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Even though I'm no longer managing habitat I still like to keep up with fisheries stuff, and like reading statistics about any lake I can find published. Results of questionaires and other surveys are sometimes put out by state agencies, but the best way to get data is to simply request it from a lake biologist. I'd predict that most anyone involved on this board would be relieved to discover the average number of bass caught per angling hour is very low, maybe 0.25, or 1.32 bass per hour for an average over 12 months. Some lakes and private ponds are higher. Spring catches might run 1.88 per angler hour, which is pretty good. Tournament catch rates sometimes run a little higher, not always. Some local tournaments fall below typical average catches. Keep in mind many local tournaments see 75% of starting anglers being skunked on day one. All you need to focus on is being in the top 25% for another shot at it.

I've had maybe 50 days in my fishing life since 1959, in which I caught 50 or more largemouth bass in a day. Several of those events had all the fish coming with the boat in one position for up to an hour of non-stop action, and other times the action was split up morning and evening. It's something I don't count on, ever. It's just something that happens unexpectedly. I've had too many days to count of catching 20 keeper bass, mostly in spring or fall. In summer hot weather maybe I hit 20 in one day a hundred times, though I really am doing well to just guess. It's rare for me to have large numbers, but part of that is I focus on medium sized bass, not sticking around for high numbers of small ones. Lately I've done well to get 5 quality day bites and haul in 3 keepers, fishing deep, while very few day bassers come in having caught even one bass of any size. Night bassers are doing better. We consider it a bad night catching only 2-3 bass.


With numbers like that, you're either reeeeeel good or you're 110!!

I happen to have fished the same beautifully protected slice of heaven for 18+ yrs. and can't come anywhere near those! Man...

Jim-PM sent, side question

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I've had days that made me feel like a pro and days where I couldn't even catch a single dink. Every chance I have to go is another chance to piece together the puzzle. Never know what we'll be up against. You sound like a good angler to me and with the help of all the other good anglers on this AWESOME site you will get better all the time.   Craw


ahhaha naaa I am not good... I am PASSIONATE....  big difference :)

Like I tell the guys in the club... what I lack in experience I make up for in enthusiasm AND equipment.... hahahhaha

but It keeps me sane and I while I wanted to learn a bit more this year while fishing with the club... I definately can't complain... I have 3 or 4 more tournaments to try and catch a fish or two to weigh in :)  now on that day I will defiantely be posting some pictures!

ahhaha naaa I am not good... I am PASSIONATE.... big difference :)

Like I tell the guys in the club... what I lack in experience I make up for in enthusiasm AND equipment.... hahahhaha

Now there's an umbrella we can ALL stand under!!


When I read posts like 30 bass today ! Nearly 50 bass today ! We caught more than 100 bass between us ! etc...... I hardly bat an eye. I used to fish my home lake Berryessa with crawlers, and 50 to 100 fish a day was no big deal. Granted, most of them would be dinks, and a legit 3 lb'er was a hawg ! But that got boring really quick (and it cost me a fortune in crawlers !)

The next step was fishing at Clear Lk. with tiny live dads and micro-light gear, for an average of 10 to 20 bass per day, with a legit average weight of nearly 5 lbs each. That was fun for a while, but in time, that got boring too.

Now I'm down to about 1 bass per trip (sometimes maybe three trips in a row without a bite, then 3 fish in one 'hot' trip), but the average weight per bass, is getting very close to a legit 10 lbs.

Sure, I could go back to catching 50 to 100 bass per trip (and you could too, if you fished the places I did, with the same kind of numbers methods / baits) but BIG bass are so much more rewarding !

Getting skunked is really not a bad thing. Just paying the dues. Heck, of course I know I could have caught 50 dinks on crawlers, but I wouldn't feel much more accomplished than had I threw a swimbait all day and got skunked. Still no photos. Nothing to brag about. Nothing to remember by the end of next week. But when I do stick a DD.... or even more so, a "Teener".... heck, while I'm dreaming... a "High Teener", now theres something I can relive and enjoy, until my final day !

Don't worry about numbers. Just have fun.




SFC_AL, those 30-40-50 fish days DO happen. Thing is, those are the kind of days that keep you coming back on the days you get skunked, and are few and far between. I've been fishing for 40 years, and have had maybe 4 days like that. The best day I ever had I honestly can't tell you how many fish I got that one day-the only number I remember is I lost count at 27 largemouth between 1-2 lbs on a chrome/black back baby torpedo. On 27 consecutive casts. Right time, right place, right bait, and I doubt I'll ever have a day like that again.

I fish a lot with Flyrod, who I met on this board, and we usually get at least 10 between us but most are dinks. Still, you always hope that today will be that kind of day, and every now and then, it is :)


The fish have to be in the lake in order to catch them.

You have to be on the lake in order to catch them.

Two obvious statememts, but so often ignored. Consistent catchers fish often, and fish where the fish are.

Tha name of this game is fishing - catching is a by-product of what we all start out to do. As for catching large numbers of fish: there are an abundance of lakes that produce numbers, but they generally produce them to the same fishermen over and over. Simply put, because they fish and fullfill the first two lines of this post.


For me it depends on where I go.

I have one place I go most of the time that gets very little fishing pressure (because they charge $25 boat launch fee).  Fortunately I met someone on the lake and don't have to pay.  It is loaded with bass and I know every inch of it and most of the honey holes.  This Saturday we caught about 20, 4 over 3 lbs.  We get spoiled there and usually catch between 15 and 25.  I took LBH there and I had to name a section of the lake after him beacuse he caught so many and a 5.4

Now, bring me somewhere else and it's a whole different story.  I'm happy to catch 3 or 4.


some of it depends on where you are...I have friends in kentucky and tennessee that see 20+ days fairly often...where I am a 20+ day is reason for a party.

a 50+ day though...

I find most of these guys usually have been out alone, no one saw them do it...their camera was suspiciously out of film or had dead batteries...and if you ask them to go out with them...all the sudden they have a birthday party to go to, or will be working overtime all month...yadda yadda yadda. Not that they do not happen, just not as often as alot of people would have you believe.

My best day was 21...and that was with a partner ( so about ten fish each) and most of them were small fish.

6 - 8 fish a day is a fair day...hell it is a good day. I would be happy with it.


I find most of these guys usually have been out alone, no one saw them do it...their camera was suspiciously out of film or had dead batteries..

lol,..I swear,....I thought those batts were good, and it was only once!

But either way, stay tuned,...don't touch that dial! ;)

...and if you ask them to go out with them...all the sudden they have a birthday party to go to, or will be working overtime all month...yadda yadda yadda.

My front seat is open to any member, any time ;)

I'm not suggesting that you were aiming these comments at me at all,...just saying....come this fall, we'll put somthing together on film, I promise!

What I'd love to do is road trip this fall and get footage of some of the real pro's here.  I'd like to hit Gwelcome when I see my parents in Fla for example, and get some footage of other folks that I know we'd all like to see in action.  My skinny azz is getting repetitve,lol.



man if you suck, then I blow!  LOL My average is usually around 1-2 fish per outing.  If I catch 5+ I've had a heck of day.  If I catch five "Keepers" I might not ever leave.

Fish or no fish, I love being on the water.


this is turning into an EXCELLENT read... thanks guys...

hey zebco brah we need to hook up and go fishing.. that way we can encourage each other hahahaha

if anyone is ever rolling thru Wisconsin gimme a yell... I would really enjoy fishing with some of y'all


Guest ouachitabassangler

"With numbers like that, you're either reeeeeel good or you're 110!!    

I happen to have fished the same beautifully protected slice of heaven for 18+ yrs.  and can't come anywhere near those!  Man..."

Russ, I consider my own numbers over a 48 year period to be hardly noteworthy when compared to what some have done here. I'm no way bragging, just trying to encourage some here to keep trying. A few guides around here have been witnessed doing far better more consistently. At the State Park Marina a group of Eagle watchers watched one bass angler catch & release at least 80 within 200 feet of the docks last fall. Had he boated all he hooked it would have been a much higher count. Shad had been herded up in the cove, followed by probably a few thousand largemouths. He stopped when stripers moved in to take over.

My largest per day numbers have in every case been schooling bass out in open water chasing shad. They are rarely of any size, around 1.5-2 pounds, usually all identical within one school. I've been into large numbers of up to 3# very few times. When it happens you just stay put and keep catching until it stops. I really don't care to do that like I used to. It takes chasing schools and is just too much like work. While others crank up and chase boils, I stick to my own style fishing slow and deep as the thermocline will allow. If I need a mess of bass for dinner I'll go out there and get a limit then resume going for better 3-4# bass. Thgose numbers are considerably less impressive.

For other species, like white bass, 150-200 a day when moving up to spawn is pretty common. I don't even think about doing that since they are small and I don't like eating whites. It's easier to triple LMB numbers any day going after stripers here, if you know where to go.



I know exactly what you are talking about and was in no way thinking you were bragging.  My comment was to show that it is very possible, but I am spoiled and in a place where as Gwelcome said, the fish are there, ....and so am I.

Even at that, your numbers are better but you have double the yrs on water so this all makes alot of sense.

Guest ouachitabassangler

I'm more lucky than "reeeel good" and a little over half way to 110 years of age.  ;D  I really believe it's mostly a matter of TIME ON THE WATER, plus being in the right spot at the right time. If the TOW isn't happening, the amazing things are not likely to happen. I often hear folks say they just can't understand why they can't do those things, but when asked, spend less than 50 hours a year out there. I'd say it takes 400-600 hours minimum to get in on fantastic fishing on a fairly regular basis because it takes that frequency to keep up with bass, knowing where they went, what they are doing. It's like baseball or any other sport. The more you practice it the better you perform more consistently and the greater the opportunities to do amazing things. Ya don't hit memorable home runs while watching TV. I get out frequently at least 2 hours at a time just to keep track of trends on my local lake. I might just stick one bass just to know I still can when others struggle, or maybe stay all night if the bite is really on.



In addition to Time on the Water, you need Dumb, Dogged Persistence. If I have the time and I'm on the water, I simply won't give up. I have been out there eight or nine hours at a stretch catching NOTHING, and I tell myself I ain't leaving until I catch SOMETHING. There have been one or two days this year when after that length of time I left without catching a thing. I left with a headache from concentrating so hard for so long, and a sunburn on the back of my neck (redneck). Then I got home and sat down and tried to review everything I did to figure out what I did wrong. I like to think those days made me a little smarter about fishingor not.

I recently had a day when I was out for six and half hours, having caught exactly two fish, and I decided to give it another half hour. Five minutes later, I'd caught my personal best, 6lb, 7oz.

I'm just too darn stupid to give up and go home!

In addition to Time on the Water, you need Dumb, Dogged Persistence. If I have the time and I'm on the water, I simply won't give up. I have been out there eight or nine hours at a stretch catching NOTHING, and I tell myself I ain't leaving until I catch SOMETHING. There have been one or two days this year when after that length of time I left without catching a thing. I left with a headache from concentrating so hard for so long, and a sunburn on the back of my neck (redneck). Then I got home and sat down and tried to review everything I did to figure out what I did wrong. I like to think those days made me a little smarter about fishingor not.

I recently had a day when I was out for six and half hours, having caught exactly two fish, and I decided to give it another half hour. Five minutes later, I'd caught my personal best, 6lb, 7oz.

I'm just too darn stupid to give up and go home!

hey your just like me... some days I tell myself I ain't leaving till I put at least a DINK in the boat... hahaha the guy that owns the lake I go to asks me all the time what makes me stay out there as long as I stay out there... I laugh and say its Practice Orie just Practice... that and it keeps me sane... he shakes his head... calls me crazy, but ALWAYS asks me how I did... this old fella is the ONLY guy I will keep a bass for... its his lake after all... and if he says he wants a bass for supper I will try and stay out there till I catch a keeper for him... its the least I can do... he very rarely complains about me going over 4 hours for my 5 bucks (I regularly slip him extra just for general purpose) nor does he ever charge me extra for going over my "time limit"...

the reason I like this lake is because it IS small... I know I probably won't catch the state record here... but I am really getting to know it... and I can go here and practice and try new things...

OK I am revigorated... I am thinking I may want to try and go tonight after work... and stay out till I whack 5 fish!!!! hahahaha


And remember that when you are having a bad day, some one some where is having it worse. :)

my biggest hinderance with going to other lakes right now is I don't have a boat... and the wife won't let me get one either... she is making me wait till I retire... or sell my Camaro... which AIN'T happening!!! hahahahah so its either go to this one lake where I can rent a row boat for $5 for 4 hours... or go fish off a pier...

This is a great thread! It makes me feel better for so many fishless hours out on the water!

In regards to the wife not letting you have a boat, I was in the exact same situation. We just bought a townhouse without a garage and with two assigned parking spots (no room for a boat or trailer) so I bought a Sea Eagle SE-8 Fisherman's Dream Package and it made me the happiest angler around. The thing fits in my backseat, has a wooden floor for stand-up casting, has a trolling motor, sets up in under 15 minutes, and can be outfitted with a depth finder (which my wife bought for me for my birthday to go along with a new G Loomis rod, man I love that woman). It has made my fish #'s increase but I still have those frustrating days just like everyone else. I like the boat better than fishing from shore since I can cover more water and don't get eaten alive by bugs as much. For the money (I spent under $500 including motor, thank you EBAY!) it is the best fishing purchase I have ever made.



Its very interesting 2  c ur asnwers. I was always wondering if america is the paradise of bass and if everybody is catching em in huge amounds every outing.

In Cyprus , bank fishing is allowed only which makes it very hard 2 locate fish in big waters. I fish with some of the best bass fishermen in the island and our average is around 2 fish in the summer months. We could catch more but we prefer less bites but quality fish.

September and November are a total different story. Schooling bass r everywhere.

On the other hand ,u watch LBH cathing em in every cast  ;)  DUDE U RULE!!!!!!!!


What a great question & even better responses. THANK YOU, AL, for asking--I didn't even think to ask--I had just concluded that I pretty much stink! ;D

This thread has really helped. No boat here, either, and most of the time I'm limited to some small city-owned ponds. It really does help to hear some very experienced anglers say how this time of year a bass an hour, even on a boat, can be a good day.

I agree that it's a win-win situation when you're fishing. Even if I catch nothing (all too often), it is still so calming to be out of doors watching the water, the sunset, watch/listen to the birds, etc.

But, when you take kids, they need to catch a fish now & then or get bored really quick. So I always hope my son can at least catch 1!

It has been sooo hot here. I'm hoping to rent a boat this Friday & take my boys out fishing. It's supposed to be cooler then--highs in the 80's not 100's.

I haven't posted that often--usually w/DUH! questions, but I do read the forums a lot since I found you guys a month or so ago. Great info & willingness to help, & great commaderie!

Thanks again, Al, for starting this thread.



You need to consider the amount of bass in each water body. I've only pulled those numbers out when i've fished ponds, a good day for me on the river is 6-8 bass. If you're wondering the normal amount of bass caught on the water body you fish then you should talk to somebody else that fishes it.


SFC, you told me you were a pro!   ::)

Man, I have every type of day you can have.  I have had days I went home because I was too sore to fish anymore.  Just make a trip to Waveland, Indiana on a good day and you will see what I mean.  I have had 30+ fish days on several lakes, even good ol' Barkley.  I have also had just as many, if not more days of ZERO fish, and those days flat sucked.  :'(  Most days, I get about 2-3 fish per hour average.

I will say, my catch rate went up quite a bit when I got a boat and could start to learn about all the structure, cover, patterns, etc. in the lakes I fished.  I've been fishing clubs for about 15 years now and I can say I am way better than when I started, but I still need to learn a ton.

I just fish for fish.  Size does not matter to me unless its a tourney and I'll be happy with a limit of legals any of those days.  Heck, I'll take one keeper and get on the board and be happy.  If I had the big bass like some of the guys here do in Florida or California, I might think different.  For now though, I'll enjoy 12"-16" fish here in Indiana with the occasional 4 lb. - 7lb

fish now and then.

Just keep trying and remember, have fun and learn at least one thing each trip out.  You will get better.   I have seen a few guys in our club go from constant zeros to doing quite well in a few years.  Just keep at it.



ummm Brad my exact words are as follows:

hahahah no I don't know what I am doing... I just act like I do... its a by product of me being an NCO... never let the privates think you don't know what your doing hahahahaha

so THERE hahahahaha

thanks for the boost... its true I AM consistant... in putting zeros on the board... hahahaha but I am not sweating it TOO much... its just going to get hard justifying the cost to the family when month after month I don't weight a fish :)

Guest ouachitabassangler

For you folks bass fishing without a boat, my ole hat's off to ya if you stay out there more than half a day trying very often, and if you catch one a trip you are doing well. I deal with hundreds of campers a year who come here for a family vacation, very often having to pull a camper and leaving the fishing boat home. So Pop, used to pretty good bassing back home, gets skunked day after day bank fishing, and he finally steps out in front of my truck with 2 days left. "What on earth are they biting on?"  So I introduce them to a simple 25 cent float with a jig below it or something else about as dumb looking that works. But of all those that don't ask, they usually curse the lake and swear never to return. But they do return. They come back to beat that lake. If you go back and try again, you are not a "bad angler". If you quit, then maybe you are one.


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