Guest bigtex Posted July 5, 2006 Posted July 5, 2006 First things first...LBH I never thought you would shoot me. I just didn't like the fact that something like that would come out of your mouth. I know it was a figure of speach and yes it did offend me. You could have worded it differently in order to get your point accross or you could have read my earlier post more clearly. You also need to clearify if your statement is a joke or not. And I did send you an PM. I use to be in law enforcement for many years and I know what most of the laws in Texas are. I take those kinds of statements a little more serioulsy than others due to the types of people I have handled in the past. But in your case its just not possible. If I would have thought that you were capable of "shooting me" then I would be doing things differently. Let me say it again, " I never thought that you were going to shoot me". Just the comment itself was disturbing. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. 2.) You are still not understanding what I am saying. I don't go fishing for chain pickerel and if I happen to catch one I do throw it back. I never said that I kept them. I wouldn't mind seeing what would happen if you did use one as a bait for bass. 3.) If you use chain pickerel as bait then what is the problem. The bass will eat it weither it is on a hook or not. I don't believe in catching them and throwing them on the bank for them to die a painful death. 4.) I will however turn down your challenge. I don't fish for pickerel because they are nasty, smelly, slimy creatures. I don't want one to even come close to my lure. I don't like them but that doesn't mean that I want them all dead. 5.) Taking chain pickerel out of a pond will not kill the pond as long as there are other types of food. I sent you another PM. Quote
Low_Budget_Hooker Posted July 5, 2006 Posted July 5, 2006 Dude, you need to chill out. You are wigging out on a misunderstanding that I and the board have gone out of their way to point out. But still you persist and all this when the misunderstanding was yours. NOONE took that as a threat. AT ALL. Noone but you. Frankly, it's your attack on my charachter that I find offensive. I just didn't like the fact that something like that would come out of your mouth Somthing like what? Cops carry guns, is this news? I know it was a figure of speach and yes it did offend me If you know it is just a figure of speech,....why are you still offended? I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I hadn't seen this earlier. Me too,let's drop it and move on, shall we? 1-4. I get your point but even if we ethically disagreed, you are entitled to use them in your state as bait as long as they are 15 inches and caught by rod/reel 5.) Taking chain pickerel out of a pond will not kill the pond as long as there are other types of food. You are mistaking my point. I'm not saying they need to be there for bass the to eat, plenty of pickerel-less ponds with bass. Without the pickerel to keep the sunfish population under control, there will be fewer and fewer eggs left to survive the spawn. Pickerel are major population controllers of all the egg eaters. Perch, sunnies, crays, minnows,etc. Personally, I'll catch them till the sun goes down.. They are certainly a varocious feeder and never cease to amaze me with their digging runs. Truly an honorable quarry in my book. Ask Senko77 how fun those can be in the early spring! Quote
Low_Budget_Hooker Posted July 5, 2006 Posted July 5, 2006 Tex- went back and checked PM's. I never got your first one and if I did, this would have never gone anywhere. What do you say we set an example for the kids. I still wanna be tight with you and keep our relationship as it's been. As with any and all members, we want you here and value your opinions. I apologize for any misconceptions. LBH Quote
Super User Matt Fly Posted July 5, 2006 Super User Posted July 5, 2006 If Im not mistaken, I don't believe that Texas has a regulation on Chain Pickeral. I don't know about other states. But if I'm wrong about my states regulation then I can honestly say that nobody monitors it. Some people don't care that much about those kinds of fish including me. I have never tried to fish with them as bait so I will be giving them a shot. Chain pickerel is a gamefish in Tx, and no game fish are allowed to be used for bait at any time whether caught on rod or other means. BigTex, nobody monitors it, you must not read the monthly Game Warden Field notes. Those are like monthly jokes to me. There are some real dumb poachers out there. Quote
Guest bigtex Posted July 5, 2006 Posted July 5, 2006 308 posts in 4 days: Wow! Nope, I some how deleted my profile and Glen was nice enough to give me back my post that I lost. I can't thank him enough for his help and support. Quote
Guest bigtex Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 LBH.....considered the subject closed. I do admit when I'm in the wrong and today I was partly wrong. I do take some responsibity for the way this tread was conducted by me. I do apologize for some of my actions. I do think that I may have looked way to deep in LBH's comment and that is all my fault. On the other hand I'm not the only one to blame and therefore I will not take all the blame for the situation. Matt Fly.....this is a prime example of how things get misunderstood. When I make comments about regulations I am talking about private ponds or lakes and it is once again my fault for not clearifying what I meant to say. Nobody has the right in the state of Texas to regulate private ponds and lakes. I may fish a public lake maybe 3 times a year and that is mainly to fish for catfish. When ever I post about catching fish, the information is coming from and is about fishing private ponds and lakes. I don't know anything about our local lakes unless is has to do with catfish. Quote
Troutfisher Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 I believe we should consider the matter closed. Quote
Keithscatch Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 While I lived in Texas I learned that on private waters any gamefish can be caught in any way you want to use, Jug line, trotline, cast net, gill net, rod and reel etc. Gamefish can also be used as bait at will and TP&W will do nothing about it as they have NO AUTHORITY over private waters. I used to live on a private lake in East Texas and saw allot of poaching and illegal use of fish or so I thought. When I contacted TP&W about it they said nothing they can do about it. NO license is required to fish private waters either so no regulations exist on those waters by the state. Now if the property itself has regulations then they are responsible for enforcement not TP&W. Just thought I would add that to this long thread. Quote
Super User Matt Fly Posted July 6, 2006 Super User Posted July 6, 2006 If Im not mistaken, I don't believe that Texas has a regulation on Chain Pickeral. I don't know about other states. But if I'm wrong about my states regulation then I can honestly say that nobody monitors it. Sorry Big Tex, nothing in that quote says anything about ponds and tanks or private land. Just you saying " I don't believe so"!. There are too many new people on the forum to assume anything unless you state all the facts. So part of my post is to clarify to others who might believe there are no "gamefish" restrictions in Tx. For others out there, "Don't mess with Texas" A Game Warden has the most juristdiction in the state of Texas. Try Googling "Tx Game Warden Field Notes" for some funny, stupid poacher stories. Anything from poaching deer in front of game wardens houses or shooting mechanical deer from the road. Funny reading. Quote
Muddpuppy Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 I have a friend that took one of those mechanical deer "out" with a 300 Whetherby one day, that they had set up. He said even though he should have suspected something by just seeing a deer that size around here the adrenaline got the best of him and ended up putting about 6 rounds into the thing before he saw his friend and a Warden both running towards him waveing their arms trying to get him to stop shooting it. He was completely legal, and thought the event was rather humorous, but he sure messed up the deer. ;D Back to the original subject at hand- anouther thing to take into consideration when useing live bait and fishing in general, in Texas is that regulations often vary from lake to lake. So what is legal on one may not be permitted on anouther. Quote
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