Siebert Outdoors Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 on someone when you go fishing? I went fishing sunday and waited way past my tolerence time of 10 minutes. After 25 I said forget you and went fishing. Got an excuse phone call about an hr later but I didnt answer it because I was fishing and didnt need a sob story. Something about over sleeping :-? Didnt know that was possible when going fishing. Work I would understand. Here is how I feel on this topic. I'm providing the boat, truck, and place to fish you better be on time or early. Reverses if I am going with someone else I better be on time. I will give them usually 5 minutes because of clock differences. After 10 min, I start to wonder, after 15 I start getting a little mad, about 20 I'm gone. But after sunday, I think I am going to implement the rule of if your going with me you better be on time or sorry better luck next time if there is a next time. I'm not wasting my time waiting on someone when I have other guys wanting to go with me that show up on time. Yep, implementing the 10 minute rule. Unless I get a phone call before go time. So, how do you guys feel on this issue? Quote
Deuceu72 Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 Personally, I couldnt agree more. I abhorr being late or having someone I'm waiting on being late.........If they can't show up on time, then they can find their own way to the lake........Just my .02 worth............ Quote
Super User senile1 Posted October 10, 2006 Super User Posted October 10, 2006 I tend to agree if someone has a habit of doing this. On the other hand, if they tend to always be on time and it was a one time thing, I would let it slide. Even the most prompt among us can have unexpected things occur that can cause them to be late or oversleep. This should be very rare, however. Quote
Super User roadwarrior Posted October 10, 2006 Super User Posted October 10, 2006 I too have a ten minute rule for guys, but that rule doesn't apply around my house with girls! I don't think my wife or daughter have ever been on time for anything. Back to excuses. Quote
Bassinfreak2 Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 I have had the same problem. One of the guys who I have fished a team tournament circuit with this year has been late 5 out of six times and this was the morning of the tournaments! That is the only issues I have had with him. On everything else he is a heck of a fishing buddy. On the other hand I have another buddy who likes to go when I am practicing. He has never been late since we have started fishing together (20 plus yrs) and he is a great guy but if we dont start hauling in fish pretty quickly he gets bored and sits down and falls asleep quite often. Quote
what Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 I too have a ten minute rule for guys, but that rule doesn't apply around my house with girls! I don't think my wife or daughter have ever been on time for anything. Back to excuses. lol i know what your sayin my mom is always late to everything if her life depended on it she would still be late Quote
Valascus Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 I agree with ya GMAN. Promptness is very important to me. I HATE being late for ANYTHING. I don't like it when other folks make me late either. If someone says they are gonna meet ya at such and such time to go fishing, they had better be there. I'll wait about 5-10 minutes depending on who it is then I am gone. Quote
Banor Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 We ARE talking about a nice enjoyable day on the water, right? Why stress yourself in the first 10 minutes of the day and set the tone for the rest of your day? Did it bother you the rest of the day? Obviously it did, you are posting about it 2 days later. I try not to let things bother me that I cant control. In this situation I would have launched, started fishing and if they showed up, I have a cell phone they can call. I'll give them my location and they can swim to the boat. ;D If they dont show up, I havent lost anything. Now, tournament day... or tournament practice days, you show up late you are going to be at the dock with your thumb out. Even so nothing is different than previously stated, I'll be out productively fishing and taking advantage of my God given right to enjoy the outdoors - NOT dwelling on it and let it distract me from the task at hand. B Quote
Siebert Outdoors Posted October 10, 2006 Author Posted October 10, 2006 Yep Valascus, when we went fishing it was nice. You were there waiting and we threw your stuff in and took off. Thats how it should go. Couple of my other buddies have never been late either. If they were I would think something serious is wrong. They have never been late to any of our fishing excursions. Bad thing is they are busy and cant go that often. Quote
Super User flechero Posted October 10, 2006 Super User Posted October 10, 2006 After countless angry trips, I no longer wait at all. I say I'm leaving at XX:XX time and I do. If you need to load gear, be there early because I pull out of the driveway at the specified time... one exception... a phone call BEFORE leaving time to say you are going to be a few minutes late, and that only buys 5-10 minutes. One guy used to avg 20-60 minutes late... once I put the foot down and left him, he's never been late again. I left my wife at home once (and went on to a family gathering) just to make my point. She wasn't impressed but she's rarely late anymore. Rules to live by... "I'd rather be an hour early than a minute late." -unknown Quote
Bassinfreak2 Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 Flechero You left your Wife at home!?!??? Man I wish i had the guts to pull that off! LOL! Quote
BD Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 If I am not on time for work, or anything other for that matter, it 'ruins' my day. I like the minute rule, but 15 is probably better........things happen, and without coming across to friends and family as a militant on time management. lol Quote
Super User flechero Posted October 10, 2006 Super User Posted October 10, 2006 Flechero You left your Wife at home!?!??? Man I wish i had the guts to pull that off! LOL! It took many days of "want to" before I actually worked up the curage to do it... I finally convinced her it was just as easy to wake up 10 minutes earlier and always be on time... I felt like it was a reflection on me that "we" were always 10 minutes late. If you ever try it, be prepared to couch it for a few days. Quote
Banor Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 Flechero You left your Wife at home!?!??? Man I wish i had the guts to pull that off! LOL! If this was your wife's family's gathering, that would be priceless!! B Quote
heathen Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 I agree 100% with you. I am always early and kind of expect everyone else to be too. Thats the way I was brought up and I am now trying to teach this to my wife and kids. The kids are doing alot better than the wife. I just tell her I want to leave an hour before I really want to and then she is USUALLY ready when I actually wanted to leave. Back on topic.. 10 mins is way more than enough time to wait on someone. Quote
Live.2.Fish Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 Posted by: GMAN Posted on: Today at 12:08pm Yep, implementing the 10 minute rule. Yes, I implemented that rule today actually. It was is in Native American Studies Class today. The professor never showed, so after ten minutes of waiting we all just got up and went home. It was great. ;D But, with regards to fishing. Absolutely, if you are not ready to go at the right time, I'm out! I will wait ten bonus minutes and then I forget about it and start fishing. If i'm providing everything, the least you can do is be on time. Quote
Murray Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 the only excuse i take is invulantary expelling of bodily fluids. Quote
biteme Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 Hmm Ive never had that problem. I call when I get up. Tell em to be here on time or Im leaving. I dont get up earl to wait for others. If I did I would sleep in! Quote
Super User Sam Posted October 10, 2006 Super User Posted October 10, 2006 Being late for anything is an insult to the person you keep waiting. For some, it is a sickness. These individuals cannot get their act together to be on time. It is self centered and self serving to be late, especially when the other person has gone to a lot of time, expense and trouble to have you involved in the activity. We have friends who are habitually late so everyone tells them that the party or dinner starts either an hour or half hour earlier so they will be close to the designated time. I agree with the philosophy to just go on with the party or fishing trip and if the individuals continue to be late cross them off your guest list. Especially for fishing when you have only a certain time on the water. Quote
Bud Posted October 11, 2006 Posted October 11, 2006 I agree with you 1000%. I rather be 20 min early than 1 min late. flechero it did the same thing. after several time telling her to hurray up I left her. After that she is always ready Quote
GAMEOVER Posted October 11, 2006 Posted October 11, 2006 Hey if your providing the boat, gas, and transportation its pretty much your show. I or anyone else who didnt have a boat etc would gladly tag along by your simple needs. Deffinatly his loss, not yours.. Quote
Low_Budget_Hooker Posted October 11, 2006 Posted October 11, 2006 Rules to live by... "I'd rather be an hour early than a minute late." -unknown Well, being a UPS driver,...I live by this one. As flechero said, a phone call will hold me 10 mins, other than that, if you are going to be late and didn't have the courtesy to call, you will pull up to a missing boat and host. Fortunately, I have very timely partners. Quote
dale Posted October 11, 2006 Posted October 11, 2006 the best statement I have for time is Early is on time on time is late and late is unacceptable also I hate it when a guy only brings one cup of Quote
jomatty Posted October 11, 2006 Posted October 11, 2006 being late is a major bone of contention between my wife and i. i rarely lose my temper with her but when we are already late and i see her taking clothes she just put on off again i lose it (rarely do i get upset about women undressing). we are already late and she is still looking for the perfect outfit. arghhhhh she dosent seem to mind sying sorry and thats it for her but for me it eats me up every second until we get there and is very embarrasing to have to make lame excuses. we have a 3 year old son so sometimes xxxx happens but you can bet i would never be late for a fishing trip. i have a hard time finding guys to go fishing with (well at least finding guys with a boat). if someone is nice enough to want to go you can bet that ill be waiting when he gets there (with two cups of coffee) my wife would show up 30 min. late but would have the perfect outfit. matt Quote
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