) Get over it.

I'm being good. Really, I'm biting my tounge on this one and not getting caught up like last year. Live and learn!  

"I'll just sit back and watch the show" ;)


I don't care who holds the world record, as long as the fish is indisputable. After all, isn't that the problem the Cali boyz have with Perry's fish? I don't think either of the catches Matt is describing are any less disputable than the original Perry record. So stick with Perry until somebody catches one that cannot be rebuffed. It will happen soon.

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Cart we could argue about it forever but if the DFG (Department of Fish and Game) did not cite him then. They obviously felt he comited no crime by weighing the fish. The purpose of the law is to keep people from keeping a snagged fish. They only kept it a short while and if the LAW (DFG) doesnt have a problem with it than neither would the IGFA I dont think your opinion of this illegal weighing is worth anything. Before you get your feelings hurt my opinion is worth just as much as yours. The DFG says his actions were ok so End of story. Geese you guys are realy grasping saying its ilegal because he didnt release it imediatly. How many of you have driven 57mph when the speed limit was 55? I believe most of the southern boys will oppose these aplications and most of the wetcoasters will be routing for them. I honestly dont know how I feel about Mac foul hooking that fish. I am kinda on the fence. I do defend him when people wrongly accuse him of things though. As for Jeds fish if he decides to submit and has the wittnesses needed for the first weighing than I am all for him getting the record. Just because its 4 years old doesnt mean he shouldnt get the record. Every thing about that fish was done properly. Measurements, wittnesses, pictures, Certified scale, I think this one will go.

So if I get this straight:

You CA guys whine and cry all the time because the Perry fish didn't have enough documentation nor evidence of it's existance or even that George Perry even caught the fish.  You conveniently forget the time and place and that that fish didn't really mean that much back then.  In fact, in meant more for Mr. Perry as food on the table than a trophy he can cash in on other than a rod and reel.

Now you want to allow an illegally caught fish (the Weakley fish was SNAGGED, NOT CAUGHT per CA laws) or this other one that occured 4 years ago with some excuses about 7 million dollars and it losing a pound in-between 2 weighings?

C'mon Matt, let's have a clean record, no questions asked or controversy at all.  I'm starting to think we need to move these giant bass into another area of the country where there are fishermen with a little more common sense about them.  Those big bass are being wasted on you guys.

BTW, You guys are really getting desperate out there.  As RW said.  Try getting some copies of the rule books.  Make sure all these guys are equipped with certified scales and possibly get them enrolled in some class on "How to not go brain dead when you may have caught a World record bass"

What a shame Mr. Perry isn't alive anymore.  He might have been able to instruct you fella's in how to handle yourselves.  I'm sure the first thing he'd say is "whatever you do, don't eat the fish"!



Ok you guys are getting rediculous. You will defend Perry's record to the point of  being ....... well never mind. First off saying that him keeping a fish for a little while is illegal and he shouldnt get credit for it. I am trying not to get upset but its like argueing with drunks. You guys are rediculous!!!! This is not a commonly known law. I never heard of it before this and they probably didnt either. This is completly diferent than a closed season where you must emidiatly release a specific species. Everybody who is fishing during that season would be aware of that law. They spirit of this law is to keep people from keeping a snagged fish. They did not keep it they released it. Yes it wasnt instantly but it was pretty quick.


the law inforcment DFG did not cite them or even warn them. According to them they released the fish in a reasonable amount of time. IF the law says they didnt break the law than thats that and get over it. You guys are so desperate to cling to Perry's record you will come up with any argument no matter how weak.  I have actualy changed my opinion. I dont think Mac should get the record because the fish was foul hooked. That is the only reason I feel this way. However the IGFA says as long as it wasnt intentional.

You guy critisize Jeds fish for being 4 years old.. Big deal he put it on a certified scale in front of wittnesses including the lake ranger and it came up 22lbs 9 oz. The world record club required the DFG to weigh the fish not The IGFA. The IGFA only requires that the fish be identified by the dfg or ranger ETC as a large mouth bass.

So thinking that the second weight (on the same scale 2 hours later) it the one the IGFA will use is not fact. It will be up to them. Roadwarrior I do not personaly know these 3 guys. I have seen them on the lake and chatted for a second but I dont know them. We do have mutual friends. I assume you were being sarcastic but you have a valid point. I would think they would be the ultimate sponserees for a scale company. If anything they are my competition I dont want to help them.


hmmmm I know,  Its the IGFA! That does not gaurantee anything but ther are very interested in seeing these aplications.

For the record I no longer have a problem with the Perry record. It does not bother me. I feel that Mac shouldnt get it because he foul hooked the fish but The IGFA says that part is OK so we will have to wait and see.

Also you guys critisize Jed for accepting the "official" weight of 21.75 and now applying. You werent there. He caught the fish completly legit and it broke the record. The world record club would not recognize it untill weighed by the fish and game hours later. So he did not give up 7 million. He wasnt goint to get it anyways. He was either going to get the $25000 or nothing from them. His story has never changed. from day one they have always said the fish was 22-9 the first time they weighed it.

You guys critisize his actions and judgements and say he should have known better. I disagree. I personaly dont have a certified scale but it is a Salter and is extremely accurate. If I catch a fish that big I wont release it. but any thing less and it goes back.

These debates always seem to get petty. People start bashing the guys who catch these fish . Calling them me stupid or putting them down for any other reason they can think of. Like saying thier actions were illegal. Give them a break.

It all boils down to this

your JEALOUS!!!!!! , I am to. I for one can freely admit that am extremly jelous of them. I at least can admit it. It always ends up being southern vs Cali guys. This is stupid knock it off!

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Jealous?   ::)

Why do you want to replace one controversial record with another?

If the IFGA is behind this it'll be hard to take that organization seriously anymore.  If they start changing the rules just to create a stir in fishing with a new record bass they'll start to have the same legitimacy as a typical NASCAR race.  

NONE.   ;D


Cart I dont but in this day and age there will always be doubters and haters. Any record no matter how legit and documented will still have some controversy. I Remember when Jed caught his 22-9 and I always thought he should have submitted it. I assume hi didnt because he didnt want all the controversy but it apears like the IGFA wants to consider it and Macs fish.

This has always been a heated subject and I am sure some of you guys hate me for my opinions but I call it like it is. When that Alleged picture of Perry's bass surfaced it came with Zerro proof. It wasnt even Perry in the picture and for all we know they found that fish floating. But becasue of that picture I now see that it was at the verry least possible for Georgia to produce a world class bass. There is no hard proof that that picture even came from Georgia. BUT I honesty beleive Perry could have verry well caught that bass and it could have weighed 22-4. I give him the benift of the doubt. I was convinced before that it was a lie but I have changed my views. The world record is an obsession of mine. I will call a fake a fake( The Trew fish) no matter where it comes from. I will also recognize when sombody has caught a potential record no matter where they come from. I just bothers me when people start playing monday morning quarterback and start bashing these guys and or me for defending them.

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Matt, no ones trying to slight CA the world record.  Heck, I think most everyone in this sport has been waiting for the fish to come from there since Dave Zimmerlee's monster made the cover of Bassmaster way back in 1972.  Crupi came close.  

I can understand the Georgia boys being a little defensive with the Perry fish.  Heck, state pride and all that.  There are certainly questions about that fish but since it's been regarded as the WR for 75 years I think it's best to just leave well enough alone.

That said, in todays day and age there's no excuse for guys who are actually fishing for the WR bass like these guys have been, to be so unprepared.  Do we really want a bass like this one you're speaking about to be the next WR with all the controversy it already sounds like it's wrapped in?

I sure don't.


I realy dont think there is much controversy in either catch. I think it is up to the IGFA to determine weither either one qualifies according to their laws. If Not then they should be rejected. If So they should get the record. Its that simple to me. One thing that I do like about both of these catches is bothe fish were photographed weighed and whitnessed. All the other details should and will be sorted out by the IGFA.

As far as not being preparred I totaly disagree. Here is why. Had Mac caught that fish in the mouth they would have kept it at least long enough for everybody to come and certify it. I dont think it was posible to prepare for a foul hooked fish. How could they have possibly known that would happen? How could you prepare. They consulted their lawyer who said it was illegal to keep the fish so they released it. They did what they were supossed to do.

Jeds fish was photgraphed, measured, witnessed and weighed on a certifeid scale that was at the Lake. Again they did what they were supossed to dd. The world record club said that they had to weigh the fish with the DFG present. They called the DFG as soon as they were told this. The world record club dodged a bullet and folded the next year because of it. I believe in both cases they did what they should have. People make having a certified scale out to be such a big deal. I dont believe it is. I have an extremely accurate scale and if I catch a fish that big I am keeping it. I will release anything less.

I should send it to the IGFA but it takes a while to get back and I am not sure if you have to be a current member. I do know that you CAN send your scale in with your aplication and they can certify it then.

BTW I do have an all tackle world record and as unpreparred as I was, It was accepted by the IGFA


I'm sorry for bringing this up again but I'm still wondering how the world record club can afford to pay someone $7,000,000.00 for catching the world record bass? And why would they? :-?

Am I the only one that thinks that is a little weird? :-/

Heck that would be worth packing up and heading to Cali now that I know the lake that the fish lives in.


This is all getting kind of crazy..If they do recognize the 25 lb fish.. I know one thing, it would be hard pressed for that record to ever be broken..But when you force feed trout to these behemoths it is just a matter of time..So far as everyone getting upset...who cares...it does not affect me or any other of my fellow georgians...as long as its legit lets move on..this is getting old

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Fish are getting bigger.  I for one wouldnt be surprised if a larger fish is caught.  


Buzzbaitfool good responce. Except there not force fed. They stock the trout for the "trout fisherman" not the bass. The bass only get to eat them for 1/4 of the year.

Another thing to consider is that as far as I know, neither Mac nor Jed have actualy submitted thier aplications yet. First they will have to do this and second the IGFA will have to except one or both or rejct them both.

Ok now let me give you guys a little history on the World Record club.

The WWC was formed buy two guys who started a club and payed out prizes for the biggest bass caught. You had to be a member to qualify. If I remember it cost $25 per year to join. It grew quickly. They had an insurance policy to back the grand prize for catching the WR. I believe it was Lloyds of London. By the Time Jed Caught his fish the Club had thousands of members and the grand prize had increased tp aprox. 7 Million. L of L would not renew the insurance policy after Jed caught that fish. It scared them. The WWC went under the next year. In its breaf history it payed out $25000 each year for the largest bass caught in the world. I believe this went on for 5 or 6 years. Mike Long won the prize every year except the year Jed caught his.

Pretty impesive Huh? This is where most of the rumors of the WW being worth millions come from, but it no longer exists

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Bassmaster has had an article or two in the past on the value of the world record.  Basically they figured the value based on the lucky angler parlaying the fish smartly into cash and product endorsements via the manufacturers of the equipment he was using, seminar fees, fees for renting out reproductions of the fish, fees for displaying the fish in an aquarium (like BPS for example) if the fish is kept alive.  

Whether it would add up into a 6 figure number remains to be seen but I'm sure you'll get more than the rod n reel George Perry got for his fish and you'll probably have enough cash for dinner at Red Lobster vs. having to eat the fish.  ;)

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