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ok i just read the thread about stop thinking and just fish.

well it got me thinking. my usually day of fishing is from 5-6am till about 3ish.  now i really wanna start tourney fishing but before i start i need to get better and build a little more confidence in myself. to do i this i wanna know i can go out most of the time and at least put a couple nice fish in the boat if not a small limit.

right now i go out and very few times ill catch more than 2 bass usually dinks also. my last 2 trips got me 2+ lbers but only 1 per trip. other times ill catch 4 bass but some not even keeper size. how do i go about gettin more fish in the boat.  i sometimes do think to much and get stupid and start throwin everything i got all over tryin to get somethin and im not even in a tourney.  bt other times im not panicing and i still dont produce enough. what can i try to do on my next outting to star reaching my goal.


This is just my personal suggestion but you DONT need to get better to fish tournaments. You can do it RIGHT NOW. I took the same approach as you did...I felt like I needed to get better and have more confidence to fish in a tournament.......well, as it turned out, I didnt know half of what I thought i did until i joined a bass club. Since then, I have learned more than I ever thought I would just being around the "experienced" tournament guys. My knowledge and confidence have SOARED since joining the club and fishing tournaments. Join a bass club, learn from the other guys, and everything else you mentioned will fall into place all on its own. The best of luck my friend!  ;D


If you want to go as a non-boater and see. Most non-boaters I know even on the BFL trail say they are better than the boater and will buy a boat to fish next year.

As a boater I feel I must add time on the water = fish.

I was only beat by my non-boater 1 time this year and I stay in touch with all of them.

Fishing is just that fishing... rare is the time you can say I am going catching.

Hope this helped


ok i just read the thread about stop thinking and just fish.

well it got me thinking. my usually day of fishing is from 5-6am till about 3ish. now i really wanna start tourney fishing but before i start i need to get better and build a little more confidence in myself. to do i this i wanna know i can go out most of the time and at least put a couple nice fish in the boat if not a small limit.

right now i go out and very few times ill catch more than 2 bass usually dinks also. my last 2 trips got me 2+ lbers but only 1 per trip. other times ill catch 4 bass but some not even keeper size. how do i go about gettin more fish in the boat. i sometimes do think to much and get stupid and start throwin everything i got all over tryin to get somethin and im not even in a tourney. bt other times im not panicing and i still dont produce enough. what can i try to do on my next outting to star reaching my goal.

I would suggest listening to the guys and gals here and taking a few notes...litterally write down a few pointers in short form and take them with you fishing, this way if you have probs just check the notes. The other thing I'd like to add is try to be confident and have fun just fishing (easier said then done right); I've taken this aproach lately and for whatever reason it has seemed to change my fishing experience; two 4+ lb'rs and a 6lb'r in two days not to mention the little ones, and the 6'r was from shore...in this area that is pretty good! From what I understand if your trully confident in knowing your gonna catch fish (gut feeling thing) [i guess you have to convince yourself] studies from either Harvard or Oxford states that your subconscious mind does the "math" for you and tells you where to cast etc to catch those big ones and incease your probability...whether there really is truth to all this...they know! It's workin for me! A tip for you...I read that in the fall the bass are closer to shore or in heavy cover. I use "real" bait; frogs. Really though you'll learn alot here, these guys are experienced. a friend of a friend told me he uses 20lb test and fishes the heaviest cover he can find; he says he goes where most wouldn't bother and tells me that's where the big ones are!


The very first thing is to start taking notes on your fishing. DVD's,Mags.,Books,T.v. are great learning tools but thats somebody else. By taking notes you will improve your fishing. I suggest you get a regular 3 ring binder start by writing what you think you might fish your next trip and what will catch the fish do this in Blue next when you get back take a red pen and write beside your results oberservation any thing. Do this very trip for a month our 2 and you will start to see patterns of what works and what didn't.

Join a bass club or 2 or 3 but keep taking notes remember it's about your fishing.



I have seriously been fishing tournaments for only about three years now, and realize I have so much more to learn. Before that it was enter 1 here 1 there and hope to get lucky. I decided donating to the guys who regularly win boats wasnt good enough. Then I started studying bass, and I mean really scientifically studying them to figure out what makes em' tick...this helped quite a bit on eliminating water. I also have kept very detailed logs of all fishing trips taken in the last 3 years as to be able to refer back for "GENERALIZATIONS" not specific spots and baits as this stuff can change overnight...this helped with choosing a starting point on techniques for a particular situation. Then I went to map study about two years ago, and due to the fact I have an educational background in geology (understand the geology of a lake and it opens up a whole new world)... I found this very helpful in locating spots to try and then relating the "fishy" ones to other similar spots. Last year I began an indepth study of fish relation to "breaklines" during various parts of the year. I didnt go fishing to catch fish I went fishing to find fish (get to know your electronics and buy good sunglasses). By taking a small portion of a couple of lakes and disecting them into sections relating to breaklines I learned alot about fish movements and feeding patterns. Once you do this to 1 or two spots youll get very good at recognizing these "sections" anywhere you go. By chance I married into a family of die-hard big water catfishermen (my fater-in-law has held state record for blue cat) subsequently I learned about bait...this is a really important part of fish behavior that is often overlooked- KNOW THE BAIT. I have unfortunately found that no amount of "learning" can be substituted for time on the water. Time out there is the only way youll ever be able to notice those little things that can make a big difference. I am by no stretch of the imagination a "GREAT STICK", but im getting alot better every time I hit the water. Now fishing tournys is the only way to get good a fishing tourneys. Only then will you be able to learn to control the panick and indecision that will befall you when it hits noon and you only have 1 dink in the livewell. Casting accuracy, boat control, decision making, reaction time, reading the weather, picking a color, knowing when to move or stay, all come from experience. I have logged about 200-250 hrs on the water since jan 1 of this year and have learned more than all of my previous experience combined and look to follow a similar trend in the future. This year resulted in over twice the winnings of the past two years, 8 largemouth over 6lbs, 5 smallies over 4 lbs, and only 1 tourney w/o a limit. Hopefully next year I can actually cover my expenses.


If your looking for a partner i live in Nj, what part of nj are you from? I want to start fishing in tourneys also but im void of a boat. If you dont have a partner message me ill kick in for boat  and any other expences

This is just my personal suggestion but you DONT need to get better to fish tournaments. You can do it RIGHT NOW. I took the same approach as you did...I felt like I needed to get better and have more confidence to fish in a tournament.......well, as it turned out, I didnt know half of what I thought i did until i joined a bass club. Since then, I have learned more than I ever thought I would just being around the "experienced" tournament guys. My knowledge and confidence have SOARED since joining the club and fishing tournaments. Join a bass club, learn from the other guys, and everything else you mentioned will fall into place all on its own. The best of luck my friend! ;D

Well said, only thing I would add is to read, read, read some more about the fish you are after. Knowing the seasonal movements of bass and their behaviors during these times really helped me.

A good club definately cuts the learning curve.....

  • 1 month later...
If you want to go as a non-boater and see. Most non-boaters I know even on the BFL trail say they are better than the boater and will buy a boat to fish next year.

As a boater I feel I must add time on the water = fish.

I was only beat by my non-boater 1 time this year and I stay in touch with all of them.

Fishing is just that fishing... rare is the time you can say I am going catching.

Hope this helped


He was looking for advise in getting involved in tounaments, not your personal accomplishments whether true or not.

If your looking for a partner i live in Nj, what part of nj are you from? I want to start fishing in tourneys also but im void of a boat. If you dont have a partner message me ill kick in for boat and any other expences

"Im calling all the florida west palm beach area fellahs to help me out. Im moving  there within 2 weeks or so, problem is i dont know one fishin spot. Anyone wanna help me out? even better meet me dont there and go fishing? I asked westpalmdood but i think i either freaked him out or he doesnt wanna share any spots with me wich i understand. Any help and advice would be much apreciated. Also im moving to the winward complex, does anyone know of the little lakes in those complexes producing any bass? "

Which is it? Seems a bit confusing to me - you staying in NJ, moving to Florida?


Some good advice above.  I want to ask you 1 thing and please don't take it as a slight.

Are you a bank beater?  Are you consumed with all the attractive looking shoreline?  ever find youself fishing the perimiter of the lake?

  • Super User


There is some excellent information already posted on this topic, with roadwarrior giving a link to even more. In my personal opinion  your should read every thing wrote under that link because you will find no better information than that which is wrote on this web site.

Now with that said let me add and again this is only an opinion from a guy who has been around tournament bass fishing since the very beginning of the sport. My suggestion is you open a checking account that offers an ATM card and start depositing as much money as you can afford. With this account you will pay entry fees, gas, oil, tackle ect and deposit what money you win into the account. What you will be doing in effect is setting up a business there by at the end of the year some of your expenses can be deducted. It doesn't matter if you're fishing a small tournament trail or a large one, or if you're fishing as a boater or non-boat.

Good Luck

Catt (Tommy T)

  • Super User
now i really wanna start tourney fishing....    ......right now i go out and very few times ill catch more than 2 bass usually dinks

No offense meant- but you don't sound like you are ready.  Start putting the entry fees in a coffee can... you can fun fish the day of your local tourneys and see what you would have caught and then check the weigh in for weights.  This way when you see that you wouldn't have gotten a check, you still have your money for another day.  Most people throw away a lot of money in the begining by thinking they are ready to T fish.  You will also see how busy the lake gets and that your favorite spots may have been taken before you get there.


Start Fishing Tournaments, join a Bass Club.

I am the President of my bass club and I tell poss new members that it is a learning experiance. every time you go out you will learn more. When you think you know it all ,that is when your in truble.  Put it this way. If two guys join my club at the same time and one feels the way you do, and the other feels he is going to outfish and own the club, (as a few have said). But mid year a guy like you is haveing a great time. maybe not catching a lot of  fish, but learning and having fun. the guy that thought hew  was a fishing god probally will not be fishing in the club anymore. they can not understand why they are not doing good and will not change to learn new things. Every year there is atleat one of those guys that join and they never stay. The first year I fished tournaments with my club. I fished 5 of them before I brought one fish to the scales, but I watch everybody and learned what they were doing differently than I was. since then I have finished in the to 5 of the my club every year. Join a club and fish its the best way to learn.



Here is my suggestion for what its worth.  

Yes if you join on now you will learn alot if you join a club with guys willing to teach.  Sometimes this is hard to find.  Also if you can fish with someone who is alot better then you.  This is where you can pick up a great deal of knowledge.

1. My recommendation is during this winter read as many of the articles on this website as you can.  

2. Pay perticular attention to the ones on locations and seasons.  This is the key in bass fishing.  Learning how bass to relate     structure and time of year locations.  Remember 90% of the bass are in 10% of the water( I believe this old saying)

3.  Read up on all of the lure presentation articles.  You might not like all the techniques but it is handy to

    know them and how to execute them.  

4.  Get off the bank  fish deeper structure when big fish are not cruising or bedding.

5.  Water time! (see #1) Print off some of these articles and go out and practice them until you feel comfortable in fishing that perticular technique.

Once you learn the keys in locating fish during a perticular part of the year.  You can locate fish on almost any lake with the same conditions.  Fish have patterns that coordinate with the time of the year. Learn these patterns.   You will need to know how to fish clear water, stained, and muddy water effectively.  

Also you will need to learn how to fish the whole water column effectively in all times of the year and conditions.

You can read all the articles you want but you will need to know how to put these articles and posts to good use.  Someone in TX may have a suggestion in march of throwing a shallow crank but if you live in IL where the water is still 40 deg and he is fishing 60 deg water, it wont help you until your water temp reaches a similiar water temp.  But once that water temp hits approx the same, give his technique a shot.

Some lures I would strongly suggest to be able to fish with highly effective results

Hard jerkbaits




cranks (lipped or not lipped)

soft plastics

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