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Guest bigtex

Why is it a touchy subject when it comes to people keeping bass when fishing?  You don't hear anybody complaing about the amount of bream, crappie, and catfish that are being kept.  I could see it being a problem if you were fishing a lake that held tournaments but why the complaints when your keeping bass that are coming from your own mini lake or pond?  I don't foresee anybody hosting the classic on a small pond or mini lake.

I had a previous problem posting some pictures of bass that I kept.   Some members thought it was excessive.  I did in fact keep 11 bass and intend on eating them all.    I don't do this often but when I do get a chance to keep some you can count on it that they will be put in my freezer.  I'm not that fond of bream, crappie, or catfish.  I was raised up on eating bass.

I only keep those that come from my pond or a friends pond with his/her permission.

Could I get some input on this subject?  

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I agree with you, Bigtex.  I was raised eating bass also because that is all I ever fished for.  If NOBODY ever kept a bass from anywhere, can you imagine how screwed up the populations of bass and other fish would be?  Anything in excess is unhealthy and almost anything is acceptable in moderation.  I have personally not kept a bass to eat in so many years but I don't mind if someone else keeps their limit to eat or keeps a big one to mount.  It almost seems with the popularity of catch-and-release some people believe they know better than the fisheries biologists and DNRs of the country when it comes to creel limits.  And, for those people to chastise others who are fully within the limits of the law, is just wrong.  Bon Apetit!

  • Super User

nobody should say anything as long as you are within the law.some lakes actually need to have fish harvested.some have stunted populations because of overpopulation.in fisherman had a show on this before the linders sold them.it was very eye opening.btw,i also eat bass sometimes.i keep maybe 5 per year.nothing over 18 inches.i believe in keeping smaller fish and leaving bigger ones.

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You won't catch any flack from me.  I don't keep fish but not because I don't believe in it, I just don't like them.  I used to be a hard core C&R type (preaching C&R to people) but then I learned that there is a good reason for the lake's limits... they need to remove some fish to keep populations in check and provide better balance.  I wish more people would keep some.  I had the opportunity to speak with a parks and wildlife biologist a couple of years ago.  He really enlightened me as to the reasons that fish need to be removed. (normally smaller fish)  Anyway, once or twice a year, I'll keep fish for a friend or relative that asks for them.


Once again, all together now:  SLOT LIMITS, SLOT LIMITS, SLOT LIMITS.  Here in Michigan, many lakes are getting full of bass around ten inches to eleven.  With a keeper limit of 14", people who want to eat bass have to take those that are just entering their prime spawning life.  Also, someone forgot that when the size limit went to 14" and the number limit remained at 5, the limit in terms of WEIGHT was nearly tripled (over the original 10" measure).  The best eatin' bass would be in the slot limit of, say, ten to thirteen inches.

Of course, provision could be made for trophies:  a punch card system is all it would take, and the season limit could be more than one if appropriate.


"You kilt it, you gotta eat it."  -- R.B.  

  • Super User

I don't see a problem with keeping a few small bass every now and then.  It's when I see people keeping bass that are 4+ lbs that gets to me.  Those bigger bass are responsible for producing off spring every year.  I also don't think it's right to keep any size bass during the spawn.  Even the small males play an important part of guarding the eggs/fry from predators.  Now that being said, you won't hear me saying anything.  If your within the legal limits, there is nothing anyone can really say.  The DNR dept. must know a lot more than we do.  So if they say it's OK, then I guess I am mildly OK with it.  Still won't see me keeping any.  If I want to keep some fish (VERY rare) their are some much tastier fish out their IMO.

Poor Richard's is right .... SLOT LIMITS IS WHERE IT IS AT except I don't think any big bass should be kept.  My slot limit would be something like 15" to 35"  ;D ;D ;D


You won't catch any flak from me either. If you get too many fish in the lake/pond and they don't have enough forage to sustain a healthy population then they become stunted and unhealthy.

I like mine with a 50/50 mix of flour and jiffy corn muffin mix with a couple teaspoons of sugar and a couple tablespoons of seasoned salt. Deep fry to a golden brown, serve hot with potatoe salad and baked beans.

Man that made me hungry!!!!!!!!  

Guest avid

I think catch and release is a mindset that says "I respect this noble creature as a challenging sporting competitor" rather than as a potential meal.

Personally, I have great respect for state fisheries managers.  These guys are pro's who have a great track record for keeping fish populations healthy.

So long as you as you stay within the limits set by the Fish and Wildlife department, you should not feel any guilt about keeping your catch.  

Just keep in mind that most people who join fishing forums are pretty dedicated to the sport.  In general we like to see fish released because we respect them.  We also want them to grow up so we can catch them again.

Culling a certain amount of fish (all species) from any body of water is healthy but seeing 11 dead bass appears excessive.  

I don't pretend to speak for anyone except myself.  Maybe others can give you their views.

I'm sorry that you felt unduly criticized or attacked when showing your catch, but again, catch and release is the spirit many of us try to embody.

I think your question was fair, and I'm glad you posted it.  


I think catch and release is a mindset that says "I respect this noble creature as a challenging sporting competitor" rather than as a potential meal.

Personally, I have great respect for state fisheries managers. These guys are pro's who have a great track record for keeping fish populations healthy.

So long as you as you stay within the limits set by the Fish and Wildlife department, you should not feel any guilt about keeping your catch.

Just keep in mind that most people who join fishing forums are pretty dedicated to the sport. In general we like to see fish released because we respect them. We also want them to grow up so we can catch them again.

Culling a certain amount of fish (all species) from any body of water is healthy but seeing 11 dead bass appears excessive.

I don't pretend to speak for anyone except myself. Maybe others can give you their views.

I'm sorry that you felt unduly criticized or attacked when showing your catch, but again, catch and release is the spirit many of us try to embody.

I think your question was fair, and I'm glad you posted it.


Avid, applause!!

You said it perfect!!


As much as I preach about the C/R of trophy sized fish, I certainly have no problems whatsoever, with someone keeping a few small to medium fish (best eating size anyway :-)

Selective harvest is where its at !

Good fishing to you :-)


  • Super User

You'll catch no flack from here either, that would be the Pot calling the Kettle black.

Bear in mind, that many anglers simply don't enjoy eating fish,

and there Catch-&-Release program should not be confused with nobility.

My wife & I happen to enjoy fish very much and understand that omega-3 fish oils

are far better for the heart than prime rib.

As has been said, your Fish and Wildlife Commission keeps very close tabs

on the health of every fishery. The saltwater regulations in Florida have gotten so complex

that anglers jokingly say that you shouldn't fish in the ocean without a lawyer onboard.

Stay within the law and enjoy a guilt-free meal of bass, and you'll never eat

another mud-flavored catfish again laughing11.gif



A few lakes in northern Wisconsin have done away with size limits on bass and encourage people to keep the small ones.  Stunted growth rates and adverse effects to other game fish from over population are the reasons given by the DNR.


     Yes I would have to agree with Roger and Avid in saying that we all have our own reasons for C&R , and most of the time I am a strong supporter it. But I would say that without doubt the use of selective harvest is KEY to the success and health of the population fish in any body of water. To take only the small fish is just as destructive as removing only the large fish. When you do away with any generation of fish then the rest of the fish will suffer, these fish in any perticular size serve an important role in their biosphere, they control the population of other fish and other creatures that these fish use for sustainence. An imbalance in one genertaion of say bass, creates an imbalance in the population of bream of a certain generation and therefore size. I hope that my reasoning is clear and i didn't throw any of ya'll off.

      So the secret to the best harvest of fish to cull a pond is to harvest in a selective manner, towards the generation of bass that are the most numerous, and by keeping some that are larger and that are smaller. The Key is to target a specific size and therefore generation of bass. This promotes healthy competiton and forage for all the bass in the pond. And when a entire group on anglers uses selective harvest and C&R then and entire lake or river the water ways of a state as a whole can be regulated,

      This is why each State has their own rules and regulations as to the number and size of fish for each game fish species that can be kept. Some times these regulations can be very specific like in Florida, sot that there it seems like you need Roger and his Lawyer to keep you out of trouble. But I would have to say that the State of Florida has the best managed fisheries in the US. And When you look at the size and wide variety of fish that inhabit those beautiful and well managed Water ways then it seem to scream Selective Harvest Is The Key To Success! This way you can enjoy both the bueaty andd the bounty of the water, you can provide a meal for your family and preserve the wonder of our sport for generations to come. The true trophys are preserved to be caught again by another angler with the C&R, but not only is a meal provided, but you have also provided a healthy and productive enviroment with the Selective harvest. Good Fishing to all.



I agree with BigTex.  As long as you have permission or the pond is yours it shouldn't matter if you keep the fish or not......  that's protein.


I don't usually complain, but I do get upset when it is the large females that are being kept (regardless of the species).  The large females are the backbone of any fishery and need to be protected to ensure that there is successful reproduction.  The big females have the best genes, which enabled them them to get big and fat, and you can greatly harm the future of the lake by keeping the big females.

I am a big fan of slot limits (so long as they aren't too confusing), as I think they put the emphasis on keeping the good sized eating fish while protecting the large fish which serve as the foundation of the lakes population.  

I think if you look at the reduction of large (10#+) largemouth in FL as a result of increased fishing pressure (see the previous In-Fisherman Q&A with Doug Hannon), especially at spawn time, you will have to come to the conclusion that the big fish in any fishery of any species need to be protected.  

I keep fish to eat, but for the most park the biggest fish in the lake need to stay there.


I don't think there is anything wrong with what you are doing BT.  Where I live (Yuma, AZ) we get "snowbirds" in the winter, which are actually just cheap old codgers (IMO there is a difference betwween old codgers and senior citizens) who come from Wisconsin, Oregon, Washington, primarily colder states to escape the cold in their hundred thousand dollar RV's and what not (so you know they are not poor, but actually pretty well set) and choose to live at the lakes I fish at for months living off nothing but the fish!  They catch their limit every day and eat all of them, for literally months, no matter the size.  Some of them are so cheap they take and boil the lake water (which thay dump their septic tanks into) for drinking.  People like that make me angry, not you.


I just have more than enough food at home to not have to kill a gamefish.  If it were an econiomic thing, then absolutely, feel proud that you put dinneron the table with your bare hands but if it's just a fish dinner you want, trout are like $3.$9/ lb, raised to be eaten and much tastier.

I've just seen too many people take fish from the lake to either prove they caught it  but take itunder the guise of "I'm going to eat it"...or they think they are going to mount this 8lbr and get home and find out it's only 4 and throw it away,...those are the situations that irk me.



I have a tendency to ruffle feathers all the time on the C&R debates.

1'st if it's my pond, unless someone else wants to pay my taxes, fertilizer bills and other expenses involved, they ain't got one dang word to about what I keep or throw back.

2'nd if the DNR fisheries ask people to please keep all small bass, and not release them I don't. I probably catch and keep a couple of hunder 12" - 13" bass a year from Clarks Hill.

Now, where I do have a problem is keeping a big bass just to take it home and show it off or hang it on a wall when they already have several on the wall, many even the same size.

I feel a true sport fisherman should know his waters. Know what the recommendations are for catch and release and follow them. If the bass population is limited and they ask you to release them or only keep a few to eat, then do just that. If they ask you not to release small fish, then don't, you are only hurting the lake because you have a mindset that all bass should be released.

There is no bigger advocate of catch and release than me. I've ticked a lot of people off fishing with me when I refused to let them put a big bass in my live well and told them they would either release it or hope it's big enough to tow them back the the boat ramp because they wasn't getting back in my boat with that fish. However, I still keep and eat a whole bunch of small bass, when the population supports that.

After all, what other kind of meat are going to be able to eat the probably cost you well over $1000 per pound to eat. I figure that's about what each pound of bass I eat cost me.

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I have no problem with people keeping some fish to eat. I only wish Bass tasted as good as crappie.


Hey I'm all for the family getting together and sharing in a big fish fry. Traditions like that are not only important but they're fun as well. I think there are some other species out there that get the job done better than bass, but what the heck, eat what you like. That said, I must admit that when I see pictures of someone's latest bass massacre I do tend to cringe a little bit. I can't help it. I shouldn't have to apologize for those feelings nor should the guy have to apologize to anyone for keeping them. We're all different. I think on here it's important to concentrate on what unites us....not what divides us. Eat em up!


I'm catch and release now,but for many years I fried 'em up and ate 'em.I've no problem with anyone eating their legal catch.As a matter of fact fisheries biologists say to keep the smaller bass,that it's healthy for the fishery.The reason I throw 'em back is they have evolved from food to an adversary and friend that I love and respect too much to kill.That may sound a little strange,but bassin' is nothing but sport for me.You catch and eat your catch and don't feel like you're doing something wrong because you're not.

  • Super User

I must admit that when I see pictures of someone's latest bass massacre I do tend to cringe a little bit. I can't help it. I shouldn't have to apologize for those feelings nor should the guy have to apologize to anyone for keeping them. We're all different. I think on here it's important to concentrate on what unites us....not what divides us.

Nicely put greetings.gif

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