janalon Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 Sure I would like to see a pic of perry's fish, no such luck though. It is still the one to beat and I know it will be beat real soon, however they will still be the nay sayers, there always will be. Quote
Guest avid Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 OK, my question has been answered. Â This is no evidence that Perry did NOT catch a 22 lber. Â it's just the lack of absolute proof that he did that fuels the doubters. Â Personally I don't see any reason why a 22 lb largemouth couldn't come from Georgia waters. Â As far as the small mouth record goes there is the absolute fact that no one has ever caught a smallmouth that even comes close to that weight. Â So if using "circumstantial evidence" is your argument for doubting a record, then you are on pretty solid ground doubting the smb record. It's got to be tough for an organization like IGFA to certify records that existed before they did. Â But do they have a choice? If the recognized authority at the time i.e. Field and stream recongnized it then it's only right to assume it correct. Quote
Super User cart7t Posted March 27, 2006 Super User Posted March 27, 2006 : That fish is no 6lber. The mouth alone is big enough for 1 1/2 of his fists to fit in. Just leave it be. Quote
janalon Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 The record will have to be broken, not discarded. Â I really do not think that anyone would want to discard it. Bash it and throw doubt on it yes, just like some will do to the next WR. But to discard it would only bring the weight down to a more attainable goal, I really don't think anyone would want that. Quote
Super User RoLo Posted March 27, 2006 Super User Posted March 27, 2006 I never felt that the current world record largemouth bass was devious or dishonest. To my knowledge, George Perry fulfilled all the obligations necessary to qualify his fish as the world record. There is a question that does comes to mind however. If that same bass were caught today would it qualify as a world record under the new more stringent IGFA regulations? In any case, George Perry has grandfather rights and remains the rightful holder of the world record largemouth. Now then, whenever new evidence emerges that suggests that an old record may not qualify by today's standards, that record goes under scrutiny. Such was the case with the former 25-lb world-record walleye taken from Old Hickory Lake, TN. It was ultimately sticken from the record because it was shrouded by mysteries and inconsistencies. Although the current world-record largemouth has often been challenged, Mr. Perry's record bass remains intact. The IGFA is very tough, they stripped the David Hayes world-record smallmouth from the books, only to eat humble pie and reinstate the record. In the final analysis, George Perry's record may be non-conforming, but it it's good enough for the IGFA, it's good enough for me. Roger Quote
KYbass1276 Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 After looking at my sept issue of bassmasters, I definatly agree that that fish was not 13 pounds.  There is no way Even if the scales were off  You could still see that it is not 13 pounds. I might have to eat my words on my previous posts and lean more toward the side of the WR being BS Quote
youngbasser87 Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 I agree with you guys. That bass is not 13 pounds. The bass looks to me like he might go around 8 pounds but not much more than that. I just caught a 5-6 pound bass today in the fridged cold and he was just a tad bit smaller than that one he's holding. I like to have proof of a catch on a bass that big, like the Jed Dickerson fish in 2003. Quote
Rattletrap Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 For crying out loud. Bad mouthing Perry's world record while praising the Cali Snag Master's. Unbelievable. :-/ Georgia holds the record and the Cali Snag Master's still can't take it. ;D When's the next Cali Snag Masters Championship? ;D Quote
Captain Cali Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 For crying out loud. Bad mouthing Perry's world record while praising the Cali Snag Master's. Unbelievable. Â :-/ Â Georgia holds the record and the Cali Snag Master's still can't take it. Â ;D When's the next Cali Snag Masters Championship? ;D > > Why did you have to go there dude? That whole post rubs me the wrong way. Cali Snag Masters? Screw that!! Â :-X :-X You question the Cali catch soooo much. Why don't you spend some time questioning Perry's catch insead of bad mouthing the Cali catch? We all know, and most agree, the Cali catch wont be the WR so why do you have to keep pounding that point to death? Quote
janalon Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 Correct me if I am wrong, but I read that Perry's scale was not his own, but belonged to the general store manager in Helena (a notiery) who used it for postage. There is no mention on where the fish was hooked. Uh oh! Quote
buzzbaitfool12 Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 Roger you are calling the dude either a lier or doesnt know how to read scales..What allows you to doubt or discredit someone but when it is done to you you want to say give me a break..dude come on..both sides of this argument have made good points..I am 33 years old,lived in Georgia my whole life did a report in the fifth grade about this..I am not 100% sold on Perry catching a wr bass in 1932, but I was not there..So when we talk about this there are not a lot of facts to whether this fish did weigh 22.4 but its in the books and we will have to wait until someone breaks this record..THIS RECORD WILL FALL IN CALI AND WILL FALL SOON..There is no doubt in my mind..I would bet the farm on it..In the Lake Dixon article I notice the last paragraph talking about the next wr fish coming from lake dixon or california because of all the stocking of trout..I dont agree with this but it is what it is..Buzz Quote
Rattletrap Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 For crying out loud. Bad mouthing Perry's world record while praising the Cali Snag Master's. Unbelievable. :-/ Georgia holds the record and the Cali Snag Master's still can't take it. ;D When's the next Cali Snag Masters Championship? ;D > > Why did you have to go there dude? That whole post rubs me the wrong way. Cali Snag Masters? Screw that!! :-X :-X You question the Cali catch soooo much. Why don't you spend some time questioning Perry's catch insead of bad mouthing the Cali catch? We all know, and most agree, the Cali catch wont be the WR so why do you have to keep pounding that point to death? LOL. People have been pounding Perry for 74 years. I pound Cali for a few weeks. I have 74 years to go right? It works both way guys. Bottom line! Georgia owns the WR, and some people are hating it. Keep on fishing Cali, ya'll will break it oneday. It's only a matter of time. But it want be by the Snag Master's. Quote
bobo Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 It seems alot of the guys that are defending the 25lbr are insulting the crap out of Perry. That fish in that picture def looks nice. I guess you guys are use to those deformed cali fish.... heh sounds like you guys are on some kinda Cali agenda or something. Starting to see a distubing trend in the forums Quote
Rattletrap Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 Yep. Them Cali boys have been dogging Perry since I have been on this forum. Heaven forbid if we make a comment about there catches. If somebody dishes it out, they better learn how to take it. Opinions work both ways I thought???? Quote
Captain Cali Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 I never called Perry a liar. I said he is either a liar or has a hard time estimating weight. I then agreed that maybe his scale was a piece of crap. Take your pick but I never flat out called him a liar. Quote
Rattletrap Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 I never called Perry a liar. I said he is either a liar or has a hard time estimating weight. I then agreed that maybe his scale was a piece of crap. Take your pick but I never flat out called him a liar. LOL. I rest my case..... :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X Quote
Captain Cali Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 Rattletrap...I also did not make a comment like "When is the next Georgia Liars fair?" now did I? The way I see it, "Cali Snagmaster Championships" is a direct attack on all California anglers. And I took it personally. I don't care what little smiley you put on it. Quote
Mattlures Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 The bottom line is there is no proof of Perry's fish and there is no doubt of Macs fish. Â Ok now before you GA boys start replying be sure to read the rest. What I am saying is the fish itself not the tactics. Knowbody even knows if Perry's fish even existed. But everybody in the fishing world knows Mac caught his fish. Rattletrep can slam him any way he wants by using words like "snag masters" or "so called trophy hunters" but the facts are Mac caught the biggest bass in recorded history and there is no real proof of Perry's fish You know Perry's fish, if it existed is only the third largest bass. Duclos's bass was apoxamatly 24lbs and he had picture to back it up. unfortunatley he never weighed on a certified scale, or even a fishing scale. Quote
Rattletrap Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 LOL. You guys must have nightmares about a Georgia boy holding the WR for 74 years. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Cali has a picture, and Georgia has the record. Hmmmmm. Who holds the record? Hmmmmm........ :'( Quote
Mattlures Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 Rattletrap your the one that seems to be hung up on the Cali  GA thing. It seems to me the only reason your so adimate on defending The WR is because you are from there. Personaly I dont care were it comes from. I only hope that who ever cacthes it worked for it. I would be happy if it came from Mexico or Japan as long as it beats what I believe to be the biggest fraud in fishing history. OK what makes you so sure Perry even caught a 22.4 Quote
Captain Cali Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 So...like I asked before...are you going to question Perry's catch like your bashing the Cali guys? Or are you going to tell me once again that Georgia still holds the WR and blah blah blah? Quote
Rattletrap Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 I'm just busting Cali's chops. I don't want anybody to get violent. I'll quit. Keep on Bassin!!!!! Quote
Rattletrap Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 So...like I asked before...are you going to question Perry's catch like your bashing the Cali guys? Or are you going to tell me once again that Georgia still holds the WR and blah blah blah? We hold the record. I and Georgia don't have to prove anything. The next person trying to take the title does, and they have to do it correctly. It's not my rules dude. Â Quote
Captain Cali Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 You're not going to question Perry's catch but you will call the Cali guys names and question them. I rest my case. Quote
bobo Posted March 27, 2006 Posted March 27, 2006 It's pretty dang hard to question sometihng 74 years old... Â And if it's 74's years old, it must be pretty stout.. I get a kick out of you guys saying that fish in that old pic isn't 13lbs, when there nothing about it to indicate otherwise. I'm just curious on how yall get that fish isn't 10lbs, hah maybe Perry isn't the one that needs to work on his fish estimation... Quote
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