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okok i got a good one. Me and my cousin, we fish alot together. and we went to the beach a few months ago. I was using shrimp as bait becouse that was what was catching at the time, But there were remanants of peir under the water that a huricane had damaged. Everybody on the peir had atleast cut their line twice becouse of it. I had to cut mine atleast 15 times. literally. But i got stuck one time. and my cousin got me out of it after a 10 minute battle. When i reeled it all in i had a toadfish about an inch long. :-[

Another time, the same day- while we were fishing i was crabbing too using some cut mullet. I reeled the net up as fast as i could and found a baby sea bass on to of the mullet. That was very shocking to me. :-/


well me and my buds were out fishing on a weedy lake with a sumo frog on the matted vegitation

first a big lm bass jumped on it but didnt get hooked and as i was reeling it in a 10 inch toad grabs ahold of it didnt hook him but he swallowed the darn thing so i cut my line.


I caught a 5lb, 18in smallmouth when i was perch fishing.  I was using a dead minnow on the bottem in 60ft of water.  what a fight!  at first i thought it was a sheephead because i was fishing so deep, but to my suprise it wasnt.


Earlier this year my craziest catch was actually one of my lures. While fishing a public lake from the bank one evening I lost a Zara Spook in some brush and it was getting dark so I decided to leave it. The next day I returned to the lake and decided to go in after my lure. It was only about ten feet from the bank and the water was only about eighteen inches deep. My first step in the water resulted in my foot sinking in the mud pretty fast so I thought to myself "I'd better hurry". The next couple of steps got me to the spook and after I had it in my hand I realized I was sunk in the mud past my knees and still sinking fast. After a brief battle with the mud I was back on the bank with my beloved spook in hand. It's funny now but it was pretty dad gum scary while I was in the water sinking and wondering if I was going to make it out.


 :o  A couple years ago I was night fishing on Patoka lake Indiana. I was throwing a 1/2 oz black buzzbait when a OWL swooped down and grabed my bait in mid air. The owl hooked himself and flew about 30 yards before I could cut my line. I miss the buzzbait but it leaves me with a good story to tell.

Tight Lines,



another nice catch if mine is my finger. i cought a 1 lb bass and he started flopping. It resulted in a treble hook in my finger and a treble hook staying the basses mouth. I had to cut him off. i couldent reach him good enouph to get it out so i cut it. Hookin my finger didnt hurt, it felt weird tho.

  • 8 months later...

Oh, this is a good one! Glad I am looking at some of the older topics.

When I still lived in Arkansas, a real good friend and customer of mine had this AWESOME pond that was really only a bit bigger than an olympic sized swimming pool. He even had cattle that would wade in this pond, so it was AWAYS muddy!

Didn't affect the fishing one bit, except for the fact that you needed a noisy, vibrating presentation when fishing for the bass, something they could home in on.

And this pond was LOADED with catfish.

Wayne had 2 rules. Take all of the catfish you want, and release all of the bass. I actually caught my biggest bass from that pond, a 7 1/2 pounder.

So, here is the story. My stepdad and I were catfishing like normal, using biscuit dough (yes biscuit dough, Wayne turned us onto that and it worked there better than anything else)

So, I set one of my rods up with the dough and proceed to walk around the pond with another casting for bass.

Big Mistake!!

Pretty soon, I look back at my other rod set up for catfish just in time to see it take off into the water!!

I start running around to try to save it but it was gone!!

In the midst of my panic, I thought of something that turned out to be pretty smart, although at the time I was thinking no way will this work!

I tie on a deep diving crankbait and start fancasting in the general direction of where I last saw the rod before it disappeared into the deep!

Lo and behold, after about 10 casts, I hooked something. (there were a lot of brush piles so I figured that I probably had a limb or something)

I reel it up and see that I have my rod, hooked through the end eye with the crankbait!

Carefully, I reeled it up enough for my stepdad to lean over the steep bank and grab it. He hands the whole mess to me, I unhook the crankbait and start reeling my drowned reel. Something is tugging back!

After a few minutes, I reel in about a 4 pound catfish!

It wasn't what I caught that made this the strangest, but the way I caught it! I will never forget this one!

That technique  actually came in handy for me again while prefishing for a tourney a couple of years ago.

I knocked one of my rods overboard and it sank like a stone in about 10 feet of water. big lake, lots of trees and I was moving when it went overboard.

I thought it was gone for good, but after 10 minutes of casting for it, I got it back!


Thanks for reviving this thread......

Strangest thing I have ever caught... I was fishing a shore fishing only reservoir and I hooked a pair of Vise Grips on a tube.


Last weekend while I was throwing a c-rig parallel

to a weed line, my line suddenly felt real heavy so I immedietly set the hook.

Theres something heavy on the line but it's not fighting back.

I get it up where I can see it and It's a cast net.

i got my lure back and let the cast net go to fight another day. LOL!!!  

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NOt my catch!!!  I'm 44, and a few years back I had learned that in the early 70's my dad and brother were fishing on Amistad with my Step mom.  Funny I never heard this story until  my stepmom passed away a few years ago.   My dad actually caught my stepmoms new wig on a cast that swipped it right off her head and into the water 6' in front of the boat.  At that time neither dared laugh , but they both admit to having to hold the laughter back as she was highly ticked off.  But it was a diffenent story now,  it can't be told with  tears coming so hard from laughing.  I do believe a fight came after the boat hit the shore cause my brother had told some of the family at camp.  Camping was miserable after that.   My dad replaced the wig, she never stepped foot in the boat again.  The moral of the story is: It was my summer before I went into the second grade,  I got to do some plugging as my dad refers to crankbaiting back then. in her place in the boat.   Been fishing for bass  ever since,   If I had known that I could have move up in the pecking order, I'd burned  that wig  long before that.

NOt my catch!!! I'm 44, and a few years back I had learned that in the early 70's my dad and brother were fishing on Amistad with my Step mom. Funny I never heard this story until my stepmom passed away a few years ago. My dad actually caught my stepmoms new wig on a cast that swipped it right off her head and into the water 6' in front of the boat. At that time neither dared laugh , but they both admit to having to hold the laughter back as she was highly ticked off. But it was a diffenent story now, it can't be told with tears coming so hard from laughing. I do believe a fight came after the boat hit the shore cause my brother had told some of the family at camp. Camping was miserable after that. My dad replaced the wig, she never stepped foot in the boat again. The moral of the story is: It was my summer before I went into the second grade, I got to do some plugging as my dad refers to crankbaiting back then. in her place in the boat. Been fishing for bass ever since, If I had known that I could have move up in the pecking order, I'd burned that wig long before that.

:o ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! Now that's funny!!


Believe this if you want or not, but I swear it is true. Me and 2 friends were fishing smallies on the Mississippi river one evening, using jigs and minnows. My buddy lays down his rod for no more than 20 seconds and poof, a fish, catfish I presume, steals his rod. Well, about a month later I'm fishing the spot, I catch his rod, take it home, clean it up, and I've never told him to this day that I caught his rod. I'm so evil :P


Ok, how about an 8 point buck! Well it would have been an 8 point if the other antler and the rest of the deer would have been attached! LOL! This happened a few weeks ago when I was working a crankbait on the upper Potomac. It would have been a real nice buck, I just wish I could have seen it before it shed its antlers!

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Well it 's aquatic, sort of  ::)

One day I went to a farm pond that holds monster carp, as big as a torpedo, I took my rod and carp reel for those monsters, 6 pound test line and a spinning reel to make the battle endure. Farmers use domestic geese as watchogs and to control weeds in the ponds, specially cattails, those things are not only noisy but nasty biters too, watch out if they don 't know you. So I rigged up my outfit placed a big chunk of bread dough ( Raul 's special formula  ;) for carp ) and cast it in the middle of the pond, there I was smoking a cigarrette and minding my own businnes when I see one of the geese swim and take a dive right where my bait was; yup you guessed right, I hooked the sucker, oh boy the best fight I 've ever had in freshwater  ;D, man, I can switch to geese fishing any time, so after a good fight I was able to reel him in, but as soon as he sees me he jumps out of the pond and begins running into the field screaming like crazy with my line still attached to him, I ran after him with fishing rod in hand trying to grab him, hey they run prutty fast !, interesting their legs aren 't that large, well after about five minutes of chase I finally grabbed him by the neck, ever fought a professional wrestler ? cuz those things sure know how to wrestle, since I wasn 't able to unhook him while wrestling I grabbed him by the neck and choked it until he became unconcient, grabbed my pliers and unhooked him. Ahhhh, nothing compares to a 15 pound goose.  :D


Let's see, I've caugt a bat, birds, snakes, tiny fish on huge lures, a couple of aligators, couple of logger heads and few other type turtles, but I think the best has still been when my dad and I caught the same bass.

Back when plastic worm fishing was just catching on, the theory was you let the fish run with the bait for about 10 seconds or waited until he stopped, before setting the hook. (needless to say, this was a long time ago). We were both fishing a plastic worm, I got a bite and gave it some line, shortly afterwards he got a bite. After the fish took several yards line and stopped, I set the hook. Soon after that my dad set the hook on his fish. I was in the front of the boat, my dad in the back and during the fight managed to get the fish under the boat with me pulling from the right front and him pulling from the left rear, we both thought we had a monster bass on. I was fishing much heavier line and bigger reel so I managed to out wrestle him for the fish. Thinking this thing was gonna be huge, when I finally got the fish to the surface was when I saw both our worms in his mouth. The bass was about three pounds and we had dang near ripped his jaws apart. Needless to say, both our dreams of having hung the next world record bass went down the tubes, but have gotten a kick out of telling this story many times over the years.


fishing in a stream that feeds the meramec with my ultralight, i caught about a 3 inch gar, it was the most tiny thing i had ever seen, looked like a pencil nub.  

one time when i was running trot lines on the river, i caught 4 turtles, a monster drum, and a gar on the same line.   as i recall, i didnt get one catfish that whole day.

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Conversiving with my two older brothers about the wig washing  last night, I was reminded of a dove hunting trip long ago.  Late evening, we had been shooting some dove at one of my dads tanks, we had one more dove to retrieve before dark and the wind died down so it wasn't making land fall fast enough.  Being a bass fisherman. I told my brother that there was a rod with a lucky 13 tied on in the truck.  He went to fetch the rod, mean time the dove disappeared a few seconds, came back up, it did that a couple more times.  My older brother got back and saw it happen, he said a turtle was probably messing with it.   Sounded good.  He made a couple of casts at the dove. His second being the closest yet.  He reeled it closer to the dove, snagged it for a second before it was free.  His third cast hit behind the dove a few inches. The dove has gone under again, this time a little longer. He waited for the dove, and it floated up again after being down a little longer.  He made a couple of twitches to get in position to hook the dove when the water errupted around the dove.  My brother successfully landed a 5lb lmb on artifical bait, only artificial  bass in his 57 yrs.  

Guest the_muddy_man

This happened to my fishin partner and if I weren't in the boat to see it I dont know if I would have believed him. He decided to play with the pickrel for a while and he put a Mepps inline spinner on. He fished it for a while and we were going to the shore to pee. When we got close to the shore he leaned his rod so the spinner was over the side about 8 or 9 inces from the water. Dont you know that a biga-- bluegill jumped out of the water snatcehed the bait and hooked himself. I have nerer seen anything like this before or since!!!!!!!!!


ok, here it is, was fishing with a friend in oregon, on the clakamas river for chinook or steelhead. after about 3 hours of nothing he got a bite. as he was reeling in the fish, a seal, yes a 200 pound seal came up and took the salmon, little wretched. my friend reeled back a head of what looked like a nice 15 pound native salmon. i gave up salmon fishing after that.

i caught a friend in the leg with a blue fox, thats what you get for moving in on my spot! he was ticked and i felt so guilty, it was an accident. caught my cousin in the arm ona back cast, myself in the leg fishing tight cover... i think that covers it on body parts.

when i was 10, my street flooded after a rainstorm about 3 feet of water, and my uncle and i caught a small bass by the mouth of a storm drain on a grub!

great stories everyone thanks for sharing.


Today, I caught an Oscar! Yes, the type you put in aquariums. At first I thought a bluegill was following my bass plug, like they do sometimes. Then, I noticed the fins, and knew this was some weird fish! So, I tied on a small Mister Twister, and the fish inhaled it, and fought like a demon!

I took it to my work, and my buddy said it was an Oscar. I guess some idiot wanted to get rid of it, but couldn't bear to kill it. Of course, it would have dies come winter, but how unresponsible can you get? I sure hope they didn't dump a bunch of them in the lake.  



a fews years back i hooked into something really big..at first i thought it was either a large bass or big pike or muskie...after about 5 minutes of following it around with the trolling motor(it kept burying itself it the weeds) i figured it must be a huge bass because a pike would have broke my line by now..after about 10 minutes i found out i snagged a huge carp by the tail...quite a battle but also quite dissapointing..

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