Siebert Outdoors Posted September 15, 2006 Posted September 15, 2006 Most of us have good stories created while bass fishing so I thought i would share some. 1. Few years ago I was trolling around fishing for cruising fish in the shallows. Catching good fish and in good quantities. All the sudden the boat got sucked onto a shallow sand bar thinking how do I get off this thing. I tried the motor, tried the paddle, tried the rocking boat deal. Well hmmm, I guess I'm going in. I didnt want my shoes and pants wet for the rest of the day and I was left with only one alternative. Strip down to my skivies and go in. Good thing I have good luck and the spot I was stuck on was alot deeper then were the boat was stuck. So here i am standing out in the lake in my skivies trying to unlodge my boat. 2. Fishing at lake of the ozarks early march. Extremely windy that day Note trolling motor on high. Nearly impossible to keep the boat in line and fish. I was pitching around docks not catching anything and all the sudden my buddy says hey I'm hung on the dock. I ask what are you throwing. Response "a little hair jig" Me break it off its not worth the effort or risk. Him "its my last one." Me. all right I will go and get it. So I proceed to the dock where he was hung up at. He decides its a good idea to come up to the front with nothing to hold on to. As soon as he gets right next to me the trolling motor kicks to the side from the gale force winds and over he goes into the water. It was hilarious but worrysome because of the cold water. It was in the water for about 3-5 seconds. Almost like he hit a trampoline. It was so quick that his wallet in his back pocket barely got wet. 3. My favorite and I still laugh about this one everytime I think about it and post it. My buddy, his brother and I were fishing at a strip pit in illinois. Buddy and I were catching alot of fish and his brother was giving it his best. We decided to stop and eat so we did. Just floating around and munching on PB&J. After we are done I notice a brush pile close to us and think to myself thats were we will go and fish around. At the same time his brother jumps up and yells I'm getting the first cast at that tree and bolts toward the front of the boat. He made it 2 steps and tripped over his tackle box and flew out of the boat like superman not hitting anything. My buddy yells "Hold on to that rod and dont let it go". I'm just dying laughing and so is my buddy. All the sudden the rod come back in the boat and he say's "I need some help back in with his head and arms struggling to hold on the top of the boat. Thats just a few of my great times in my boat. Happy Friday. Quote
CrazedL.IFisherman Posted September 15, 2006 Posted September 15, 2006 Lol gman those stories are great, gonna need a lot of those during the winter months up here on the north side while the lakes freeze over, ive got one probably not as entertaining but here goes, up in maine where most of my good stories come from and, theres some bushes up on our left, and you can tell that bass can hang out all around this baby as well as underneath, so i tell my fishing partner to get me closer, for those perfect casts, and im flipping and pitching like a mad man not noticing any life around me, sure enough the one thing thats now right next to me that i cannot STAND, a huge black snake, it coulda been anything else but sure enough its a snake, i hate those darn things, and they always seem to involve me, never had a bad encounter just like this time, but i wish i didnt have to see them, o well the big black monster slithered off and no harm was done, but u can beat my heart was pounding, and my buddy was dying laughing Quote
BASS fisherman Posted September 15, 2006 Posted September 15, 2006 After reading your subject line, the memory of the guy who got me into bass fishing popped into my head. I was living in Gettysburg Pa at the time, and was previously stricktly a trout fisherman. He moved into the building I lived in, and after we sat and talked a bit, I noticed all of his fishing gear, and asked him about what he fished for. He took me bass fishing he next day, which forged a good friendship. He taught me alot of the basics or lure tactics, line and rod use, as well as how confidence plays a huge role in bass fishing. Today I am no longer in touch with him, due to a few cell phone changes, and moves. I would love to fish with him now, and show him how much I have learned in the past 18 months. I think he'd be impressed. If anyone lives in the South Central Pa section of the state, please PM me, maybe you can help. Quote
Super User Bankbeater Posted September 15, 2006 Super User Posted September 15, 2006 HAHA Good Stories. Several years ago my Mom and Dad were fishing out of a boat down in the Arkansas part of Current river. Well my Dad, who is running the boat, decides to tie up under a tree that is growing out from the bank and hanging out over the river. He runs the boat right into a hornets nest and my Mom about freaked. I don't think she ever went out in the boat with him again after that. Quote
NJfishinGuy Posted September 15, 2006 Posted September 15, 2006 hmm i dont think i have any memorible moments. d**n i think i need to send a friend flying in the water or sumthin. i remember one time i went camping and we pile everyone on my boat. i have a 12' john thats rated to hold like 300lbs persons and equip. well me - 6'1" 180lbs,buddy 6'5" 250lbs+,gf 5'3" 130lbs,gf's friend 5'11" 130lbs. plus atrolling motor big battery,poles, tackle box, 2 seats. lets see thats right around 800lbs in this boat. well needless to say the sides of the boat were about 1" from the water but we still got out there and i cought a nice pickeral oh yeah my boat was moving slowwww.. lol well anyway we made it back and its not that exciteing of a story oh well its the only one i got. Quote
Banor Posted September 15, 2006 Posted September 15, 2006 My very first trip with my first boat ever I had a good day, caught a couple real nice fish. The first fish I caught was on an X-Rap and I was so excited that I reached over hurriedly and lipped him to get him in the boat because I sure didnt want to lose my frist good size keeper on my first boat trip. He did a head jerk and bam the X-Rap is no longer in his mouth but I am feeling this really sharp pain in my wrist that almost feels like a snake bite. I dont recall there being any snakes in the boat recently so I shrug it off and continue to snap the picture with my 360.00 Sony digi cam. After I snap the pic I see the problem. Hrmm... so I remove this X-Rap from my wrist and continue fishing. I ended up catching a couple other good size ones and snapping pics. The day is over, I'm proud of myself. I dont know anything about operating a boat but I had a successful day so I'm happy. I head on in to the launch area and beach the boat up in the sand on the shoreline then walk up to my Jeep to bring it down to the launch. I make a flawless entrance into the water and get out of the Jeep. I walk to where I beached my boat and to my great surprise as if a genie magically snapped his fingers there is a digi cam sitting in 6 inches of water in exactly the same spot where my boat was. For some reason I recognized this camera. In my peripheral I see my boat beached about 30 yards down the shoreline as if nothing had happened. Long story short, I have no idea how the camera ended up in the water but I have a pretty good idea how the boat relocated. I'm guessing the look on my face when I first saw the camera would have been priceless. As a side note, you'd be amazed how much sand a Sony Digi Cam can get in it in 6 inches of water. B Quote
dink Posted September 15, 2006 Posted September 15, 2006 I got a couple you guys might enjoy. First one starts with my buddy and myself in a two-man boat on a small lake. There is a spot on the lake where a road passes over it and a tube or tunnel connects the two sides. We had been through this 100 foot long tunnel countless times. My buddy is a former marine and a pretty tough cookie, yet is DEATHLY afraid of spiders. We no sooner get in the tunnel and a very small spider is crawling on his shoulder. He let out this blood-curdling scream in frequencies only a five year old little girl can hit. I thought he was on fire or something the way he almost flipped us over in that tunnel. Seven years later I still tease him about that. All he can do is laugh! ;D This one was just amazing. Late November and I am on my way in for the day. I have the entire lake to myself and the light breeze that had been blowing had ceased. It was quite serene and I was just taking in the peacefulness of the moment when KERSPLASH!!! I look about 400 yds. behind me to see a doe that had just jumped into the lake. No big deal, I have seen deer swimming before. As I am watching her, I hear something in the same vicinity rustling about in the woods. Along comes a big buck and KERSPLASH!!! the chase is on! So here is a buck swimming after a doe crossing the lake. The buck catches up to her in the middle of the lake (12 or 13 feet deep) and attempts to mount her, dunking her under. I can't believe what I am seeing and I look around to see if anyone else is around. Nobody. The doe gets away from him and surfaces about ten feet from him and he chases her down again! Once again the doe goes under and all that I can see is a big rack and a nose swimming around in circles. After ten more seconds she surfaces again, this time about thirty feet away and makes a beeline for the other bank. The buck, realizing the futility of his efforts, turns around and heads back to where he came in. Both deer made it to their respective banks and shook off. But before either walked away, they turned and looked at each other for a brief moment. They both walked off into the woods and I sat in my boat in the middle of the lake in utter disbelief to what I just witnessed. You gotta love Mom Nature! Quote
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