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If you carry around too much tackle ?  ??? Since I began fishing every year my tacklebox grew in size ( and weight ), as years went by not only my tacklebox grew in size but also I no longer carried a tacklebox, I began carrying tackleboxes ( read more than ONE ), last time I went fishing I suddenly realized that the available space in the boat grew smaller every year, and when you 're fishing from a 12 ft jonboat there isn 't  much available space for tackleboxes, binders, you, the cooler and your fishing partner along with his tackle, the anchor, the oar, the net, the rope, etc, etc, and forget about another person joining you because there 's not enough room for him  ::) .

Tough decission I had to make but it had to be done, so I did my homework and took a real good look at my fishing log ( which extends for 25 years of bass fishing ) to see if I could determine which lures were the most consistent fish catchers every year and prepare me just one tacklebox and one foldable binder for soft plastic baits, in other words, I was pretending to carry only what I really needed and nothing else. The concept behind the idea was that I always fish the same lakes all year long, on very rare ocassions I fish somewhere else, the times when I was single and went fishing to distant big bass Mecas on a regular basis besides fishing the local lakes are nothing but a memory now that I 'm married with two kids and my own business  those days are gone for good, now when I have the money to do it I don 't have the time and when I have the time I don 't have the money.  :-X

After a couple of days of study I was amazed with the results, I ended up with a 3700 box with my most lethal and proven to exhaustion lures that by the way do catch fish in those far away Mecas ( just another proof that bas are bass everywhere )  a foldable binder with 30 compartments where I stored the jigs, soft plastics, jig and spinnerbait trailers and spinnerbaits ( when folded the binder is the same size the 3700 box is ), and a small 6 compartment box where I placed the hooks and the sinkers, all of it fitted nicely in a backpack.

Not bad, not bad at all....... of course it took me hundreds of cranks, spinnerbaits and about 40 pounds of soft plastics to find which ones were the gooduns.  ;D

And NO, I don 't have my remaining tackle for sale.


I am also trying to reduce or at least arrange it into some sortable of order.  That's not a real easy task.  There are alot of new baits that I want to try not to mention all of the new awsome colors.  I also want to try out some new lakes, plus the fact we split our time between 2 places each with different and mutural lakes close by.   I wish I had kept a log like you did, but I didn't.  So right now I have two patio tables covered up with stuff to take and the stay box is still pretty much empty.  



I just got through wondering the same thing about my tackleboxes.I read your story with great interest and kept waiting for you to "open" your boxes for the reader.

If you were to open one of your boxes what would we see? Is there a bait you have never fished? Is there a bait that you keep around for sentimental purpose? What is the predominate color of your tackle? Why? Why? Why?

These were just some of the questions I asked myself when I realized the questions were far greater than the answers...

  • Super User

I know for a fact I carry too much tackle.I have my whole middle storage box in my Gambler(70" long X 24" wide X 20" deep)  crammed to the max with tackle.I bet I lost 7-8 mph once I finally got everything in.I definitely need to trim down on what I have IN my boat.


This from the man who coined the phrase, "bait monkey" ;) ;D

I know I do.  I have a boat full of stuff and only use a few select baits.  Overkill the the extreme, and I love it ;D!


Well this is a very complex question...

I don't know that there is right or wrong way to go with it...

Here is what works for me (and I do not work for Plano):

I had the same problem with having too much tackle and not enough box or room, so I started buying Plano 3700 boxes, a bunch of them, and basically made a filing system.  Each box has a label on the front of (Spinnerbaits, 6" worms, Buzzbaits, Jigs, Lizards, Topwater, Creatures and so on) stating what that box contains.  Granted there are 2 boxes of spinnerbaits, 4 boxes of 6" worms, 4 boxes of crankbaits, you get the picture.  I have a multiple shelf cabinet that I keep all of these 3700's in.  I also have a BPS Extreme 370 tackle bag that holds 6 3700's.  What I do when I'm going fishing to a particular lake I go thru my inventory and select the baits that I think I will need, load up the 6 boxes that go into the tackle bag and I'm ready to go.  It may sound a little time consuming or complicated but it really isn't because some of the baits in the bag never come out, they may just get replinished due to loss or use.  Its kinda like having you own tackle shop.  Might not work for everyone, but it works for me...


I have a 17' boat with plenty of storage, until the baits started catching the fisherman.  Two huge boxes, two duffle bags of organized plastics, and then storage full of clear boxes under my feet in compartments.  Enough was enough. I was organized to the point of disorganization, so I have been trying something new.

I took EVERYTHING out of my boat, including all rods out of the rod box.  I now make the time the night before a trip to take what I need.  For example, if I know I am going to clearer water the next day, I rid of all dark colored plastics, dark jigs, and what ever baits are probably out of season for what I am going.  I bet I now take MAYBE a third of the baits/boxes/plastics/rods with me on the boat when I am on the water.  I know where exactly EVERYTHING is on the water the next day, a lot of it pre-rigged on the boat, and the night before makes me better prepared mentally for the next day or so of fishing on the depending water.  A lot on here probably were smart enough to do this before, but it only came to light for this dimwit in the past couple of months.  I am actually less stressed on the boat now than before because I have left the clutter in the garage, and feel more efficient on the water.


I have the same delima. Being a non boater in tournaments but fish out of a 16 foot jon I have way to much stuff.

So every night before the tourney I analyze what I need and get it down to a manageable manner.

Problem being I have caught so many fish on so many different plastics I can never get it trimmed down enough.(Was on a beaver and creature bite this spring left my traditional stuff at home got 1 keeper on my favorite jig while my partner caught 4 on the tubes I left at home) If I do I get frustrated on the water cause I left the wrong bait at home.

Being a river fisherman this is harder to do. Mother nature is rougher on bait selection for river fishermen then lake guys.

When we travel to our tourney destinations alot of us have to buy a particular bait we left at home cause they not hitting what we brought.

One guy will have 4 rubber maid tubs in his suburban for 1 of our trips cause hes scared he will leave something at home. He was working on his Tackle at 9 am yesterday he was still working on it at 2 this afternoon and was far from done.

Before he started leaving stuff in the truck he had every tackle logic binder ever made stuffed in his center compartment. 20 foot champion. He had so much stuff and so many bags he had to make himself an index and label every bag in a number system. on this index he had every bait in every color and size listed in each bag.

The problem is tackle resale is the worst of anything I have ever seen. I could put 1,000 dollars worth of tackle for sale and get 50 bucks at the most for it.  Reason being fishermen have the mentality that if hes selling it, it must not be good. When in all reality its still a dang good bait just moved on to other baits.

  • Super User

I don't own a boat, although I have a couple of friends who do. So I do a lot of shore fishing when I'm not out with them and have a problem. I carry two shoulder bags and don't know how to pare down. I've got a box of hard baits, one with soft jerkbaits, one with tubes and jigs and another with worms.

I've tried and tried and can't come up with a solution.


First off, you will notice this is my first post. I have been a member since Jan but until now I have just been reading the posts soaking up the information that is given. I have found it very informative and entertaining. I just had to comment on this. I have been fishing for over 40 years now and I hav bought everything that has brrn made to catch a fish with. In fact, I have rushed out to buy something new, hot, and a sure fish catcher, just to find out that I have 2 or 3 more just like it. I tell you it is an addiction. I could open a retail store with all the baits I have purchased over the years. And, what is really sad, I love having all the "stuff". I spend lots of time going through my "stuff" and wonder where , when, and why I bought it. I have plastic boxes full, soft wraps full, "stuff" hanging in my garag, hanging in my storage building, "stuff" everywhere. I give some away, but I don't know why, because I just go buy more. I catch fish on less than 10% of the collection I have but I just might need that bait that I bought for some reason, somewhere, sometime. I bought it so it must be valuable. You can't discard valuable lures can you. I just might have the bait that no one is using or has but me. I am going to be able to fill my livewells because I have something that everyone else has discarded. I can't sell my lures to you because then you would have the "secret weapon" and I wouldn't. Man I'm not addicted, I'm using my head. Everyone is going to be reading about me in the bass magazines , me and my secret weapon. I just need more boxes, more storage, more baits. My wife thinks this is true about me----Perhaps. You be the judge. Thanks for the fun. Larry

  • Super User

I have a small room off my garage that is mine, everything else seems to belong to my wife and kids. I store all my hunting, fishing and camping gear in this little room. Most of the stuff hasn't been used in years.

All my tackle is organized in plastic boxes like most of the rest of you have. I have two hard boxes with tools and line and lures that I basically collect, but rarely use. I have a soft bag that holds about six plastic boxes that I sometimes take on big trips. I have a small Plano box that I carry pond jumping which contains soft platics and hooks.

It's pretty standard advice, especially on this forum that you must let the fish tell you what they want. Well, that's not how I fish. 90% of the time my lure selection is dictated by the rod and reel I want to fish that day. Like many of you, I have lots of equipment that I don't really use that much. So, on any given day I decide what to use. For example, yesterday I decided to fish my Calais which I have on a medium power St. Croix baitcaster. I only use this equipment for lipless cranks, buzzbaits and spinners. That's not the stuff I have been catching fish on the last couple of weeks, but it's dictated by the rod and reel I want to use. All I took with me to the pond was one white/chartreuse spinnerbait.

I rarely (never) change lures and I pre-determine what and how I'm going to fish. I try to use lots of different lures and techniques over time, but not at the same time. This keeps me focused.  


I have a lot of tackle too, and it will only grow in size lol.

When I go fishing I take two tackle bags. One is a soft tackle bag that holds 4 lure plastic boxes, my scale, disp. camera, stringer, etc etc.

The other one for now is a hard plano box that is solely worms/shads/senko packs and my line.

When my free ugly stick soft bag comes in, I am going to move all plastics to that soft bag, so I am only carrying two soft bags...alot lighter for long walks. (I like to get off in holes or walk 'off the beaten path' so to speak)


Hey, Raul the ultimate tackle junky.  I have a ton too, but trying to down size.  I'm getting older now and it gets harder to push the wheel barrel around with all of my lures ;D


I am set up the same way as JTL. It is handy for me, especially since on day I am fishing a bass tourney, the next I may be catfishing, crappie, bluegill who knows. So I went through and made boxes for each species. So when I get home and figure out what I am going to do the next day I take out those boxes and put in the ones I need. This makes for a lot less cluter and a more enjoy experience for everyone else.

Guest the_mud_man

I dont fish competively so this may be eaiser for me. I got it down to one bag.2 utility boxes full of varios plastic worms and soft plastic minnows and 4 boxes full of various wooden plugs,acouple of extra spools some line hooks snaps etc and I still have the same amount of fun as when I was carrying a lot of stuff to impress the fish instead of catchin em

  • Super User

Neither do I MM, it 's just that I simply had to carry all the stuff, I felt kind of......... "naked" without them.

The results of the selection were spectacular and if someone told me 25 years ago when the baitmonkeyitis began with what I was going to catch fish consistenly I would have never believed it. The Wart "family" ( SubWart, MidWart, WiggleWart, Deep Wart )  of Storm is one of my most lethal and toxic weapons in the arsenal followed closely by the Shad Rap "family" ( Shad Rap, Shallow Shad Rap, Shad Rap RS, Jointed Shad Rap, Glass Shad Rap ) between both they account for a frightening 55% of all bass caught on crankbaits, so my personal recommendation: forget about the rest, purchase Warts and Shad Raps  ;). Other very good baits are banana shaped crankbaits like the ThunderCrank, Tail Dancer and BaitX, that banana shape creates an action like a cross between a minnow and a fat crank.

  • Super User

I agree about the Warts and Shad Raps,they are hard to beat.I just wish the #5 Raps were just a little heavier.

I just recently bought a couple of the Thundercranks but havent thrown one yet.Crankbait season is about to heat up though. ;)


Well I feel like I am ahead of the game then. I have been serious about bass fishing for only about 4 years now and I have some tackle but not as much as some people I know and here's a few reasons why:

1) I would like to be specialized in as few techniques I think I would need as possible. I don't want to be so-so on a lot of different lures. I would rather be really good on 5 different lures.

2) I am kinda a big statistics guy and I believe to more lures you have to chose from, the lower your chances are of guessin the right lure. Also I always see guys switchin, switchin and switchin again when what they need to do is have their bait in the water more, whatever it is.

3) The lure companies are playing us fishermen for fools guys! Company X puts out a spring crawfish color and then puts out another variation of basically the same color, knowing we need that new color. Buying lures is just a habit maybe an obsession and those darn companies bank on that. I'm guilty too, but I am already in the process of culling a lot of my stock and spreading the wealth to my father-in-law and brother. ;D



Hey Man, I'm with you I'm grabbin five of my best lures in three different colors, red ,silver and green.

I'm cullin my stock and puttin' the big conglomerates out of biz.

They (BIG COMPANIES) have got fishermen excited about every color,style, etc. under the rainbow. I've got a buddie who eats a different colored lollipop every minute and spits on a treble hook and catches fish---BIG FISH... Only problem, I can't get him to fish a tournament. As long as I know what color lollipop he is on, I know what treble hook to utilize... and catch fish...


You still out there? Comment please! How many different colored crawdad crankbaits and jigs does one man need "to be in the money" and to find favor with his peers... find favor with big fish...

Stop and think... Baits are like bullets, which bullet will bring home the bacon?

Old school fisherman, whom I still respect to this day, stated," If you know how to deer hunt,you can find the fish..."( Harold Allen )

It's not what they want to eat. It's just about locating hungry fish! If a fish is hungry does he turn his nose up to crawdads and say I want a shad? I think not. Aren't they opportunist? When the opportunity (food) passes them by they will eat.

We fishermen like to complicate ideas.

I believe the fish are biting Baby Brush Hawgs in Red Sparkle!

Bologna! Toss a piece of deer summer sausage over the side of the boat with a red " EWG hook". Will it catch Big Bass? How Big is your confidence, your faith...

  • Super User

We fishermen like to complicate ideas.

Not really, I just love to buy stuff, all those pretty colors and beautiful shapes........ ;D, it 's like a well served buffet, hunger starts at the eyes  ;).

You know you are a bass fisherman when....

Your tacklebox weights more than your boat,

Your tacklebox is your boat,

When every year you recieve Christmas cards signed personally by Johnny Morris and Dick Cabela,

And you have become the ultimate tackle junkie ( like GLoomisman said, ha ! look who 's talking  ::) ) when.......

Somebody asks about a lure and you know everything about it because you already have it.

Sorry folks, I have to leave now..........oh wow ! man, those Evergreen lures look gooood...........

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