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I'm not sure anyone is praising these guys as much as defending them/ I don't understand why there are being ostracized. I don't know them, they aren't friends but I think the outcome of this incident has been handled the way it should have been.

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Every body talkes about the million dollar fish. SAYS WHO!!!!!!!!!!!!! you think people are going to come running with money in hand and start throwing it at them. they may get some indorsments but they would have to work very hard to get any whare near a million for it.

matt i think you might be the one with no clue... read the another site weakley Q & A article that came out a few days ago, it CLEARLY states that the BBRC (big bass record club) will pay the angler who catches the world record largemouth 1 million dollars.

sponsorships and endorsements are after that fact. it really is a million dollar fish, in a literal sense. The simple fact is, the person who catches the next world record will instantly be a millionaire. Not only that, but after sponsorships and endorsements - he will pretty much be set for the rest of his life.

I'm not sure anyone is praising these guys as much as defending them/ I don't understand why there are being ostracized. I don't know them, they aren't friends but I think the outcome of this incident has been handled the way it should have been.

Exactly my thoughts. It's the monday morning quarterback syndrom.


Hey Soulaces your a little out dated. first of to get any money from the world record club you would have had to been a member. Oh and guess what? It was 7million but the key word is WAS. The last time Jed caught that same fish it weighed 22lbs 9oz. but by the time the ofiicials had got to the lake (wich was hours later) the fish had lost enough weight to be only 21.7. When this happend, the Insurance company that backed the WWBC gut scared and would not reniew the policy. There is no world record bass club!!!! So again i say there is no GARANTEED MONEY. Yes there could be alot of money in indorsments if the conditions are reight.  I never said there wouldnt be or that the fish is not worth a mil. I said it not a given. It all comes down to maketability.


The only thing really getting ostracized is the guys posting how great Big Bass hunters these guys are. They made so many rookie mistakes it's pitiful. It's great that they released the bass, but don't build these guys up like great hunters. You could have fooled me. They were completely clueless, and lost on the water. Hopefully they learned from there mistakes. Has anybody got their address, I'll send them all a IGFA Certification book. ;D


In my opinion the only hero in this drama is the guy who found the fish, not the guy who offered a thousand dollars for the exclusive right to snag it.

  • Super User
The only thing really getting ostracized is the guys posting how great Big Bass hunters these guys are. They made so many rookie mistakes it's pitiful. It's great that they released the bass, but don't build these guys up like great hunters. You could have fooled me. These were completely clueless, and lost on the water. Hopefully they learned from there mistakes. Has anybody got their address, I'll send them all a IGFA Certification book.  ;D

Really! These guys knew that fish was there. At the very least I would've had a large cooler with portable aeration system setup ready to go. A friggin stringer ? Geez, Big bass hunters NOT!  ;D


One of those big saltwater coolers would make an excellent big bass live well. You could have it mounted in the back of your truck. Just like a real Big Deer Trophy Hunter, he is totally prepared with everything he needs to bag that trophy buck. These guys are not prepared, it's a wonder they did not kiil that bass with their own ignorance. If you are going to trophy hunt for a big bass, you better have a live well near by. That's the most important thing if you expect to keep that bass alive to release later. Rookies almost killed that bass.


The stringer system has worked for 3 times now with that bass and it hasnt died from it yet. You can not bring your own boat into Dixon. They have tiny little rental boats and the cooler bairly fit and mad it dificult to move at all. I personaly have brought a huge cooler with me and it was a pain. Pl;us they needed to get in the boat and on that fish before anybody else . They didnt have time to be loading up excess stuff. Theese "rookies" have caught  many huge fish and are anything buy rookies. They didnt need a cooler or a certified scale. Why? because had they hooked the fish in the mouth they would have waited at the lake for the DFG to come certify the catch. You guys make it seem like they were soooo unprepaired. I am sure that foul hooking or intentualy snagging the fish was never even considered. Thats why they didnt know exactly what to do once it happened.  So what did they do?  The right thing. They let it go and did not submit it. yet there are stiil some of you guys critsizing evry little detail and speculating what they talked about or what thier intentions were.

If some incredibly hot girl wants  to sleep with you and you are married. Are you a cheat for thinking about it or talking to one of you buddies about it? NO you are a cheat if you do it.

I am not saying they even considered anything wrong but even if they did, In the end they still did the right thing.

Put your self in Macs shoes. He knows the fish is there. he does all he can think of to be able to fish it.

He knows its the record and has his attorny's # ready for when he catches it. He knows the process because he was there when Jed Caught it. You call Fish and game and they will come measure and weigh and certify the fish. Ok now you actualy catch the fish but you realize its been foul hooked. there are several wittness to this fact. Now what do you do. Up until this point they were prepaired, Now they dont know what to do. I doubt any of you guys would of at that moment either. So they talked about, called their atorney and decided to release the fish becuase they knew(or at least though) it would not count.

and for you haters that said he couldnt make it bite so he snagged it.    COME ON  Mac caught the fish at 8 in the morning. it wasnt like he was running out of time. he had all day to fish that one fish and they werent going to leave it. He though the fish bit(and it might have) so he swung the rest is history.

They let it go and did not submit it. yet there are stiil some of you guys critsizing evry little detail and speculating what they talked about or what thier intentions were.  

You are speculating your opinions, and we are speculating our opinions. Are you saying ours are speculation, and yours are facts?  :)


I was just asking. Usually when somebody is stating their opinions, and they call the other guys opinions speculations, they are insinuating that they are right and the other guy is wrong. If you are saying you are right then you have to be stating facts. Right? Nobody here knows the real facts. That's why I'm stating my opinions based on my on fishing knowledge. It's just the way I perceive the issues at hand. I'm not trying to start a fight. I'm might want to hook up with one of you guys in Cali someday to get on those big hawgs!!! :)

  • BassResource.com Administrator

Hmmm, four pages of debate and not much gained. Just a reminder to keep it friendly and respectful. Fishing is fun, remember? :)

  • Super User

Wow,some thread you guys have going here.

I buy into that clout/prestige/recognition theory,however,the "WR hunters" all know that the WR bass could generate tons of money.I can fully understand that being a factor in why they fish exclusively for WR fish.Heck,if I lived in California,I may fish for the WR exclusively too........and you could bet the ranch that I would have dollar signs in my eyes if I was ever to see the WR on a bed.

Those guys know about the loot that fish could bring,they arent fooling anybody.

Carry on.


Earthworm, I gotta disgree, if anything they are the poster child of how NOT to handle the siuation. I'll say it again, the only controversy is what they make it. And they left the door wide open. The only real controversy should be is the rules, definitions and interpertations. I'm not a wr hunter. I don't have the slightest idea of the rules. How well defined is the wording? Does illegal define uncertifiable in the wording is that just something taken for granted? Does retaining fish mean it can't be documented even if you let it go right after? So his catch is perfectly legal in a state where foul hooks count if unintentional? It's 25lb fish, I mean WOW!

These guys have more clout than anyone at this moment on the world record and everything surrounding the catching of one. The could make alot of statements about rules and regulations. heck, If I were him I'd already be making about a book about the whole story. He said he didn't wanna make money, but it could def be a great way to raise money for a foundation.... or try to make changes to better the sport...

I'd love for this guy to show up on the forum and start filling in the details. Just insta ban anyone that outright inuslts him and let the rest of us enjoy the event that took place last place. Sure, I ma ask him some tough questions that might him feel uncomfortable, but it's a 25lb bass, heh, you gonna have to expect that... Heck some of us may not be around around the next time sometihng like this happens!

This is by far the biggest (no pun intended) event in the history of bass fishing. I'm kinda surprised by how it unfolded over the past week... /shrug


BBRC (big bass record club)

I believe this organization folded in 2003.

Bobo, unfortunately everything these guys did that day is under scrutiny by people who do not have any experience doing what they do. We can all sit here and look at it and pick it apart, saying what they did wrong and how "WE" would have done it. I believe only a tiny percentage of us would have even landed that fish let alone knew what to do once it was onboard. I've taken fish up to 14lbs and I'll be the first to syaI'd have crapped my pants and huddled in the corner of the boat like a scared school girl if I got this thing on the boat. You all would have picked my actions apart and likely anyone else who caught that fish.

I don't know these guys, but I've read alot about them before this all happened. But whatever, insulting these guys and calling them rookies is plain ignorant.

I've taken fish up to 14lbs and I'll be the first to syaI'd have crapped my pants and huddled in the corner of the boat like a scared school girl if I got this thing on the boat.

Not if somebody is a so-called Big Bass hunter.


[  If the record was caught on my bait I couldnt sell any more baits than I already am. I am backed up on my stores and I have no idea when I will ever get caught up. I think if that happened I would try and sell my company :)

The clueless thing was about people thinking they are only in it for the money.


Well i've called him shady, I'm i'm gonna take that back. However I disagree about the "what we would do" And I'lll explain that.

I think these guy knew exactly what to do. They knew the fish wasn't gonna go.... but you know dang well you aren't gonna catch a 25lb and just toss it over the boat. You're gonna do exactly what they did, you gonna take it to the dock and get video and and atleast get it recognized. It hit me after I posted they called the lawyer.  

So to that point, I don't believe in anyway, not even a regular angler not even interested in the WR would make the mistakes these guys made. So it leads me to think, they weren't mistakes. It was just a matter of they knew it wsan't going to go, so lets just get it recognized and back in the water. Maybe, they should have come out and said from the start they had no intention of trying, but I can't say i blame them for not shutting that door, even though you probably should. I think that is what i learned from this, . If anything ever happens like this, don't leave any doors open, if you do the controversy will build.

So, I take back what I said about being shady. But seeing how this is a 25lb bass and he did give those few days for the pot to stir, i'd love to bombard him with questions! But I don't think I'd be as tough on him as before.

I can't get over how big this was, not just the fish but for bass fishing in general.


According to Basscenter, California law states that a snagged fish is illegal and the fish to be a record must comply with the laws in the state in which it is caught therefore the Bass record would not hold up under the official international sanctioning body. There was video of it's weight on a digital Berkley scale of course that scale was not certified by weights and measures ESPN put a 25lb weight on it and the scale came up clean. In closing the Angler did the right thing a snagged fish is an illegal catch in California and should not count as a world record.


The Pa Angler


bobo again you are missing the main point. The fish was caught at 8 in the morning. They had all day. They knew they could get it to bite. they know how to get it to bite. It was not like they had a perfectly clear view. It was overcast and still a little dark outside the fish was in about 12ft. They could see it it but sometimes its very hard to tell exactly whats happening. When your on a big fish like that you cant sit on top of it. The idea is to be as far away as you can but still see it. If your too close the fish will spook. I think it is absolutly ridiculous to assume they tried to snagg it. They had another 9-10 hours left. They were on the fish it was their shot. The fish was obviously locked on the bed. It was just a matter of time. Mac has already caught a 19 and Jed has caught a 21 both on beds. They know how to fish them. They simply misjudged the bite and set the hook. Eye wittnesses said the fish had already bit and they missed it before he actualy hooked it. Plus the jig he was using was a single hook. no trailer or nothing.

WHY do you guys want to try and paint thses gus into shady people. Their not!!!!!!

They mistakenly foul hooked the fish and didnt know exactly what to do about it so they talked it over, brought the fish in, weighed it, took a couple pics and hoped it would come back.

I've taken fish up to 14lbs and I'll be the first to syaI'd have crapped my pants and huddled in the corner of the boat like a scared school girl if I got this thing on the boat.

Not if somebody is a so-called Big Bass hunter.

::)Come on. I don't care who you are that fish is going to make your brain turn into jello and your pants will be soiled. Big bass hunter or not. Just because they are big bass hunters doesn't mean they don't have emotion when a big bass is caught. Just think of the adrenaline rush these guys were on once they saw the fish. Everyone seems to think they are numb when it comes to big bass.

As far as making sure there is no controversy (or as little as possible) about the catch, I believe that is why they aren't submitting for WR status correct? Because there is too much controversy about the catch.


huh matt? what part of , I take back they being shady didn't ya understand?

There is no possible way they made so many mistakes. Or could be so confused about what to do..

As far as the foul hook, I understand the anticpation, I don't even consider the foul hook as a mistake, just something that happened... which of course sucked. Sure, hindsight, you can call it a mistake, maybe coulda been more patient or whatever. But I consider it just bad luck on the foul hook more so than a mistake.

I'm pretty sure they knew the fish wouldn't go, and when they caught it, it was just decided not to make the decision on the spot about going it being certified. Which I consider thier only mistake. It left room for controversy.

It would be different if this was thier first time in California. Or if they had been just regular fishermen on an outing. If they thought there was even the slightest chance the fish was a legal catch, they would have atleast taken measurements and called the warden down.

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