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Are women allowed to fish BASS opens? I am 99% sure they are, but reviewing a few opens I only found a handful of girly names and they all turned out to be men.

Why are these women not fishing opens to try to make the elites? I see no reason for men to have the upper hand in fishing over a woman. So what gives? Why can't there be one route in BASS? Why should there be a special tournament series for women? I am just looking for some answers, hopefully without ticking too many of you off.

I don't see any reasons why females cannot enter the bass opens and climb the ranks like men do. Why was there ever a women's bass series put in place? Is it because the women couldn't climb the ranks? One potential issue I could see which makes sense is the sheer number of men interested in the sport in comparison to women. Is this the big x factor to why there was a womens bass series?


Ok....let me see....from your statement, all tournaments except for the BASS Opens should be cancelled. :-? BASS dropped the water out of the lake for the ladies. They turned down BIG money for sponsorships. They refused to put that money towards the payouts for the women, wanting instead to put it towards the mens also. These sponsors wanted to SPONSOR the LADIES not the opens. BASS can fall off the face of the earth as far as I'm concerned. ::)

I am only speaking for myself but I'll tell you the treatment most ladies receive from the male anglers is enough to make me NOT want to fish draw tournaments. The egos and attitudes are bad, no not always but it can sure turn a healthy swimmer belly up quickly and the smell lasts a long time.

I was fishing a ladies tournament. We came up on two guys in a bright new Triton. We were in my little ole Javelin. Two mear girls actually in a boat :D Turns out they had motor trouble. Dead batteries. Offered to help them out. They refused. We told them we wouldn't be there long, had weigh in shortly. They watched me boat two fish both over 4#'s a smallie and a largemouth on back to back casts. Only after that did they change their minds and "allow" us to help them out. I had jumper cables and quickly had them going. Turns out, the boater was a bank president from about 40 miles away. He offered to pay me. I didn't want his money. He ended up throwing a 20 into the boat. I sent a check on Monday to Dream Factory for $40.

The looks I get just when driving the boat on the trailer are too funny.....Greg fished a BFL on Wheeler. The look on the guys faces when I put her on the trailer was almost priceless. That Big Beautiful Ranger and I didn't even put a scratch on her. :)

No, I'm not the best fisherman on the lake, but I can catch a fish (sometimes even two) ;) On real good days it (they) might even be keepers or maybe a couple of 7#9 's just for fun.

I've been forced, yes forced off a spot I was fishing. I was alone at the time. By two men from out of state. Bet that won't happen again with some fireworks ;D

Then of course there is the problem of nature calls. I won't even begin to go there.....

Yes, we can drive our boats and run the trolling motors. Heck we can even read the electronics :D We might even know just where not to run to miss that stump just under the surface.

I can't figure out what difference it makes to some whether we have our own trail. You'd cry like babies when we beat you in "your" tournaments.

I love to fish with my husband. We fish well together. WE pick our spots WE try new things WE catch fish (well not always) but we compliment each other.

I've competitively bass fished ladies tournaments for about 18 yrs now. Won 4 out of 5 last year. Been angler of the year 8 of those years and we have fun. Every single tournament is FUN. We laugh, we teach, we learn, we make new friends and renew old friendships. On good days we catch fish, on the ok days we spend a few hours on the water and enjoy the beauty we have around us.

Also bass fish a couple club and a couples tour. I enjoy that also but I know who my partner will be each and every time.

NO, you haven't ruffled my scales...just renewed my firm belief that yes, I'll fish with unknown females in tournaments but NEVER, EVER again will I fish with an unknown male.


The egos and attitudes are bad, no not always but it can sure turn a healthy swimmer belly up quickly and the smell lasts a long time.

I've been forced, yes forced off a spot I was fishing. I was alone at the time. By two men from out of state. Bet that won't happen again with some fireworks ;D

I can't figure out what difference it makes to some whether we have our own trail. You'd cry like babies when we beat you in "your" tournaments.

NO, you haven't ruffled my scales...just renewed my firm belief that yes, I'll fish with unknown females in tournaments but NEVER, EVER again will I fish with an unknown male.

You wrote quite a bit I would like to comment on. Thank you for your input also.

I'm not sure if I missworded my first message or not, but my main point is that since the womens tour was cancelled why not fish the bass opens to climb the ladder to fish on the elite series.

You spoke about men's ego's and attitudes. Do you believe that those men with the attitudes only offend women?

You spoke about being forced off of your spot. Some people don't follow typical fishing ethics. I have been forced off of spots, and had to defend spots in the past. This is a nuisance while on the water to everyone not just women.

I would love to see women fishing more trails.. I think that would be awesome. I have been beaten by females in the past. I don't see why females being good at fishing would throw anyone off. Fishing is one of the few sports where physical strength/size plays little role.

I am glad I didn't ruffle any scales.. ;D I just remembered a big thread about the womens series being shut down and thought for awhile to myself "why don't the women just fish the opens?". I wanted to make a thread and see other thoughts on the situation.

Sorry if my sentence structure and word choice is poor.. I just spent 14 hours studying for stat/ochem.

PS- you sound like a heck of a fisherwoman

  • Like 1


I know that the offensive attitudes don't offend just women. There are jerks everywhere, not just on the water.

We all have the option of doing just what I do. Fish where I want and when I want and with who I want.

I've very fortunate to have been born and raised on the water. Still wake up every morning looking at KY Lake.

Had a Dad that was more than willing to teach all us kids about the thrills and dangers of being on the water, KY Lake in particular. He didn't bass fish but supported us (Mom, brother and sister included) with commercial catfishing. He did an awesome job of doing that. At 76 yrs old, he continues to support and encourage and support us in whatever we do.

Many years ago, my husband (now my EX) told me I couldn't catch bass.... >:( :(....I'm so thankful for that ignorant statement he made. I quickly showed him that I COULD catch bass, even got the boat in the divorce :P because I used it more than he did. ;D

I'm all for everyone fishing more (especially me ;D) in whatever tour or trail they choose. Our addiction to this expensive habit is such a wonderful addiction. With 17 GLoomis rods in the boat, I know. :o Just wish everyone would treat others like they'd like to be treated. Not just in fishing but in life. I know that is a very large dream but I'll keep dreaming :)

There are plans in the works for a ladies trail or two...it won't happen over night or get the exposure that the big boys get but it will happen! Will I fish it ??? Maybe. I am fishing the orginizational 1st one in May. Will I win it? Don't really care. Oh, I want to make a good showing. I'm finally in a position financially to give it a shot. I have the love and support of a husband that encourages me. I have the knowledge and ability now if the fish will just cooperate. :o

I'll be out there supporting it in every way possible, not only fising it but Greg and I are sponsoring it with our business. Hopefully not embarrassing myself too badly and keeping all my scales intact and having fun in the process :D

Wish I could head out there right now. The sun rising on Blood River is beautiful....but duty calls and I'll go play nurse for a little while and help cure a few more wrongs in the world ;)

Great fishing to ya and have an awesome day! If you're ever coming to KY Lake, give us a shout....we'd love to show you around. :)

  • Like 1


Check again, there are a lot of women fishing the Opens.

Pam Martin-Wells, Judy Wong, and Diana Clark...just to name a few.

Other anglers are having to fish as co-anglers because of the timing when B.A.S.S. notified us that they were cancelling the WBT. They will be able to register as boaters in 2011.

Are you aware that the reason the Bassngals Tournaments were started was because WOMEN WERE NOT ALLOWED TO FISH B.A.S.S. at that time!

I joined Bassmasters in the late 1970's. It was in their rules that their tournaments were only open to male anglers.

That rule was changed because of the Corps of Engineers.If I remember correctly, it was changed in 1991.


I think that if women want to really be treated as equals on the water by the guys who dont see them as such then women will have to fish and do well at the elite series level. There were alot of good things about the WBT but many people were not going to see female pros at the same level as the men if they were fishing the WBT. To me its similar to the ***** leagues in baseball. The players were not respected by many until Jackie Robinson came in and did well against the white players. The downside is after a while the ***** league was disbanned that meant many of the less expectional black players were not able to play at the professional level anymore. But hopefully many of the better female anglers can continue to fish professionally. Sounds similar to the WBT to me, hopefully you gals have a Jackie Robinson type who qualifies for the elite series and makes some noise and gets you respect from those who dont respect you now.

And for the record I cant stand getting beat by a woman in a tournament. But its nothing against the ladies I cant stand getting beat by another guy either.  ;)


Deb, Maybe sometime I'll bump into you at Ky, if your still in that "ole javelin". I'd have no problem taking some tips from a girl in the know.

I too don't know why it's a big deal too be outfished by woman, gender makes no difference in fishing. Although out of fun, no guy wants to be told by his wife/girlfriend "you got beat by a girl". ;D


Been out twice for smallies in last 3 wks.  Water high, dirty and cold.  First trip, 1 smallie, 2 lbs, 1 largemouth, maybe 1lb.  Second trip, 1 smallie, again, 2 lbs.  I was OUTFISHED both times and the smallies were caught by a "rookie" and a woman...MY WIFE!!!  I've got 'bout 37 yrs experience fishing...she's got maybe 4 months total and she smoked my butt both times.  Imagine what it's gonna be like when she actually figures out what she's doing......sure am glad she's my wife and has no "male-ego" genes in her cuz it would be miserable.  As much as I love the part of being on the water and enjoying my surroundings, my wife actually does enjoy being out there and that's the reason she likes to fish.  She want's to enjoy herself first and fish second.  Hmmmm, I'm sure more lessons will be cast my way that I can learn from--To me, my wife is THE wife.  Fish on.  John.

  • 10 months later...

I've noticed that the last posts here and in the women's section in general are from last year. I just joined and am fascinated by reading about the experiences of both men and women with respect to gender. Hope people come back here in 2011!

  • Super User
I've noticed that the last posts here and in the women's section in general are from last year. I just joined and am fascinated by reading about the experiences of both men and women with respect to gender. Hope people come back here in 2011!

Welcome to the Bass Resource community, Laus. It's all about treating others the way you want to be treated, no matter the gender, race, or belief system, isn't it? :)


Ah, so true! I was a mechanic in the Navy and a poleworker in the power Co here and encountered intolerance and hostility from BOTH men and women. But as a nurse it's not pretty to see a guy in that all female working environment facing the same nastiness. Time to talk about gender without the blame, I think. Real issues deserve honesty :)  Thanks!

  • Super User

The ladies can speak for themselves, but this

is my take as a Moderator:

I don't know why we have so little participation in

this section, but intimidation has never been an issue.

As a matter of fact, the women are generally treated

better than the guys!

Jump in and stir things up. You are encouraged to

participated in all the sections, not just this one.

Share your outings, that's my favorite part of the




  • Like 1

I found myself fortunate to have grown up in an outdoors family and along Shingle Creek. I started out with the old cane pole and worm, working up to my Zebco and a cream worm (black with chartruese tail). My parents would come home and find the homework done, fishing pole gone, and my pony missing from the pasture. I'd be sitting on him in the middle of Shingle Creek, toes in the water, and catching bass.

(There is the origin of my name)

My husband "Fishing Cowboy", used to fish the FLW, and when we met he didn't have a boat, so we bought a 2007 Stratos 294XL, started fishing a monthly tournament on Lake Kissimmee and I was hooked!

I bug him to go fish all the time. I would take the boat out alone to locate fish and also because I like to fish slower than he does. ;)

We now fish a monthly couples tournament and the lawgames tournament in Okeechobee once year.

I will say I've had the variety of responses from male anglers when they see me loading and unloading by myself. But the best was heading into Shingle Creek and I could see two elderly fishermen coming up in a johnboat..I could hear them say:

Is that a lady? It is a Lady! That's a nice boat she has there! I got to call my son and tell him there's ladies fishing down here..( Visions of the Single ad of "Wanted single female with bass boat, like to fish etc.. send picture of bass boat" flashed through my mind) ;D

We exchanged greetings and they idled down about 200 yards then turned around. They came along side and proceeded to tell me which baits were working best, where the bass were schooling at, etc.. 8-)

I do see women and I believe more than one was fishing as a boater in the Southern Open held on Toho last month. If a lady angler wins one of those, it earns a spot in the Classic. So it "could" happen and I'll be cheering for her when it does.

  • Super User
The ladies can speak for themselves, but this

is my take as a Moderator:

I don't know why we have so little participation in

this section, but intimidation has never been an issue.

As a matter of fact, the women are generally treated

better than the guys!

Jump in and stir things up. You are encouraged to

participated in all the sections, not just this one.

Share your outings, that's my favorite part of the




I agree that I see much encouragement for women to participate here.  I mentioned this in one of the other threads but I think it applies here as well.

Regarding the BR women's forum, in my opinion this specific forum is about bass fishing and news or issues that relate to women participating in bass fishing.  There are other forums about rods, reels, boats, equipment, lures, etc. in which some of our women do participate.  I could be wrong but I think this forum is idle for long periods because most of the subjects related to bass fishing are covered in other forums on this website.  Additionally, there aren't as many women participants in the membership. 
The ladies can speak for themselves, but this

is my take as a Moderator:

I don't know why we have so little participation in

this section, but intimidation has never been an issue.

As a matter of fact, the women are generally treated

better than the guys!

Jump in and stir things up. You are encouraged to

participated in all the sections, not just this one.

Share your outings, that's my favorite part of the




I agree that I see much encouragement for women to participate here. I mentioned this in one of the other threads but I think it applies here as well.

Regarding the BR women's forum, in my opinion this specific forum is about bass fishing and news or issues that relate to women participating in bass fishing. There are other forums about rods, reels, boats, equipment, lures, etc. in which some of our women do participate. I could be wrong but I think this forum is idle for long periods because most of the subjects related to bass fishing are covered in other forums on this website. Additionally, there aren't as many women participants in the membership.

I agree guys! I often just don't check the "ladies" forum. I don't think of bass fishing as gender specific unless it's a "ladies" tournament.

I don't post nearly as much as I once did. Why ?? mainly, I'm busier than ever....working as a nurse and also in a very busy tackle store, fishing the LBAA tour and in general living life. I am still here but just not as vocal 8-)

Yes, I've had a few jerks make comments on here but in general there are some good guys here. The MODS are great to put the squeeze on anyone that gets out of line.

There are jerks everywhere.....this forum, other forums, facebook and on the water. Yes, I get strange looks on the water (ok I get strange looks not just fishing :D). I've heard lots of stupid comments. Thank goodness most guys are smart enough to just wave and keep on going.

I think it will be a long time before women are "just fishing" like the guys. But some of us will continue to fish. Do I care if I'm accepted by everyone ??? Heck NO. Life is life........live it! Do what you enjoy!!!!

  • BassResource.com Administrator

Right on Deb...... :)


Wow Deb talk about an attitude. I am not sure if we were to draw each other in a tx. that one of us would not go for a swim. Not all male anglers are A/H, as you mentioned but you sure chewed us up. It is not are fault that BASS treated y'all as they did. For me I don't care what gender one is or if there white,black or green as long as each is treated with respect. The only problem I would have with a strange lady in the boat is having to pee which would not be a problem unless one would hook & have to fight a fish while the other is in the middle of natures calling. I would tell you to keep on fighting & I'll get out of the way as soon as I can. It might be a little harder for a women to do with her britches down a ways. The privacy issue could be comprised. Other than that I could care less who's money I win or loose mine to. :)

Wow Deb talk about an attitude. I am not sure if we were to draw each other in a tx. that one of us would not go for a swim. Not all male anglers are A/H, as you mentioned but you sure chewed us up. It is not are fault that BASS treated y'all as they did. For me I don't care what gender one is or if there white,black or green as long as each is treated with respect. The only problem I would have with a strange lady in the boat is having to pee which would not be a problem unless one would hook & have to fight a fish while the other is in the middle of natures calling. I would tell you to keep on fighting & I'll get out of the way as soon as I can. It might be a little harder for a women to do with her britches down a ways. The privacy issue could be comprised. Other than that I could care less who's money I win or loose mine to. :)

Not to worry scbassin.....you don't  have to worry about going for a swim because you won't draw me.  I choose to fish the ladies tournaments.  Very simply for some of the reasons you mentioned.  No, I don't have an attitude....I have a passion for bass fishing.  I can hold my own on the water and on land with both male and female jerks :o

Life is full of choices.......make yours!  :)


Deb I hope I did not get your blood pressure up with my comments. It sure was not my intent just my take on your post. I am glad we have the right to choose & I defended that right for 21 years. I have been bass fishing for over 40 years & probably not with the passion you have but can hold my own. I am surprised you did not remind me how bad your pussycats beat up the gamecocks. My buddy calls me 3 or 4 times a week to ask what the score was. Oh & one last thing I would not throw you overboard...... because I would probably have to go in to get you ;D With that I am off to the lake for 5 or 6 days.

Deb I hope I did not get your blood pressure up with my comments. It sure was not my intent just my take on your post. I am glad we have the right to choose & I defended that right for 21 years. I have been bass fishing for over 40 years & probably not with the passion you have but can hold my own. I am surprised you did not remind me how bad your pussycats beat up the gamecocks. My buddy calls me 3 or 4 times a week to ask what the score was. Oh & one last thing I would not throw you overboard...... because I would probably have to go in to get you ;D With that I am off to the lake for 5 or 6 days.

Nope, blood pressure is 102/60  :)

No need to come in and get me either......i can swim or sink :D

I applauld you for your 21 years of service to our county, I would love to shake your hand and say THANKS to you in person.  I just believe that it doesn't matter if you are male or female, if you wanna fish......then by all means  FISH!  That's what I do and so do several other ladies.  I don't feel the need to have to "beat" men in order to prove that I can do it....I KNOW that I can fish and even catch sometimes ;)

Do I sometimes get really tired of the the BS statements that come our way that ladies can't or shouldn't fish, of course.  That is the main reason I learned how to fish, my former husband told me I wasn't smart enough to do so.  He ended up paying for the new boat that I kept in the divorce and now I'm fishing the LBAA Pro Tour. 

It's just not a matter of male or female...it's desire and determination.....................I have lots of both!

Enjoy your time on the lake, I have the pleasure to wake up every day looking at Ky Lake, God gave it to us to enjoy and that's exactly what I do!!! ::)


I was psyched today to see comments here. I think the reason this forum wasn't used for awhile was because of the "elephant in the room." Exclusion is real. How to address it rationally is crucial. I truly believe that the majority of men not only don't exclude women, they actually feel pleased at our acceptance when it occurs. I think LOTS of people of both genders read these posts because they're curious/supportive. They just don't comment because it's a loaded issue!   The ones who reject women as fishermen simply don't read. I intend to keep my comments focussed on what I feel to be the most important issue: the question of whether or not there is real discrimination against women going on at the tournament level. What do you all think? What to do?  Laus

  • 2 years later...
  • 7 years later...

Its Aug 2021 now and I just found this thread! Would love to hear of any updates y'all have in regards to women fishing in tournaments. I own a business in Waterloo,  AL on Pickwick Lake and I'm interested in starting/sponsoring a women's bass tournament to bring in tourism and...well, to be different.  There are literally tournaments every week of the year here. (I've seen them fishing in the rain and snow in January and February!) But I've never seen/heard of a women's tournament. I have a first cousin who has been a professional fisherman and guide here for 45 years and when I asked his advice I got "You'll have to make it a couples tournament,  because I don't know ANY men that would let their wives take the boat out." 


PUH-LEASE!! I know there have to be women out there who don't fall onto that stereotype that would be interested.  Right?

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